UDK 543.872
S. N. Rasulova, V. P. Guro
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Abstract. Background. The sulfide phase of ore minerals is susceptible to passivation under oxidizing conditions of hydrometallurgy. Overcoming their passivation is an indispensable condition for the technology of their processing.
Purpose: on the example of the behavior of Mo-concentrate, copper sulfide, sulfide flotation concentrate Kokpatas, in nitric acid and hypochlorite electrolytes to describe the nature of the products formed and the kinetics of their dissolution.
Methodology. Samples of Mo-concentrate (38% Mo in the MoS2 phase), synthetic copper sulfide (100% CuS), Kokpatas flotation concentrate (with pyrite and arsenopyrite - up to 97% in the sulfide part) were used. The concentration of Cu (II), Fe (III), Mo (VI), Re (VII) ions in solutions - photocolorimetric and spectrometric (AAC Perkin-Elmer 3030B, ICP-Agilent 7500 IСP MS); kinetic measurements were performed with powder (s : l = 1: 7 and 1:75) and compact disk-like samples of sulfide minerals,
Originality. Using the example of oxidation of Mo-concentrate samples in a sulfate-hypochlorite electrolyte, during 1800 sec, the phase disruption of the sulfide compounds Mo, Cu was established, with the transformation of their fraction into the oxide-sulfate phase.
Findings. By means of Rotating Disc Electrode method the kinetics of oxidation of a number of minerals in a sulfate-hypochlorite electrolyte was studied in a temperature range of 20-40-70 ° C at atmospheric pressure.
Key words: sulfide minerals, Mo-concentrate, reagent oxidation, leaching, sodium hypochlorite, sulfate background
* kinetics of the oxidation of Mo-concentrate is studied;
* a reagent-oxidizer of sulfides - sodium hypochlorite is used;
* data on changes in a composition of the samples were obtained.
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14. Rasulova S.N., Guro V.P., Ibragimova M.A. Razrabotka sposoba elektrokataliticheskogo okisleniya serovodoroda // Kompozitsionniye materialiy. 2018. - No4. 70-73 s.
To cite this article: S. N. Rasulova, V. P. Guro. Kinetics of reagent oxidation of molybdenum sulfide in sulphate electrolytes. Part II // Uzbek chemical journal. -2020. – Nr4. - Pp.3-10.
Received: 16.10.2019; Accepted: 22.04.2020; Published: 13.08.2020
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UDK 66.081:546.561
1B. Z. Esbergenova, 1Sh. Sh. Daminova, 1Z. Ch. Kadirova, 2S. B. Lyapin, 3X. T. Sharipov
1State Unitary Enterprise "Uzbek-Japanese Youth Center for Innovation", 2IONKH AN RUz, 3State Unitary Enterprise "Fan va tarakkiyot" at TSTU, E-mail: daminova_sh@mail.ru
Abstract. Background. Monitoring the content of heavy metals in environmental objects at the level of their maximum permissible concentrations is an important environmental task. The widely used physicochemical methods do not always provide a direct solution to this problem due to the influence of the matrix composition of the sample on the results of the determinations, as well as low concentrations of the determined elements. Sorption methods meet these requirements, especially with the use of complex-forming sorbents, which ensure selectivity and efficiency when concentrating elements from solutions of complex composition. In this regard, the search and targeted synthesis of highly selective complexing sorbents is an urgent task
Purpose of the study is to study the sorption of copper on polymer matrices (MN202) impregnated with 2-amino-1-methylbenzimidazole, dithizone and benzohydroxamic acid.
Methodology. Sorption of copper (II) ions was studied in a static mode. The pH values were monitored using an ionomer A-121. The microstructure was investigated using an electron microscope with the addition of energy dispersive analysis of EDH. The concentration of copper (II) ions was determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy.
Originality. New sorbents based on MN202 (Purolite) impregnated with organic reagents were obtained and studied, their complexing properties were studied. The optimal conditions for the sorption of Cu2+ ions for the element-sorbent systems are established.
Findings. The process of sorption of copper ions is better described using the Freundlich equation, which allows us to judge the significant contribution of chemical interaction compared with physical adsorption in the sorption process. The sorption mechanism includes both physical adsorption of metal ions on the surface of the adsorbent and strong chemical interaction due to the presence of impregnated ligands in the structure of sorbents, which contributes to an increase in the sorption of metals using synthesized sorbents.
Key words: sorption, solid extractant, kinetics, isotherm, impregnate, copper, Freindlich, Langmuir
* the sorption of copper ions by impregnated P, S, N-groups was studied.
* the equilibrium parameters of sorption are determined
* the relationship between the structure of the complex and sorption properties has been studied.
1. Daminova S. S., Kadirova Z. C., Sharipov K. T., Stoyko O. V., Chepulsky S. A., Adewuyi A., Hojamberdiev M. Diisopropyldithiophosphoric acid-impregnated macroporous non-ionogenic styrene-divinylbenzene polymeric sorbent (Porolas) for effective copper extraction // Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry. -2017. 55, -Р. 204-214. doi.org/10.1016/j.jiec.2017.06.047
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4. Daminova S. S., Kadirova Z. C., Sharipov K. T., Talipov S. A., Hojamberdiev M. Alkyl substituents of P, S, N-containing organic ligands influencing the uptake of Au3+ and Pt2+ ions over a hydrophobic hypercrosslinked polymeric sorbent // Polyhedron. - 2020. 114568.doi.org/10.1016/j.poly.2020.114568
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14. Hojamberdiev M., Daminova S. S., Kadirova Z. C., Sharipov K. T., Mtalo F., Hasegawa M. Ligand-immobilized spent alumina catalyst for effective removal of heavy metal ions from model contaminated water // Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. -2018. 6(4), -P. 4623-4633. doi.org/10.1016/j.jece.2018.06.070
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To cite this article: B. Z. Esbergenova, Sh. Sh. Daminova, Z. Ch. Kadirova, S. B. Lyapin, X. T. Sharipov. Sorption of copper (II) ions on the MN202 polymeric sorbent and impregnated solid extragents // Uzbek chemical journal. -2020. – Nr4. - Pp.10-18.
Received: 07.06.2020; Accepted: 24.07.2020; Published: 13.08.2020
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UDK 541.49+547.785.5+543.422.25
1L. N. Gapurova, 1Sh. A. Kadirova, 1D. S. Rakhmonova, 2M. I. Olimova, 3G. K. Aliyeva
1National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, 2Institute of Chemistry of Plant Substances of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 3Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Е-mail: lobar-gafurovna@gmail.com
Abstract. Background. The scientific, technical and patent literature currently available provides a sufficient amount of general information on the coordination compounds of biometals with various benzimidazole compositions. However, this information is scattered, and complexation reactions have not been systematically studied. This work is a complete scientific study of the systematic study of the structure and properties of previously unknown coordination compounds of nitrates Mn (II), Co (II), Ni (II), Cu (II) and Zn (II) with 2-aminobenzimidazole.
Purpose. To develop a method for the synthesis of new complex compounds of nitrates Mn(II), Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II) with 2-aminobenzimidazole. The study of the composition and structure of complexes by modern physicochemical methods.
Methodology. Elemental, X-ray, thermal analyzes, IR-spectroscopy, quantum-chemical calculation.
Originality. For the first time, nitrate complexes of some 3d-metals based on 2-aminobenzimidazole were synthesized. The composition and structure of the synthesized compounds were studied by elemental, thermal analysis and IR- spectroscopy.
Findings. The quantum chemical method of Gaussian 09 calculated the electronic structures of ligand molecules, determined their geometric parameters, energy characteristics, and based on charge control, the most probable centers of localization of coordination bonds were identified. Methods have been developed for the preparation and synthesis of new complex compounds of nitrates Mn (II), Co (II), Ni (II), Cu (II) and Zn (II) with 2-aminobenzimidazole. The structure of the ligand and complexes was determined by elemental, X-ray, thermal analysis, and IR-spectroscopy
Keywords: 2-aminobenzimidazole, complex compound, quantum chemical calculation, IR-spectroscopy, elemental analysis, Х-ray phase analysis, thermal analysis, composition, structure, properties.
* methodology for the synthesis of complex compounds;
* quantum chemical calculations of 2-aminobenzimidazole;
* structure and structure of complex compounds.
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To cite this article: L. N. Gapurova, Sh. A. Kadirova, D. S. Rakhmonova, M. I. Olimova, G. K. Aliyeva. Synthesis and study of complex compounds of d-metal nitrates with 2-aminobenimidazole // Uzbek chemical journal. -2020. – Nr4. - Pp.19-28.
Received: 29.05.2020; Accepted: 04.08.2020; Published: 13.08.2020
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UDK 541.49+547.785.5+543.42
М. А. Pirimova, Sh. A. Kadirova, D. S. Rakhmonova, 1A. A. Ziyayev, 2G. U. ДК УДKhayrullayev
National University of Uzbekistan MirzoUluғbek, Tashkent, 1Institute of Chemistry of Plant Substances of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2Navoin State Pedagogical Institute, E-mail: mehri7907@gmail.com
Abstract. Background. According to the synthesis and properties of mixed metal complexes of 3d metals with V (V) and 5-phenyl-1,3,4-oxadiazole-2 (3H) -thione, it has not been reported in the literature. The synthesis of mixed-metal complex compounds opens up new aspects of coordination chemistry.
Purpose. A procedure will be developed for the synthesis of new mixed-metal complexes of Co (II), Ni (II), Cu (II) and Mn (II) chlorides with 5-phenyl-1,3,4-oxadiazole-2 (3H) -thione based on ammonium vanadate. The study of the composition and structure of mixed metal complex compounds with modern physicochemical methods.
Methodology. A technique for the synthesis of mixed-metal complex compounds has been developed. For synthesis, an aqueous solution of ammonium vanadate and metal chlorides was added to the alcohol solution of the ligand (M: M: L: 1: 1: 1: 2 mol), pH = 8. The reaction mixture was heated for 40 minutes.
Originality. А procedure was developed fot the synthesis of new mixed-metal complexes of Cо (II), Ni (II), Cu (II) and Mn (II) chlorides with 5-phenyl-1,3,4-oxadiazole-2(3H)-thione based on ammonium vanadate. Coordinated competing donor centers, electronic and geometric structures of the ligand molecule were studied on the basis of the quantum-chemical software package Gaussian09 LanL2DZ. It was shown that the formation of the complex of ligand-5-phenyl-1,3,4-oxadiazole-2 (3N) -thione is partially coordinated through a localized nitrogen or sulfur atom.
Findings. Coordinated competing donor centers, electronic and geometric structures of the ligand molecule were studied on the basis of the quantum-chemical software package Gaussian09 LanL2DZ. The composition and structure of the synthesized mixed-metal complex compounds were studied using elemental analysis, derivatographic analysis, and IR spectroscopy.
Key words: ligand, complex compounds, oxadiazole, IR-spectroscopy, analysis element,.thermogravimetric analysis, quantum-chemical calculation, composition, structure, property.
* synthesis technique of mixed metal complex compounds;
* quantum chemical calculations of 5-phenyl-1,3,4-oxadiazole-2 (3H) -thione;
* determination of the composition and structure of mixed-metal complexs.
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To cite this article: М. А. Pirimova, Sh. A. Kadirova, D. S. Rakhmonova, A. A. Ziyayev, G. U. ДК УДKhayrullayev. Synthesis and research of new mixed metal complexes Cо (II), Ni (II), Cu (II) and Mn (II) based on V (V) and oxadiazolederivatives // Uzbek chemical journal. -2020. – Nr4. - Pp.28-36..
Received: 28.02.2020; Accepted: 09.06.2020; Published: 13.08.2020
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UDK 541.64.678.745.547.235
1S.Y. Khushvaqtov, 1M.M. Jo’rayev, 2D. J. Bekchanov, 1M.G. Mukhamediev
1National University of Uzbekistan MirzoUluғbek, 2Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan, E-mail: suyunkhushvaktov91@gmail.com
Abstract. Background. Nitrogen and sulfur-containing polycomplexes were obtained by amination of sulfocationite obtained on the basis of polyvinylchloride plasticate. The study of the physicochemical properties of these polycomplexes makes it possible to use them in industrial enterprises in order to isolate cobalt (II) and chromium (III) ions.
Purpose. The study of the structure of nitrogen and sulfur-containing polycomplexon obtained by ammunition of sulfocationite and determination of sorption abilities in relation to cobalt (II) and chromium (III) ions from artificial solutions.
Methodology: The structure of the polycomplexon obtained on the basis of polyvinylchloride was studied by IR spectroscopy. A change in the concentration of metal ions in the solution during sorption was observed by spectrophotometry (Mikroplanshet rider Perkin Elmer, USA). The isotherm of sorption of metal ions by a polycomplexon was studied by the Langmuir method.
Originality: The structure of the new nitrogen and sulfur-containing polycomplexon obtained on the basis of polyvinylchloride was confirmed. The patterns of sorption of cobalt (II) and chromium (III) ions on a synthesized sorbent were studied.
Findings: The presence of cation exchange sulfo groups and anion exchange amino groups in the polycomplexon obtained on the basis of amination of sulfocationite is confirmed by IR spectroscopy. The kinetics of sorption of cobalt (II) and chromium (III) ions from aqueous solutions was studied under static conditions, and Langmuir constants were found at various temperatures. Based on the studies, the thermodynamic parameters of the sorption process were found: changes in the values of the isothermal - isobaric potential (ΔG), enthalpy (ΔН) and entropy (ΔS).
Keywords: polyvinylchloride plastic compound, polyethylenepolyamine, polyampholyte, sorption, cobalt ion, chromium ion, kinetics, isotherm, thermodynamic parameters.
* the structure of the polycomplexon based on polyvinylchloride was confirmed;
* studied the sorption ability of the obtained ion exchangers in relation to cobalt (II) and chromium (III) ions in solutions.
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14. Nishat N., Ahmad Sh., Ahamad T. Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial studies of newly developed metal-chelated epoxy resins. // Appl. Polym. Sci. 2006. Vol. 101. No3. pp. 1347-1355.
15. Khushvaqtov S.Yu., Jurayev M.M., Bekchanov D.J., Mukhamediyev M.G. Sorbsiya ionov medi (II) i nikelya (II) na azoti serosoderjashem poliamfolite.//UNIVERSUM: himiya i biologiya.(2019) No 11 (65).
16. Eshkurbonov F.B., Djalilov A.T. Issledovanie sorbsionnih svoystv poluchennova ionita na osnove gidrolizovannovo poliakrilonitrila // Universum: Himiya i biologiya: electron nauchn. jurn. 2014. No 3 (4) URL: http://7universum.com/ru/nature/archive/item/1068.
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19. Mukhamediyev M.G., Bekchanov D.J.,Jurayev M.M., Кутлимуратов Н. М., Sulfokationit olish usuli // Patent. UzRes IAP 2018 0208. Bly. No 8. – s. 25. / UZ.
20. IK spektri osnovnih klassov organicheskih soedineniy: Spravochniye materiali. // Tarasevich B.N. MGU imeni M.B. Lomonosova. M. 2012. s 4-6,37-40.
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22. Adeleke A.O., Akil A., Kaizar H., Mohd R. Adsorption of Rhodamine B dye from aqueous solution onto acid treated banana peel: Response surface methodology, kinetics and isotherm studies PLoS One. 2019; 14(5).
To cite this article: S. Y. Khushvaqtov, M. M. Jo’rayev, D. J. Bekchanov, M. G. Mukhamediev. Sorption of cobalt (II) and chromium (III) ions nitrogen - and sulfur-containing complexons based on polyvinylchloride // Uzbek chemical journal. -2020. – Nr4. - Pp-36-45.
Received: 02.03.2020; Accepted: 10.06.2020; Published: 13.08.2020
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UDK 548.73+677.472.6
D. B. Sadikova, А. S. Rafikov, O. M. Tursunkulov
1Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry, e-mail: asrafikov@mail.ru, 2Center for Advanced Technologies under the Ministry of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Abstract. Background. The study of crystalline phases during the release of collagen is relevant. Protein substances in its composition containing heteroatoms form colored metal complexes, which is attractive when considering them as raw materials in the production of polymers.
Purpose: to study X-ray structural properties of coordination compounds of collagen with metal ions, potential dyes of textile fabrics and products.
Methodology: based on complexation reactions accompanied by electron transfer in solutions, powder x-ray phase analysis.
Originality. The presence of polycrystalline and amorphous regions of collagen secreted from animal skins has been established. In its complexes with transition metal ions, the number of crystalline phases decreases, the structure is ordered, and new phases appear.
Findings. X-ray spectra of collagen and its complexes with ions Fe2+, Co2+, Cr3+, Ni2+ were obtained. The nature of the spectra of collagen and its complexes corresponds to substances with polycrystalline and amorphous phases. The height, width, and intensity of the spectral lines were determined. In combination with Ni2+, the degree of crystallinity increases.
Key words: metal ions, collagen, coordination compounds, X-ray phase analysis, crystalline phase.
* crystalline phases of collagen and its complexes with Fe2+, Co2+, Cr3+, Ni2+;
* collagen complexes being polycrystalline and amorphous;
* narrow radiograph signal for a collagen complex with Ni2+
1. Xinhua Liu, Chi Zheng, Xiaomin Luo, Xuechuan Wang, Huie Jiang. Recent advances of collagen-based biomaterials: Multi-hierarchical structure, modification and biomedical applications // Materials Science and Engineering: C, 2019, Volume 99. P. 1509-1522.
2. Xu Q., Xu M., Lin C.-Y., Tian, Y., Xia Z. Metal Coordination-Mediated Functional Grading and Self-Healing in Mussel Byssus Cuticle // Advanced Science, 2019, Volume 6(23). Article 1902043.
3. Yanting Han, Yuanzhang Jiang, Jinlian Hu, Xiaoyu Chen. Achieving coalesced breathability, mechanical and shape memory properties of collagen fibrous matrix through complexing with chromium (III) // Materials & Design, 2020 January, Volume 18615. Article 108206.
4. A. E. Sorenson, P. M. Schaeffer. A new bivalent fluorescent fusion protein for differential Cu (II) and Zn (II) ion detection in aqueous solution // Analytica Chimica Acta, 2020 March, Volume 11018. P.120-128.
5. Ziye Liu, Siyun Chen, Fangfang Qiao, Xinhao Zhang. Interaction of peptide backbones and transition metal ions: 1. an IM-MS and DFT study of the binding pattern, structure and fragmentation of Pd(II)/Ni(II)-Polyalanine complexes // International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 2019, Volume 438. P. 87-96.
6. Małgorzata Jeżowska-Bojczuk, Kamila Stokowa-Sołtys. Peptides having antimicrobial activity and their complexes with transition metal ions // European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2018, Volume 1431. P. 997-1009.
7. Jasmin Shah, Jan M.R., Anjum. Selective Solid Phase Extraction of Copper from Different Samples using Copper Ion-Imprinted Polymer // Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2018, Volume 73, Issue 12. P. 1146-1153.
8. García-Terán J.P., Beobide G., Castillo O., Cepeda J., Luque A., Pérez-Yáñez S., Román P.Supramolecular architectures of metal-oxalato coordination polymers bearing N-tethered adenine nucleobases // Polyhedron, 2019, Volume 171. P. 53-64.
9. Tabbì G., Magrì A., Rizzarelli E. The copper(II) binding centres of carbonic anhydrase are differently affected by reductants that ensure the redox intracellular environment //Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 2019, Volume 199. Номерстатьи 110759.
10. Sharma S., Mittal D., Verma A.K., Roy I. Copper-Gallic Acid Nanoscale Metal-Organic Framework for Combined Drug Delivery and Photodynamic Therapy // ACS Applied Bio Materials, 2019, Volume 2, Issue 5. P. 2092-2101.
11. Chai Z., Wang Y., Chen S., Chen H., Yang H., Guo X., Wu F. Photochemical properties of metalloporphyrin-silver nanoparticle stabilized by polymeric micelle // Journal of Polymer Research, 2019, Volume 26, Issue 3. Номерстатьи 67.
12. Olkhov A., Lobanov A., Staroverova O., Tyubaeva P., Zykova A., Pantyukhov P, Popov A., Iordanskii A. Fibrous materials on polyhydroxybutyrate and ferric iron (III)-based porphyrins basis: Physical-chemical and antibacterial properties // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 175, Issue 1, 2017. International Conference on Competitive Materials and Technology Processes, IC-CMTP 2016; Miskolc-Lillafured; Hungary; October 2016.
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15. Sadikova D.B., Reyimov A.F., Muminkhodzhayev M.B., Rafikov A.S. Polucheniye i svoystva metallokompleksov kollagena s ionami Fe2+, Co2+, Cr3+, Ni2+, Mg2+. // Uzb. khim. zhurnal. 2019, No6. -S. 50-58.
16. Sadikova D.B., Soyipova D.B., Rafikov A.S. Metall ionlarining kollagen bilan metallokomplekslarini takhlili.// “Mashinasozlikning dolzarb muammolari va ularning yechimi”. Akademik KH.KH.Usmonkhŭzhayev tavalludining 100 yilligiga baġishlangan Respublika ilmiy-amaliy konferentsiyasi maqolalar tŭplami. 20-21 noyabr' Toshkent. 2019. B. 359-361.
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19. Tursunkulov O.M. Godovoy otchet proyekta PZ-2017092438 «Razrabotka tekhnologii polucheniya nanostrukturirovannykh katalizatorov na osnove perekhodnykh metallov i ikh oksidov» Tashkent, 2019, -103 s.
To cite this article: D. B. Sadikova, А. S. Rafikov, O. M. Tursunkulov. X-ray phase analysis of collagen complexes with transition metal ions // Uzbek chemical journal. -2020. – Nr4. - Pp-46-53.
Received: 06.03.2020; Accepted: 06.06.2020; Published: 13.08.2020
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UDK 541.64.678
F. B. Eshkurbonov, H. H. Turaev, E. Safarova, M. B. Eshkurbonova
Termez State University, Termez
Abstract. Background. At present, a large number of complexing sorbents for the concentration of noble metals have been synthesized. Most sorbents contain groups of nitrogen- and sulfur-containing heterocycles (imidazole, pyrazole, thiazole, pyridine, etc.), which ensures high selectivity of sorbents with respect to noble metals. Sorbents with amidoxime, guanidine are also used. thioamide, dithizone, mercapto groups, etc.
Purpose. The article studies the complexing ability of gold ions of ion exchanger based on thiourea (T), epichlorohydrin (ECG) and melamine (M). The possibility of using ion exchanger in the sorption-atomic absorption determination of gold is shown for a sample of copper concentrate.
Methodology. The structure and properties of the obtained mesh ion exchangers were studied by chemical, potentiometric, and IR spectroscopy. It was found that ion exchangers have a high exchange capacity (up to 5.6 mEq / g), increased chemical resistance in solutions of acids and alkalis, and thermal stability in water. Analysis of the gold content was carried out by atomic absorption method on a spectrophotometer PE 30-30B.
Originality. A new polyfunctional ion exchanger was synthesized based on the products of the interaction of thiourea (T), epichlorohydrin (ECG) and melamine (M) and they form complex compounds with gold ions.
Findings. It has been established that ion exchangers do not extract iron, cobalt, nickel, zinc ions from 1M hydrochloric acid solutions; copper ions are extracted by 15% at a content of 1000 μg / 20 ml. The sorption of copper ions is explained by the ion-exchange interaction of the [CuCl4]2– form and its ability to coordinate at the nitrogen atom.
Key words: complexation, gold, ion exchanger, epichlorohydrin, ability, potentiometric titration, amino groups, constants, nitrogen ions, melamine.
* anion exchangers with a high exchange capacity, up to 5.6 mEq/g;
* anincreased chemical resistance in solutions of acids and alkalis.
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11. Eshkurbonov F.B. Polucheniye ionitov na osnove reaktsii vzaimodeystviya tiomocheviny, epikhlorgidrina i razlichnykh aminov // Uzb.khim.zhurn. – 2013. No5. – S. 27-30.
12. Turayev KH.KH., Dzhalilov A.T., Eshkurbonov F.B., Kasimov SH.A. Sorbtsiya ionov molibdena anionitom na osnove tiomocheviny, epikhlorgidrina i melamina // Uzb.khim.zhurn. – 2014. No1. – S. 24-27.
To cite this article: F. B. Eshkurbonov, H. H. Turaev, E. Safarova, M. B. Eshkurbonova. Study of extraction of gold ions by complex-forming ionites based on epichlorhydrin and melamine // Uzbek chemical journal. -2020. – Nr4. - Pp-53-58.
Received: 06.11.2020; Accepted: 25.05.2020; Published: 13.08.2020
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UDK 669.2.
Sh. A. Mukhametjanova, M. M. Yakubov, H. Akhmedov, O. M. Yokubov
Tashkent State Technical University named after I. Karimova, State Unitary Enterprise "Fan Vatarakkiet" State Enterprise "Scientific Research Institute of Mineral Resources".
Abstract. Background. To ensure growth in copper production in the world and Uzbekistan, high-performance melting furnaces of autogenous smelting have now begun to be used. Autogenous furnaces are 10-15 times more productive than classic furnaces, such as a reflective, shaft and electric furnace. The melting process goes on spontaneously, without the expense of fuel, due to the heat of exothermic reactions. However, the circulating product converter slags obtained by converting copper mattes are not processed in the Vanyukov autogenous furnace itself.
Purpose. Development of an effective technology for processing converter slag of copper production to produce copper sulfide concentrate in the pyrometallurgical production of copper.
Methodology. The experiments were carried out in a laboratory setup to determine the reducing ability of the reducing agent elements present in production wastes and in the industrial converter furnace of the Almalyk GMK JSC smelter.
Originality. The processes of interaction of the components of model mixtures of slag compositions of copper production with multiphase compositions from non-ferrous metallurgy wastes are studied, which allow creating an effective technology for the production of concentrate from converter slag.
Findings. As a result of scientific research, a technology has been developed where the through extraction of copper from converter slag to blister copper increases from 50% to 75%.
Key words: copper, slag, converter slag, depletion, magnetite, reduction, clinker, concentrate, enrichment, flotation.
* an efficient technology for processing converter slag has been proposed
* their origin is the matte of the Vanyukov furnace, with the production of copper sulphide concentrate.
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10. Yakubov M.M., Yusupkhodzhayev A.A. Usovershenstvovaniye metodiki opredeleniya stepeni pryamogo i kosvennogo vosstanovleniya magnetita v zhidkikh produktakh plavki sul'fidnogo mednogo kontsentrata. // Vestnik TashGTU. Tashkent, 2004 g. - No 1, - S. 209-212.
11. Mukhametdzhanova SH.A., Yakubov M.M., Kholikulov D.B., Yokubov O.M., Abdukadyrova N.M. Razrabotka effektivnoy tekhnologii pererabotki konverternykh shlakov mednogo proizvodstva. Mezhdunarodnyy Uzbeksko-Belorusskaya nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya. GUP “Fan va tarakkiyot” Tashkent. 21-22 may 2020g., - S. 29-32.
12. Khasanov A.S., Sanakulov K.S., Atakhanov A.S. Tekhnologicheskaya skhema kompleksnoy pererabotki shlakov Almalykskogo GKM. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. // Tsvetnaya metallurgiya. 2003. No 4 S. 9-11
To cite this article: Sh. A. Mukhametjanova, M. M. Yakubov, H. Akhmedov, O. M. Yokubov. Development of an effective technology of production of concentrate from converter slags of copper production // Uzbek chemical journal. -2020. – Nr4. - Pp-58-65.
Received: 25.06.2020; Accepted: 07.07.2020; Published: 13.08.2020
* * *
UDK 541.6.69:615.01
O. R. Akhmedov, Sh. A. Shomurotov, A. S. Turaev, J. A. Khabibullaev
Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, e-mail: ibchem@uzsci.net
Abstract. Background. The use of various methods of chemical modification of the macromolecular chain of polysaccharides significantly expands the possibilities for targeted synthesis of new biologically active polymer derivatives.
In this case, the approach aimed at the inclusion of guanidine groups in cellulose units capable of imparting directed physiological activity to the designed macromolecule seems appropriate. Due to the variability of the cellulose macrochain and the high reactivity of guanidine, obtaining biologically active polymers with a given structure possessing the necessary physicochemical and biomedical properties can be assumed. Thus, it is important not only to choose the method of chemical binding of guanidine groups to the cellulose macromolecule. But it is also important to identify the optimal reaction conditions to establish the relationship between the physicochemical characteristics and biological activity of the obtained compounds.
Purpose. To construct macromolecular cellulose derivatives containing guanidine groups, establishing the relationship between physicochemical characteristics and biological activity.
Methodology. Byvarying the ratio of guanidine, pH, and oxidation state of cellulose, the study obtained antimicrobial polymer compounds with different composition, solubility, and content of guanidine groups in the macromolecular chain.
Originality. This study developed a method for the chemical binding of guanidine with modified cellulose. Moreover, the relationship between the biological activity and the physicochemical parameters of the synthesized derivatives was found in the study.
Findings. The antimicrobial activity of guanidine-containing cellulose derivatives with various degrees of substitution, guanidine content, molecular weight and pKα values was synthesized and studied.
Key words: biological activity, macromolecule, construction, polysaccharide, cellulose, guanidine, antimicrobial properties.
* based on oxidized cellulose and guanidine, biologically active macromolecular derivatives with various physicochemical parameters were synthesized;
* the dependence of the antimicrobial activity of the designed macromolecules on the physicochemical parameters was established.
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To cite this article: O. R. Akhmedov, Sh. A. Shomurotov, A. S. Turaev, J. A. Khabibullaev. Construction of biologically active derivatives of cellulose containing guanidine groups // Uzbek chemical journal. -2020. – Nr4. - Pp-66-75.
Received: 30.06.2020; Accepted: 09.08.2020; Published: 13.08.2020
* * *
UDK 547.791.4.
I. А. Abdugafurov, F. B. Kirgizov, N. Madikhanov, I. S. Ortiqov
1National University of Uzbekistan Mirzo Uluғbek, 2Andijan Institute of Mechanical Engineering, 3Andijan Branch of the Tashkent Agrarian University, 432-Specialized State General Education Boarding School PED Andijan region. E-mail: ibragimaziz@yandex.ru
Abstract. Background. Today, the synthesis of low-toxic heterocyclic compounds with various pharmacophore groups, the study of their biological activity is one of the important tasks facing modern pharmacology.
Purpose. Synthesis of para-azidobenzoic acid and propargyl ethers of monobasic saturated carboxylic acids. Based on their 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition in the presence of a Cu2I2 catalyst, synthesis of 4- (4- (substituted) 1H-1,2,3-triazol-1-yl) benzoic acid derivatives. Analysis of the structure of the obtained substances by modern physical research methods.
Methodology. The propargyl esters of monobasic saturated carboxylic acids were synthesized. The reactions of their 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition with para-azidobenzoic acid in the presence of a catalyst were studied. As a result, derivatives of 4- (4- (substituted) 1H-1,2,3-triazol-1-yl) benzoic acid were obtained. The structure of the synthesized substances was confirmed using IR, 1H NMR, Mass spectral analysis.
Originality. For the first time, the corresponding derivatives of 4- (4- (substituted) 1H-1,2,3-triazol-1-yl) benzoic acid were synthesized by the reaction of cycloaddition of propargyl esters of saturated monobasic higher carboxylic acids with para-azidobenzoic acid. It has been proven that only 1,4-isomers are formed in the reaction under the action of a copper (I) iodide catalyst. The factors influencing the course of the reaction are determined.
Findings. Derivatives of 4- (4- (substituted) 1H-1,2,3-triazol-1-yl) benzoic acid were synthesized in high yields. The obtained substances were analyzed by IR, 1H NMR, and Mass spectrometry and their structures were confirmed to be consistent.
Key words: 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction, para-azidobenzoic acid, propargyl enanthate, propargyl caprylate, copper (I) iodide, toluene, 1H-NMR spectroscopy, 4- (4- (enanthoxymethyl) -1H-1,2 , 3-triazol-1-yl) benzoic acid.
* propargyl esters of higher monobasic saturated carboxylic acids are synthesized;
* dipolar cycloaddition reactions of the obtained esters with para-azidobenzoic acid were carried out;
* it was determined that in the cycloaddition reaction under the action of the Cu 2I2 catalyst the 1,4-isomeris formed;
* the influence of temperature, time and nature of the solvent on the reaction yield is studied;
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To cite this article: I. А. Abdugafurov, F. B. Kirgizov, N. Madikhanov, I. S. Ortiqov. Synthesis of 1,2,3-triazole derivatives based on propargyl ethers of saturated single basic high carboxylic acids and para-asidobenzoic acid // Uzbek chemical journal. -2020. – Nr4. - Pp-76-85.
Received: 08.07.2020; Accepted: 03.08.2020; Published: 13.08.2020
* * *
UDK 667.678.074
L. I. Aliyeva, L. M. Afandiyeva, V. Kh. Musali, E. K. Gasanov, Ch. K. Salmanova
Institute of Petrochemical Processes. acad. Yu.G. Mammadalieva NAS Azerbaijan, Baku e-mail: leylufer-ipcp@rambler.ru
Abstract. Background. Bitumen compositions should have a wide plastic range, high deformability, and resistance to temperature falls during the entire service life of the pavement for providing high operational durability.
Purpose. Conducting studies to improve the physicomechanical properties of petroleum road bitumen using nitrogen derivatives of naphthenic acids as modifiers with determining the optimal composition of the bitumen composition.
Methodology. Synthetic naphthenic acids were obtained by oxidation of the naphthenic-paraffin fraction 185-330°С, isolated from the diesel oil fraction, in the liquid phase with atmospheric oxygen in the presence of transition metal naphthenates at a temperature of 135-140 °С for 5 hours. By the interaction of acids with polyethylene polyamine, taken in various molar ratios of 1: 1 ÷ 6: 1, amidoamines of synthetic naphthenic acids were obtained at 140 ° C. The structural group composition of the synthesized amidoamines was determined by IR spectral analysis.
Originality. For the first time, oil road bitumen was modified with amido amines derived from synthetic naphthenic acids (SNK) and polyethylene polyamine.
Findings. With the introduction of amidoamines obtained by condensation of acids with polyethylene polyamines in an amount of 0.4 and 0.6% wt. in the composition of the bitumen composition, the adhesive properties are significantly improved. It was shown that the bitumen composition modified with amido amines of synthetic naphthenic acids in an amount of up to 0.6% has improved indicators, in particular, relatively high extensibility, penetration, and brittleness temperature, which ensures the use of this composition under various climatic conditions.
Keywords: petroleum bitumen, naphthene-paraffin concentrate, diesel fraction, liquid-phase oxidation, synthetic petroleum acids, IR spectrum, adhesion agent,extensibility, brittleness temperature, depth of needle penetration
* amidoamines in molar ratios of acids:amines– 1:1÷ 1:6are synthesized;.
* amidoamines are added to bitumen composition for enhancing the operational characteristics.
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9. Fahrutdinov R.Z., Diyarov I.N., Shamgunov R.R. et al. Uluchsheniye adgezionnyh svoystv neftyanogo bituma pri pomoshchi prisadok kationnogo tipa // Neftepererabotka i Neftehimiya, 2003, No 5, p.20-23
10. Mamed Gasan-zade D.S., Babayev A.I., Gasanov K.S. // Bitumnaya kompozitsiya s uluchshennymi fiziko-mehanicheskimi svoystvami v kachestve dorozhnogo pokrytiya // Neftepererabotka i neftehimiya, 2019, No2, p.32-35
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To cite this article: L. I. Aliyeva, L. M. Afandiyeva, V. Kh. Musali, E. K. Gasanov, Ch. K. Salmanova. Nitrogen-derivative synthetic naphthenic acids as an additive to the asphaltene bitumen // Uzbek chemical journal. -2020. – Nr4. - Pp-85-89.
Received: 19.03.2020; Accepted: 17.07.2020; Published: 13.08.2020
* * *
UDK 665.335
D. P. Rakhimov, S. S. Achilova, G. I. Ashurmatova, A. T. Ruzibaev
Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Tashkent, E-mail: rahimov1984@list.ru
Abstract. Background. One of the fastest growing segments of the market for oil and fat products is hydrogenate oil margarine, which is due to a number of their advantages. In the country, the food industry is being modernized, among other things, it is fatty oil, confectionery, and the baking industry that is expanding. Margarine direction has expanded very widely and its raw materials demand for a substitute for milk fats, hydrogenate oil , transesterified fats is growing.
Purpose of the work is to study the modification of hydrogenation of cotton and sunflower oils and to compare the data obtained, for selective saturation.
Methodology. The study of the modification of oils and fats was studied by hydrogenation. The uncertainty of fatty acids in the composition of the oils of the samples was determined by the refractometric method. The oils were hydrogenated by adding a nickel catalyst, and the melting point was determined.
Originality. The fatty acid composition was compared in terms of hydrogenation of the modification, since in terms of saturation and in decreasing iodine values of cotton and sunflower oils.
Findings. By hydrogenating two types of oil, we achieved the selectivity of the catalyst, and studied the time of hydrogenation of cottonseed oil than sunflower oil, cottonseed oil has a much lower catalyst consumption since cottonseed oil hydrates faster than sunflower oil. According to the goal, they were compared by oil modification and the melting point of the obtained hydrogenate oil was determined.
Key words: hydrogenation, hydrogenate oil, catalyst, selectivity,melting point, refraction, iodine value, cottonseed oil, sunflower oil, modification, bubbling, hydrogen, transesterification, margarine.
* salomas with a melting point of 32 and 34 ° C at a temperature of 190 ° C were obtained;
* a decrease in the iodine number of hydrogenated sunflower oil increases the melting point of salomas.
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To cite this article: D. P. Rakhimov, S. S. Achilova, G. I. Ashurmatova, A. T. Ruzibaev. Comparative hydrogenation of cottonseed and sunflower oils in order to identify the characteristics of hydrogenated oil // Uzbek chemical journal. -2020. – Nr4. - Pp-90-94.
Received: 25.02.2020; Accepted: 10.07.2020; Published: 13.08.2020
* * *
UDK 547.856.1
D. KH. Mutalova, M. E. Ziyadullayev, G. V. Zukhurova, R. Q. Karimov
Institute of Plant Chemistry named after acad. S.Yu. Yunusov AS RUz, E-mail: ziyadullayev.91@mail.ru
Abstract. Background. Organic compounds of a heterocyclic nature make up the majority of all medicinal substances used in the clinic. The synthesis of quinazolin-4-one and derivatives and their biological activity were studied. One of the important parameters of a pharmaceutical substance is its purity. Thin layer chromatography (TLC) allows you to control it semi-quantitatively. And it is possible to accurately determine the purity of a substance by the method of high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), which is specific.
Purpose. Development of an analysis method for 3 (H) -quinazolin-4-one and validation of the method for quantitative determination of 3 (H) -quinazolin-4-one by high performance liquid chromatography.
Methodology. The substance of the standard sample 3 (H) -quinazolin-4-one was used. The structure of the product was confirmed by IR, mass, 1H NMR, spectral methods. HPLC was used to determine the purity of the substance.
Originality. For the first time, the analysis of the product by high-performance liquid chromatography, the anthelmintic drug quinazole against fascioliasis, the main active ingredient of which is 3 (H) -quinazolin-4-one.
Findings. The results of the validation of the developed technique are presented in terms of the parameters: specificity, linearity, correctness and repeatability. Linearity, correctness and repeatability of 3 (H) -quinazolin-4-one were determined by HPLC.
Key words: 3 (H) -quinazolin-4-one, biological activity, fascioliasis, HPLC, validation, chromatogram, linearity, repeatability, reproducibility.
* the effect of temperature, the ratio of reagents on the yield of 3 (H) -quinazolin-4-one.
* developed a method for the analysis of 3 (H) -quinazolin-4-one in the preparation.
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To cite this article: D. KH. Mutalova, M. E. Ziyadullayev, G. V. Zukhurova, R. Q. Karimov. Development and validation of the quantitative determination of 3(H)-quinazolin-4-one in the preparation of quinazol by the hplc method // Uzbek chemical journal. -2020. – Nr4. - Pp-95-101.
Received: 08.06.2020; Accepted: 07.08.2020; Published: 13.08.2020
* * *