УДК: 546.41
Z. K. Dzhumanazarova, T. A. Azizov, Sh. T. Kalmuratova
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Abstract. Background. Research is currently underway in the world to develop the conditions for the synthesis of highly effective and complex-acting stimulants. In this regard, an important task is to justify the creation of stimulants that increase the yield of plants, accelerating physiological processes, including the development of optimal conditions for synthesis and production; determination of the composition and structure of coordination compounds of calcium ions with magnesium with polydentate organic ligands - amides; determination of the nature of the coordination bond in the coordination of ligands to the central ion and in the mutual substitution of ligands, as well as determination of the thermal stability of the synthesized compounds.
Purpose. Determination of synthesis conditions, establishment of the composition and structure of coordination compounds of amides and nicotinamide with magnesium nitrate. Study of the thermal behavior of mixed amide coordination compounds of magnesium nitrate.
Methodology. Differential thermal analysis, X-ray phase analysis, IR spectroscopy, elemental analysis.
Originality. For the first time, two new coordination compounds of magnesium nitrate with HCONH2, CS(NH2)2, NС4Н5CONH2 were synthesized. By the methods of x-ray phase analysis, IR spectroscopy, the individuality of the synthesized complex compounds, methods of coordination of ligands, nitrate groups and the geometry of the coordination site are established. The thermal behavior of the synthesized compounds was studied and thermolysis products were identified.
Findings. The composition of the synthesized compounds was determined by elemental analysis. By comparing the interplanar distances and relative intensities of the free molecules of formamide, thiocarbamide, nicotinamide, magnesium nitrate monohydrate and synthesized coordination compounds, the identity of compounds of the compositions Mg(NO3)2·CS(NH2)2·NС4Н5CONH2·H2O, Mg(NO3)2· HCONH2·NС4Н5CONH2·H2O is proved. Based on the data of IR spectroscopy, it was found that the formamide molecules and nitrate acid anions are coordinated through the oxygen atom and nicotinamide is coordinated through the oxygen atom of the carbanyl group, and thiocarbamides are coordinated through the sulfur atom.
Key words: coordination, central atom, x-ray phase analysis, individuality, thermal behavior.
* mechanochemical method obtained complex compounds magnesium nitrate.
* synthesis of mixed ligand coordination compounds of magnesium nitrates;
* electronic structure and reactivity are determined.
1.Mukumova G. ZH., Choriyeva N. B., Zaripova R. SH., Abduvaliyeva M. ZH., Allaberdiyev F. KH. Issledovaniye koordinatsionnykh soyedineniy Fe(II), Co (II), Ni (II) i Cu (II) suktsinatov s formamidom // Universum: khimiya i biologiya. 2018. -Nr.5 (47) – 41-43.
2. Basalov I.V. Gidridnyye i amidnyye kompleksy dvukhvalentnykh itterbiya, samariya i kal'tsiya. Sintez, stroyeniye, reaktsionnaya sposobnost' i kataliticheskaya aktivnost' v reaktsiyakh mezhmolekulyarnogo gidrofosfinirovaniya olefinov i atsetilenov: Avtoref. dis... kand. khim. nauk. M.: 2017. - 24 s.
3. Basalov I.V., Yurova O.S., Cherkasov A.V., Fukin G.K., Trifonov A.A. Amido Ln(II) Complexes Coordinated by Bi- and Tridentate Amidinate Ligands. Non-Conventional Coordination Modes of Amidinate Ligands and Catalytic Activity in Intermolecular Olefin Hydrophosphination // Inorg. Chem., 2016, 55, 1236–1244
4. Dzhumanazarova Z.K., Azizov O.T., Azizov T.A. Sintez i termicheskoye issledovaniye smeshannoligandnykh koordinatsionnykh soyedineniy nitrata kal'tsiya // Kimo va kimoviy tekhnologiya - Tashkent, 2012. - Nr 1 - S.4-6. (02.00.00. Nr 3)
5. Trifonov A.A., Basalov I.V., Kissel A.A., Organolanthanides in catalytic intermolecular hydrophosphination and hydroaminationof multiple C-C bonds // Dalton Trans., 2016, 45, 19172-19193.
6. Kadyrova R. G., Kabirov G. F., Mullakhmetov R. R. Sintez magniyevykh i kal'tsiyevykh soley a-aminokislot // Uchenyye zapiski KGAVM im. N.E. Baumana. 2013. Nr 4. – c. 157-164
7. Dzhumanazarova Z.K., Azizov T.A. Sintez i issledovaniye odnorodnykh kompleksnykh soyedineniy nitrata magniya s nitrokarbamidom i nikotinamidom. // UNIVERSUM: Khimiya i biologiya: elektron nauchnyy zhurnal. - Rossiya, 2018. - № 6(48). (02.00.00. Nr 6)
8. Jumanazarova Z.K., Azizov T. A. Mixed amide complexes of magnesium nitrate // International Journal of Recent Advancement In Engineering & Research, Ijraer, 4, 5, 2018.
9. M. R. Ibragimova, T. A. Azizov, SH. B. Khasanov. Sintez i issledovaniye smeshannokarbamidnykh koordinatsionnykh soyedineniy nikotinatov magniya i kal'tsiya // Zhurn. khim.prom. Ros. Fed. - 2015, - Nr 4. - S.176-182
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13. Khaydarov D.M., Azizov T.A., Azizov O.T., Turakulov ZH.U. Nitrokarbamidnyye i nikotinamidnyye koordinatsionnyye soyedineniya suktsinata kal'tsiya// Uzbekskiy khimicheskiy zhurnal. –Tashkent.-2014.- Nr 2. –S.13-18.
14. Dzhumanazarova Z.K., Azizov O.T., Azizov T.A. Sintez i termicheskoye issledovaniye smeshannoligandnykh koordinatsionnykh soyedineniy nitrata kal'tsiya // Kimo va kimoviy tekhnologiya - Tashkent, 2012. - Nr1 - S.4-6. (02.00.00.№3)
To cite this article: Z. K. Dzhumanazarova, T. A. Azizov, Sh. T. Kalmuratova. Complex compounds of magnesium nitrate with amides // Uzbek chemical journal. -2019. – Nr6. - Pp.3-10.
Received: 18.09.2019; Accepted: 18.10.2019; Published: 10.12.2019
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UDC 541.123.6
Zh. S. Shukurov, A. S. Togasharov, S. Tukhtaev
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, E-mail: kumush1984@mail.ru
Abstract. Background. When producing high-quality raw cotton, a major role is played by a modern lossless cotton harvest. This is due to the use of effective defoliants to remove cotton leaves. In order to obtain a high cotton crop, along with carrying out agrotechnical measures, it is necessary to protect plants from all kinds of pests and diseases, as well as to conduct high-quality defoliation. Defoliation - this artificial pre-harvest removal of plant leaves. After it is carried out by chemical substances - defoliants, nutrients are mixed from the vegetative organs into generative ones - fruits and seeds.
Purpose. The physical chemical substantiation of the process of obtaining a new defoliant, which has both physiological and insecticidal activity based on sodium dicarbamidochlorate, monoethanolammonium acetate, ethanol and acetamipride.
Methodology. The determination of chlorate - ion was carried out by volumetric permanganometric, sodium - by flame photometric methods. The viscosity of the solutions was measured using a HPV viscometer, and the pH of the solutions was determined using a pH meter FE20 METTLERTOLEDO.
Originality. Polythermal and “composition-properties” diagrams have been created based on the study of solubility in a system involving water, sodium dicarbamidochlorate, monoethanolammonium acetate, ethanol and acetamipride.
Findings. Justification of technological processes for the production of a defoliant with defoliation, physiological and insecticidal activity based on sodium dicarbamidochlorate, monoethanolammonium acetate, ethanol and acetamipride. We studied the physicochemical properties of solutions of systems [70 % (99.65 % NaClO3∙2CO(NH2)2 + 0.35 % NH2C2H4OH·CH3COOH) + 30 % H2O] - [90 % C2H5OH + 10 % C10H11ClN4] depending on the ratio of the components.
Keywords: solubility, system, diagram, concentration, defoliants, “composition-properties”, crystallization temperature, viscosity, density and pH of the medium.
* fields of crystallization of components are delimited into systems;
* the optimal technological parameters for obtaining a liquid defoliant were established.
1. Kulayeva O.N. Etilen v zhizni rasteniy // Sorosovskiy Obrazovatel'nyy Zhurnal.- 1998.- Nr 3. - S. 31-36.
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To cite this article: Zh. S. Shukurov, A. S. Togasharov, S. Tukhtaev. Solubility in aqueous systems based on sodium dicarbamidochlorate, monoethanolammonium acetate, ethanol and acetamiprid // Uzbek chemical journal. -2019. – Nr6. - Pp.10-17.
Received: 10.06.2019; Accepted: 12.08.2019; Published: 10.12.2019
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UDC 661. 632 14
B. O. Numanov, O. A. Badalova, Sh. S. Namazov, A. R. Seytnazarov, F. Sh. Mukhitdinov
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Abstract. Background. It is well known that phosphogypsum as a waste production of wet process phosphoric acid thrown into the dump, in factories producing ammophos causes big trouble. Currently more than 100 million tons of phosphogypsum, for which there is no acceptable disposal technology, is stored in the sludge collectors of Ammophos-Maxam and Samarqandkime JSC. Therefore, it is very relevant work aimed at the disposal of phosphogypsum, and to prevent its formation.
Purpose. The process of obtaining ammonium precipitate and sulfate has been studied by deep ammonization of phosphoric acid gypsum slurry (PAGS), followed by separation into solid and liquid phases.
Methodology. Ammonization of PAGS composition (wt.% ): P2O5total - 12.08; P2O5water. - 11.99; CaOtotal – 12.42; SO3total - 17.18; L: S = 2: 1 was carried out with 25 % aqueous ammonia solution at pH = 5.5; 6.5; 7.5; 8.5. the duration of mixing the pulp to be for 30-120 minutes and a temperature of 30-50oC, followed by separation into solid and liquid phases. The precipitate was washed with water, then acetone and dried at 60oC. The dried precipitate and liquid phase were analyzed for P2O5 content by photocolorimetric, CaO complexonometric, SO3 gravimetric methods, and N by Kjeldahl. The degree of conversion of gypsum was determined by the number of SO3 ions formed in the liquid phase of the pulp, and also calculated in relation to the grams of sulfate ions remaining in the solid residue to their total number in the original gypsum.
Originality. The optimal condition of the process of conversion of gypsum in PAGS was found as follows: pH = 7.5. temperature-50oC and agitation time-120 min, at which the conversion rate reaches by 97.28%. This makes it possible to obtain simultaneously a single phosphorus fertilizer – precipitate and a liquid nitrogen-sulfur fertilizer-ammonium sulfate with a phosphorus component.
Findings. It is shown that the higher the pH and temperature of the pulp, and the longer the interaction period, the greater the solubility of gypsum in ammonium phosphate solutions. Under optimal conditions: pH = 7.5. temperature-50oC and agitation time-120 min the composition of the dried precipitate is as follows (wt. % ): P2O5total - 36.68. P2O5assimilate on citric acid 26.31. P2O5asimilate by EDTA-24.84. P2O5water - 1.80. CaOtotal – 42.96. CaOassimilate- 30.85. SO3total - 1.76. N-1.28 with a conversion rate of 97.28%. And its liquid part contains 2.60% (NH4)2HPO4 and 26.96% (NH4)2SO4.
Keywords: phosphoric acid gypsum slurry, ammonia water, conversion, solid and liquid phases, precipitate, ammonium sulfate.
* аmmonization of PAGS converts sulfate gypsum ions to a soluble form
* with ammonization, precipitate and ammonium sulfate are obtained.
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To cite this article: B. O. Numanov, O. A. Badalova, Sh. S. Namazov, A. R. Seytnazarov, F. Sh. Mukhitdinov. Ammonium sulfate and precipitate based on ammonia conversion of phosphoric acid gypsum slurry // Uzbek chemical journal. -2019. – Nr6. - Pp.17-25.
Received: 21.10.2019; Accepted: 21.11.2019; Published: 10.12.2019
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UDK 678.073:661481
D. R. Kenjayev, X. X. To'rayev, 1A. T. Djalilov
Termez State University, Termez, E-mail: hhturaev@rambler.ru
1Tashkent Scientific Research Institute of Chemical Technology, Tashkent
Abstract. Background. Despite the great potential of polymer-composite materials, they differ from other composite materials in their manufacturability, manufacturing process, molding, heat treatment, formation of compounds and coatings. The most promising materials for polymer composite materials are metals.
Purpose. To solve this problem, it became necessary to develop and obtain polymer-composite materials based on metal oxalates using local raw materials from industrial waste as a raw material base with a combination of valuable and useful properties.
Methodology. To obtain copper, magnesium and aluminum oxalate, 200 ml of 0.2 M acetate of copper, magnesium and aluminum and 100 ml of 0.5 M of oxalic acid were drained with vigorous stirring.
Originality. Modification of polymer-composite materials with oxalic acid salts has been studied, which introduces particles of oxalic acid salts into polyethylene can improve the whole range of physicomechanical properties of the developed polymer matrix composites.
Findings. A number of nanofilled PEVDONP samples were obtained and studied, where, the concentration of the nanofiller varied from 0.1 to 2 parts by weight. An increase in the filler concentration leads to a decrease in the melt flow rate (MFR) and the difficulty in processing the molten thermoplastics in the final product. Assessment of the rheological properties of nanofilled composites was carried out by the yield strength of the melt (MFR).
Keywords: magnesium, aluminum and copper oxalates, plasticizer, flame retardant, nanoparticles, nanofiller, nanocomposite, low density polyethylene.
* nanosized particles of oxalic acid salt were used;
* the effect of additives on the properties of high-pressure polyethylene was investigated.
1. V.I. Ryabova, G.V. Sapozhnikov, I.N. Shabanova, N.S. Terebova Rentgenoelektronnoye issledovaniye nanostruktur v modifitsirovannykh chugunakh i stalyakh// Izvestiya akademii RAN, ser.Fizicheskaya, 2011, t.75, Nr 8, S.1126-1129.
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3. A.S.Zharkov, Ye.A.Petrov, Ye.S.Anan'yeva // Fundamental'nyye problemy sovremennogo materialovedeniya. – 2013. – T. 10, Nr 3. – S. 430–436.
4. Mikhaylov M.D. Khimicheskiye metody polucheniya nanochastits i nanomaterialov / M.D. Mikhaylov. – SPb.: Izd-vo Politekhn. un-ta, 2012. – 259s.
5. Opredeleniye razmerov nanochastits metodami rentgenovskoy difraktsii / G.A. Dorofeyev, A.N. Streletskiy, I.V. Povstugar i dr. // Kolloidnyy zhurnal. – 2012. – T. 74. – Nr 6. – S. 710.
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12. Lyamina G.V., Kachayev A.A., Bozhko I. A., Godymchuk A. YU., Voronova G.A., Panina (Son) A.A., Bikbayeva Z.G. Poroshki dlya izgotovleniya keramiki: Uchebnoye posobiye. - Tomsk: TPU, 2014-176 s. [1197011-2014]
To cite this article: D. R. Kenjayev, X. X. To'rayev, A. T. Djalilov. Properties of polymer composition materials modified by oxalic acid salts // Uzbek chemical journal. -2019. – Nr6. - Pp.25-31.
Received: 24.10.2019; Accepted: 20.11.2019; Published: 10.12.2019
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UDC 666.321 + 548.3
2A. M. Eminov, 1Z. R. Kadirova, 1Y. K. Zhumanov
1Uzbekistan Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Tashkent M. Ulugbek 77a, E-mail: kad.zulayho@mail.ru
2COLOGICAL CASE. Committee on Mineral Resources, Tashkent, T. Shevchenko 11a, E-mail: gpniimr@mail.ru
Abstract. Background. It is known that in connection with the rapid population growth of the planet, the production of ceramic products for the home based on innovative technologies is associated with the search and use of the perspective needs of people for ceramic products, which are one of the most important tasks of our time.In particular, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive and in-depth study of the physicochemical properties of mineral raw materials and to produce ceramic products that meet current regulatory requirements on the basis of promising deposits with an integrated infrastructure.
Purpose. The purpose of this study is to determine the suitability of ceramic products for the production of kaolin clay of Altıntau and Zakhkuduk in the Navoi region.
Methodology. Scientific research uses traditional methods of physicochemical, including chemical and X-ray diffraction analysis, as well as ceramic technology.
Originality. The high-temperature physicochemical processes occurring during the firing of ceramic masses from kaolin clays of the Altıntau and Zakhkuduk deposits were studied for the first time.
Findings. High-temperature physicochemical processes, phase transitions in kaolin raw materials of the Altyntau and Zakhkuduk deposits, and their possibilities of using and beneficiating to obtain low-temperature ceramic masses were studied.
Keywords: Altyntau, Zakhkuduk, kaolin, mineralogical composition, mullit, anorthite, sillimanite, cristobalite, enrichment, firing, sintering.
* properties of kaolin clays in the deposits of Altıntau and Zakhkuduk were studied;
* enrichment methods of Altıntau and Zakhkuduk kaolin clays were selected.
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To cite this article: A. M. Eminov, Z. R. Kadirova, Y. K. Zhumanov. Study of physical and chemical properties perspective kaolin deposits of Navoi division // Uzbek chemical journal. -2019. – Nr6. - Pp.31-37.
Received: 16.09.2019; Accepted: 18.10.2019; Published: 10.12.2019
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UDK 547.458.88 + 577.114
M. R. SHamuratova, B. E. Sultanov, SH. S. Namazov, R. Radjabov
1Uzbekistan Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Tashkent M. Ulugbek 77a
Abstract. Background. Single concentrated phosphorus fertilizers containing an assimilable form of calcium are a promising fertilizer for all types of plants. Calcium-containing phosphate fertilizers are practically not produced in Uzbekistan, with the exception of simple superphosphate. Fertilizer precipitate, which can be produced from phosphate waste of thermal enrichment of phosphates of the Central Kyzylkum (CK) and hydrochloric acid can make up for these shortcomings and expand the range of mineral fertilizers.
Purpose. Obtaining a fertilizer precipitate from phosphorites of the Central Kyzylkum and hydrochloric acid with the release of insoluble residue and study the effect of the quantity and temperature of wash water on the quality parameters of fertilizer precipitates.
Methodology. The norm of hydrochloric acid was taken 100% of stoichiometry on Cao in the feedstock. After decomposition, the insoluble precipitate was separated from the resulting suspension by filtration. To precipitate P2O5 as CаНРО4, a 20% suspension solution of Ca(OH)2 was used as a neutralizing agent. Her rate was 100%. The precipitate from the chloride-phosphate suspension was also separated by filtration.
Originality. For the first time, the preparation of concentrated phosphorus-containing fertilizers with the release of an insoluble residue from phosphate waste of thermal enrichment of phosphorites of the Central Kyzylkum was shown. The effect of the quantity and temperature of water on the quality parameters of fertilizer precipitates was shown.
Findings. The optimal amount and temperature of the wash water were determined, where samples of fertilizer precipitates with the highest content of P2O5 and the lowest content of calcium chloride were obtained. The ratio MM : H2O = 1.0:1.5; 1.0:2.0 and the wash water temperature 80-90oC are optimal. In this case, a fertilizer precipitate of the following composition was obtained: P2O5total. – 34.02-34.72%; P2O5assi. by citric acid - 30.21-30.89%; CаОtotal – 35.55-35.86%; CаОassi. by citric acid – 32.07- 32.28%; Р2О5water= 1.76-2.53%; CаОwater – 1.69-2.14%; Cl-1.07-1.55% and the degree of washing from CaCl2 – 97.12-97.72%.
Keywords: fertilizer precipitate, degree of washing, quality parameters, temperature of washing water, insoluble residue, mineralized mass, neutralization.
* received fertilizer based on mineralized mass;
* stydied the effect of the amount and temperature of wash water.
1. Sultonov B.E., Namazov SH.S., Zakirov B.S. Solyanokislotnoye polucheniye pretsipitata na osnove mineralizovannoy massy iz fosforitov Tsentral'nykh Kyzylkumov // Gornyy vestnik Uzbekistana, Nauchno-tekhnicheskiy i proizvodstvennyy zhurnal. - Navoi. – 2015. - No1. - S.99-101.
2. Sultonov B.E., Namazov SH.S., Reymov A.M., Popova O.I. Polucheniye pretsipitata iz mineralizovannoy massy // KHIII- Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya «Nauchnyy poisk v sovremennom mire», sbornik materialov. – Makhachkala. 2016. - S. 29-32.
3. Sultonov B.E., A.M. Reymov, SH.S. Namazov, B.S. Zakirov. Vliyaniye nekotorykh tekhnologicheskikh parametrov na protsess pretsipitirovaniya solyanokislotnoy vytyazhki fosfatov // Uzb.khim.zhurn. – 2016. - No2. - S.67-70.
4. Sultonov B.E., Seytnazarov A.R., Namazov SH.S., Reymov A.M. Solyanokislotnaya pererabotka vysokokarbonatnoy fosforitovoy muki Tsentral'nykh Kyzylkumov na udobritel'nyy pretsipitat // Khimicheskaya promyshlennost'. Sankt-Peterburg. – 2015. - No4. - S.163-168.
5. Sultonov B.E., Shamuratova M.R., Namazov SH.S., Kaymakova D.A. Polucheniye pretsipitata na osnove mytogo obozhzhennogo fosforitovogo kontsentrata // Universum: Tekhnicheskiye nauki. Vypusk 7(40), iyul'. – Moskva. - 2017. - S.30-36.
6. Shamuratova M.R., SultanovB.E., Namazov Sh.S. The influence of some technological parameters on the process of precipitinogen the hydrochloric acid extraction of phosphates // Chemical Science International Journal 25(2): 1-6 2018; Article no.CSIJ.45393. ISSN: 2476-706X (Past name: American Chemical Science Journal. Past ISSN: 2249-0205). 2018
7. Sultonov B.E., Namazov SH.S., Popova O.I., Reymov A.M. Izucheniye protsessa polucheniya pretsipitata iz fosforitov Tsentral'nykh Kyzylkumov // KH- Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya «Novyy poisk v sovremennom mire», sbornik materialov. Makhachkala. 2015.S.23-26.
8. Sultonov B.E., Namazov SH.S., Popova O.I. O vozmozhnosti polucheniya pretsipitata iz khimicheski obogashchennogo fosforitovogo kontsentrata. // KH- Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya «Perspektivy razvitiya nauchnykh issledovaniy v 21 veke», sbornik materialov. Makhachkala. 2016. S.27-28.
9. Shamuratova M.R., Sultonov B.S., Namazov SH.S. Vliyaniye prirody osaditeley na kachestvo udobritel'nogo pretsipitata iz mineralizovannoy massy fosforitov Tsentral'nykh Kyzylkumov. // Respublikanskaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya “Qoraqalpoġiston Respublikasida kimo, kimoviy tekhnologiya, neft-gaz va yengil sanoat soҳalari rivozhining dolzarb muammolari” sbornik materialov. – 2019. 24 maya. –S.279-281.
10. M.R. Shamuratova, B.E. Sultonov, SH.S. Namazov, R. Radzhabov. Vliyaniye kolichestva i temperatury promyvnoy vody na kachestvo pretsipitatov, poluchennykh na osnove mineralizovannoy massy i solyanoy kisloty // Kompozitsionnyye materialy. Nauchno-tekhnicheskiy i proizvodstvennyy zhurnal. - Tashkent. 2019. - №1. -S.75-78.
11. Rabinovich V.A., Khavin Z.YA. Kratkiy khimicheskiy spravochnik. - Leningrad: Izdatel'stvo «Khimiya». 3-ye izd. pererab. i dop. 1991. - 432 s.
To cite this article: M. R. SHamuratova, B. E. Sultanov, SH. S. Namazov, R. Radjabov. Fertilizer precipitate based on mineralized mass of Central Kyzylkum phosphorites with isolation of an insoluble residuel // Uzbek chemical journal. -2019. – Nr6. - Pp.37-43.
Received: 29.11.2019; Accepted: 09.12.2019; Published: 10.12.2019
* * *
UDK 547.458.88 + 577.114
1M. M. Nurmatova, 2S. Sh. Rashidova
1Fergana State University, 150100, Fergana, st.Murrabiylar 19, e-mail: nurmatova74@mail.ru
2Institute of polymer chemistry and physics, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent,E-mail: polymer@academy.uz
Abstract. Background. At present, the main scientific achievements of research on the interaction of natural biopolymers, of plant origin, in particular pectin substances with unique practical, physicochemical properties, structural features, biological activity, of course, occupy a special place in the development of the chemistry of high-molecular compounds (HMC). In this regard, within the framework of this work, the structural characteristics of polygalacturonic acid (PGA) complexes isolated from lemon pectin of the «Yalalong» variety with d-metal ions are presented and the electronic characteristics of their molecular models are calculated using the quantum-chemical method.
Purpose. Synthesis of polymer metal complexes of galacturonic acid with the identification of characteristic absorption bands when interacting with metals and reactive functional groups under given conditions, and calculating the energy of their molecular models.
Methodology. Physicochemical research methods, IR spectroscopy, semi-empirical quantum chemical method PM3 and molecular dynamics method were used in the work.
Originality. By isolating galacturonic acid (GA) from pectin obtained from local raw materials of the «Yalangach» lemon, a synthesis was carried out for the first time to obtain complexes with metal ions, whose products were identified using IR spectroscopy, and graphs of energy and electronic characteristics were plotted links in the macromolecular chain polymer metal complexes.
Findings. Biologically active, natural, environmentally safe, non-toxic samples of PMK HL with Cu2 + ions were obtained and their structural feature was proved, and graphs of changes in the energy and electronic characteristics of the number of monomer units in the macromolecular chain were plotted. Computer models of polygalacturonic acid were obtained, nucleophilic and electrophilic attack centers, donor-acceptor groups and electronic structure were determined.
Keywords: galacturonic acid, metals, polymer-metal complexes, IR spectroscopy, molecular models.
* samples of complexes of galacturonic acid with Cu2+ ions synthesized;
* they have their own biological activity and structural feature;
* revealed reactive functional groups in the given conditions.
1. Kondratenko V.V., Kondratenko T.Y. Peculiarity of Cation Sorption by Pectin // The First North and East European Congress on Food NEEFood - 2012: Book of Abstract. - St. Petersburg, 2012. - P. 31-32.
2. Vincken J.-P., Schols H.A., Oomen R.J. et al. If Homogalacturonan Were a Side Chain of Rhamnogalacturonan I. mplications for Cell Wall Architecture // Plant Physiology. - 2003. - V. 132. - P. 1781-1789.
3. Dobrynin A.V., Rubinstein M. Theory of polyelectrolytes in solutions and surfaces// Prog. Polym. Sci. 2005.V.30. - P.1049-1118.
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7. Novoselskaya I.L. Trends in the Science and Applications of Pectins // Chem Nat. Comp. - 2002. - 36. - P. 1-10.
8. Yeoh S., Shi J. and Langrish T. Comparison between different techniques for water based extcaction of pectins from orange peels // Desalination. – 2008. - 218. - P.229-237.
9. Marshal C. and Chow K. Pectin extcaction from Pectin and sugar beets // Agric Res., - 2007. -2. - P.16-17.
10. Joye D.D. and Luzio G.A. Process for selective extcaction of pectins jrom plant material by differential pH // Carbohydrate Polym. – 2000. - 43 (4). - P. 337-342.
11. Liua L., Fishmana M.L. Pectin-based system for colon-specific drug delivery via oral route // Biomaterials, - 2003. - 24. - P. 3333-3334.
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To cite this article: M. M. Nurmatova, S. Sh. Rashidova. Structural characteristics of polygalacturic acid complexes with d-metal ions and calculation of electronic characteristics of their molecular models // Uzbek chemical journal. -2019. – Nr6. - Pp.44-50.
Received: 18.05.2019; Accepted: 31.10.2019; Published: 10.12.2019
* * *
UDC: 547.962.9-
D. B. Sadikova, A. F. Reyimov, S. SH. Alimkhanova, А. S. Rafikov
Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry e-mail: asrafikov@mail.ru
Abstract. Background. In recent years, the field of use of complex compounds of polymers with metal ions is expanding, due to the unique and multifunctional properties of such coordination compounds. Organometallic compounds usually have a crystalline structure, are used in medicine, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, in various fields of chemical and textile industries. Protein substances containing several heteroatoms at once (nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur) are very prone to the formation of coordination complexes with very many metal ions. If fibroin and sericin of natural silk have been repeatedly considered as components of organometallic compounds, then tissue collagen and wool keratin remain poorly understood objects. Collagen is the most common polymer of living tissues; methods for isolating it from animal skin have been developed. Color complexes of collagen with metal ions can be a valuable raw material for the production of colored polymer materials.
Purpose. Obtaining and studying the properties of coordination compounds of collagen with various metal ions - as potential dyes of textile fabrics and products.
Methodology. Interaction with electron transfer in solutions, spectrophotometry, gravimetry, refractometry, viscometry, titrimetry, optical microscopy.
Originality. The complexation of collagen with metal ions in solution, the nature of the chromophore groups of complex compounds, the dependence of some properties of the collagen solution and complexes on the nature of the metal ion and the ratio of the components are established.
Findings. Coordination complexes of Fe2+, Co2+, Cr3+, Ni2+, Mg2+ ions with a natural polymer - collagen in water, at room temperature were obtained. Precipitating complexes from a solution in ethanol, isolated in the form of crystals. The dependence of the complex yield on the nature of the ion, the complex color on the structure and degree of dispersion, the chromophore groups of the complexes according to UV spectroscopy, and the solubility of the complex in various solvents are determined.
Keywords: metal ions, collagen, coordination complex, properties.
* received complex compounds of metal ions with a protein macromolecule;
* collagen complexes with Fe2+, Co2+, Cr3+, Ni2+, Mg2+ ions are isolated in the form of crystals;
* the color of the complexes is determined by the nature of the metal ion, the state, structure and dispersion of the crystals.
1. Afkhami F.A., Mahmoudi G., Khandar A.A., White J.M., Maniukiewicz W.Design and construction of Zn(II) coordination polymers made by pincer type pyridine-hydrazine based ligands // Journal of Molecular Structure, Volume 1197, 2019, Pages 555-563.
2. Tang S.-Y., Qiu Y.-R. Selective separation and recovery of heavy metals from electroplating effluent using shear-induced dissociation coupling with ultrafiltration //Chemosphere. Volume 236, 2019, Nomer stati 124330.
3. Tang S.-Y., Qiu Y.-R. Removal of copper(II) ions from aqueous solutions by complexation–ultrafiltration using rotating disk membrane and the shear stability of PAA–Cu complex // Chemical Engineering Research and Design, Volume 136, 2018, Pages 712-720.
4. Crini G., Morin-Crini N., Fatin-Rouge N., Déon S., Fievet P. Metal removal from aqueous media by polymer-assisted ultrafiltration with chitosan // Arabian Journal of Chemistry, Volume 10, 2017, Pages S3826-S3839.
5. Lai J.-C., Jia X.-Y., Wang D.-P., Deng Y.-B., Zheng P., Li C.-H., Zuo J.-L., Bao Z. Thermodynamically stable whilst kinetically labile coordination bonds lead to strong and tough self-healing polymers // Nature Communications, Volume 10, Issue 1, 2019, Nomer stati 1164.
6. Parnell C.M., Chhetri B.P., Mitchell T.B., Watanabe F., Kannarpady G., RanguMagar A.B., Zhou, H., Alghazali K.M., Biris A.S., GhoshA.Simultaneous Electrochemical Deposition of Cobalt Complex and Poly(pyrrole) Thin Films for Supercapacitor Electrodes //Scientific Reports, Volume 9, Issue 1, 2019, Nomer stati 5650.
7. Tia, H., Yuan L., Wang J., Wu H., Wang H., Xiang A., Ashok B., RajuluA.V.Electrospinning of polyvinyl alcohol into crosslinkednanofibers: An approach to fabricate functional adsorbent for heavy metals // Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2019, Nomer stati 120751
8. Jasmin Shah, Jan M.R., Anjum. Selective Solid Phase Extraction of Copper from Different Samples using Copper Ion-Imprinted Polymer // Journal of Analytical Chemistry, Volume 73, Issue 12, 2018, Pages 1146-1153.
9. Martins G.B., Dos Santos M.R., Rodrigues M.V.R., Sucupira R.R., Meneghetti L., Monteiro A.L., Suarez P.A.Z. Cellulose oxidation and the use of carboxyl cellulose metal complexes in heterogeneous catalytic systems to promote suzuki-miyaura coupling and C−O bond formation reaction // Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society Otkritiy dostup Volume 28, Issue 11, November 2017, Pages 2064-2072.
10. Basu Baul T.S., Chaurasiya A., Lyčka A., Rojas-León I., Höpfl H. Molecular aggregations of bicyclodioxazastannone produced from multicomponent reactions involving functionalized 2-hydroxybenzaldehydes, α- or β-amino acids and a dimethyltin precursor // Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, Volume 898, 2019, Nomer stati 120859.
11. Ekaterina K., Irina A., Denis S., Vladimir F. Syntheses, crystal structures and physico-chemical properties of supramolecular assemblies based on cucurbit[6]uril and mono- and polynuclear bismuth(III) and mercury(II) halides //Journal of Molecular Structure, Volume 1193, 2019, Pages 357-364.
12. Abou-Dobara M.I., Omar N.F., Diab M.A., El-Sonbati A.Z., Morgan S.M., Salem O.L., Eldesoky A.M. Polymer complexes. LXXV. Characterization of quinoline polymer complexes as potential bio-active and anti-corrosion agents // Materials Science and Engineering C, Volume 103, 2019, Nomer stati 109727.
13. Takjoo R., Centore R., Hayatolgheibi S.S. Mixed ligand complexes of cadmium(II) and copper(II) dithiocarbazate: Synthesis, spectral characterization, X-ray crystal structure // InorganicaChimicaActa, Volume 471, 2018, Pages 587-594.
14. García-Terán J.P., Beobide G., Castillo O., Cepeda J., Luque A., Pérez-Yáñez S., RománP.Supra molecular architectures of metal-oxalato coordination polymers bearing N-tethered adenine nucleobases // Polyhedron, Volume 171, 2019, Pages 53-64.
15. Tabbì G., Magrì A., Rizzarelli E. The copper(II) binding centres of carbonic anhydrase are differently affected by reductants that ensure the redox intracellular environment //Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, Volume 199, 2019, Nomer stati 110759.
16. Sharma S., Mittal D., Verma A.K., Roy I. Copper-Gallic Acid Nanoscale Metal-Organic Framework for Combined Drug Delivery and Photodynamic Therapy // ACS Applied Bio Materials, Volume 2, Issue 5, 2019, Pages 2092-2101.
17. Chai Z., Wang Y., Chen S., Chen H., Yang H., Guo X., Wu F. Photochemical properties of metalloporphyrin-silver nanoparticle stabilized by polymeric micelle // Journal of Polymer Research, Volume 26, Issue 3, 2019, Nomer stati 67.
18. Olkhov A., Lobanov A., Staroverova O., Tyubaeva P., Zykova A., Pantyukhov P, Popov A., Iordanskii A. Fibrous materials on polyhydroxybutyrate and ferric iron (III)-based porphyrins basis: Physical-chemical and antibacterial properties // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 175, Issue 1, 2017. International Conference on Competitive Materials and Technology Processes, IC-CMTP 2016; Miskolc-Lillafured; Hungary; October 2016.
19. Zhao X., Song W., Chen Y., Liu S., RenL.Collagen-based materials combined with microRNA for repairing cornea wounds and inhibiting scar formation // Biomaterials Science, Volume 7, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 51-62.
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To cite this article: D. B. Sadikova, A. F. Reyimov, S. SH. Alimkhanova, А. S. Rafikov. Production and properties of metallocomplexes of collagen with ions Fe2+, Co2+, Cr3+, Ni2+, Mg2+ // Uzbek chemical journal. -2019. – Nr6. - Pp.50-59.
Received: 29.08.2019; Accepted: 11.10.2019; Published: 10.12.2019
* * *
UDC 547.362.356-547.915
A. G. Makhsumov, B. M. Ismailov, G. M. Absalyamova, 1M. A. Mirzaahmedova
1IONH AN RU, Tashkent, Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Tashkent city, E-mail: boburbek.89@mail.ru
Abstract. Background. Organic isothiocyanates as reactive compounds are widely used and are intermediate reagents in the synthesis of various organic compounds. Isothiocyanates containing a triple bond in the molecule are of interest as an independent monomer reagent. There is almost no information in the literature on the synthesis of isothiocyanate or isocyanate derivatives of acetylene compounds.
Purpose. Studying the process of obtaining 1-PE isothiocyanate and its chemical activity.
Methodology. 1- bromo-propargyl ether of o-, m-, p-nitro-substituted phenol, rhodanidi-sodium, alcohol, dimethylamine, DMF, diethylamine, abs. CH3OH, sodium methylate, methyl iodide, NaNO2, calcium hypochlorite, as well as methods of elemental analysis and IR spectroscopy.
Originality. For the first time, a derivative of 1-isothiocyanate and 1-thiocyanate of PE substituted phenol and its various chemical reactions were synthesized in fairly high yields, as well as its manifestation of biological activity.
Findings. A mixture of isomeric products was synthesized, mainly 1-PE isothiocyanates, as well as a small amount of 1-thiocyanate PE. It was established that there are two characteristic -C≡C-N = C = S groups related to stretching vibrations in the region of 2080–2090 cm-1 ; and in the region, stretching vibrations of -C≡C-S-C≡N groups of 2145-2175 cm-1. Weak in the region of 2220-2235 cm-1 for disubstituted-C≡C bonds. Also studied 13С-NMR and PMR spectra of reaction products, there are two characteristic 13С-signals δ = 135.5 ppm. (-N = C = S), and 109 ppm. for (-S-C≡N) groups. The reactivity of the -C≡C-N = C = S groups was studied by the reaction of nucleophilic addition with aliphatic secondary amines to obtain thiourea derivatives with yields from 87 to 95%. Next, the chemical behavior of thiourea derivatives in N-H groups was studied: the reactions of N-metallation, alkylation, chlorination and nitrosation. Physicochemical parameters are given and structures are established by elemental analysis data and IR spectroscopy methods. The growth-promoting activity of the drug (VII) was studied on the farm of S. Agzamov in the Kasbinsky district of the Kashkadarya region.
Keywords: propargyl ether 1-isothiocyanate of nitro-substituted phenol, 1-thiocyanate-, N-diethylamino, thiourea, N-sodium, N-chlorine, N-nitroso-, growth-promoting activity.
* derivatives of 1-isothiocyanate-, 1-thiocyanate are systematically synthesized and studied;
* thiourea derivatives of PE substituted phenols obtained
* growth-promoting activity in the field.
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3. Makhsumov A.G., Baltabayev U.A., Vapayev A.V., Umarov YA.A., Tadzhibayev U. Izotiotsianatpropinil-3-ovyy efir geksadiyen-2,4-karbonovyy kisloty, proyavlyayushchiy bakteritsidnuyu aktivnost' // Avtors.sv-va Nr 681778 ot 28.04.1979g.
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16. Nurkenov O.A., Aynabayev A.A., Kulakov I.V., Dzhandigulov A.R. Sintez i vnutrimolekulyarnaya geterotsiklizatsiya tiomochevinnykh proizvodnykh alkaloidov // Khimicheskiy zhurnal Kazakhstana. -Almaty. -2007. -Spets. vyp. Nr 16.- S.251-255.
To cite this article: A. G. Makhsumov, B. M. Ismailov, G. M. Absalyamova, M. A. Mirzaahmedova. Acetylene isothyocianates: synthesis, properties and their biological activity // Uzbek chemical journal. -2019. – Nr6. - Pp.59-70.
Received: 10.06.2019; Accepted: 11.11.2019; Published: 10.12.2019
* * *
UDC 547.313.2 + 662.753.12
K. l. Tarayan
E-mail: tkl_uz_2816@mail.ru
Abstract. Background. Polyolefins produced in the Republic of Uzbekistan polyethylene and polypropylene today do not meet the increased requirements, both in terms of physicochemical, thermophysical, dielectric and other properties. Therefore, the search for technical solutions aimed at obtaining polyolefins with improved physicochemical, thermophysical, physico-mechanical and other properties is a very urgent task.
Purpose: to study the possibilities and methods for producing polyolefins with improved physicochemical, thermophysical, physicomechanical properties.
Methodology. By carrying out dimerization and codimerization reactions, pentene-1, 4-methylpentene-1 and 3-ethylpentene-1 monomers were obtained, from which polyolefins with high technological properties were further obtained by polymerization and copolymerization.
Originality. The obtained polymer is poly-4-methylpentene-1, the copolymer is templen with a light transmission of more than 90%, a density of 0.83, transparent films with good dielectric properties and a melting point of more than 2000 ° C.
Findings. A process technology has been developed for the preparation of pentene-1, 4-methylpentene-1, 3-ethylpentene-1 monomers. A rational composition of an alkali metal catalyst was found. The new generation polyolefins were obtained: polymers and copolymers based on the above monomers. The resulting polyolefins have a relatively high melting point, low density and other valuable physico-mechanical, dielectric and heat-insulating properties.
Keywords: мonomers, polymers, ethylene, propylene, olefins, polyolefins, copolymers, gas chemical complexes, dimerization, codimerization, catalyst.
* a technology has been developed for the production of monomers from ethylene and propylene: pentene-1, 4-methylpentene-1, 3-ethylpentene-1;
* obtained polymers and copolymers of a new generation with improved properties.
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To cite this article: K. l. Tarayan. New polyolefins - templen, TPX // Uzbek chemical journal. -2019. – Nr6. - Pp.70-76.
Received: 24.06.2019; Accepted: 01.11.2019; Published: 10.12.2019
* * *
УДК 541. 669: 615.01
A. V. Filatov, A. S. Turaev, D. T. Djurabaev
Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, e-mail: ibchem@uzsci.net
Abstract. Background. The widespread use of physical diagnostic methods in medical practice requires the creation of new products to increase the reliability of the methods used. In particular, when ultrasound diagnostics it is necessary to use gel media that ensure reliable contact between the sensor of the device and the patient's body.
Purpose: to develop a technology for obtaining a contact medium for ultrasound in the form of a gel.
Methodology. The rheological properties of the drug were studied by the rheological method: by studying the dependence of the strain rate on shear stress.
The hydrogen index was determined in solution with a gel mass fraction of 1.0% in accordance with the requirements of GOST 29188.2, potentiometrically at a temperature of 25 ° C. Appearance, color and smell were determined in accordance with the requirements of GOST 29188.0., The mass fraction of water and volatile substances - in accordance with the requirements of GOST 29188.4.
Originality. For the first time, a technology has been developed for obtaining a contact medium for ultrasonic sounding that does not differ in its operational characteristics from world analogues.
Findings. As a result of the research, a technology has been developed to produce a gel for ultrasound, a technological and instrumental production scheme, a NTD has been developed for a gel for ultrasonic scanning "Polygel Ultra".
Keywords: gel, ultrasound, rheology, technology, contact environment
* contact environment for ultrasound is developed, which meets all the requirements;
* a production line has been built and a pilot batch of this medical device has been produced.
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To cite this article: A. V. Filatov, A. S. Turaev, D. T. Djurabaev. Development of technology for gel for ultrasound diagnostic ultra gel // Uzbek chemical journal. -2019. – Nr6. - Pp.76-82.
Received: 05.08.2019; Accepted: 04.11.2019; Published: 10.12.2019
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UDK 543.24:546.732
A.М. Abdunabiyev, А. I. Ismailov, U. М. Мirzayev, R. I. Ismailov
Tashkent State Technical University, e-mail: i.ravshan1972@mail.ru
Abstract. Background. Metals are necessary for plants to perform vital functions and their inclusion in polymers intended for crop production seems promising. The study of polymer-metal complexes (MPC) is of undoubted interest from the point of view of creating new biologically active polymers. Knowledge of the laws and features of the interaction of metals with macromolecular compounds will allow a deeper understanding of the mechanism of action of these compounds. The determination of metal ions in the composition of polymer metal complexes was previously carried out by elemental analysis.
Purpose: to determine cobalt ions in the presence of xylene orange in cobalt-containing copolymers based on vinylcaprolactam and vinylpyrrolidone with crotonaldehyde.
Methodology. The content of cobalt ions in the metal complex was determined on a device of the brand "KFK". Potentiometric titration was carried out on a potentiometer "Universal ionomer EV-74." Spectra in the visible region (200-750 nm) of copolymer solutions and complex compounds were recorded on an SF-26 spectrophotometer.
Originality. A new method has been developed for determining cobalt and applying it to the analysis of copolymers based on vinylcaprolactam with crotonic aldehyde and vinylpyrrolidone with crotonic aldehyde containing from 1.19 to 12.57% cobalt.
Findings. The effect of macroligands of vinylcaprolactam with crotonic aldehyde and vinylpyrrolidone with crotonic aldehyde on the determination of cobalt ions in the presence of xylenol orange was studied. It was shown that with a 1000-fold excess (in moles), the high molecular weight base of the copolymers of vinylcaprolactam with crotonic aldehyde and vinylpyrrolidone with crotonic aldehyde does not interfere.
Keywords: macroligand, polymer metal complexes, metalchromic indicators, xylenol orange, disodium salt of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid.
* а new method for determining cobalt has been developed;
* the effect of macroligands on the determination of cobalt ions was studied.
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To cite this article: A.М. Abdunabiyev, А. I. Ismailov, U. М. Мirzayev, R. I. Ismailov. Quantitative determination of cobalt in vinylacetate copolymers with crotonic aldehyde // Uzbek chemical journal. -2019. – Nr6. - Pp.83-88.
Received: 26.06.2019; Accepted: 21.10.2019; Published: 10.12.2019
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