Uzbek Chemical Journal




UDK 662.71+504

1R. A. Paygamov, 2I. D. Eshmetov, 2SH. A. Kuldasheva, 3F. N. Juraeva


1Kokand State Pedagogical Institute, Kokand, 2Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent., 3National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent.

Abstract. Background. In the world of obtaining adsorbents from the stems and waste of trees, to develop technologies for their activation in order to create opportunities for wastewater treatment from organic substances, scientific justification is needed in the following areas: identification of raw materials for activated carbon; obtaining carbon adsorbents with high sorption properties by various activation methods.

Purpose. Studying the isotherm of benzene vapor adsorption on a steam activated carbon adsorbent obtained from the Chinara tree trunk and thermodynamic properties (heat of adsorption, adsorption entropy), adsorption kinetics.

Methodology. In laboratory conditions, using a high-vacuum adsorption microclimetric device, the isotherms of benzene vapor adsorption on activated charcoal adsorbent and the thermodynamic parameters were determined

Originality. For the first time, the full thermodynamic properties of benzene vapor adsorption by a carbon adsorbent obtained on the basis of a plane tree trunk activated by steam were determined.

Findings. The complete thermodynamic characteristics of the adsorption of benzene vapors on the CACH-V adsorbent were determined. The heat of adsorption of benzene at CACH-V at the initial saturation regions, at a=0.14 mol/kg, is 98.05 kJ/mol, and at 101.46 kJ/mol, the maximum value is reached a = 0.52 mol/kg, then the differential heat of adsorption decreases to Qd=63.66 kJ/mol at α=1.47 mol/kg. In the final saturation regions of adsorption in the range α= 2.67–3.86 mol/kg, it was found that the heat of adsorption decreases from Qd = 41.29 kJ/mol to Qd =33.41 kJ/mol.

Key words: charcoal, adsorption, desorption, isotherm, differential heat, entropy, kinetics, benzene.


* low-cost coal adsorbent from local raw materials;

* the adsorbent has high physical and mechanical properties;

* high adsorption properties of the obtained carbon adsorbent were found.


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12. Kuldasheva SH.A., Paygamov R.A., Eshmetov I.D., Zhurayeva F.N. Izucheniye strukturno-sorbtsionnykh kharakteristik mestnykh drevesnykh ugley // XXI Mendeleyevskiy s"yezd po obshchey i prikladnoy khimii. Tom 2b, sbornik tezisov v 6 tomakh, Sankt-Peterburg, 2019 g.9-13 sentyabrya, -S. 277-278

13. Paygamov R.A., Kuldasheva Sh.A., Eshmetov I.D., Bukhorov Sh.B. Adsorption of benzene vapors on thermal treated wood chinar activated carbon // VI global science and innovations 2019: central Asia international scientific practical conference, Nur-Sultan (Astana), may 9-13th 2019, -R. 275-277.

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To cite this article: R. A. Paygamov, I. D. Eshmetov, SH. A. Kuldasheva, F. N. Juraeva. Thermodynamics of benzene vapor adsorption on a steam activated carbon adsorbent based on the chinara tree trunk // Uzbek chemical journal. -2020. – Nr2. - Pp.3-9

Received: 24.01.2020; Accepted: 24.02.2020; Published: 13.03.2020


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J. Sh. Bobojonov, J. S. Shukurov, A. S. Togasharov, M. X. Axmedjanova,  N. A. Dadamukhamedova


Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent.

Abstract. Background. The use of defoliants, which contain nutrient and physiologically active substances, accelerates the transfer of nutrients to the stems of plants, and also leads to early ripening and increased yield. This paves the way for sowing grain, timely autumn and winter events, as well as high productivity.

Purpose. Studying the solubility of sodium chlorate monocarbamide, an aqueous solution of citric acid 1,3-diamonoethanolammonium salt and the physicochemical substantiation of the process for obtaining the defoliant.

Methodology. Chlorate ions were determined by volume permanganometric, sodium by flame photometry, Kjeldahl nitrogen, carbon and hydrogen by the Dumas micrometric, carbamide by amide nitrogen by spectrophotocalorimetric method in FEK-56M. The viscosity of the solutions was determined using a HPL viscometer, pH solutions in FE 20 METTLER TOLEDO pH meters and a refractive index in a PAL-BX / RIATOGO refractometer.

Originality. The solubility of systems based on water, sodium monocarbamidochlorate, 1,3 - diamonoethanolammonium citric acid was studied, and solubility diagrams and "composition-properties" were constructed on their basis.

Findings. Using two component systems and internal sections, a diagram of the polythermal solubility of NaClO3∙ CO(NH2)2 - C10N2H22O9 - H2O systems was constructed in the temperature ranges from -43,80 °C to 37,20 °C. In the diagram of polythermal solubility, the fields of crystallization of ice, urea, sodium monocarbamidochlorate, monosodium salt of 1,3 - diammonoethanolammonium citric acid and 1,3 - diamonoethanolammonium citric acid are distinguished. The solution crystallization temperature, viscosity, density, and pH were studied depending on the ratio of components in the system [60% NaClO3∙ CO(NH2)2 + 40% H2O] - C10N2H22O9.

Key words: solubility, system, diagram, concentration, defoliants, “composition-properties”, crystallization temperature, viscosity, density, pH-environment.


* in the system, the crystallization fields of the components are delimited;

* Studied the process of obtaining an 80% solution of 1,3 - diamonoethanolammonium citric acid.

* determined the physico-chemical properties of obtaining a liquid defoliant.


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To cite this article: J. Sh. Bobojonov, J. S. Shukurov, A. S. Togasharov, M. X. Axmedjanova,  N. A. Dadamukhamedova. Solubility of components in the system NaClO3∙ CO(NH2)2  - C10N2H22O9 - H2O // Uzbek chemical journal. -2020. – Nr2. - Pp.10-16

Received: 16.01.2020; Accepted: 17.02.2020; Published: 13.03.2020


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UDK 541.123.7

L. Soliev, M. T. Jumaev, I. M. Nizomov


Tajik State Pedagogical University named after S. Aini, Dushanbe city, 734025, 121, Rudaki avenue

Abstract. Background. The study of complex water-salt systems is one of the urgent tasks of inorganic chemistry. It is necessary to establish regularities in the state of phase equilibria and their solubility, which determine the optimal conditions for the processing of polymineral natural and complex technical raw materials.

Purpose. Determination of possible phase equilibrium in the five-component system Na,Ca||SO4,CO3,HCO3-H2O, at 75 °С, construction of its closed phase diagram by translation and fragmentation of the constructed diagram by divariant fields.

Methodology. The phase equilibrium in the Na,Ca||SO4,CO3,HCO3-H2O system at 750 °C were studied by the translation method, which follows from the principle of compatibility of structural elements of n and n+1 component systems in one diagram.

Originality. The possible phase equilibrium in the five-component system Na,Ca||SO4,CO3,HCO3-H2O at 75 ° С were determined by translation, followed by the construction of its closed phase diagram (phase complex) and the construction of the diagram is fragmented by the crystallization regions of individual equilibrium solid phases.

Findings. The method of translation is used to predict phase equilibrium on geometric images of the five-component system Na,Ca||SO4,CO3,HCO3-H2O at 75 °C and its phase complex diagram at a given temperature was first constructed. The constructed phase complex of the studied system is fragmented by divariant fields. It was established that the system under study at 75 ° C is characterized by the presence of 12 invariant points, 30 monovariant curves, and 27 divariant fields.

Key words: translation method, phase complex, system, components, diagram, geometric images, invariant points, monovariant curves, divariant fields.


* structure of diagram Na,Ca||SO4,CO3,HCO3-H2O system at 75°С;

* structure of diagram Na,Ca||SO4,CO3,HCO3-H2O at 75°С;

* structure of phase complex Na,Ca||SO4,CO3,HCO3-H2O system at 75 °C.


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To cite this article: L. Soliev, M. T. Jumaev, I. M. Nizomov. Phase complex of the system Na,Ca//SO4,CO3,HCO3-H2O at 750С

 // Uzbek chemical journal. -2020. – Nr2. - Pp.16-24. 

Received: 28.12.2019; Accepted: 24.01.2020; Published: 13.03.2020


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УДК 66.097.3(088.8)

M. A. Ibragimova S. B. Lyapin A. R Zhumanazarov., V. P. Guro, A.T. Dadahodjaev


Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent

Abstract. Background. NAVOIYAZOT JSC in the process of producing acetaldehyde uses the “Cadmium-calcium phosphate catalyst (CCP-N)” TU 113-03-00209510-108-2006, at a temperature of 340-350 °C and a pressure of 0.2-5-0.7 atm. Its service life is 6 months, after which it is subject to replacement and storage. Meanwhile, it represents a potential raw material for the synthesis of a new catalyst. Due to the toxicity of the component, there are practically no publications on the subject of its recycling; the processing and production of CCF-N are highly specialized. However, the authors previously managed to independently solve this problem, a necessary stage in their research was the test of their own development at the production site - at NAVOIYAZOT JSC.

Purpose: testing the developed method for the extraction of cadmium from spent cadmium-calcium phosphate catalyst.

Methodology. Cadmium recovered from spent CCP -H catalyst was sorbed on C-100 Purolite resin. The content of the components: CdO, CaO, P2O5 was monitored on an Aligent 7500 ICP MS ICP spectrometer.

Originality. The effectiveness of the developed method for the extraction of cadmium was confirmed, with the registration of an application for a patent for it.

Findings. Information was obtained on the yield of the product of processing the solubility of CCP, the effectiveness of the selected precipitator of cadmium ions, and their sorption on C-100 Purolite resin. The test result is positive.

Keywords: cadmium, catalyst, deposition, sorption, technology


* test conditions for the extraction of cadmium from the waste;

* test of the developed cadmium extraction technology was conducted;

* the developed method is to be patented.


1. V. P. Guro, M. A. Ibragimova, Ye. T., Safarov, F. N. Fuzaylova, A. T. Dadakhodzhayev. Tekhnologiya izvlecheniya kadmiya iz otrabotannogo kadmiy-kal'tsiy-fosfatnogo ka-talizatora // Uzbekskiy khimicheskiy zhurnal. -2019. –No 1. –S.39-43.

2. V. P. Guro, M. A. Ibragimova, A. T. Dadakhodzhayev, Ye. T. Safarov, F. N. Fuzaylova. Pererabotka otrabotannogo kadmiy-kal'tsiy-fosfatnogo katalizatora // Uzbek-skiy khimicheskiy zhurnal. -2019. - No 3. -S.8-14

3. A.s. SSSR No 295578. V.E. Gaag, N.V. Petrusheva. Sposob regeneratsii kadmiy-kal'tsiy-fosfatnogo katalizatora. Zayavl. 13.01.1970, Opubl. 12.11.1971. Byull. No 8

4. Gorin YU.A. Goskhimgidrat, TZ (1959). – S. 8 (194) – 14 (200); T2 (1959). - S. 85 (177) - 88 (180).

5. Murthy Z.V.P. (2014) Cadmium, Recovery of. In: Drioli E., Giorno L. (eds) Encyclo-pedia of Membranes. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg

6. Ligiane R.Gouvea, Carlos A.Morais. Recovery of zinc and cadmium from industrial waste by leaching/cementation // Minerals Engineering, Volume 20, Issue 9, August 2007, Pages 956-958.

7. C.A. Nogueira, F.Delmas, New flowsheet for the recovery of cadmium, cobalt and nickel from spent Ni–Cd batteries by solvent extraction // Hydrometallurgy Volume 52, Issue 3, June 1999, Pages 267-287,

8. Nagpur Navneet Singh. Recovery of metals from spent nickel-cadmium (Ni-Cd) battery by leaching-electrowining process. Internal Conference on Nonferrous Metals-2014, Nagpur City (INDIA), July 2014.

9. Ewa Rudnik, Marek Nikiel. Hydrometallurgical recovery of cadmium and nickel from spent Ni–Cd batteries // Hydrometallurgy, V. 89, Issues 1–2, Sept 2007, P. 61-71,

10. Karuppanna Periasamy, Chinnaiya Namasivayam. Process Development for Removal and Recovery of Cadmium from Wastewater by a Low-Cost Adsorbent: Adsorption Rates and Equilibrium Studies // Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 33, 2, 317-320, DOI: 10.1021/ie00026a022

11. Application of patent RUz «A method of processing spent cadmium-calcium phosphate catalyst». Reg. No IAP 2019 0251 dated 10.06.2019. Ibragimova M.A., Lyapin S.B., Zhumanazarov A.R., V.P. Guro, A.T. Dadakhodzhayev, etc.

12. Purolite® C100,

13. Patent RU 2457197 ot 10.04.2010. B01J 8/22. «Sistema okisleniya s vtorichnym reaktorom dlya bokovoy fraktsii». Data publikatsii: 27.07. 2012 g.

14. Patent RU 2189857 ot 20.06.1999. B01J 8/22. «Sposob i ustroystvo dlya funktsio-nirovaniya puzyr'kovoy reaktsionnoy kolonny s trekhfaznoy reaktsionnoy sredoy s primeneniyem dlya sinteza Fishera–Tropsha» Data publikatsii: 27.09.2002.

15. Patent RU 2369432 ot 10.02.2009. B 01J 8/22. «Reaktor dlya provedeniya reaktsiy s tverdymi/zhidkimi/gazoobraznymi veshchestvami». Data publikatsii: 10.10.2009.

To cite this article: M. A. Ibragimova S. B. Lyapin A. R Zhumanazarov., V. P. Guro, A.T. Dadahodjaev. Method for removing cadium from waste cadmium-calcium-phosphate catalyst testing // Uzbek chemical journal. -2020. – Nr2. - Pp.24-29. 

Received: 16.10.2019; Accepted: 24.01.2020; Published: 13.03.2020


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UDK 666.193.2

Sh. M. Niyazova, Z. R. Kadyrova, X. L. Usmanov, F. G. Khomidov


Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent

Abstract. Background. Currently, the issue of energy-saving and import-substituting types of products is relevant. One of the ways to solve the problem as soon as possible is the development and development of an effective technology for the production of basalt fibers based on the raw materials of Uzbekistan, which have a complex of high physical, chemical and operational properties.

Purpose: to determine the suitability of igneous rocks, in particular, in particular, the andesite basalt of the Karakhtay deposit for producing fiber.

Methodology. The melting temperature, viscosity, density, and porosity of materials were studied using optical, x-ray, and differential thermal methods of analysis.

Originality. The possibility of using the andesite basalt of the Karakhtay field for the development of fiber compositions has been studied for the first time.

Findings. The main criteria for the suitability of andesite basalt rocks of the Karakhtay deposit for fiber production are determined. The results of physicochemical studies are presented and the parameters of acidity modulus (Ma) and viscosity modulus (Mv) are determined, which have a significant impact on the entire process, from melt homogenization to fiber formations.

Key words: andesite basalt, physicochemical properties, acid modulus, viscosity, melting point, fiber.


* properties of the andesite basalts are comprehensively studied by physicochemical research methods;

* compositions based on andesite basalt for the production of heat-in


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6. Niyazova Sh.M., Kadyrova Z.R., Usmanov H.L., Khomidov F.G. Chemical and Mineralogical Studies of Magmatic Rocks of Uzbekistan for Obtaining Heat-Insulating Materials.// Glass and Ceramics. -2019.-Vol.75.- Iss.11-12.-pp.491-495.

7. Zimin D.E., Khodakova N.N. Chemical Composition of Rocks Suitable for the Production of Basalt Fibers Resistant to Corrosive Media.. Glass and Ceramics. 2016. -Vol.73.- Iss.3-4. -pp. 82-87.

8. Dzhigiris D.D. Osnovy proizvodstva bazal'tovykh volokon i izdeliy / D.D. Dzhigiris, M.F. Makhova. -M.: Teploenergetik.- 2002.- 412s.

9. Perevozchikov B.V. Metodologicheskiye podkhody k vyboru bazitovogo syr'ya dlya polucheniya vysokokachestvennogo bazal'tovogo volokna // Bazal'tovyye tekhnologii. – 2012.-S.12-14.

10. Khakberdiyev N.M., Khamidov R.A. Metodologicheskiye podkhody k vyboru i predvaritel'noy otsenki prigodnosti porod osnovnogo sostava dlya polucheniya bazal'tovogo volokna // Mater. Mezhd. nauch.-tekhn.konf. «Integratsii nauki i praktiki kak mekhanizm effektivnogo razvitiya geologicheskoy otrasli Respubliki Uzbekistan». Tashkent.- 2016.-S. 55-58.

11. Niyazova SH. M., Kadyrova Z. R. I dr. Khimiko-mineralogicheskiye issledovaniya magmaticheskikh porod Uzbekistana dlya polucheniya teploizolyatsionnykh materialov. // Steklo i keramika.-2018.-No12.-S.40-44.

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To cite this article: Sh. M. Niyazova, Z. R. Kadyrova, X. L. Usmanov, F. G. Khomidov. Research of physical and chemical properties of andezite basaltes of the Karakhtay deposit for producing fiber // Uzbek chemical journal. -2020. – Nr2. - Pp.24-29. 

Received: 16.10.2019; Accepted: 24.01.2020; Published: 13.03.2020


* * *

UDK 541; 546.185.4; 661.635.68

1Yu. N. Rajabov, 1Kh. I.  Akbarov,  2V. P. Guro, 2F. N. Fuzaylova


1National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek.

2Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent

Abstract. Background. The study of corrosion processes and the development of methods for protecting metals from it are relevant to scientific and technical problems. One of the common solutions to the problem is the use of inhibitors in an aggressive environment. Preference is given to organic inhibitors forming protective films on the surface of metals. They include substances containing nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen atoms in their composition.

Purpose. Creation and research of new carbon steel corrosion inhibitors based on amino compounds.

Methodology. Inhibition of metal corrosion by synthesized oligomeric compounds was studied by gravimetric and electrochemical methods. The influence of their concentration, the exposure time on the corrosion behavior of steel in solutions was investigated. The methods of X-ray diffraction analysis and IR spectroscopy were applied.

Originality. Inorganic and oligomeric type inhibitors are based on melamine, formaldehyde, glycerol and phosphoric acid for use in acidic environments.

Findings. Synthesized nitrogen-phosphorus-containing inhibitors of the oligomeric type based on melamine. Based on corrosion and gravimetric studies, the corrosion current, corrosion rate, braking coefficient and degree of protection are determined.

Key words: inhibitor, corrosion, carbon steel, melamine, dimethylolmelamine, melamine phosphate glycerate.


* steel corrosion inhibitors based on melamine, glycerol and phosphoric acid;

* protection mechanism by synthesized oligomeric inhibitors.

* patterns of the protective effect of inhibitors have been established.

* inhibitors are highly effective in acidic aggressive media.


 1. Tsygankova L.Ye., Fomenkov O.A., Komarova O.V. Zashchitnyye svoystva ryada ingibitorov serovodorodnoy i uglekislotnoy korrozii stali. // Tambovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni G.R. Derzhavina. Vestnik TGTU. 2008. -Tom 14. - No 2. -C. 353-357.

2. Kuznetsov YU.I., Luk'yanchikov O.A., Andreyeva N.P. Zashchita metallov smesyami aromaticheskikh aminokislot i fenildekanata natriya. Zashchita metallov. M:. 2004. - No 7. -S. 30–33.

3. Eshmamatova N.B., Akbarov KH.I., Abdiraimova K.M., Nurmanova I.M., Umrullayeva Ŭ.B.. Fiziko-khimicheskiye kharakteristiki oligomernykh protivokorrozionnykh ingibitorov // Komp. materialy. Tashkent 2017. - No 2. -S. 25-29.

 4. Gurov S.A. Povysheniye resursa bezopasnoy ekspluatatsii promyslovykh ekspluatatsii promyslovykh truboprovodov na osnove primeneniya ingibitornoy zashchity // avtoref. dis. k.t.n. Ufa:. 2003.- S. 1-24.

5. Ugryumov O.V., Varnavskaya O.A., Khlebnikov V.N., Ivanov V.A., Vasyukov S.I., Romanov G.V., Ivshin YA.V., Kaydrikov R.A., Kharlampidi KH.E., Shakirov F.SH. Ingibitory korrozii marki SNPKH 2: ingibitor na osnove fosfor-, azotsoderzhashchikh soyedineniy dlya zashchity neftepromyslovogo oborudovaniya // Zashchita metallov. Moskva 2007. - No 1 (43). -S. 94-102.

6. Gafurov P.P., Polovnyak V.K., Chumak I.YU., Shmakova O.P., Formirovaniye adsorbtsionnykh plenok ingibitorov serovodorodnoy korrozii na osnove soley oksialkilirovannykh aminov. // Zashchita metallov, Moskva 2003. - No 3. -S. 324-327.

7. Mikhaylov V.I., Yakhvarov G.I., Skvortsov V.G. i dr. // Zashchita metallov. M:. 2005. - T. 21. - No 5. -S. 828.

 8. Levashova V.I., Yangirova I.V., Kazakova Ye.V. Obzor ingibitorov korrozii na osnove bororganicheskikh soyedineniy // Sovremennyye problemy nauki i obrazovaniya. M:. 2014. - No 6. -S. 172.

9. Khaydarova G.R. Ingibitory korrozii dlya zashchity neftepromyslovogo oborudovaniya // Ufimskiy gosudarstvennyy neftyanoy tekhnicheskiy universitet, g. Ufa. -2014. - No 2. -S. 198-202.

10. Kadirov B.M., Kadirov KH.I. Sintez i tekhnologiya polucheniya ingibitora korrozii i soleotlozheniy dlya vodosnabzheniya // Vestnik TGTU. -2018. - No 2. -S. 166-171.

11. Eshmamatova N.B., Akbarov KH.I. Issledovaniye effektivnosti razrabotannykh oligomernykh ingibitorov v proizvodstvennykh usloviyakh elektrokhimicheskimi metodami // Privolzhskiy nauchnyy vestnik. Izhevsk 2012. - No 12 (16) -S. 4-12.

12. Eshmamatova N.B., Akbarov KH.I., Razhabov YU.N. Zashchitnaya effektivnost' ingibitorov oligomernogo tipa na osnove organicheskikh soyedineniy // Komp. materialy. Tashkent, 2018. -No2. –S. 32-35.

To cite this article: Yu. N. Rajabov, Kh. I.  Akbarov,  V. P. Guro, F. N. Fuzaylova. Carbon steel acid corrosion inhibitors based on melamine // Uzbek chemical journal. -2020. – Nr2. - Pp.36-41.  

Received: 29.01.2020; Accepted: 03.03.2020; Published: 13.03.2020


* * *

UDK 767.61

F. I. Erkabaev, D. A. Xadjibaev, D. A. Muxammadieva, B. T. Sabirov


1Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, 2Tashkent pharmaceutical Institute.  e-mail:

Abstract. Background. As you know, methods for removing metal compounds from wastewater and spent technological solutions by reagent methods lead to the formation of difficult to utilize sludge in large volumes. When solving these problems, the use of electrochemical cleaning methods prevents the formation of additional slimes, which is economically viable and environmentally sound.

Purpose of this work is to increase the efficiency of electrochemical treatment of industrial wastewater contaminated with chromium (III) and chromium (VI) ions.

Methodology. As an object of study, the spent solution and wastewater of the galvanic department of «MFS» OOS and modified bentonite were used for their preliminary purification before the electrolysis process. To determine the concentrations of chromium ions, instrumental methods of chemical analysis were used (KFK-3 spectrophotometer).

Originality. At the expense of to the preliminary purification of chromate-containing wastewater from calcium and magnesium ions with modified bentonite, the current efficiency of the electrochemical process increased to 24.5%.

Findings. A method for modifying Navbahor bentonite was developed The optimal conditions for increasing the yield of chrome at the electrochemical treatment of chromate-containing wastewater were determined by using modified bentonite for preliminary wastewater treatment.

Key words: bentonite, modification, wastewater, chromate ions, electrolysis, current efficiency.


* a method for modifying Navbahor bentonite has been developed

* pretreatment of wastewater before electrolysis with bentonite increases current efficiency.


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12. Ishankhodzhayev S. Khimiya i tekhnologiya polucheniya sur'my, svintsa i ikh soyedineniya v prisutstvii mnogoatomnykh spirtov: Diss. d-ra. tekh. nauk. - T., 1997. -343 s.

To cite this article: F. I. Erkabaev, D. A. Xadjibaev, D. A. Muxammadieva, B. T. Sabirov. Software water softening of galvanic works and electrochemical cleaning them from ions of heavy metals // Uzbek chemical journal. -2020. – Nr2. - Pp.41-47. 

Received: 31.01.2020; Accepted: 03.03.2020; Published: 13.03.2020


* * *

UDK 678.744.628.543;54.18.

К. G. Mukhamedov,  Sh. A. Mutalov


Tashkent Chemical Technology Institute, E-mail:

Abstract. Background. The most promising methods of wastewater treatment of heavy metal ions are reagent based on the transfer of ions into insoluble compounds, falling out in the form of a solid phase.

Purpose: to study the purification of sewage from galvanic production from heavy metal ions with flocculants based on furan compounds.

Methodology. A sedimentation analysis of wastewater after treatment with FeSO4, Ca(OH)2 without flocculant and in the presence of FLAP-1 and FEAP-2 flocculants was applied. To determine the particle size and fraction fraction, we performed. The kinetics of precipitation of metal hydroxides and the properties of sediments having a greenish-brown color were studied in a Uken device during completely settle of the suspension.

Originality. For the first time the process of coagulation with various coagulants, as well as the kinetics of clarification of wastewater without and in the presence of flocculants were studied. The optimal conditions for the process of wastewater treatment from heavy metal ions have been found.

Findings. The reagent method allows to purify wastewater to the maximum permissible standards. In addition, the use of new synthesized polymer flocculants of “F” series accelerates the deposition of the dispersed phase by 6-7 times and increases the degree of clarification of wastewater, makes it possible to develop a purification system.

Key words: heavy metals, flocculant, carboxyl, purification, wastewater, coagulation, environment, sediment, properties.


* reagent method allows to purify sewage to the maximum permissible standards;

* new synthesized polymeric flocculants accelerate the precipitation of dispersed phases.


1.   Jokhova O. K., Bogachev N. A., Blinov A. A., Butov G. M., Utkina E. E., Bikadorov N. U. Sposob polucheniya vodorastvorimogo reagenta dlya ochistki prirodnikh i stochnikh vod (varianti) : Pat. 2495829 Rossiya, MPKC02F 1/52 (2006.01)%C02F 1/56 (2006.01) /.; VolgGTU. - N 2012133809/10; Zayavl. 07.08.2012; Opubl. 20.10.2013;s.26-32

2.   Volkov V.N., Burmistrova O.N., Gorbunov S.A. Ispol'zovanie flokulyantov dlya ochistki proizvodstvennikh stochnikh vod //J. Ýnergetik. -2015. –No8. -S. 30-33.

3.   Kurbangaleeva M.KH., Pergushova L.R., KHasanova A.A. Issledovanie vliyaniya flokulyantov na protsess otstaivaniya shlama rassoloochistki//  Bashkirskiy himicheskiy jurnal. -2016. -T. 23. -No3. -S. 68-70.

4.   Kurbangaleeva M. KH., Pergushova l. R., KHasanova A. A. Primenenie flokulyantov dlya uskoreniya protsessa otstaivaniya tverdoy chasti distillernoy suspenzii - otkhoda sodovogo proizvodstva // Izvestiya Ufimskogo nauchnogo tsentra RAN. -2016. -No3. -S. 23-25.

5.   Wang Sen, Liu Charles, Li Qilin. Impact of polymer flocculants on coagulation-microfiltration of surface water // Water Res. - 2013. -47. -No 13. - S. 4538-4546.

6.   Meng Duo, Ni Caihua,  Zhu Changping, Huang Bo. Polucheniya flokulyanta na osnove modifitsirovannogo al'ginata i ego primenenie dlya udaleniya ionov tyajelikh metallov.// Huanjiing huakhue=Envir.chem. -2013. -32. -No 2. -S.249-252.

7.   Alekseeva L. P., Egorov V. F., Staroselets L. N., Panicheva S. A., Adaeva S. N. Snijenie kontsentratsii ostatochnogo alyuminiya v pit'evoy vode na Yujnoy vodoprovodnoy stantsii g. Yaroslavlya / // VST: Vodosnabj. i san. tekhn. - 2013. – No 2. - S. 16-21.

8.   Bolotskiy D. A. Osobennosti prakticheskogo primeneniya koagulyantov i flokulyantov // Upravlenie vodnimi resursami v promishlennosti 2013: Sbornik dokladov III-Mejdunarodnoy mejotraslevoy prakticheskoy konferentsii, Moskva, 2013. - M., 2013. - S. 70-74.

9.   Wang Sen, Liu Charles, Li Qilin. Impact of polymer flocculants on coagulation-microfiltration of surface water // Water Res. - 2013. - 47. -No 13. - S. 4538-4546.

10. Hankins Nicholas P., Lu Na, Hilal Nidal Enhanced removal of heavy metal ions bound to humic acid by polyelectrolyte flocculation//Separ. and Purif. Technol. 2006. -No 1. -t.51. -S.48-56.

11. Malisheva J. N., Dryabina S. S., Navrotskiy A. V., Kuptsov A. V., Zubreva Yu. S., Novakov I. A. Mnogokomponentnie flokuliruyushie sistemi na osnove kationnikh polielektrolitov//J. prikl. khimii. 2009. - No 11. -t.82. -S.1881-1886.

12. Li Jie, Meng Jie, Huang Xiaobo, Cheng Yixiang, Zhu Chengjian: A highly selective fluorescent sensor for Hg{2+} based on the water-soluble poly(p-phenyleneethynylene) // Polymer. -2010. - No5. -t.51. -S.3425-3430.

To cite this article: К. G. Mukhamedov,  Sh. A. Mutalov. Wastewater treatment from heavy metal ions with flocculants based on fuarine compounds  // Uzbek chemical journal. -2020. – Nr2. - Pp.47-53. 

Received: 14.02.2020; Accepted: 12.03.2020; Published: 13.03.2020


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UDK 631.417

А. Т. Аliev, R. N. Kim, O. V. Myachina, S. A. Bureeva, O. S. Narzullaev, A. Rakhmonov


Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan

Abstract. Background. The decrease in soil fertility, the violation of nutritional components in the soil solution can be reduced by mineral fertilizers, the production of which is clearly insufficient in recent years. The lack of mineral fertilizers can be filled with the use of new forms of mineral and organomineral fertilizers made on the basis of Kyzylkum phosphorites, which can be one of the ways to enrich the soil. In this regard, it is advisable to use nitric acid and obtain nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers. OAO "Samarkandkim" has established the production of nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer-nitrate-calcium-phosphate fertilizer (NCPF).

Purpose to study the agronomic efficiency, as well as to identify the impact of these fertilizers on soil fertility and

Methodology. Research on the influence of NCPF on the dynamics of changes in soil nutrients in typical gray earth, conducting a complex of agrochemical studies in lysimeters to identify the impact of new nitro-calcium-phosphate fertilizers on the growth and development of cotton, studying the effectiveness of these complex fertilizers (NCPF-I and NCPF-II) on the accumulation of total nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (NPK) by organs during and at the end of the growing season of cotton in field tests were conducted according to approved research methods.

Originality. For the first time, the study of agronomic efficiency, as well as the impact of complex fertilizers (NCPF-I and NCPF-II) fertilizers on soil fertility is being conducted.

Findings. It was found that complex fertilizers NCPF-I and NCPF-II, favorably contribute to increasing the content of mobile phosphorus in the soil, improving nitrogen accumulation, and have a positive effect on the dynamics of potassium exchange in the soil. The resulting new nitro-calcium-phosphate fertilizers have a positive effect on the growth and development of cotton, which is especially noticeable in the variant with the use of NCPF-I, i.e. with a higher dose of phosphorus. It was found that with an increase in the composition of the complex fertilizer fraction of water-soluble P2O5, its removal by the crop increased and the coefficient of use of phosphorus from fertilizers increased.

Keywords: soil, nitrate-calcium-phosphate fertilizers, nitrogen accumulation, potash, mobile phosphorus, agrochemical research


* increase in the content of mobile phosphorus, nitrogen and metabolic potassium in the soil;

* a positive impact on the growth and development of cotton, especially with NCFU-I;

* an increase in P2O5 in fertilizer, the utilization rate of phosphorus from it.


1. Pochitalkina I.A., Petropavlovskiy I.A., Filenko I.A. Razlozheniye vysoko reaktivnogo fosfatnogo syr'ya v usloviyakh diskretnoy podachi kisloty // Khimicheskaya tekhnologiya. – 2015. – T.16, No 3. – S. 136-138.

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3. Petropavlovskiy I.A., Pochitalkina I.A., Kiselev V.G., Kondakov D.F., Sveshnikova L.B. Otsenka vozmozhnosti obogashcheniya i khimicheskoy pererabotki nekonditsionnogo fosfatnogo syr'ya na osnove issledovaniya khimicheskogo i mineralogicheskogo sostava // Khimicheskaya promyshlennost' segodnya. -2012.- No 4.-S. 5-8.

4. Filenko I.A., Pochitalkina I. A., Petropavlovskiy I.A. Issledovaniye svoystv reaktsionnykh fosfatnykh pul'p // Uspekhi v khimii i khimicheskoy tekhnologii. TOM XXIX. -2015. - No 3. – S. 117-119.

5. Ismagilov M.M. Kyzylkumskiy fosforitovyy kompleks Navoiyskogo gorno-metallurgicheskogo kombinata // Materialy resp.nauchn.tekhn.konf. «Aktual'nyye problemy khimicheskoy pererabotki fosforitov Tsentral'nykh Kyzylkumov», g. Tashkent, 23 noyabrya 2006. - Tashkent, 2006. - S. 19-22.

6. Kuzovlev A.K., Mal'tseva I.I., Pugach A.N. Tekhnologiya obogashcheniya zernisto-detritovykh fosfatnykh rud Dzheroyskogo i Sardarinskogo mestorozhdeniy // Tekhnologiya obogashcheniya poleznykh iskopayemykh Sredney Azii. - Tashkent. Izd-vo SAIGIMSa. - vyp.3. -1981. - S. 73-82.

7. Sultonov B.E., Namazov SH.S., Zakirov B.S. Solyanokislotnoye polucheniye pretsipitata na osnove mineralizovannoy massy iz fosforitov Tsentral'nykh Kyzylkumov // Gornyy vestnik Uzbekistana.-2015.- No 1. -S.99-101.

8. Sultonov B.E., Seytnazarov A.R., Namazov SH.S., Reymov A.M. Solyanokislotnaya pererabotka vysokokarbonatnoy fosforitovoy muki Tsentral'nykh Kyzylkumov na udobritel'nyy pretsipitat // Khimicheskaya promyshlennost'. -Sankt-Peterburg. -2015.- No 4. -S.163-168.

9. Sultonov B.E., Reymov A.M., Namazov SH.S., Zakirov B.S. Vliyaniye nekotorykh tekhnologicheskikh parametrov na protsess pretsipitirovaniya solyanokislotnoy vytyazhki fosfatov // Uzb.khim.zhurn. -2016. - No 2. -S.67-70.

10. Tsezar' Norbert V. Promyshlennoye udaleniye khloridov iz fosfatnoy rudy pri mokrom obogashchenii v ekstremal'nykh usloviyakh pustyni Kyzylkum // Gornyy vestnik Uzbekistana. -2008. - No4. -S. 54-58.

11. Vityazev V.G., Samsonova V.P., Makarov I.B., Kondrashkina M.I. Praktikum po obshchemu zemledeliyu. -M. -2005. -130 s.

To cite this article: А. Т. Аliev, R. N. Kim, O. V. Myachina, S. A. Bureeva, O. S. Narzullaev, A. Rakhmonov. Dynamics of changes of nutrient elements in soil and plants in the application of nitro-calcium phosphate fertilizer // Uzbek chemical journal. -2020. – Nr2. - Pp.53-62. 

Received: 31.02.2020; Accepted: 12.03.2020; Published: 13.03.2020


* * *




UDK 541.64.678.745.547.235

М. М. Jurayev, S. Kh. Yuldasheva, D. J. Bekchanov, М. G. Мukhamediev


1Mirzo Ulugbek National University of Uzbekistan, 2Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute

Abstract. Background. Origin of the problem. The need for studies of the physico-chemical properties of sulfocationite obtained by modifying polyvinyl chloride plasticate with sulfur and oxidation of hydrosulfide groups in the obtained polymer is that these studies make it possible to use cation exchange materials with high physicochemical stability in industrial factories for water tretment.

Purpose. Study of the structure of cation exchange resin based on polyvinyl chloride, determination of chemical and thermal stability, adsorption of metal ions from artificial solutions.

Methodology. The structure of new cation exchange sulfocationites obtained on the basis of polyvinyl chloride was studied by IR spectroscopy and SEM. The resistance of cation exchanger to a strong chemical hostile environment was determined; thermal analysis of TGA / DSC was carried out. The Langmuir method was used to calculate isothermal constants of sorption of metal ions in cation exchange resin.

Originality. Polyvinyl chloride was modified with sulfur, and the structure of the sulfocation obtained by oxidizing the modified sulfur was proved. The thermal stability of the obtained ion exchanger, the patterns of absorption of calcium (II) and magnesium (II) ions in the cation exchanger were studied, and the static exchange capacity under the influence of strong oxidizing agents and bases remained almost unchanged.

Findings. The presence of a cation exchange sulfo group in a new ion exchanger obtained on the basis of polyvinyl chloride and sulfur has been proved by IR spectroscopy. The morphology of the obtained ion exchanger was studied, it was determined that the thermal stability of the ion exchanger is equal to 423 К, the stability of the action of strong oxidizing agents, such as perchloric and nitric acids, of strong bases is 80-95%. Under static sorbtion conditions, the kinetics and isothermal absorption constants of calcium (II) and magnesium (II) ions were calculated. Thermodynamic parameters of the sorption process were calculated - changes in the values of free energy (ΔG), enthalpy (ΔН) and entropy (ΔS).

Key words: polyvinyl chloride, sulfur, sulfocationionite, thermal and chemical stability, sorption.


* the structure of polyvinyl chloride ion exchanger has been proven;

* thermal and chemical stability of the obtained ion exchanger was determined;

* the pattern of sorption of Ca(II) and Mg(II) ions into the obtained ion exchanger was studied.


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To cite this article: М. М. Jurayev, S. Kh. Yuldasheva, D. J. Bekchanov, М. G. Мukhamediev. Physical and chemical properties of the new sulfocationite obtained from the polyvinyl chloride plasticate // Uzbek chemical journal. -2020. – Nr2. - Pp.63-72. 

Received: 12.02.2020; Accepted: 13.03.2020; Published: 13.03.2020


* * *

UDK 547.735’854.218.07:542.924

I. S. Ortikov, A. U. Berdiev, U. M. Yakubov, Ch. E. Makhmadiyorova, B. Zh. Elmuradov


Institute of Chemistry of Plant Substances of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Abstract. Background. Purposeful synthesis of heterocyclic compounds, in particular, 5,6-dimethylthieno [2,3-d] pyrimidin-4-ones, by interaction with electrophilic and nucleophilic reagents, the creation of effective pharmacological preparations using organic synthesis methods, and their determination of their biological activity is relevant.

Purpose. The synthesis of 2-alkyl (aryl) -5,6-dimethylthienopyrimidin-4-ones and their methylation, analysis of the structure of the obtained compounds.

Methodology. 2-Alkyl-3,5,6-trimethylthieno [2,3-d] pyrimidin-4-ones are obtained by alkylation of methyl iodide compounds in a one-step cyclization of 2-amino-4,5-dimethylthiophen-3-ethoxycarboxylate with alkyl nitriles. The structure of the synthesized compounds was confirmed by spectral analysis (IR, 1H NMR).

Originality. For the first time, 2-alkyl-5,6-dimethylthieno [2,3-d] pyrimidin-4-ones were synthesized by cyclization in an acidic medium of ethyl 2-amino-4,5-dimethylthiophene-3-carboxylic acid with alkyl nitriles. Factors affecting the course of the reaction were identified.

Findings.  2-alkyl (aryl) -5,6-dimethylthieno [2,3-d] pyrimidin-4-ones in high yields are synthesized. Their IR, 1H NMR, and mass spectra were analyzed.

Key words: 2-amino-4,5-dimethylthiophene-3-ethoxycarboxylate, Gewald reaction, alkyl nitriles, methyl iodide, 1,4-dioxane.


* 2-alkyl (aryl) -5,6-dimethylthienopyrimidin-4-ones are synthesized;

* methylation reactions of the obtained substances;

* the effect of alkyl radicals on the yields of reaction products;

* mass spectrometric analysis of the compounds is performed.


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14. Elmuradov B. Zh., Bozorov Kh.A., Kurbanbayeva А.Zh., Ortikov I.S., Bobakulov Kh.M., Abdullayev N.D., Yili A., Aisa H. A., Shakhidoyatov Kh.М. Thieno[2,3-d]Pyrimidin-4-Ones // Part 3.* Electrophilic Ipso-Substitution Reactions of Methyl and Methoxycarbonyl Groups. American Chemical Sciences Journal, USA, 3(4): 364-377, 2013.

15. I.S. Ortikov, B. Zh. Elmuradov, Kh. M. Shakhidoyatov, Thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-ones. Part 4. Directions of reactions of the 2-oxo-, -thioxo-5,6-dimethyl-3,4-dihydrothieno[2,3-d]pyrimidine-4-ones with electrophilic reagents, American Chemical Science Journal  2014, 4 (6), 774-786.

16. I.S. Ortikov, B.ZH.Elmuradov, T.U. Dzhumatanova, KH.M.Shakhidoyatov, Alkilirovaniye 2-okso-, -tiokso-5,6-dimetiltiyeno [2,3-d]pirimidin-4-onov s alkilgalogenidami normal'nogo i izostroyeniya. DAN RUz, 2014, No6, S.41-43.

17. I.S. Ortikov, ZH.E. Turdibayev, ZH.I. Islamova, B.ZH. Elmuradov, A.SH. Abdurazakov, A.M. Bektemirov, S.O. Osipova, Z.A. Khushbaktova, V.N. Syrov, KH.M. Shakhidoyatov. Po-isk bakteritsidov v ryadu proizvodnykh dezoksivazitsinona, makinazolinona i tiyenopi-rimidinonov. Khimiko-farmatsevticheskiy zhurnal, 2017, tom 71, No 6 S. 29-38.

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To cite this article: I. S. Ortikov, A. U. Berdiev, U. M. Yakubov, Ch. E. Makhmadiyorova, B. Zh. Elmuradov. Synthesis and methylation reactions of 2-alkyl-5,6-dimethyl thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-ones // Uzbek chemical journal. -2020. – Nr2. - Pp.72-80. 

Received: 05.02.2020; Accepted: 12.03.2020; Published: 13.03.2020


* * *

UDK 665.5

1M. J. Makhmudov, G. R. Narmetova


1Bukhara Engineering - Technological Institute, Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent


Abstract. Background. In recent years, strict requirements have been imposed on the environmental properties of automobile gasoline. The use of environmentally friendly modified gasoline in cars, along with the improvement of the design and working process of engines, will ensure a minimum amount of toxic substances in the exhaust gases.

Purpose of the work is to study the industrial automotive gasoline AI-80 to improve its environmental properties and meet the requirements of modern European specifications.

Methodology. The paper uses a set of methods that allow to determine physical and chemical characteristics, functional composition, to study the processes occurring in the original automobile gasoline and gasoline subjected to various processes of ennobling, in particular, dearomatization, as well as to establish the chemical compositions, structure, chemical nature and their stability. It should be noted that the industrial gasoline AI-80 does not meet the requirements of the European Standard.

Originality. for the first time, low-octane industrial gasoline was studied with the determination of ways to improve its properties

Findings. The fraction distillated from gasoline with boiling limits from the beginning of the boil to 120 ° C contains 42.85% vol. aromatic hydrocarbons and 11.4% vol. benzene. Benzene was not detected in the fraction of gasoline with a boiling point above 120°C.

Key words: gasoline, fractionation, group composition, aromatic hydrocarbons, benzene, cryoscopy


* domestic commercial gasoline AI-80 is fractionated to determine the benzene-containing fraction.

* the amount of benzene by chromatography in gasoline and its fractions is determined.


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To cite this article: M. J. Makhmudov, G. R. Narmetova. Determination of the amount of benzene and the group hydrocarbon composition of fractions of gasoline AI-80 in order to bring it to the EURO-5 standards // Uzbek chemical journal. -2020. – Nr2. - Pp.81-87. 

Received: 28.12.2019; Accepted: 05.03.2020; Published: 13.03.2020


* * *

UDK665./.7: 66-9

O. Yu. Ismailov, A. M. Khurmamatov


Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent

Abstract. Background. Heat exchange processes are an integral stage of any technological process for obtaining chemical products. With the growth of energy capacity and production volume, the mass and dimensions of the heat exchangers used are increasing. Their operation consumes a huge amount of electrical and thermal energy. Increasing the efficiency of heat transfer and reducing the mass and overall dimensions in tubular devices depends largely on the rational organization of hydrodynamic modes of movement of heat exchange flows. The efficiency of heat and mass transfer processes depends on the modes of movement of real liquids in tubular devices. In this regard, to determine the degree of influence of hydrodynamic modes of liquids on the efficiency of heat transfer in various devices, criteria equations consisting of criteria of hydrodynamic and thermal similarity are used.

Purpose. Study of the effect of raw material flow rate on the efficiency of thermal parameters and hydraulic resistance of tubular heat exchangers.

Methodology. The influence of the flow rate of oil and gas condensate on the efficiency of thermal parameters and the hydraulic resistance of tubular heat exchangers was determined by the calculation and experimental method.

Orginality. The dependence of changes in the heat transfer and heat transfer coefficients of oil and gas condensate in a tubular apparatus due to turbulence of flows is established.

Findings. It was found experimentally and by calculation that with an increase in the flow rate of liquid hydrocarbons (oil and gas condensate) inside the horizontal pipe of the heat exchanger, the value of the heat transfer coefficient from the pipe wall to the heated medium a2 for oil increases by 1,6 times, and for gas condensate by 1,4 times. The heat transfer coefficient increased by 1,08 times when oil was heated, and this indicator increased by 1,16 times when gas condensate was heated. The average temperature of the coolant at a given temperature increased by 2 times when oil was heated, and by 1,1 times when gas condensate was heated. By increasing the flow rate of raw materials by 1,6 times, the Reynolds number increases for oil by 1,12 times, and for gas condensate by 1,28 times.

Key words: oil, gas condensate, flow rate, Reynolds criteria, heat transfer coefficient, heat transfer coefficient.


* as the speed increases, the efficiency of heat transfer increases;

* as the flow rate increases, the average temperature of the coolant increases.


1.   Zakharova A. A., Bakhshiyeva L. T., Kondaurov B. P. i dr. Protsessy i apparaty khimiche-skoy tekhnologii. Pod redaktsiyey prof. A. A. Zakharovoy. – M.: Izdatel'skiy tsentr «Akademiya», 2006. – S. 30-53.

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To cite this article: O. Yu. Ismailov, A. M. Khurmamatov. Influence of the flow rate of liquid hydrocarbons on the efficiency  of the heat exchange process // Uzbek chemical journal. -2020. – Nr2. - Pp.88-93. 

Received: 26.02.2019; Accepted: 13.03.2020; Published: 13.03.2020


* * *

UDK 542.632.542

D. A. Ergasheva., O. S. Maksumova., Yu. O‘. Islomova


Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, E-mail:

Abstract. Background. Olefin oxides are widely used as cheese and intermediates in the synthesis of organic compounds. In this regard, the study of the synthesis of oxides based on hexene-1 and its isomers is one of the main tasks in the present time.

Purpose. Investigation of the process of catalytic epoxidation of hexene isomers with sodium hypochloride and hydrogen peroxide.

Methodology. The effectiveness of the influence of the nature of oxidizing agents, the catalyst, and their ratio on the yield of the resulting epoxy compounds was evaluated by classical methods, and the composition and structure of the products of the epoxidation reaction were determined by IR spectroscopy. IR spectra of the initial and obtained compounds were recorded on a Perkin-Elmer Sistem-200 Fourier spectrometer in the region of 4000-400 cm-1.

Originality. The possibility of carrying out the epoxidation of hexene isomers in the presence of hydrogen peroxide and acetic acid is shown.

Findings. The optimal conditions for catalytic epoxidation reaction: the nature of the oxidizing agents and the ratio of the starting reagents and the length of the reaction time.

 Keywords: 1-hexene, 2-methyl-1-pentene, 2-ethyl-1-butene, sodium hypochloride, hydrogen peroxide, sodium carbonate, isopropyl alcohol, catalyst, sulfuric acid, acetic acid, potassium bromide, toluene, benzene.


* izohexanes: 1-gexen, 2-methyl-1-pentene, 3-methyl-1-pentene

* revealed the effect of the concentration of hydrogen peroxide, acetic acid and sulfuric acid on the epoxidation of isohexenes


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To cite this article: D. A. Ergasheva., O. S. Maksumova., Yu. O‘. Islomova. Studying the reaction of theepoxidation of hexen isomers // Uzbek chemical journal. -2020. – Nr2. - Pp.94-98. 

Received: 31.01.2019; Accepted: 13.02.2020; Published: 13.03.2020


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