Uzbek Chemical Journal


M. M. Muratov, R. J. Eshmetov, D. S. Salixanova, A. B. Abdikamalova, B. Z. Adizov


Abstract. Background. When extracting oil, groundwater is extracted mixed with it. When separating this water from oil, demulsifiers, that is, surfactants, are used.

Purpose.  Study of the colloidal chemical properties of the resulting new surfactant.

Methodology. Based on the stalagmometric method (drop counting method), a surface tension isotherm was obtained and the adsorption characteristics of the surfactant were determined by studying the electrical conductivity.

Originality. The adsorption efficiency and adsorption energy of surfactants synthesized from oleic acid were studied.

Findings. Based on the dependence of surface tension on the concentration of the synthesized surfactant, it was found that its adsorption at the air/water interface has higher spontaneity than the formation of micelles.

Key words: surface tension, maximum adsorption, electrical conductivity, hydrophilic-lipophilic balance, critical micelle concentrations.


- synthesis of surfactants from local raw materials;

- surfactant has the property of forming micelles in low concentrations;

- it has been established that the surfactant is concentrated at the air/water interface.


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To cite this article: M. M. Muratov, R. J. Eshmetov, D. S. Salixanova, A. B. Abdikamalova, B. Z. Adizov Study of the properties of synthesized surfactant // Uzbek chemical journal. -2024. – Nr2. - Pp.3-8.

Received: 19.04.2024; Accepted: 06.05.2024; Published: 24.05.2024

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