Uzbek Chemical Journal




UDK 519.17; 544.723; 661.634

W. Zh. Dzhusipbekov,  A. A. Agataeva,  R. A. Kayynbaeva,  R. M. Chernyakova


JSC A. Bekturov Institute of Chemical Sciences, Almaty, Kazakhstan, E-mail:

Abstract. Background. Wastewater (alkaline) of various enterprises in significant quantities is contaminated with heavy metal cations, including Pb (II) ions. Lead is able to concentrate and accumulate in soil, sewage and groundwater, to accumulate in the human body, having a negative impact on the environment. In this regard, there is a need to develop environmentally and economically viable sorption methods for cleaning alkaline media. A promising sorbent is natural zeolite, which is also widespread in Kazakhstan. In the practice of zeolite modification, the method of modification with organic compounds with functional hydroxyl and amino groups is often used. This allows one to obtain a sorbent that combines the sorption properties of a zeolite and a modifier, for example, chitosan (C6H11O4N) n.

Purpose. Investigation of the sorption process of Pb (II) cations in an alkaline medium by chitosan-modified zeolite.

Methodology. When performing the work, physicochemical methods (IR, XRF, DTA, SEM) were used, the method of mathematical planning (orthogonal rotatable 3-factor experiment of the 2nd order, determination of Pb (II) was performed on AAS.

Originality. A mathematical model of the sorption of Pb2+ cations by chitosan-modified zeolite from an alkaline medium has been developed. The general regularities of the process of sorption of Pb2 + cations by chitosan-modified zeolite from an alkaline medium are established. The determining factors in the process are lead concentration and temperature.

Findings. The relationship between the influence of time, the concentration of Pb (II) cations and the process temperature on the sorption capacity of the sorbent was revealed. The sorption process of Pb2+ cations proceeds according to the ion-exchange type due to the exchange of Н + cations located in exchange positions in the zeolite structure. The high sorption ability of chitosan-modified (97-99.3%) zeolite is achieved due to the participation of the (C6H11O4N) n modifier, active in the process of ion exchange, of the acid centers of the zeolite and hydroxyl and amino groups.

Keywords: natural zeolite, chitosan, sorption, chitosan-modified zeolite, alkaline medium, degree of sorption.


* sorption of Pb2+ ions depends on their concentration and process temperature;

* the highest degree of sorption of Pb2+ cations is achieved in 10-15 minutes of the process;

* dependence of Pb2+ sorption is described by a curve with min or max at 45 ° C.


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To cite this article: W. Zh. Dzhusipbekov,  A. A. Agataeva,  R. A. Kayynbaeva,  R. M. Chernyakova. Sorption of lead (II) cations by a chitosan-zeolite composite  in alkaline media // Uzbek chemical journal. -2020. – Nr1. - Pp.3-20. 

Received: 06.11.2019; Accepted: 16.12.2019; Published: 23.01.2020


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UDK 547.992.2

B. M. Smaylov, 1B. S. Zakirov, O. K. Beysenbayev, A. S. Tleuov


1Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Republic of Uzbekistan, South Kazakhstan State University named after M.Auezova, Republic of Kazakhstan E-mail:

Abstract.  Background. A method of obtaining microfertilizer, in which the fertilizer is obtained by the joint processing of humates of allkali metals and salts of trace elements in the solid phase, followed by mechanochemical activation of the mixture in the presence of an oxidizing agent (potassium permanganate) and an alkaline agent. However, this method is considered economically impractical from the point of view of the complexity of the technological design and, as a consequence, the need to purchase expensive equipment [1]. The objective of this work is to develop a method for producing a chelated polymer-containing microfertilizers, which  reduces the cost of the process, improves the quality of the finished product and partially solves the issue of recycling technogenic waste.

Purpose. Studying the process of obtaining chelated polymer-containing microfertilizers based on technogenic waste.

Methodology. The chemical composition of raw materials and the yield of humic acid determined using SEM and IR spectrum.

Originality. A method has been developed for the preparation of chelated polymer-containing microfertilizers based on phosphorus sludge - waste phosphorus production and bird droppings, and humic acid is used as a solvent using SAS «OGSPlast» surfactant as a chelating agent with trace elements.

Finlings. It was established that mainly in the presence of chelated polymer-containing microfertilizers is formed in the form of an amorphous structure with a partial appearance of crystallization structures, it is also determined that microfertilizers obtained are characterized by a high content of humic substances that are involved in the structure of the soil, the accumulation of nutrients and trace elements in plants accessible to plants form, contribute to the regulation of geochemical metal flows in water and soil ecosystems.

Key words: chelated microfertilizers, technogenic waste, humic acid, bird droppings, soil, plants, phosphorus sludge, SAS «OGSPlast».

* the yield of humic acid in the decomposition of coal waste from the Lenger deposit was determined;

* the mechanism of the formation of chelated polymer-containing micronutrients was studied by elemental analysis and electron microscopy.


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To cite this article: B. M. Smaylov, B. S. Zakirov, O. K. Beysenbayev, A. S. Tleuov. Research on obtaining a chelated polymer-containing microfertilizer based on technogenic waste // Uzbek chemical journal. -2020. – Nr1. - Pp.20-26. 

Received: 04.11.2019; Accepted: 27.12.2019; Published: 23.01.2020


* * *

UDK 661.666.461

B. T. Sabirov, J. K. Adylov, H. L. Usmanov, F.I. Erkabaev,  R. K. Allayarov


Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Republic of Uzbekistan

Abstract. Background. It is known that the most widely used filler in special high-tech processes (aviation, rocket science, shipbuilding, chemical engineering, etc.) is soot (carbon black), which mainly consists of separate small crystalline cells constructed according to the graphite type. Carbon black soot should have the following characteristics: large specific adsorption surface, high porosity and small particle size, low impurity content, high degree of structurality. However, the pollution of soot formed in various industries prevents their widespread use. Therefore, the question of cleaning soot is relevant.

Purpose of the research is the search and development of effective methods for cleaning industrial soot from various foreign inclusions and impurities.

Methodology. The experimental work was performed using modern methods of chemical-analytical and physico-chemical analysis, such as x-ray phase, microscopic, spectral, analytical, etc.

Originality. The influence of ultrasonic waves on the structure of production soot was established, and a method for cleaning it was developed, pronounced absorption bands of 900-700 cm-1 and 1008 cm-1 Si-C bonds with a higher intensity were established even in comparison with an IRS sample of untreated soot.

Findings. The composition and ash content of soot formed in the production of acetylene at Navoiazot JSC were studied. Various methods for its purification from impurities were investigated and tested, and a new method and optimal cleaning technology using ultrasonic treatment and flotation when exposed to surface-active reagents were developed.

Key words: acetylene black, carbon black, ash, impurities, ultrasound, flotation, reagent, surfactant.


* method for cleaning soot using ultrasonic treatment and flotation was developed;

* ultrasonic waves in combination with a surfactant were used;

* a purified carbon black of high activity with the lowest ash content was obtained.


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To cite this article: B. T. Sabirov, J. K. Adylov, H. L. Usmanov, F.I. Erkabaev,  R. K. Allayarov. Research of influence of ultrasonic treatment and flotation of acetylene soot on purified technical carbon producing // Uzbek chemical journal. -2020. – Nr1. - Pp.27-32. 

Received: 23.10.2019; Accepted: 25.11.2019; Published: 23.01.2020


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UDK 541.13;546.185.4;678.052

N. B. Eshmamatova, Kh. I. Akbarov, 1V. P. Guro, Sh. Sunatov

Efficiency of steel corrosion inhibitors based on thiourea and urea in an acidic solutions

National university of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulubek, 1Institute of general & inorganic chemistry of Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences; E-mail:,

Abstract. Background. The economic damage from corrosion of ferrous metals in the world amounts to hundreds of millions of dollars a year. The possibility of a practical solution to their protection problems in some cases determines the level of development of entire fields of technology. Inhibitor manufacturers do not disclose information on the composition of their products. There is information in the literature on methods for using steel corrosion inhibitors in aqueous systems, including oil production facilities, and rust conversion processes.

  • Creation of new highly effective carbon steel corrosion inhibitors in an acidic environment based on nitrogen-containing compounds, study of their mechanism of action.
  • The research was carried out basing on standard methods for monitoring the corrosion of steels, including gravimetry, as well as physico-chemical studies of materials: IR spectroscopy, X-ray phase analysis etc.
  • . A new scientific direction has been proposed for the protection of metals by organic type corrosion inhibitors based on urea and thiourea compounds, a mechanism of their protective action and patterns affecting the effectiveness of protection have been identified, which made possible the targeted synthesis of new effective inhibitors.
  • .Based on gravimetric studies, calculation of corrosion rate, braking coefficient, degree of protection, analysis of IR spectra and other measurements, corrosion inhibitors of organic type based on urea and thiourea are proposed. The mechanism of their action, depending on the structure and physico-chemical characteristics of the compounds, is revealed.
  • : Steel corrosion, thiourea, urea, thiourea phosphate, urea phosphate, inhibition.
  • :
  • inhibitors based on thiourea and urea in an acidic environment;
  • synthesis of inhibitors based on amino compounds;
  • protection mechanism and its dependence on the structure of the inhibitor;
  • patterns of protection that determined the synthesis of inhibitors.


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14. Eshmamatova N.B., Akbarov KH.I., Razhabov YU.N. Zashchitnaya effektivnost' ingibitorov oligomernogo tipa na osnove organicheskikh soyedineniy // Komp. materialy. Tashkent, 2018. -No2. –S.32-35.

To cite this article: N. B. Eshmamatova, Kh. I. Akbarov, 1V. P. Guro, Sh. Sunatov. Efficiency of steel corrosion inhibitors based on thiourea and urea in an acidic solutions // Uzbek chemical journal. -2020. – Nr1. - Pp.32-38. 

Received: 29.11.2019; Accepted: 27.12.2019; Published: 23.01.2020


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UDK 631.81+631.859+ 631.855

O. Myachina, A. Aliev, A. Rakhmonov, O. Narzullaev, R. Kim


Institute of general & inorganic chemistry of Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences

Abstract. Background. The coefficient of use of macronutrients of highly concentrated nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers does not exceed 50-70 and 20-30%, respectively. In order to reduce the irrational losses of N, P, K, slowly soluble fertilizers are being developed. However, the effectiveness of new prolonged fertilizers with a high content of nutrients in irrigated agriculture is poorly understood. It is assumed that slow-acting fertilizers with a longer period of nutrient release will ensure proper nutrition of plants during the growing season, without an excess of readily available nitrogen and phosphorus, which will prevent losses and environmental pollution.

Purpose .The purpose of the work is to establish the prolonged properties of new concentrated phosphorus fertilizers by determining the rate of leaching of ammonium ions, nitrates, and phosphates by irrigation water.

Methodology. In a laboratory experiment, the rate of release of ammonium, nitrate, and phosphate ions from traditional and slow-acting fertilizers was compared with soil bulk columns.

 Originality The scientific novelty is establishment of prolonged properties of new concentrated phosphorus fertilizers intended for irrigated agriculture. A decrease in the rate of release of ammonium ions, nitrates, phosphates from granules of enriched superphosphate, ammonized superphosphate and ammophosphate (by 1.3–5 times or more) is shown.

Findings. Under the conditions of a model laboratory experiment with soil bulk columns, it was proved that new concentrated phosphorus fertilizers contribute to an increase in the period of dissolution of grains and the release of nutrients. The level of water-soluble phosphorus in the filtrates with ammophos and prolonged fertilizers reached a maximum on the 7-10th day of the experiment, however, P2O5 in the filtrates with enriched superphosphate was lower at 12.0; ammonium superphosphate - 6.3 and ammonophosphate - 3.1 times.

Key words: soil columns, concentrated phosphorus, nitrogen-containing fertilizers, granules, slow-acting properties, mobile nitrogen, mobile phosphorus.


* the regularity of release ammonium ions, nitrates, and phosphates during from fertilizers granules  were revealed;

* the prolonged action of new fertilizers was revealed;

* the rate of  water-soluble P2O5 forms directly depended on content of P2O5soluble in fertilizers.


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To cite this article: O. Myachina, A. Aliev, A. Rakhmonov, O. Narzullaev, R. Kim. A rate of macroelements releasing from granules of new concentrated phosphoric fertilizers // Uzbek chemical journal. -2020. – Nr1. - Pp.38-47

Received: 23.10.2019; Accepted: 27.11.2019; Published: 23.01.2020


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UDK 544.344.016

B.T. Sagdullaev, N.S. Beknazarova, O. R.Akhmedov, Sh. A.Shomurotov, S.D.Makhmudov, F.N.Atamuratov


Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, st. M. Ulugbek 83, Tashkent 100125, e-mail:

Abstract. Background. One of the most important areas in the chemistry of high molecular weight compounds is the preparation of biologically active polymers by introducing drugs or other low molecular weight substances into the macromolecular chain of polysaccharides. The main objective of this approach is that, after chemical modification, drugs, in comparison with the initial state, should have improved physicochemical and pharmacological properties, which are respectively determined through the selection of the carrier polymer, its molecular weight, structure, and certain reaction conditions. In this regard, it is relevant to obtain new macromolecular systems by conducting chemical modification of drug substances with polymer compounds.     

Purpose. The synthesis of water soluble derivatives of sulfamethoxazole by chemical modification of the drug to the reactive dialdehyde derivatives claim pectin, establishing e structures expected composition of the compounds obtained and the optimal conditions of a nucleophilic substitution reaction.

Methodology. The structure and composition of the obtained polymer derivatives of sulfamethoxazole have been investigated by IR-, UV-spectroscopy and elemental analysis of nitrogen content.

Originality. The first through the nucleophilic substitution reaction using, as a polymer carrier dialdehyde derivatives pectin chemical modification antimicrobial agent and its water-soluble derivatives have been obtained.

Findings. By varying the reaction conditions, water-soluble sulfamethoxazole derivatives with different drug contents in the macromolecular chain of the polymer carrier have been synthesized. 

Key words: polysaccharide, pectin, sulfamethoxazole, chemical modification, azomethine bond.


* chemical modification of sulfamethoxazole with dialdehyde derivatives of pectin;

*  optimal reaction conditions; the structure and composition of the obtained compounds.


1. Dash R., Ragauskas, A.  Synthesis of a novel cellulose nanowhisker-based drug delivery system. RSC Advances. 2012. V.2(8). -P. 3403-3409.

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4. Cumpstey  I. Chemical Modification of Polysaccharides // ISRN Organic Chemistry. 2013. -P.1-27.

5. LinShu Liu, Marshall L. Fishman and Kevin B. Hicks. Pectin in controlled drug delivery - a review // Cellulose. 2007. V.14(1). -P. 15-24.

6. Akhmedov O.R. Synthesis and study of antimicrobial action of guanidine derivatives of pectin and carboxymethyl cellulose//Chemistry for SustainableDevelopment. 2017. -No.25. -P. 341-345.

7. Colin D. May. Industrial Pectins: Sources, Production and Applications //    Carbohydrate Polymers. 1990. -V. 12. -P.79-99.

8. Keshk S. M., Bondock A. S., El-Zahhar S., Haija, M. A.Synthesis and characterization of novel Schiff’s bases derived from dialdehyde cellulose-6-phosphate // Cellulose. 2019. V.26(6). -P.3703-3712.

9. Akhmedov O.R., Shomurotov Sh.A., Rakhmanova G.G., Turaev A.S. Synthesis and study of biological activity of sulfamic polysaccharide derivatives // Russian Journal of Bioorganic chemistry. 2017. – No.7. -P.716-721.

10. Syutkin V. N., Nikolaev A. G., Sajin S. A., Popov V. M., Zamoryanskiy A. A. Azotsoderjashie proizvodnie dial'degidsellyulozi. 2. Sintez proizvodnih dial'degidsellyulozi s azotistimi geterosiklami // Himiya rastitel'nogo sir'ya. 2000. - No 1. - P. 5-25.

To cite this article: B.T. Sagdullaev, N.S. Beknazarova, O. R.Akhmedov, Sh. A.Shomurotov, S.D.Makhmudov, F.N.Atamuratov. On chemical modification of sulfametoxazole with pectin derivatives // Uzbek chemical journal. -2020. – Nr1. - Pp.48-55

Received: 04.10.2019; Accepted: 18.11.2019; Published: 23.01.2020


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UDK 547.458.81

R.S. Sayfutdinov, U.D. Mukhitdinov, N.M. Eshpulatov


Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, E-mail

Abstract. Background. The reactivity of cotton pulp during chemical processing is significantly lower compared to celluloses obtained from other cellulose-containing plants. Increasing the reactivity of cotton cellulose to chemical processing improves the quality of the resulting products based on it, as a result, labor productivity increases.

Purpose. Replacing wood pulp imported from foreign countries with domestic cotton cellulose by increasing the reactivity of cotton cellulose to chemical processing, improving product quality and increasing the reaction rate.

Methodology. In this work, we used methods for determining the composition and structure of cotton cellulose samples. The reactivity of the obtained samples to acetylation after treatment with electric charges was studied. An increase in reactivity was evaluated by a decrease in crystalline areas based on diffractograms that were recorded on a computer-controlled XRD-6100 apparatus (Shimadzu, Japan).

Originality. A method is proposed for increasing the reactivity of cotton cellulose by treating it with high-voltage electric charges.

Findings. The optimal voltage limits of 11-13 kV, the number of pulses 22-24, the capacitor capacitance of 0.6 μF were found, at which the maximum values ​​of the reactive activity of cotton cellulose were achieved.

Key words: cotton cellulose, electric charge, electrolyte, reactivity, pulse number, voltage, capacitor.


* processing of cotton cellulose with an electric charge;

* hydration of cotton cellulose with electrolyte;


1. Boldina V.A., Zaripova A.M. Vliyaniye izmel'cheniya linta na kachestvo khlopkovoy tsellyulozy i yeye reaktsionnuyu sposobnost'. - V kn.: Khimiya i tekhnologiya tsellyulozy i volokno, vyp. N 6,1973, Tashkent, izd. "Fan", S.145-148.

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7. Zaripova A.M., Plovnikova M.V., Tishabayev U., Igamberdiyev I.I., Usmanov KH.U. Vozmozhnost' ispol'zovaniya zasorennykh sortov linta dlya polucheniya vysokokachestvennoy khlopkovoy tsellyulozy. V kn. Struktura i modifikatsiya khlopkovoy tsellyulozy. Vyp. 3, izd."Fan", UzSSR, Tashkent, 1966, S.11-15.

8. Sayfutdinov R.S. Razrabotka khimiches¬koy tekhnologii ispol'zovaniya otkhodov khlopkovodstva dlya proizvodtva drevesno-struzhechnykh plit i tsellyulozy. Avtoref.dis.dokt.tekh.nauk. Tashkent, 1998, S.49.

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10. Nikitin N.I., Klenkova N.I. Vliyaniye slabogo alkilirovaniya na svoystva tsellyuloznogo volokna. Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, 24, 296, 1951.

11. Klenkova N.I., Kulakova N.A. Deystviye pervichnykh aminov zhirnogo ryada na strukturu i reaktsionnuyu sposobnost' khlopkovykh tsellyuloznykh volokon. Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii. 38, 4, 1965, S.919.

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13. A.S.604888 SSSR Sposob polucheniya khlopkovoy tsellyulozy. Mirkamilov T.M., Turayev E., Dzhalilov A.T., Askarov M.A./-Opubl.v BI N 16, 1978.

14. Bozorov O.N. Tekhnologiya pererabotki nizkosortnogo linta dlya polucheniya efirov tsellyulozy. Avtoref. diss. kandidata tekhnicheskikh nauk. – Tashkent, 2005, S.22.

15. Akim E.L., Mirkomilov T.M., Akim L.Ye., Usmanov KH.U. Vliyaniye chastichnogo oksietilirovaniya na skorost' atsetilirovaniya khlopkovoy tsellyulozy, poluchennoy iz tsiklonnogo pukha i korotkoshtapel'nogo linta. V kn. Trudy Leningradskogo instituta TSBP. vyp. 23, M., 1970, izd. Lesnaya promyshlennost', S.59-62.

To cite this article: R.S. Sayfutdinov, U.D. Mukhitdinov, N.M. Eshpulatov. Development of technology for producing cotton cellulose with high reactivity to chemical processing // Uzbek chemical journal. -2020. – Nr1. - Pp.55-62

Received: 06.11.2019; Accepted: 16.12.2019; Published: 23.01.2020


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UDK 631.37

B. N. Khamidov, B. Kh.Ubaidullaev., S. Kh. Ganieva, M. M. Mirzaeva, B. A. Smanov., S. B. Kurbanova


Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Republic of Uzbekistan

Abstract. Background. The growth of industrial production, including oil lubricants, is associated with environmental pollution. In this regard, new requirements for technogenic products are put forward. The article presents the results of studies on the production of environmentally friendly lubricants based on vegetable raw materials – rapeseed oil with increased biodegradability and the use of linseed oil in the composition of lubricants to improve their viscosity-temperature characteristics.

The purpose of this work is to study the possibility of obtaining environmentally friendly lubricants and improve their quality characteristics using vegetable raw materials.

Methodology. The work used standard methods of analysis (in accordance with GOST) of physical and chemical characteristics of lubricants and their components.

Originality. It is established that with a change in the ratio of components of linseed vegetable and petroleum oils, it is possible to obtain a base oil with high viscosity-temperature characteristics by viscosity index.

Findings. It has been established that with a change in the ratio of the components of linseed vegetable and petroleum oils, base oils with a high viscosity index can be obtained, which corresponds to the standards and requirements for motor oils of improved quality.

Keywords: vegetable, petroleum oils, lubricants, viscosity index, biodegradability.


* ecological characteristics of vegetable and petroleum oils;

* biodegradability of rapeseed oil is almost 4 times higher than of petroleum oil;


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8. Khamidov B.N., Ubaydullaev B.Kh., Ganieva S.Kh., Mirzaeva M.M., Smanov B.A. The development of environmentally safe lubricants with high biodegradability from local raw materials. Tezis Vestnika turinskogo politekhnicheskogo universiteta v gorode Tashkente, -No 2, 2019. -S.85-86.

9. Patent RF № 2166534. MPK7S11S1/04, 2001.

10. Devyanin S.N. Rastitel'nyye masla i topliva na ikh osnove dlya dizel'nykh dvigateley. - M.: FGOU VPO MGAU, 2018. - 340 s.


12. (31.05.11).

To cite this article: B. N. Khamidov, B. Kh.Ubaidullaev., S. Kh. Ganieva, M. M. Mirzaeva, B. A. Smanov., S. B. Kurbanova. Production of lubricants based on vegetable oils and fats // Uzbek chemical journal. -2020. – Nr1. - Pp.62-74

Received: 16.11.2019; Accepted: 19.12.2019; Published: 23.01.2020


* * *

UDK 678:54.384.2/67.03

Sh. T. Juraev, B. F. Mukhiddinov,  A.S. Ibodullaev


Navoi State Mining Institute, Institute of General and Inorganic chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Abstract. Background. In the world, the number of car parks is increasing annually, which naturally leads to the formation of used tire dumps. According to statistics from the European Tire Recycling Association, more than 9 million tons are formed in Europe. depreciated car tires. In the United States in 2010, the number of worn tires was 1.5 million tons. In the UK, almost 500 thousand tons of used tires are formed annually, of which 34% of this volume is processed, 26% is recovered, 15% is burnt and 6% is transported to landfills. In Japan, in 2008, 96 million used tires were formed (1,056 thousand tons), of which 88.5% were recycled over the same period, in France more than 400 thousand tons, in Germany 460-510 thousand tons, and Russia formed more than 1 million tons. worn tires, of which no more than 10% is processed. Among the existing methods for the disposal of used car tires, the best method is thermal decomposition-pyrolysis. Car tire is a valuable secondary raw material containing rubber - 65-70%, carbon black - 15-25%, metal cord - 10-15%.

Purpose. The study of the physicochemical characteristics of carbon black obtained by pyrolysis of worn automobile tires.

Methodology. The resulting carbon black was studied by density, ash, pH, and particle size distribution by guest methods and the composition was determined by x-ray and IR spectroscopic methods.

Originality. For the first time, the physicochemical characteristics of carbon black obtained by pyrolysis of worn automobile tires were investigated, and the composition of carbon black was determined by modern physicochemical methods.

Findings. The paper presents the results of a study of the physicochemical characteristics of carbon black obtained by the pyrolysis of worn automobile tires. Determined are bulk density, ash content, pH, mass fraction of moisture and particle size distribution of ground carbon black. It has been established that a decrease in the particle size of carbon black leads to an increase in bulk density, acidity, humidity and practically does not affect the ash content. X-ray phase analysis determined that, mainly, technical carbon consists of amorphous carbon (88.4%), calcite (7.59 %), ankerite (1.21%), zinc oxide (1.14%) and other components . According to the results of thermal analysis, the temperature range of the decomposition of carbon black residues in the range of 150-9000C is determined. Therefore, based on the obtained physicochemical characteristics of carbon black, it is of great importance to determine the scope of application by the consumer.

Keywords: рyrolysis, carbon black, rubber, bulk density, ash content, humidity, X-ray phase analysis, derivatography, IR spectroscopy, microscopy.


* carbon black was obtained by pyrolysis of worn automobile tires;

* it is recommended as a filler of rubber products.


1. Bulavin O.V., Pashkevich V.M. Ekologicheskiye problemy industrial'nykh megapolisov// Materialy mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii. V 2-kh tomakh.-T.2.-Donetsk 000”Lebed'.2004.-S.103-108.

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8. Anikin Yevgeniy Viktorovich// Nauchnyy zhurnal Kub GAU, No 110(06), 2015.


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12. Karimova L.A. Puti utilizatsii avtoshin. Problemy i perespektivy razvitiya avtotransportnogo kompleksa// Materialy Vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiyem.-Magadan SVGU.- 2014.-S.241-243.

13. Babayevskiy P.G. Practical work on Polymer materials [Text]//ed.P.G. Babayevskiy.-M..Chemistry.1980.-256

14. Rentgenofaznyy analiz metodom Riyetvelda proizvoditsya na programmnom obespechenii “Profex-Open source XRD and Reitveld Refinement”, Dobelin, N Kleeberg, R., “Profex : a graphical user interface for the Rietveld refinement program BGMN”, Journal of Applied Crystallography 48 (2015), 1573-1580

To cite this article: Sh. T. Juraev, B. F. Mukhiddinov,  A.S. Ibodullaev. Research of physical and chemical characteristics of technical carbon obtained by the pyrolysis of waste car tires // Uzbek chemical journal. -2020. – Nr1. - Pp.67-74

Received: 24.12.2019; Accepted: 10.01.2020; Published: 23.01.2020


* * *

UDK 662.6/.9:66.02

A. M. Khurmamatov, O. Yu. Ismailov, Ab. A.  Hudayberdiev


Institute of general and inorganic chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 1Namangan engineering and construction institute, Namangan

Abstract. Background. Pyrolysis distillate is a waste product of natural gas processing is a mixture of saturated hydrocarbons and monoolefins, recombination of low molecular weight unsaturated compounds including aromatic hydrocarbons. Studies have shown that the pyrolysis distillate of Ustyurt HCK (103000 t/year) to be processed corresponds to the broad gasoline fractions of direct distillation, since the content of gasoline fractions in the samples of raw materials is more than 80%. Consequently, the improvement of technological processes of pyrolysis distillate processing contributes to an increase in the volume of petroleum products produced at the refinery-fractions of gasoline (35÷205 oC), light naphtha (30÷80 oC) and pyrolysis oil (350 oC and above).

Purpose. Development of methods of calculation of catalytic processes of hydrogenation of raw materials and Hydrotreating of intermediate technological products.

Methodology. The research was carried out using the methodology of system analysis and methods of mathematical modeling of technological processes.

Orginality. A computer model of the pyrolysis distillate hydrotreatment process based on the kinetic model of raw material sulfur compounds cleavage during hydrogenolysis reactions (hydrogenation, hydrotreatment) has been developed.

Findings. Curves of distribution of concentration of substances at hydrotreatment of pyrolysis distillate both on the line of splitting of sulfur-containing components of raw materials, and on the line of newly formed products of reaction are constructed. The results obtained allow us to determine the optimal yields of products under process conditions-327 °C and 3,0 MPa.

Key words: pyrolysis distillate, hydrogenolysis, sulfur compounds, concentration, splitting mechanism, kinetic model.


* mechanisms of splitting of sulfur components of pyrolysis distillate;

* scheme of transformations of sulfur-containing substances in the process of Hydrotreating of pyrolysis distillate.


1. Tanatarоv M.A., Akhmetshina M.N., Faskhutdinоv R.A. Tekhnоlоgicheskiy raschyoti ustanоvоk pererabоtki nefti. - M.: Himiya, 1987. -352 s.

2. Khudayberdiyev A.A., Ismailоv О.Yu., Khudayberdiyev Ab.A. Оpredeleniya teplоfizicheskikh svоystv pirоliznоgо distillyata pri temperaturakh 20-250 оS // O’zbekistоn neft va gaz jurnali. - Tоshkent, 2019. - No 1. - S. 43-45.

3. Khudaybyerdiyev A.A., Sharipоv K.K. Metоdika raschyota trubchatоgо teplооbmennika dlya оkhlajdeniya pirоliznоgо distillyata. //Sbоrnik trudоv respublikanskоy NPK: Aktualniy prоblemi оchistki nefti i gaza оt primesey razlichnimi fizikо-khimicheskimi metоdami. - Karshi: Karshi DU, 19 aprelya 2019 g –S. 211-214.

4. Khudayberdiyev A.A., Ismailоv О.Yu., Sharipоv K.K. Matematicheskaya mоdel statiki prоsessa nagrevaniya uglevоdоrоdnоgо sirya v trubchatоm apparate. // Sbоrnik trudоv respublikanskоy NPK: Aktualniy prоblymi оchistki nefti i gaza оt primesey razlichnimi fizikо-khimicheskimi metоdami. - Karshi: Karshi DU, 19 aprelya 2019 g –S. 223-225.

5. Magaril R.Z. Teоreticheskiy оsnоvi khimicheskikh prоsessоv pererabоtka nefti: uchebnоy pоsоbiy. - M.: KDU, 2010. - 280 s.

6. Sardanashvili A.G., Lvоva A.I. Primeri i zadachi pо tekhnоlоgii pererabоtki nefti i gaza: uchebnоy pоsоbiy dlya studentоv neftyanikh spesialnоstey vuzоv. - 2-e izd., pererab. i dоp. - M.: Khimiya, 1980. - 256 s.

7. Afanasev Yu.I., Krivsоva N.I., Ivanchina E.D. i dr. Razrabоtka kineticheskоy mоdeli prоsyssa gidrооchistki dizelnоgо tоpliva/ Izvestiya Tоmskоgо pоlitykhnicheskоgо instituta, 2012, T.321, No 3. - S.121-125.

8. Nоviy spravоchnik khimika i tekhnоlоga. Siry i prоdukti prоmishlynnоsti оrganicheskikh i neоrganicheskikh veshestv. Ch. II / Pоd red. V.A. Stоlyarоvоy. - SPb.: NPО «Prоfessiоnal», 2005. - 1142 s.

9. Akhmetоv S.A. Tekhnоlоgiya glubоkоy pererabоtki nefti i gaza. Uchebnоy pоsоbiy dlya vuzоv. Izd. 2-y, dоp. i pererab. - Sankt-Peterburg: Nedra, 2013. - 544 s.

10. Kapustin V.M., Gureev A.A. Tekhnоlоgiya pererabоtki nefti. V 2-kh chastyakh. Chast II. Destrukturniy prоsyssi. - M.: KоlоsS, 2008. - 334 s.

11. Akhmetоv S.A. Tekhnоlоgiya glubоkоy pererabоtki nefti i gaza: uchebnоy pоsоbiy dlya vuzоv. - Ufa: Gilem, 2002. - 672 s.

12. Dyakоnоv V.P. MATLAB 7.*R2006/R2007: Samоuchitel. - M.: DMK Press, 2008. - 768 s.

To cite this article: A. M. Khurmamatov, O. Yu. Ismailov, Ab. A.  Hudayberdiev. Modeling of hydrogenation and hydrotreating processes of pyrolysis distillate  // Uzbek chemical journal. -2020. – Nr1. - Pp.75-81.

Received: 24.10.2019; Accepted: 27.11.2019; Published: 23.01.2020


* * *




UDK 543.07

S. B. Lyapin, M. A. Ibrahimova, V. P. Guro, A. R. Zhumanazarov


Institute of general and inorganic chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Abstract. Background. In the production of acetaldehyde, Navoiazot JSC uses the “Cadmium Calcium Phosphate Catalyst (CCP-N)” TU113-03-00209510-108-2006, whose service life is 6 months. A technology has been developed for the processing of spent CCP-N catalyst with the return of cadmium to a new cycle of its synthesis. To ensure its analytical control, an express and accurate method for the analysis of cadmium in technological solutions at different stages of this process is required.

Purpose: development of methods for analytical control of the process of regeneration (recycling) of cadmium from spent CCP catalyst.

Methodology. The mass concentration of cadmium was determined by voltammetry on a rotating glass fiber cathode with a mercury amalgam (polarograph ABC-1.1) and atomic absorption (PEAAnalyst 200).

Originality. A technique has been developed for determining the cadmium content in technological solutions for processing spent CCP-N catalyst using amalgam polarography with accumulation as an alternative method for determining cadmium, a fiery version of atomic absorption spectroscopy is proposed.

Findings. When processing the catalyst CCP-N, the resulting cadmium-containing technological solutions are mother liquors (after separation of calcium and cadmium); the solutions before and after sorption of cadmium are precisely controlled by polarography, which is confirmed by the data of their adsorption-spectrophotometric determination.

Keywords: cadmium, catalyst, mother liquor, atomic absorption spectrometer, polarograph.


* voltammetry for the determination of cadmium;

* Cd analysis on an ABC-1.1 polarograph and an AAnalyst 200 spectrometer.


1. V. P. Guro, M. A. Ibragimova, Ye. T. Safarov, F. N. Fuzaylova, A. T. Dadakhodzhayev. Tekhnologiya izvlecheniya kadmiya iz otrabotannogo kadmiy-kal'tsiy-fosfatnogo katalizatora // Uzbekskiy khimicheskiy zhurnal. -2019. - No  1. -S.39-43.

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7. M. R. Malikhova, A. S. Mal'tsev, S. G. Smerdova, S. A. Bakhteyev. Opredeleniye kadmiya v vodnykh rastvorakh metodom RFA s polnym vneshnim otrazheniyem na pribore S2 PICOFOX // Vestnik tekhnologicheskogo universiteta. -2016. -T. 19. - No  23.

8. D. V. Navolotskaya, S. S. Yermakov, Ye. A. Yegorova, K. G. Nikolayev Inversionno-kulonometricheskoye opredeleniye kadmiya, svintsa i medi na modifitsirovannykh pechatnykh elektrodakh // Vestnik SPbGU. - 2013. -Ser. 4. -Vyp. 2.

9. G. V. Pashkova, A. G. Revenko Vybor usloviy provedeniya analiza prirodnykh vod na rentgenovskom spektrometre s polnym vneshnim otrazheniyem // Analitika i kontrol'. -2013. -T. 17. - No 1. -S.10 - 20.

10. Makhmud Bashar Abdulaziz. Opredeleniye kontsentratsii svintsa v vode v diapazone kontsentratsiy 3 - 30 mg/l metodom RFA s polnym vneshnim otrazheniyem na pribore B2 PICOFOX. / Bashar Abdulaziz Makhmud, S. A. Bakhteyev, R. A. Yusupov // Vestnik Kazanskogo tekhnologicheskogo universiteta. — 2014 . - T17. - No 13. - S. 96 - 98.

11. D. P. Shcherbov, M. A. Matveyets. Analiticheskaya khimiya kadmiya. M.: “Nauka”. -1973.-S. 82-139.

12. V. P. Guro, M. A. Ibragimova, A. T. Dadakhodzhayev, Ye. T. Safarov, F. N. Fuzaylova. Pererabotka otrabotannogo kadmiy-kal'tsiy-fosfatnogo katalizatora // Uzbekskiy khimicheskiy zhurnal. -2019. - No 3. -S.8-14.

13. Metodika vypolneniya izmereniy massovoy kontsentratsii ionov medi, svintsa, kadmiya i tsinka v pishchevykh produktakh, prodovol'stvennom syr'ye na polyarografe s elektrokhimicheskim datchikom «Modul' YEM-04» 08.01-MVI. Attestovano v GP «VNIIM im.D.I.Mendeleyeva». -2001. -18 s.

14. I. Khavezov, D. Tsalev. Atomno-absorbtsionnyy analiz. –L.: “Khimiya”. 1983. S. 91.

To cite this article: S. B. Lyapin, M. A. Ibrahimova, V. P. Guro, A. R. Zhumanazarov. Measurement of mass concentration of cadmium in technological solutions of CCP  processing  // Uzbek chemical journal. -2020. – Nr1. - Pp.82-87.

Received: 12.10.2019; Accepted: 25.11.2019; Published: 23.01.2020


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UDK 543.4:542.61:535.24:546.59


S. M. Turabdzhanov, 1V. U. Otakuzieva, A. Sh. Giyasov, Х. E. Saburov, N. T. Rakhmatullaeva


Tashkent State Technical University, E-mail:, 1Kokand branch of Tashkent State Technical University

Abstract. Background. Existing photometric and extraction-photometric methods for the determination of gold (III) using organic dyes are not very selective, since the complexation of gold (III) with organic reagents occurs in the aqueous phase, in which the concomitant ions also form complex compounds and interfere with the determination of gold. Currently, the search for the development of new selective, sensitive, simple, and rapid methods for the determination of elements is an urgent task in analytical chemistry.

Purpose is to develop new selective, sensitive, simple and rapid extraction-spectrophotometric and atomic absorption methods for determining gold (III) directly in the organic phase.

Methodology. To increase the selectivity of gold (III) determination methods, the selective extraction of the complex gold (III) chloride ion with inert organic solvents was studied and it was determined directly in the organic phase by spectrophotometric and atomic absorption methods. For this, the initial solution of gold (III) was prepared from a salt of gold (III) chloride of the grade “hch”. The titer of the solution was set potentiometric using Mohr's salt.

Originality. The developed new methods of extraction-spectrophotometric and atomic absorption determination of gold (III), which differ from the existing ones by selectivity, sensitivity, prostate and expressity, are recommended for the analysis of industrial solutions, wastewater, ores, concentrates, rocks and other materials with a complex chemical composition without separation concomitant ions directly in the organic phase.

Findings. As a result of the study, new selective, sensitive, simple and express methods of extraction-spectrophotometric and atomic absorption determination of gold (III) directly in the organic phase using inert organic solvents were developed.

Key words: extraction, inert, complex, selective, sensitive, extraction spectrophotometric, atomic absorption.


* a hydrate-solvate mechanism was detected for selective extraction of gold (III) using inert organic solvents;

* the composition of the chloride complex of gold (III) was determined by the equilibrium shift method;

* conclusions are drawn about increasing the selectivity and sensitivity of element determination methods.


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To cite this article: S. M. Turabdzhanov, V. U. Otakuzieva, A. Sh. Giyasov, Х. E. Saburov, N. T. Rakhmatullaeva. Selective extraction of gold (III) by inert organic solvents and determination of its spectrophotometric and atomic-absorption methods  // Uzbek chemical journal. -2020. – Nr1. - Pp.87-95.

Received: 04.10.2019; Accepted: 26.12.2019; Published: 23.01.2020


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