Uzbek Chemical Journal




UDC: 678.762:2-134.622:2

А. S. Raphikov, D. О. Abdusamatova, А.Т. Ibragimov, B. Sh. Ibodullaev


Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry, e-mail:

Abstract. Background. The copolymerization of monomer thermoplastic polymer with rubber allows you to synthesize thermoplastic elastomers or thermoplastic elastomers (TPE), combining the properties of elastomers during operation, and thermoplastics in the processing. The composition, structure and properties of such polymers are inextricably linked with the method and laws of their preparation.

Purpose. Determination of kinetic orders of the synthesis reactions rubber copolymers with acrylic monomers and the activation energy of polymerization.

Methodology. Copolymers of isoprene (SKI), styrene butadiene (SKS-30). butadiene-nitrile (SKN-26 and SKN-40) rubbers with n-butylmethacrylate at temperature 60-70 °C in the homogeneous phase in a solution of xylene, in the presence of dynyryl ester of anhydrohydrogen, anohydroacetate, anhydroxydihydroacetate, anhydroxydihydrociphenyl, anhydroxydihydro crystalline, anhydroxymethanol the initiator were synthesized. The copolymer was precipitated in ethanol, freed from non-grafted polybutylmethacrylate by extraction with acetone.

Originality. The reaction’s order of monomer and initiator, the activation energy of the process for each rubber from their values were determined. Basing on them the impact of structure of the rubber on copolymer’s formation process is detected.

Findings. The order of the reaction differs from the monomer values adopted for radical polymerization increases from 1.25 to 1.55 at the transition from the SKI to SKN-40. The presence of nitrile groups in the macromolecules SKN leads to an overestimate of the reaction order of monomer and initiator. The activation energy of the copolymerization process is reduced in a raw of rubbers SKS> SKI> SKN-26> SKN-40.

Keywords: thermoplastic elastomer, rubber, butyl methacrylate, reaction mode, activation energy.


* the order of the monomer is higher (1.25-1.55) than the reaction’s order at homopolymerization;

* the nitrile group SKN involved in the formation of active centers;

* the activation energy of graft copolymerization is 56-87 kJ / mol.


1. Alanalp Mine Begum, Durmus Ali. Quantifuing microstructural, thermo, mechanical and solid-state viscoelastic properties of polyolefin blend type thermoplastic elastomer compounds // Polymer. -2018. -V.142. -P.267-276.

2. Schroedner Mario, Pflug Guenther. Magnetomechanical properties of composites and fibers made from thermoplastic elastomers (TPE) and carbonyl iron powder // Journal of Magnetism and magnetic materials. -2018. -V.454. -P.258-263.  

3. Arrigo Rossella, Dintcheva Nadka Tzankova, Tarantino Giuseppe. An insight into the interaction between functionalized thermoplastic elastomer and layered double hydroxides through rheological investigations // Composites Part B-engineering. -2018. -V.139. -P.47-54.

4. Uluchshenie elektromehanicheskih svoystv termoplastichnih poliuretanovih dielektricheskih elastomerov sinergicheskim effektom polietilenglikolya i chastichno vosstanovlennogo oksida grafena / Nin Nening, Li shantsin, Solntse Haybin i dr. // Kompoziti nauki i tehnologii. -2017. -Тоm:142. -S.311-320.

5. Podgotovka i svoystva  polipropilenovih / termoplastichnih poliefirnih elastomernih smesey / Kim Yong Gon, Kim Eunseon, Choy Tszin Kyu i dr. // Polimer-Koreya. -2017. -Tom 41. -Vip.3. -S.514-523.

6. Harakterizatsiya kristallicheskoy fazi tverdogo segmenta poliefir-blok-amida (PEBAX (R)) termoplastichnih elastomerov v prisutstvii sverhkriticheskogo СО2 i ego vozdeystviya na peni / Barzegari Mohamad Reza, Hossien Nemat, Djahani Davud i dr. // Polimer. -2017. -Тоm:114. -S.15-27.

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8. Foto i biorazlagaemie termoplastichnie elastomeri: obedenenie polibutadiena, soderjashego keton, s polilaktitom s ispolzovaniem polimerizatsii s otkritiem koltsa i polimerizatsiey s metallicheskim tsiklom / Arrington Kayl Dj., Vo Djon B., Radzinskiy Skott S. i dr. // Makromolekuli. -2017. -Тоm: 50. -Vip.11. -S.4180-4187.

9. Bezmaslyanie polimernie nanokompozitnie termoplastichnie elastomeri / Huan Yuchen, Chjen Yan, Sarkar Amrita i dr. // Makromolekuli. -2017. -Тоm:50. -Vip.12. -S.4742-4753.

10. Abadi A. Rahmani Naim, Movayd S. Ostad. Vliyanie sistemi otverjdeniya svoystva termoplastichnih elastomernih penoplastov sopolimera etilena i vinilatsetata i stirol-butadienovih i etilen-propilen-dienovih monomernih kauchukov. // Jurnal prikladnoy polimernoy nauki. -2017. -Тоm:134. -Vip.39. -Nomer stati: 45357.

11. Vse termoplastichnie elastomeric na osnove akrilovoy kisloti s visokoy verhney ekspluatatsionnoy temperaturoy i prevoshodnimi mehanicheskimi svoystvami / Lu Vey, Van Yanyan, Van Veyyu i dr. // Polimernaya himiya. -2017. -Тоm:8. -Vip.37. -S.5741-5748.

12. Ibragimov A.T., Rafikov A.S. Spektralnie metodi issledovaniya termoplastichnih sopolimerov dlya izgotovleniya obuvnih podoshvennih materialov // Uzbekskiy himicheskiy jurnal. -2018. -No.2. -S.49-56.

13. Ibragimov A.T., Maksudova U.M., Rafikov A.S. Kompozitsionnie polimernie materiali dlya niza obuvi // Kompozitsionnie materiali. -2017. -No.1. -S.22-27.

14. Karimov S.X., Nabiev  N.D., Rafikov A.S. Fiziko-himicheskie svoystva privitih sopolimerov kollagena i fibroina s poliakrilovoy kislotoy // Plasticheskie massi. -2017. -№11-12. -S.5-8.

To cite this article: А. S. Raphikov, D. О. Abdusamatova, А.Т. Ibragimov, B. Sh. Ibodullaev. Kinetic parameters of copolymerization of isoprene, butadiene-styrene and butadiene-nitrile rubbers with butyl-metacrylate // Uzbek chemical journal. -2019. – Nr2. - Pp.3-8.

Received: 11.03.2019; Accepted: 11.04.2019; Published: 16.04.2019


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UDK 661.525.1.

B. B. Turakulov, A. U. Erkaev, B. X. Kucharov, Z. K. Toirov


Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, 1Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry. AS.RUz. E-mail:

Abstract. Background. The conducted analytical review in this area showed that most authors characterize the lime method of obtaining potassium hydroxide as the most secure. The main disadvantage of this method is the low concentration of potassium hydroxide and a significant content of potassium carbonate in the product and the formation of caustic sludge.

Purpose. The aim of this work is to develop an improved technology for the caustification process of the lime process in the production of potassium hydroxide.

Methodology. The caustification process was carried out in an isothermal reactor for 90 minutes. The maximum temperature reaches 95 0С. In the selected sample, the content of OH-, CO2 was determined, the content of calcium ion was determined by the trilonometric method, the ion by the chloroargentometric method using the BAT-15 automatic titration block. The potassium content was determined by flame photometry.

Originality. For the first time with the establishment of optimal technological parameters, the process of obtaining potassium hydroxide by the lime method was studied on the basis of local raw materials - milk of lime and potash, obtained from potassium chloride “Dekhkanabad Potash Plant” OLC.

Findings. Studies have shown that the resulting calcium carbonate is quickly precipitated from the suspension and is easily filtered, which makes it possible to recommend the use of existing standard thickening and filtering systems with a minimum working surface.

Keywords: Potash, milk of lime, calcium carbonate, potassium hydroxide, caustification, sludge, temperature, filtration, settling.


* the effect of lime milk concentration on the filtration rate of the precipitate and filtrate;

* the optimal technological parameters for the production of potassium hydroxide from local raw materials.


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2. B.Turakulov,  B. X.Kucharov, Z.K.Toirov, A.U.Erkayev. Production of potassium hydroxide by caustification. // IX International Scientific and Technical Conference "Achievements, problems and current trends in the development of the mining and metallurgical complex" June 14-16, 2017.-S. 445

3. B.B.Turakulov. Mutual system K2SO4 + Ca (OH) 2 ↔ 2KOH + CaSO4 and its application to the rationale for obtaining potassium hydroxide by the method of caustification.// Conference “Umidli Kimygarlar-2017” of the Republic of Uzbekistan -1 Tom, Tashkent. - 2017- p.-115-116.

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To cite this article: B. B. Turakulov, A. U. Erkaev, B. X. Kucharov, Z. K. Toirov. Investigation of the process of obtaining potassium hydroxide from local raw materials by lime method // Uzbek chemical journal. -2019. – Nr2. - Pp.9-14.

Received: 20.03.2019; Accepted: 12.04.2019; Published: 16.04.2019


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UDK 661.632:661.56

Sh. Yu. Nomozov, 1U. K. Alimov, Sh. S. Namazov, A. R. Seytnazarov, B. M. Beglov


Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry AS RUz, Tashkent, 1Tianjin University of Science and Technology, P.R. China

Abstract. Background. Liquid complex fertilizers (LCF) hold key position as in industry and so in agriculture. NP-fertilizers are an concentrated solution of ammonium phosphates that are necessary for greenhouse economy especially for foliar by drip irrigation.  However, high cost of concentrated LCF can be clarified by application of valuable raw material such as superphosphoric acid or purified orthophosphoric acid, which are absent in Uzbekistan. One of the ways to reduce manufacture of LCF production is to apply Kyzylkum wet process of phosphoric acid (WPA).

Purpose. To get liquid balanced NP-fertilizers based on ammonization WPA (17% Р2О5) by ammonia with addition ammonium nitrate and to investigate their composition and properties (density, viscosity, vapour pressure, conductivity, and degree of clarification).

Methodology. The process of WPA preparation was performed  through gaseous ammonia until pH 4.51 to 6.56. In order to obtain LCF brand N : Р2О5 = 1 : 0.5, 1 : 0.7 and 1 : 1 in ammophos slurry ammonium nitrate was added. In the liquid NP- fertilizers content of nitrogen was determined by Kjeldahl while various forms of phosphorus was evaluated using UV-spectroscopy. Meanwhile, the density was measured with pycnometric, viscosity, kinematic methods, specific conductivity - with conductometric, vapour pressure – with dynamic methods.   Whereas, degree of clarification was studied depending upon the storage time.

Originality.  The novel findings on physicochemical properties of liquid NP-fertilizers were obtained based on low concentrated WPA. It was established that these types of the fertilizers in comparison with standard ones have good rheological properties, homogeneous composition when adding bentonite suspension and low fluidity in a hot conditions.

Findings. It was shown that depending on pH value and weight ratio of N : Р2О5 in liquid NР-fertilizers, content of N varied in a range from 12.55 to 19.20%, Р2О5total. from 9.22 to 13.07%. In them there  is a high indicator of Р2О5water : Р2О5total equal to 91.37-94.31%. Increasing рН from 4.51 to 6.56 leads to raise of both density and viscosity of the slurry but weight ratio of N : Р2О5 from 1 : 0.5 to 1 : 1 and temperature from 20 to 800С, contrary to decreasing. However, at all cases the slurries are liquid and fluid (1.241-1.363 g/сm3 and 1.20-4.99 сps). Their conductivity is (41.0-65.4 Сm/m) closer to known liquid fertilizers. In a range 20-700С vapour pressure over LCF constitutes 1.26-24.03 Pа that evidences concern low volatility in a hot condition.

Keywords: WPA, ammonization, liquid NР-fertilizers, density, viscosity, clarification degree, conductivity, vapour pressure.


* there are data on liquid:NР-fertilizers obtaining based on Kyzylkum WPA;

* study of  their physicochemical properties was fulfilled;

* liquid NР-fertilizers possess high fluidity and low volatility in a hot condition.


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6. Nomozov Sh.Yu., Alimov U.K., ZHumanova M.O., Namazov Sh.S. Poluchenie zhidkih azotnofosfornyih udobreniy na osnove yekstrakcionnoy fosfornoy kislotyi iz fosforitov Central`nyih Kyizyilkumov. // Vestnik nacional`nogo universiteta Uzbekistana (NUUz). - Tashkent, 2017. - No.3/2 (estestvennyie nauki). - S. 438-440.

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To cite this article: Sh.Yu.Nomozov, U.K.Alimov, Sh.S.Namazov, A.R.Seytnazarov, B.M.Beglov. Composition and property of liquid complex NP-fertilizers based on Kyzylkum wet-process phosphoric acid // Uzbek chemical journal. -2019. – Nr2. - Pp.14-22.

Received: 13.03.2019; Accepted: 12.04.2019; Published: 16.04.2019


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УДК 661.634.222

N. V. Volinskova, I. I. Usmanov, Kh. Ch. Mirzakulov, U. M. Turdialiev


Tashkent Chemical-Technological Institute, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, e-mail:

Abstract. Background. Processing of washed, burnt phosphate raw materials of Central Kyzylkum for extraction phosphoric acid is associated with a number of problems, one of which is a large consumption of sulfuric acid per unit of phosphoric anhydride compared to other raw materials. Ammonium ions intensify the filtration process of phosphogypsum, and sulfate ions bind calcium to dihydrophosphate, which can lead to a decrease in the consumption of sulfuric acid.

Purpose. Intensification and development of resource-saving technology of extraction phosphoric acid from phosphorites of Central Kyzylkum with partial replacement of sulfuric acid with ammonium sulfate.

Methodology. Evaluation of the effectiveness partial replacement sulfuric acid on the technological parameters production extraction phosphoric acid: the influence of ammonium sulphate on the composition of the acid, the physical properties of pH, density, speed filtration of the sulfur-fosforecente pulp and composition of phosphogypsum.

Originality. We show the possibility of partial replacement of sulfuric acid with ammonium sulfate, reduce the heat effect of the sulfur-fosforecente decomposition of washed burned phosconcentrate Central Kyzylkum, improve the rate of filtration of the pulp, improve the technological coefficients of production and economy of sulphuric acid.

Findings. Optimal rates of technological modes of obtaining extraction phosphoric acid of washed burned phosconcentrate Central Kyzylkum with partial replacement of sulfuric acid with ammonium sulfate, which improves the technological performance of the production.

Key words: washed, burnt concentrate, sulfuric acid, ammonium sulfate, extraction, technological parameters.


* introduction of ammonium sulfate reduces the heat effect of decomposition of phosconcentrate;

* the influence of ammonium sulfate on the extraction indices was revealed.


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To cite this article: N. V. Volinskova, I. I. Usmanov, Kh. Ch. Mirzakulov, U. M. Turdialiev. Extraction phosphoric acid from phosphorites of Central Kyzylkum with partial replacement of sulfuric acid with ammonium sulfate // Uzbek chemical journal. -2019. – Nr2. - Pp.22-29.

Received: 27.02.2019; Accepted: 15.04.2019; Published: 16.04.2019


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UDC 662.71+504

Sh. A. Kuldasheva, I. D. Eshmetov, N. Z. Adizova, I. L. Ahmadzhonov


Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent

Abstract. Background. At present, a great deal of attention has been paid to the study of the processes of removal and migration of salts by various natural factors (surface and groundwater, air flows). Protecting sand from wind erosion using water-soluble polymers, as well as mixtures with industrial non-toxic waste, is a solution to an important environmental problem. It should be taken into account that the Aral Sea and the dried bottom of the Aral Sea are highly saline.

Purpose. The aim of the work is to comprehensively substantiate the role of the studied surfactants on the effectiveness of chemical fixing the surface of the solid particles of the mobile sands of the Aral Sea with additives-fixers for obtaining the mechanical and water-resistant structure of the sandy dispersion.

 Methodology. Wind erosion of the fixed sands of the Aral Sea was determined in the laboratory, on a model aerodynamic installation.

Originality. It is established that the soil and sands of the Aral Sea are polymineral and salt containing, depending on the climatic conditions. Accounting for these features when they are fixed is necessary because they determine the duration of the forming crusts. An experimental study of the effect of wind air flow on the mechanical strength of fixed soil and sands of the Aral has been established.

Findings. The strength of the surface crust in the process of fixing the sands increases to 2.80-3.19 MPa, against 0.56-0.59 MPa in the original. The studied complex additives reduce wind erosion of sand.

Keywords: fixing, aerodynamic installation, sand, soil, fixer, stability, erosion, water resistance, deflation


* easily accessible water-soluble waste;

* water soluble local waste;

* important indicators of sand fixing: mechanical strength, water resistance, wind resistance.


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16. Ismailov M.M. Vliyanie potoka s diskretnyimi chasticami na vetrovuyu yeroziyu. Avtoref. Disser. Na soisk. Uchenoy stepeni kand. Tehn. Nauk. - Tashkent, 1984. -23 s.

17. Agzamhodzhaev A.A., Kuldasheva SH.A., Kuchkarova M.N, Dusmuhamedov A. Himicheskoe zakreplenie zasolennih pochvogruntov kak sposob resheniya nekotoryih yekologicheskih problem Arala // Vestnik Oshskogo Gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya himiya i himicheskaya tehnologiya. 2001. - No.2. -S.188-191.

18. ZHumabaev B. Vliyanie novyih kompleksnyih dobavok na strukturoobrazovanie v dispersiyah zasolennyih peskov. Avtoref. Kand. Disser.-Tashkent. -S.14-17.

To cite this article: Sh. A. Kuldasheva, I. D. Eshmetov, N. Z. Adizova, I. L. Ahmadzhonov. Studying the influence of windway air flow on erosion of fixed soils and sands of the Aral // Uzbek chemical journal. -2019. – Nr2. - Pp.29-35.

Received: 19.02.2019; Accepted: 11.03.2019; Published: 16.04.2019


* * *

UDK 678.7

M. N. Tukhtasheva, N. S. Abed, G. Gulyamov, S. S. Negmatov


State Unitary Enterprise "Fan va Tarakkiyot" Tashkent State Technical University Islam Karimov

Abstract. Buckground. The modern level of development of composite polymeric materials (KPM) allows to create unique materials that work under extreme conditions at low and elevated temperatures, pressures, aggressive and abrasive environments. The development trend of this direction is the creation of highly filled, reinforced and extra strong CPM with adjustable performance indicators for structural, special and multifunctional purposes.

Purpose development of antifriction composite polymer materials using local raw materials and manufacturing technology for them of engineering products and parts for rubbing pairs of working parts of machinery and mechanisms used in the engineering industry.

Methodology. The friction coefficient, wear rate, electrostatic charge value and temperature arising in the friction zone were determined on an improved disk tribometer in accordance with O'z DSt 3330: 2018.

Originality. The regularities of the influence of the structure, nature, type of polymers, carbon-graphite and fibrous fillers on the antifriction properties of composite materials working in the interaction with raw cotton are established.        

Findings. Based on experimental studies of the effect of various fillers (glass fibers, graphite, carbon black, and cotton linters) on the antifriction properties of polyethylene and polypropylene composite materials, their optimal contents for the development of antifriction compositions, working with raw cotton, have been identified.

Keywords: polymer, composition, filler, polypropylene, coefficient of friction, temperature, linear wear rate, raw cotton.


* investigated antifriction properties of compositions based on polymers.

* set the optimal amount of fillers

* developed and investigated antifriction properties of the compositions.


1. Abed N.S., Negmatov S.S., Gulyamov G., Tukhtasheva M.N. Комpоzitsionnye antifriktsionno-iznosostoykie materially I tehnologiya ih polucheniya. –Tashkent: Fan va tehnologiya, 2017. -200 p.

 2. Negmatov S.S Osnovy protsessov kontaktnogo  vzaimodeystviya  kомpоzitsionnyh polimernyh  materialov s voloknistoy massoy. – Tashkent: Fan, 1984. -296 p.

3 Ahmadiyeva L.V. Kомpоzitsionnye   materially na osnove sovmeshennyh matrits dlya zashitnyh pokrytiy. – Grodno: GGAU, 2009. – 532 p.

4 Avdeychik S.V. Polimer - silikatnye mashinostroitelnye material, fiziko-khimiya, tehnologiya , primenenye. – Minsk.: Тehnologiya, 2007. – 431 p.

5 Devtyarikova S.V. Poluchenie kомpоzitsionnyh materialov s ispolzovaniem vtorichnyh produktov proizvodstva ftorpolimerov: Diss. ….каnd.tеhn.nauk.- М, 2008.-121 p.

6 Аbdullaev R.А. Моdifikatsiya  vtorichnyh polimerov dlya izgitivleniya izdeliy razlichnpgo funktsiknalnogo naznacheniya: Diss. ….каnd. tеhn.nauk.- Saratov, 2007.-116 p.

7 Аskadskiy А.А. Gradientnye polimernye materialy // Теz.dokl. XVIII Меndeleevskogo sezda po obshey I prikladnoy himii.  –М., 2007. – 538 p.

8 Golubchikov О.А. Novye materiaky na osnove modifitsirovannogo polipropilena // Теz.dokl. XVIII Меndeleevskogo sezda po obshey i prikladnoy himii.  . -  М.,  2007. – 713 p.

9. Rogov V.А., Solovev  V.V, Kopilov V.V. Novye  materialy  v  mashinostroenii. - М.: RUDN, 2008. - 324 p.

10. Аdamenko N.А., Аgаfonova G.V. Тtibotehyichtskie polimernye materialy. - Volgograd: Volg GTU, 2013. - 107 p.

11. Маtrenin S.V., Оvechkin B.B. Kомpоzitsionnye   materially  i pokrytiya nа polimernoy  оsnоvе. – Тоmsk: ТPU, 2008. - 197 p.

12. Ryskulov А.А. Nаnокомpоzitsionnye маtеrialy nа оsnove sovmeshennyh matritsdlya zashitnyh poкrytiy. – Grodno:: NBU iм. А.Nаvoi, 2010. – 304 p.

13. Mouritz A. P., Gibson A.G. Fire Properties of Polymer Composite Materials (Solid Mechanics and Its Applications). - Netherland: Springer, 2007. - 401 p.

14. Tim A. Osswald, Georg Menges. Material Science of Polymers for Enjineers. - Sweden: Hanser Garden Publications, 2012. - 595 p.

15. Charles M Gilmore. Materials science and engineering properties. - Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning, 2015. -726 p.

16. Mihaylin Y.А. Voloknistye polimernye kомpоzitsionnye materially v tehnike. - Sаnкт-Pетеrburg: NОТ, 2013. -720 p.

To cite this article: M. N. Tukhtasheva, N. S. Abed, G. Gulyamov, S. S. Negmatov. Study of the antifriction properties of composite polymer materials of tribotechnical purpose, working at interaction with cotton-creative // Uzbek chemical journal. -2019. – Nr2. - Pp.35-41.

Received: 11.03.2019; Accepted: 08.04.2019; Published: 16.04.2019


* * *




UDK 547,596:615.291

R. S. Esanov, Х. А. Yuldashev, М. B. Gafurov, А. D. Мatchanov


Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, ANRUz, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

Abstract. Background. As you know, licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) has long been used in medical practice. Its main active ingredient, which imparts medicinal properties, is triterpenoid-glycyrrhizic acid (GA) and its aglycone – glycyrrhetic acid (GlK). The main reason for this is the varied chemical composition of the root. On the basis of glycyrrhizic acid, glycyrrhetic acid and their derivatives, dozens of drugs are created and introduced into medical practice. The main component is GA and its aglycone GlA and its derivatives, the licorice root plant widely distributed in our country, possess a wide spectrum of biological activity and have become the object of research for many scientists. Therefore, the modification of these biologically active triterpenic acids and the production of new biologically active substances on their basis is one of the urgent problems.

Purpose. Synthesis of new amides of 3-acetoxyglycyrrhetic acid with 2-amino-5- (alkyl) 1,3,4-thiadiazoles and study of their structure.

Methodology. Initially, GA was isolated and glycyrrhetic acid was obtained by the acid hydrolig method. By acetylating GlK, 3-acetoxyglycyrrhetic acid was obtained and on its basis amides of 3-acetoxyglycyrrtic acid were synthesized to produce acid chlorides. The IR spectra of the synthesized compounds were recorded in the range of oscillation frequencies of 400–4000 cm– 1 using a Perkin Elmer-10.6.1 spectrometer(USA), and the UV spectra were measured on a Shimadzu 12.80 spectrophotometer (Japan). Praton magnetic resonance (PMR) spectra were obtained on a spectrometer Testa VS 567A (Varian, USA) at 400 MHz.

Originality. For the first time, new amides of 3-acetoxyglycyrrhetic acid with 2-amino-1,3,4-thiadiazoles were synthesized and their physico-chemical properties and chemical structure were studied.

Finding. As a result of studies, 2 amino-1,3,4-thiadiazole, 2-amino-5-methyl-1,3,4-thiadiazole, 2-amino-5-ethyl-1,3,4-thiadiazole were synthesized previously known in literature ways. On their basis, 3 new 3-acetoxyglycyrrhetic acid amides were synthesized with synthesized thiadiazoles. The amide structure was investigated using IR, UV and PMR spectroscopy.

Key words: glycyrrhizic acid, glycyrrhetic acid, 3-acetoxyglycyrrhetic acid, thiadiazole, hepatoprotective activity, antiviral activity, anticoagulant.


* synthesized new amides of 3-acetoxyglycyrrhetic acid with 2-amino-1,3,4-thiadiazoles.

* some physico-chemical parameters and chemical structure of the substances obtained were studied.


1. Shintyapina A.B., SHul`cYE.YE., Petrenko N.I., Uzenkova N.V., Tolstikov G.A., Pronkina N.V., Kozhevnikov V.S., Pokrovskiy A.G. Vliyanie azotsoderzhas`hih proizvodnyih rastitel`nyih triterpenov - betulina i glicirretovoy kislotyi na rost opuholevyih kletok MT-4, MOLT-4, CEM I Hep G2. // Bioorganicheskaya himiya. 2007. -T. 33. -No.6. -S. 624-628.

2. Stolyarova O.V., Baltina L.A., Mihaylova L.R., Gabbasov T.M., Baltina L.A., Tolstikov G.A. Optimizaciya metoda polucheniya monoammoniynoy soli glicirrizinovoy kislotyi iz korney solodki ural`skoy (Glycyrrhiza uralensisFisher) sibirskih populyaciy. // Himiya v interesah ustoychivogo razvitiya 16(2008). -S.571-576.

3. Mihaylova L.R., Baltina(ml) L.A., Baltina L.A., Kondratenko R.M., Nepogodiev S.A., Fild R.A., Kunert O., In`M.CH. Prostoy metod sinteza triterpenovyih glikozidov -analogov glicirrizinovoy kislotyi i ih gepatoprotektornaya aktivnost` in vitro. // Bioorganicheskaya himiya, 2009. -T. 35. -No.5. -S. 686-695

4. Pokrovskiy A.G., Plyasunova O.A., Il`ichyova T.N., Borisova O.A., Fedyuk N.V., Petrenko N.I., Petuhova V.Z., SHul`cYE.YE., Tolstikov G.A. Sintez proizvodnyih rastitel`nyih triterpenov i issledovanie ih protivovirusnoy i immunostimuliruyus`hey aktivnosti. // Himiya v interesah ustoychivogo razvitiya. 9(2001). -S.485-491

5. Mohamed O. Radwan,Mohamed A.H. Ismail, Sahar El-Mekkawy, Nasser S.M. Ismail, Atef G. Hanna. Synthesis and biological activity of new 18?-glycyrrhetinic acid derivatives. // Arabian Journal of Chemistry (2016) 9, P.390-399

6. Vasoya S.L., Paghdar D.J., Chovatia P.T and. Joshi H.S. Synthesis of some New Thiosemicarbazide and 1,3,4- Thiadiazole Heterocycles Bearing Benzo Thiophene Nucleus as a Potent Antitubercular and Antimicrobial Agents. // Journal of Sciences, Islamic Republic of Iran. 2005.-V.16.-P.33-36.

7. Matysiak J., Malinski Z. 2-(2,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-1,3,4-thiadiazole analogues: Antifungal activity in vitro against Candida species. // Russian J. of Bioorg. Chem., 2007. -V.33. -No.6. -P.594-601.

8. Pattan S R, Kittur B S, Sastry B S, Jadav S G, Thakur D K, Madamwar S A, Shinde H V. Synthesis and evaluation of some novel 1,3,4-thiadiazoles for antidiabetic activity. // Indian J. Chem., 2011. -50B. -P.615-618.

9. Kemal Sancak, Yasemin Unver, Mustafa Er. Synthesis of 2-Acylamino, 2-Aroylamino and Ethoxycarbonyl Imino-1,3,4-thiadiazoles as Antitumor Agents. // Turk. J. Chem. 2007, -V.31. -P.125-134.

10. Goksen U.S, Kelekci N.G, Goktas O.Y., Köysal, Kilich E., Ishik S., Aktay G., Ozalp M. 1-Acylthiosemicarbazides, 1,2,4-triazole-5(4H)-thiones, 1,3,4-thiadiazoles and hydrazones containing 5-methyl-2-benzoxazolinones: Synthesis, analgesic-anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activities. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry. 2007. -V.15. -P.5738-51.

11. Hafez H.N., Hegab M.I.,Ahmed-Farag I.S., Gazzar A E, A facile regioselective synthesis of novel spiro-thioxanthene and spiro-xanthene-9’,2-[1,3,4]thiadiazole derivatives as potential analgesic and anti-inflammatory agents. //Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2008, -18. -P.4538-4543.

12.Baltina L.A., Flehter O.B., Putieva ZH.M., Kondratenko R.M., Krasnova L.V., Tolstikov G.A.. Gidroliz β -glicirrizinovoy kislota. Himiko-farmacevticheskiy zhurnal. 1996. -Tom 96. -No.4.

13. Baltina L.A., Khudobko M.V., MikhailovaL.R., BaltinaL.A., FedorovaV.A., OrshanskayaYa.A., ZarubaevV.V., and KiselevO.I.Synthesis and antiviral activity of amino-acid conjugates of glycyrrhetic acid. Chemistry of Natural Compounds. 2014. -Vol. 50. -No. 3, July.

14.Tolstikov G.A., BaltinaL.A., Grankina V.P.,KondratenkoR.M., Tolstikova T.G. SOLODKA. Bioraznoobrazie, himiya primenenie v medicine. Novosibirck.Akademicheskoe izdatel`stvo "GEO" 2007S.286-288.

To cite this article: R. S. Esanov, Х. А. Yuldashev, М. B. Gafurov, А. D. Мatchanov. Synthesis of amides 3-acetoxygliciretic acid with 2-amino-5- (alkyl) 1,3,4-tiadiazoles // Uzbek chemical journal. -2019. – Nr2. - Pp.42-48.

Received: 01.02.2019; Accepted: 19.03.2019; Published: 16.04.2019


* * *

UDK 547.4; 577.114; 581.192

G. A. Khalilov, B. I. Mukhitdinov, S. B. Khaitmetova, L. B Azimova, N. S. Normamatov, A. S. Turaev


Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, ANRUz, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

Abstract. Background. Polysaccharides isolated from basidiomycetes possess immunomodulatory, antiviral, hepatoprotective, antiproliferative, hypolipidemic, adaptogenic activities, and therefore are practically significant. These polysaccharides differ in their structure, physicochemical properties, monosaccharide composition, type of glycosidic linkage, molecular weight and water- or alkali-soluble properties. In addition, their biological activity depends on molecular parameters and structure. In this regard, the study of these parameters of polysaccharides isolated from basidiomycetes is relevant.

Purpose. Isolation of polysaccharides from basidiomycetes distributed in the Republic of Uzbekistan and study of their composition using physicochemical methods.

Methodology. Polysaccharides were isolated by aqueous, alkaline, and acidic fractionation methods. Polysaccharide samples isolated were studied using IR and UV spectroscopy methods. The monosaccharide composition of the polysaccharides was determined by paper chromatography, the molecular mass characteristics were determined by gel chromatography. The total sugar content of the polysaccharides was evaluated by the phenol-sulfuric acid method.

Originality. In this report, polysaccharides were isolated for the first time from some basidiomycetes distributed in the Republic, and monosaccharide composition along with molecular parameters were studied by physicochemical methods.

Findings. Under laboratory conditions, polysaccharides were extracted from fungi using aqueous, alkaline and acidic extraction, and their yields were determined. The overall structure, the monosaccharide composition, the average molecular weight (Mw), the total amount of sugar were evaluated. The polysaccharides isolated from fungi were found to be in a form melanin-glucan complex.

Key words: basidiomycetes, polysaccharide, fraction, monosaccharide composition, absorption, chromatography, sugar content.


* polysaccharides were isolated from basidiomycete fungi;

* the physicochemical properties of polysaccharides were studied.


1.Wasser S.P. Medicinal mushrooms as a source of antitumor and immunomodulatinh polysaccharides // Appl. Microbiol., Biotechnol. -2002.-Vol. 60.-P. 258-274.

2. Halilova G.A., Normahamatov N.S., Turaev A.S. Zamburu?lardan suvda yeruvchan polisaharidlarni azhratib olish va ularning fizik-kimyoviy hossalarini ¢rganish // YOsh olimlar ahborotnomasi - 2018. -No.2 (1) -B.58-61.

3. Feofilova E.P., Micelial`nyie gribyi kak istochnik polucheniya novyih lekarstvennyih preparatov s immunomoduliruyus`hey, protivoopuholevoy i ranozazhivlyayus`hey aktivnostyami // Immunopatologiya, allergologiya, infektologiya, 2004. -No.1. -S.27-32.

4. Gerasimenya V.P., Gumargalieva K.Z., Zaharov S.V., Milevich T.I., Trezvova A.V. YEkstraktyi bazidial`nyih gribov i ih polifunkcional`naya mediko-biologicheskaya aktivnost` // Monografiya. Moskva -2014. -S.38-45.

5. Chi-Fung Chan, Wing Keung Chan and Daniel Man-Yuen Sze The effects of ?-glucan on human immune and cancer cells // Journal of Hematology and Oncology.2009. -V.2. -P.25-31.

6. Miles Rh.G., Shang S.T. Mushroom biology. Concise basics and surrent developments // World Scientific, Singapore, New Jersey, London, Hong Kong, -1997. - 194 r.

7. CHhenkeli V.A., Tihonova I.V. Sovremennyie predstavleniya o vozmozhnosti ispol`zovaniya peptidopolisaridnyih kompleksov bazidial`nyih gribov kak immunostimulyatorov // Sib. med. zhurn. -2000. -No.1 -S. 11-17.

8. Puchkova T.A., Filimonova T.V., Nikitina V.E. i dr. Melaninovyie pigmentyi gribov Lentinus edodes i Ganoderma lucidum // Uspehi medicinskoy mikologii 2007. -T-10. -S.17-21.

9. Sushinskaya N. V., Kurchenko V. P. Melaninyi trutovyih gribov // Trudyi Belorusskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Fiziologicheskie, biohimicheskie i molekulyarnyie osnovyi funkcionirovaniya biosistem. -2006.-Vyip. 1.-S. 143-154.

10. Leung M.Y.K., Fung K.P., Choy Y.M. The isolation and characterization of an immunomodulatory and anti-tumor polysaccharide preparation from Flammulina velutipes // Immunopharmacology -1997. -V.35(3). -P.255-263.

11. Lobanok A.G., Babickaya V.G., Plenina L.B. i dr. Sostav i biologicheskaya aktivnost` glubinnogo miceliya ksilotrofnogo bazidiomiceta Lentinus edodes // Prikl. biohim. i mikrobiol. -2003. - T.391, -No.1. -S. 69-73.

12. Krasnopol`skaya L.M., SHuktueva M.I., Avtonomova A.V., YArina M.S., Dzhavahyan B.R., Isakova E.B., Buhman V.M Protivoopuholevyie i antioksidantnyie svoystva vodorastvorimyih polisaharidov iz miceliya bazidial`nogo griba Flammulina velutipes // .Antibiotiki i himioterapiya, 2016. -T-61. -No.11-12. -S. 6-20.

13. S`Herba V.V., Babickaya V.G. Uglevodyi glubinnogo miceliya ksilotrofnyih bazidiomicetov // Prikl. biohim. i mikrobiol.-2004.-T.40. -No. 6. -S. 634-638.

14. CHhenkeli V. A., Ogarkov B. N., CHhenkeli G.D., Ogarkova G. R., Samusyonok L. V. Sostav i biologicheskaya aktivnost` vnekletochnyih polisaharidov ksilotrofnyih bazidiomicetov // Sib. med. zhurn. -2006. -No.8. -S.70-72.     

To cite this article: G. A. Khalilov, B. I. Mukhitdinov, S. B. Khaitmetova, L. B Azimova, N. S. Normamatov, A. S. Turaev. Studying of basidial mushrooms of polysaccharide composition growing in Uzbekistan // Uzbek chemical journal. -2019. – Nr2. - Pp.48-55.

Received: 19.02.2019; Accepted: 13.03.2019; Published: 16.04.2019


* * *

UDK 581.522.4:582.724.1(571.14)

1G. N. Artikova, A. D. Matchanov


1Karakalpak State University, Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, AS RUz E-mail:

Abstract. Background. The provision of high-quality natural medicines to the population is of paramount importance, and therefore, at present, much attention is being paid to the development of effective and low-toxic medicines, mainly based on vegetable raw materials. Fruits and vegetative organs of plants of the suckers-Elaeagnus family can serve as one of such natural sources. The study of the chemical composition of this unique plant is relevant.

Purpose. To study the macro-macroelement composition of the vegetative organs of plants of the species Elaeagnus angustifolia growing in saline soils of the Aral Sea region.

Methodology. The following vegetative organs of the Elaeagnus angustifolia plant were selected for study: leaves, flowers, fruit pulp, seeds and fruit peel. The analyzes were carried out by the method, “Optics of emission spectrometry with inductively coupled argon plasma (ICP OES)”.

Originality. The macro-microelement composition of the vegetative organs of the plant Elaeagnus angustifolia has been studied by the ICP ECO method and it has been shown that they are unevenly distributed. It is shown that the greatest accumulation of macronutrients of elements such as K and Ca flowers and leaves of a plant. The content of K in the flowers of the plant reaches up to 2%apparently, it is caused by the degradation of the soil of the Aral Sea region.

Findings. Thus, the micro and macroelement composition of the vegetative organs of plants of the Elaeagnusangustifolia species growing in saline soils of the Aral Sea region was investigated. It is shown that micro and macronutrients are unevenly distributed throughout the vegetative organs of the plant.

Keywords: macro-microelements, narrow-leaved loch, Elaeagnus angustifolia, optics emission spectrometry


* determination of micro-and macro-elemental composition of the plant Elaeagnus angustifolia.

* It is shown that the flowers and leaves of the plant contain a large number of macronutrients: K and Ca.


1. Wasser S. P. Medicinal mushrooms as a source of antitumor and immunomodulatinh polysaccharides // Appl. Microbiol., Biotechnol. -2002.-Vol. 60.-P. 258-274.

2. Halilova G.A., Normahamatov N.S, Turaev A.S., Zamburuglardan suvda eruvchan polisaharidlarni ajratib olish va ularning fizik-kimyoviy hossalarini urganish // Yosh olimlar ahborotnomasi–2018.-No.2 (1) -B.58-61.

3. Feofilova E.P Micelialnie gribi kak istochnic polucheniya novih lekarstvennih preparatov s immunomoduliruyushey,protivoopuholevoy i ranozajivlyayushey aktivnostyami // Immunopatologiya, allergologiya, infectologiya 2004. -No.1. -P.27-32.

4. Gerasimenya V.P., Gumargalieva К.Z., Zaharov S.V., Milevich Т.I., Тrezvova А.V. Ekstrakti bazidialnih gribov i ih polifunccionalnaya medico-biologicheskaya актivnost // Моnografiya. Моsкvа 2014. -P.38-45

5. Chi-Fung Chan, Wing Keung Chan and Daniel Man-Yuen Sze The effects of β-glucan on human immune and cancer cells // Journal of Hematology and Oncology.2009. -V.2 .-P.25-31.

6. Мiles Рh.G., Сhang S.Т. Mushroom biology. Concise basics and сurrеnt developments // World Scientific, Singapore, New Jersey, London, Hong Кong, -1997. – 194 р.

7. Chhenkeli V. А., Тihonova I.V. Sovremennie predstavleniya o vozmojnosti ispolzovaniya peptidopolisaharidnih kompleksov bazidialnih gribov kak immunostimulyatorov // Sib. мed. jurn.-2000. -No1. –S. 11-17.

8. Puchkova Т.А., Filimonova Т.В., Nikitinа V.Е. и др. Меlaninovie pigmenti gribov Lentinus edodes и Ganoderma lucidum // Uspehi меdicinskoy мiкоlоgii -2007. -Т 10. -P.17-21.

9. Sushinskaya N. V., Кurchеnко V. P. Меlanini trutovih gribov // Тrudi Belarusskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Fiziologicheskie, biohimicheskie i molekulyarnie osnovi funkcionirovaniya biosistem. -2006.-V. 1.-С. 143-154.

10. Leung M.Y.K., Fung K.P., Choy Y.M. The isolation and characterization of an immunomodulatory and anti-tumor polysaccharide preparation from Flammulina velutipes. Immunopharmacology -1997.-V.35(3).P.255-263.

11. LobanokА.G., Babickaya V.G., Plenina L.B. i dr. Sostav i biologicheskaya aktivnost glubinnogo miceliya ksilotrofnogo bazidiomiceta Lentinus edodes // Prikl. biohim. i mikrobiol.-2003.- Т.391, -No 1.-S. 69-73.

12. Кrasnopolskaya L.М., Shuktuevа М.I., Аvtonomovа А.V., Yarina М.S., Djavahyan B.R., Isakova Е.B., Buhman V.М Protivoopuholevie i antioksidantnie svoystva vodarastvorimih polisaharidov iz miceliya bazidialnogo griba Flammulina velutipes // Аntibiotiki i himioterapiya, 2016,61;11-12

13.Sherbа V.V., Babickaya V.G. Uglevodi glubinnogo miceliya ksilotrofnih bazidiomicetov // Prikl. biohim. i mikrobiol.-2004.-Т.40. -No.6. -С. 634-638.

14. Chhenkeli V. А ., Оgarkov B. N., Chhenkel G.D., Оgarkova G. R., Sаmusyonok L. V. Sostav i biologicheskaya aktivnost vnekletochnih polisaharidov ksilotrofnih bazidiomicetov // Sib. med. jurn., 2006. -No.8. -S. 70-72.       

To cite this article: G. N. Artikova, A. D. Matchanov. Micro and macroelement composition of the vegetative organs of the plant Elaeagnus angustifolia, growing in the saline soil of the Aral Sea region // Uzbek chemical journal. -2019. – Nr2. - Pp.55-61.

Received: 06.02.2019; Accepted: 25.03.2019; Published: 16.04.2019


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Kh. M. Vapoyev, B. F. Mukhiddinov, Sh. T. Jurayev


Navoi State Mining Institute

Abstract. Background. Vinyl chloride is one of the largest organic semi-products in the world in chemical production. Vinyl chloride production is the third after polyethylene and ethylene oxide. According to the forecast data of IHS, the current consumption of vinyl chloride in the period from 2010 to 2015 increased at a rate of 4.4% per year and by 4.2% over the next five years. Vinyl chloride is the main raw material for the production of PVC. Therefore, the study of the synthesis of vinyl chloride by the homogeneous catalytic method is a very urgent task.

Purpose. Studying the process of obtaining vinyl chloride based on acetylene and hydrogen chloride using a homogeneous catalytic method

Methodology. Acetylene, hydrogen chloride, N-methylpyrrolidone, multicomponent catalysts containing hydrochloric acid, ammonium chloride, copper monochloride and powdered metal copper were used in the work.

Originality. The synthesis of vinyl chloride was studied for the first time by a homogeneous catalytic method depending on the nature and amount of catalysts and on the ratio of reactants

Findings. With increasing content of monovalent copper in the composition of the catalyst increases the yield of vinyl chloride. With an acetylene: hydrogen chloride ratio of 1: 1.11 and a reaction time of up to 5 hours, the maximum yield of vinyl chloride is up to 87.4%. The kinetic parameters of the synthesis of vinyl chloride are determined, with an increase in temperature from 40° C to 70° C, the yield and the average rate of formation of vinyl chloride increase. The effect of the ratio and feed rate of reactants on acetylene conversion was also investigated. It is established that with an increase in the feed rate of the reacting substances HCl: C2H2 = 1.1 from 19.8 l / g (HCl) and 18 l / g (C2H2) to 58.5 l / g (HCl) and 53.2 l / g (C2H2) increases acetylene conversion from 57.5% to 66.0%, respectively. This is due to the increase in the number of reacting particles in the synthesis process.

Key words: vinyl chloride, acetylene, hydrogen chloride, homogeneous catalytic method, hydrochlorination, catalyst


* vinyl chloride was synthesized by a homogeneous catalytic method;

* with increasing copper content in the catalyst the yield of the main product increases


1. Islamutdinova A.A., Sadikov N.B., Sadikov E.N., Asfandiyarova JI.P. Sintez visokoeffektivnih katalizatorov degidrohlorirovaniya v nesmeshivayusheysya sisteme: voda-hlororganika // Bashkirskiy himicheskiy jurnal. -2006.- T. 13, -No.2. -S.14-15.

2. Temkin O.N., Flid R.M. Kataliticheskie prevrasheniya asetilenovih soedineniy v rastvorah kompleksov metallov. M.: Nauka, 1968. -212 s.

3. RU 2167141. Sposob polucheniya vinilhlorida. Shavanov S.S., Abdrashitov Ya.M., Dmitriev Yu.K., Gizatullin P.C., Yermilov 10.A., Matalinov V.I., Ostrovskiy H.A. 2001.

4. RU 2167140. Sposob polucheniya vinilhlorida. Shavanov S.S., Abdrashitov Ya.M., Dmitriev Yu.K., Minnibaev F.M., Yaprinsev Yu.M., Gubaydullin A.I.2001.

5. Braun Di PVC Origin, Growth and Future. Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology. 2001.-V. 7.-N4.- P. 168-176.

6. Alekseeva N.F., Temkin O.N., Flid R.M. // Kinetika i kataliz. 1970. -T.11, -S.1071-1072.

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9. Cowfer J.A. Part 2. Vinyl Chloride Monomer // PVC Handbook / Wilkes C.E., Summers J.W., Daniels C.A..  1 st ed.-Munich: Carl Hanser Verlag, 2005.- P. 541

10. Poluchenie vinilhlorida na osnove asetilensoderjashih gazov elektro-krekingom jidkih organicheskih produktov. Treger M.Yu., Treger Yu.A., Pskova V.Z., Zikova L.V., Petrusenko A.P., Pesin 0.10. // Him. prom. -1991. –No.1-S.7-9 -Rus.

11. Novie katalizatori gidrohlorirovaniya asetilena. Shestakov G.K.// 4 Mejdun. konf. "Naukoemkie him. tehnol.". Programmi i tezisi dokladov. -Moskva, 1996.-S. 99-100.-Rus.

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To cite this article: Kh. M. Vapoyev, B. F. Mukhiddinov, Sh. T. Jurayev. Obtaining of vinyl chloride in a homogeneous-catalytic method using new catalytic systems // Uzbek chemical journal. -2019. – Nr2. - Pp.61-68.

Received: 22.02.2019; Accepted: 25.03.2019; Published: 16.04.2019


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UDK 665.622.43.0666

R. J. Eshmetov


Institute of General Inorganic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, E-mail:

Abstract. Background. Direct emulsions (oil in water) have good, and the reverse-very low electrical conductivity. Therefore, in the study of stable water-oil emulsions (WOE) often the specific volume resistance, which indirectly characterizes their colloid-chemical properties are used.

Purpose. The purpose of the study is to assess the specific volume resistance as a parameter characterizing the colloid-chemical properties of oil-water emulsions.

Methodology. This article concerns electrophysical research methods, in particular, the measurement of the specific volume resistance of the installation WOE.

Originality. It has been established that indicators of specific volume electrical resistance (Рν) can, serves as a parameter for indirect assessment of the content of mineral salts in WOE and selection of an effective method of its destruction.

Findings. The possibility of measuring the specific volume electrical resistance (Рv) for indirect assessment of the content of water, mineral salts in the WOE and the selection of an effective method of its destruction is shown.

Keywords: colloid-chemical indicators, electrical resistance, electrical conductivity, stable oil-water emulsions, mineral salts.


* measurement of electrical resistivity WOE;

* the amount of produced water and the concentration of mineral salts was considered;

* the role of temperature in the changes of Pν is estimated;

* the effect of the dispersed phase (water droplets) in the WOE was established.


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11. R.ZH. YEshmetov. Intensifikaciya processa razrusheniya ustoychivyih vodoneftyanyih yemul`siy s ispol`zovaniem polifunkcional`nyih PAV // UNIVERSUM: Himiya i biologiya: yelektron nauchnyiy zhurnal. - Rossiya, 2018. -No. 2(44).

12. R.ZH. YEshmetov., D.S. Salihanova. Veroyatnyiy mehanizm razrusheniya vodoneftyanoy yemul`sii pri sovmestnom ispol`zovanii kompozicii deyemul`gatorov i ul`trazvukovogo vozdeystviya // UNIVERSUM: Himiya i biologiya: yelektron nauchnyiy zhurnal. - Rossiya, 2018. -No. 2(44).

To cite this article: R. J. Eshmetov. Specific volume resistance as a parameter characterizing colloid-chemical properties of water-oil emulsions // Uzbek chemical journal. -2019. – Nr2. - Pp.68-73.

Received: 14.03.2019; Accepted: 10.04.2019; Published: 16.04.2019


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UDK 66.097.3, 547.352.3.

U. Shokirov, S. Turabdjanov, X. Kadirov, L. Raximova


Tashkent Islam Karimov State Technical University, Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology E-mail:,

Abstract. Background. The actual problem is the synthesis of nitrogen-containing heterocycles of the pyrrole series and its derivatives, due to the manufacture of a number of drugs, including drugs. Pyrrole ring is part of the natural and biologically active compounds. The study of the mechanism of pyrrole formation and the product yield using selective catalysts contributes to its solution.

Purpose. Search and study of methods for the synthesis of valuable and single-stage pyrrole systems using acetylene reactions catalyzed with ammonia and amines; finding the optimal process parameters and creating a technology for producing a catalyst for the synthesis of pyrroles.

Methodology. Heterogeneous catalysis, physical and chemical methods of research and processing using modern computer programs were used in the work.

Originality. Catalytic systems based on fluorine, zinc, chromium and aluminum containing compounds have been developed for one-step production of pyrroles by dehydration - by heterocyclization of acetylene compounds with ammonia and amines.

Findings. Dependence of the pyrrole yield on the composition of the catalyst, including carriers, temperature, flow rate and the ratio of initial reagents. It is shown that during the experiments in the temperature range of 320-420 ° C, the selectivity of the formation of pyrrole from diethanolamine increases to 35%.

Keywords: pyrrole, acetylene, ammonia, amines, catalyst, dehydration, heterocyclization, vinylity, polyfunctionality, selectivity.


* polyfunctional catalysts for the synthesis of pyrroles;

* catalysts for the synthesis of pyrrole on the basis of ethanolamines.


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To cite this article: U. Shokirov, S. Turabdjanov, X. Kadirov, L. Rahimova. Development of single-stage methods of the catalytic process for producing pyrrol and its derivatives  // Uzbek chemical journal. -2019. – Nr2. - Pp.73-77.

Received: 28.03.2019; Accepted: 15.04.2019; Published: 16.04.2019


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K. Giyasov


Tashkent State Agrarian University.

Abstract. Background. The government attaches great importance to the further rise of agriculture. A significant place in these events spared the chemicalization of agriculture and animal husbandry. In recent years, a number of important decrees have been adopted that determined the main directions of development of the chemical industry. The government drew attention to the need for a broad development of research on the creation of herbicides, fungicides and drugs for controlling pests of agricultural crops, organizing the search and industrial production of new pesticides.

Purpose  of this study is to find new pesticides that would easily decompose and not accumulate in the environment. The search for active fungicides in the benzoxazolinone series has been carried out because benzoxazolinone and its 6-methoxy analogs are natural fungicides. In this regard, it was necessary to develop new methods for obtaining alkyl esters of benzoxasolyl-2-carbamic acid, as well as new classes of organic compounds.

Methodology. The structure of the synthesized benzoxasolyl-2-carbamic acid alkyl esters is confirmed by elemental analysis, IR and mass spectra.

Originality. In the study of the reaction of calcium guanamide, alkyl chloroformate with o-aminophenol, a new method was developed for the preparation of benzoxasolyl-2-carbamic acid alkyl esters.

Findings. Synthesized compounds were tested as fungicides in the laboratory of the ICPS of the Academy of Sciences of UzR. These compounds exhibit a fungicidal action against the pathogen Verticillum dahlia.

Key words: calcium cyanamide, methyl-, ethyl-, propyl- and butyl- chloroformates, o-aminophenol, methyl-, ethyl-, propyl- and butyl-benzooxasolyl-2-carbamates.


* synthesis of alkyl esters of benzoxazolyl-2-carbamic acid;

* the structure of the intermediate reaction products was proved


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To cite this article: K .Giyasov. Preparation of alkyl esters of benzoxazozyl-2-carbaminic acid and study of intermediate’s  structure  // Uzbek chemical journal. -2019. – Nr2. - Pp.77-84.

Received: 11.03.2019; Accepted: 14.04.2019; Published: 16.04.2019


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