Uzbek Chemical Journal




UDС 544.473:547.313:662.75

Kh. M. Saidov, Sh. M. Sayitkulov, N. Q. Mukhamadiyev


Samarkand State University, Samarkand c., e-mail:

Abstract. Background. The Republic of Uzbekistan is rich of natural gas reserves, according to the report of the Transnational oil and gas company - British Petroleum, they reach 1.1 trillion m3, 57.7 billion m3 gas was produced by 2015. It’s main portion is used for fuel production and export. Carrying out the synthesis based on natural gas reduces its portion as a fuel and allows producing the necessary compounds. In this regard, the developments of various methods of synthesis based on natural gas, the preparation of selective catalysts based on local raw materials are actual issues.

Purpose. Preparation of catalysts basing on local raw materials for the synthesis of syn-gas and organic substances from natural and associated gases, as well study their phase composition and textural characteristics.

Methodology. Diffractometry method (Pan Analytical XRD) was used to study the phase composition of the catalysts, and the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to study textural characteristics.

Originality. Using Al2O3 as a carrier, the catalysts based on a mixture of oxides of d-elements with different compounds were obtained, their phase composition was studied allowing to determine that it corresponds to the formulas xNiO∙yTiO2∙zCr2O3∙βMgO/Al2O3 and xNiO∙yTiO2∙zZrO/Al2O3. Here are x=1÷5, y=1÷2, z=1÷0.01, β=1÷0.01. The surface characteristics of the catalysts were studied by the method of scanning electron microscopy and it was proved that their size 47–98 and pore volume 8–55 μm are the same with the characteristics of the catalysts used.

Findings. The synthesis of catalysts with the following compounds was carried out: NiTiCr2MgO7/Al2O3 and NiTiZrO4/Al2O3. The phase composition of the catalysts consisting of TiO2, MgO, NiO, Cr2O3, Al1.67O3 and NiO, TiO2, Al2O3, Zr3NiO, has been determined. The morphological and textural characteristics were investigated by scanning electron microscopy, and their elemental composition was determined: Ti, Mg, Ni, Cr, Al, O and Ni, Ti, Zr, Al, O.

Keywords: catalyst, conversion, diffractometry, textural characteristics, scanning electron microscopy, elemental analysis.


* on the basis of oxides of d-elements, the synthesis of catalysts was carried out using Al2O3 as a carrier;

* it was established that the particle size of the catalysts is 47–98 μm and the pore diameter is 8–55 μm;

* they are similar to the existing catalysts on their textural characteristics and phase composition.


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8. X.M. Saidov, O.F. Fayzullayev, N.Q. Muxamadiyev. Yengil uglevodorodlar dan suyuq yoqilg’i ishlab chiqarish uchun katalizatorlar yaratish //“O’zbekistonning iqdisodiy rivojlanishida kimyoning o’rni” respublika ilmiy-amaliy anjumani -2018. -B.160.

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11. X.M. Saidov, Sh.M. Sayitqulov, N.Q. Muxamadiyev. Turli tuproq namunalaridan olingan sorbentlarning fazoviy tarkibini rentgenofazoli difraktometriya usulida oʻrganish // Ilmiy axborotnoma -2016. - No 1. -B.134-137.

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To cite this article: Kh. M. Saidov, Sh. M. Sayitkulov, N. Q. Mukhamadiyev. Synthesis of catalysts basing on some d-elements oxides // Uzbek chemical journal. -2019. - Nr4. - Pp.3-9.

Received: 28.12.2018; Accepted: 12.06.2019; Published: 15.08.2019


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UDK 661.332.3

A. N. Bobokulov, A. U. Erkaev, Z. K. Toirov, B. X. Kucharov


Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, E-mail:

Abstract. Background. Currently in Uzbekistan there is no production of potassium carbonate, which, as a rule, is purchased in the CIS countries. At the same time, Uzbekistan has explored sufficient reserves of potassium-containing raw materials, which, by technological, economic and, most importantly, rational utilization levels, will provide an opportunity to get their own potassium carbonate to ensure the domestic and foreign consumption markets. In this regard, the development of a method of producing potash based on local raw materials is currently relevant.

Purpose. The aim of the work is to study the process of separation of potassium chloride and diethylamine by evaporation in the production of potassium bicarbonate.

Methodology. Experiments were performed in a laboratory setup. The evaporation process was carried out at atmospheric pressure in a glass reactor to achieve a given degree of evaporation. The resulting stripped suspension was filtered and determined the amount of solid and liquid phases, depending on the degree of evaporation. The starting material used was a solution of potassium bicarbonate formed during the preparation. In the experiments, the calculated amount of the solution was fed into the reactor-evaporator and the evaporation was performed to achieve a given degree.

Originality. For the first time, a physicochemical study of the effect on the process of packaging of solutions processed into potassium bicarbonates of such technological parameters as temperature, diethylamine rate, duration was carried out.

Findings. The study revealed that at 147% of DEA with an increase in the time of evaporation from 30 to 45 minutes, the degree of sedimentation of the solid phase at 152 mm Hg and 75°C is from 0.1 - 2.1% and at a pressure of 304 mm. and 60°C, this figure ranges from 0.5 - 1.2% at 75°C, respectively, is 0.8 - 3.1%.

Keywords: potassium chloride, diethylamine, evaporation, filtration, parameter, degree, pressure, time, process, rate.


* development of the organization of potassium carbonate production based on specific local raw materials;

* evaporation of solutions processed into potassium bicarbonate.


1. G.Tuxtaeva., M.Yulchiev., E.Baymuratova., A.Erkaev., A.N.Bobokulov., Pazrabotka polucheniya potasha konversiey hlorida kaliya ugleammoniynimi solyami.// Tehnicheskie i sotsialno-ekonomicheskie nauki vajnie voprosi v oblasti Respubliki Uzbekistan -1 tom, Tashkent - 2013. -S. 26-27.

2. A.U.Erkaev., Z.K.Toirov., A.N.Boboqulov. ,S.Azlarov., D.Bayraeva. Issledovanie protsessa polucheniya karbonata kaliya. // Materiali 9-y mejdunarodnoy nauchnoy konferensii «Gorno-metallurgicheskiy kompleks: dostijeniya, problemi i sovremennie perspektivi razvitiya» Navoi - 2016 g. - 433 s.

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12. A.N.Boboqulov., A.U.Erkaev., Z.K.Toirov. Issledovanie protsessa polucheniya gidrokarbonata kaliya s primeneniem dietilamina.// UNIVERSUM:Himiya i biologiya, -Nr 10. Moskva-2017g.

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14. A.N.Boboqulov., A.U.Erkaev., Z.K.Toirov.,Kucharov B.X. Issledovanie protsessa karbonizatsii rastvorov hlorida kaliya v prisutstvii dietilamina. // Sovremennye problemi i perspektivi himii i himiko- metallurgicheskogo proizvodstv, respublikanskaya nauchno-tehnicheskaya konferensiya. Navoiy-2018 g. -S.38-39.

To cite this article: A. N. Bobokulov, A. U. Erkaev, Z. K. Toirov, B. X. Kucharov. Study of liquid phase steaming of potassium bicarbonate production process // Uzbek chemical journal. -2019. - Nr4. - Pp.9-16.

Received: 20.05.2019; Accepted: 24.06.2019; Published: 15.08.2019


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UDK 631.84.+631.811

D. U. Ismoilov, B. Kh. Kucharov, A. U. Erkaev, B. S. Zakirov


Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, E-mail:

Abstract. Background. One of the most dynamically developing segments of the mineral fertilizer market is liquid fertilizers, which is due to a number of their advantages. Currently, agricultural producers have created the necessary infrastructure, including warehouses, storage equipment and equipment for their introduction. Among the current areas of further improvement in the production of liquid mineral fertilizers can be identified, as one of the most important, the task of increasing the nutrient content. In this regard, the development of the process of obtaining liquid fertilizers is relevant.

Purpose. The aim of the work is to obtain liquid fertilizers by the conversion of potassium chloride and ammonium sulfate with the subsequent addition of ammonium nitrate and urea to the working solution with an increase in its nitrogen content.

Methodology. Systems were studied by isomolar series method. The specific mass of the samples of the studied compounds and solutions was determined by the pycnometric method. Measurement of pH of the solutions was performed according to the manual. The kinematic viscosity of the solutions was determined by a capillary viscometer VPG.

Originality. The dependence of changes in physicochemical and rheological properties of solutions on the composition of the systems was studied for the first time:

[11.82%NH4CI+1.65%(NH4)2SO4+6.76%К2SO4+79.77%H2O]–CO(NH2)2 and [11.82%NH4CI+1.65%(NH4)2SO4+6.76%К2SO4+79.77%H2O]–NH4NO3.

Findings. On the basis of the “composition-properties” diagrams studied, the optimal ratio of components working solution : nitrogen-containing fertilizers is 60: 40 and 50: 50, respectively, with the addition of urea and ammonium nitrate.

Keywords: urea, ammonium nitrate, system, diagram, solution, density, viscosity, ratio, properties, fertilizer, conversion.


* a transparent liquid fertilizer was obtained with a crystallization temperature less than 10°C;

* content of nutrients sum in the liquid fertilizer is 23.9-24.86%, respectively, adding urea and ammonium nitrate.


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To cite this article: D. U. Ismoilov, B. Kh. Kucharov, A. U. Erkaev, B. S. Zakirov. Studying the process of receiving liquid nitrogen fertilizers // Uzbek chemical journal. -2019. - Nr4. - Pp.17-22.

Received: 24.05.2019; Accepted: 31.05.2019; Published: 15.08.2019


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UDK 664.292

A. Kh. Abdurakhimov, D. Zh. Zhumaeva


Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent

Abstract. Background. The taste of vodka is explained by the presence of various impurities left in it due to insufficient purification, first of all - fusel oils, ethers and aldehydes. Activated carbon adsorbs impurities of alcohol, which give the aqueous-alcoholic solution an unpleasant odor and taste, and also makes the solution softer. At present, imported adsorbents are used in the alcoholic beverage industry to clean water-alcohol solutions from harmful impurities. For these purposes, BAU-A or powder OU-A are imported for currency.

Purpose. The aim of our work is the selection and study of local raw materials for the production of carbon adsorbents for the purification of aqueous-alcoholic solutions from impurities.

Methodology. Activated carbon adsorbents from local raw materials were obtained by carrying out a pyrolysis process without oxygen access in a laboratory setup. Humidity and ash content of the samples was determined in accordance with GOST 6217-74, the porosity of the obtained adsorbents was studied too.

Originality. Based on local raw materials, carbon adsorbents with high sorption capacity and high specific surface area were obtained, which can replace the imported ones used in the alcoholic beverage industry of Uzbekistan.

Finding. It is determined that the best raw material from the range of studied is DUP wood. The optimal granule size of the adsorbent (1-2 mm), the pyrolysis temperature (300-500°С) to obtain coal adsorbents from DUP wood with high sorption capacity and high specific surface.

Keywords: carbon adsorbent, vegetable raw materials, pyrolysis, humidity, ash, porosity, specific surface.


* waste of plant origin has been studied as a raw material;

* low-temperature pyrolysis without oxygen;

* obtaining coal adsorbents with high sorption capacity and high specific surface.


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To cite this article: A. Kh. Abdurakhimov, D. Zh. Zhumaeva. Research of physical, chemical and adsorption properties of carbon adsorbents to clean water-alcohol solutions from impurities // Uzbek chemical journal. -2019. - Nr4. - Pp.22-28.

Received: 27.06.2019; Accepted: 30.07.2019; Published: 15.08.2019


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UDK 666.945.9.2

B. B. Batyrov, G. B. Begzhanova, M. I. Iskandarova


Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent

Аbstract. Background. The chemical composition of stale waste of ceramic production is close to the chemical composition of natural clay components (loess loam, sandy loam, clay, kaolin, shale, etc.), which predetermines the possibility of their full replacement of natural clay materials in the composition of raw materials for burning Portland cement clinker.

Purpose to develop energy- and resource-saving clinker production technology using waste from ceramic production as the aluminosilicate component of the raw mix for burning Portland cement clinker that meets the requirements of O'z DSt 2801: 2013 Portland cement clinker. Technical conditions for clinkers on general construction cements.

Methodology. The research used methods of chemical, X-ray phase analysis, mathematical calculations and mechanical methods of analysis.

Originality. The possibility of partial or complete replacement of natural clay raw materials (lessa) by the waste of ceramic production (battle) in the production of portland cement clinker for general and sulphate-resistant portland cements has been established.

Findings. Using chemical and X-ray analysis, the possibility of using the waste of ceramic production as an aluminosilicate component in the production of portland cement clinker was determined. According to the mineralogical composition of clinkers and the raw mixture with a calculated method, the possibility of obtaining clinkers for general construction and sulphate-resistant cements has been proved.

Keywords: ceramic waste, raw mix, sludge, clinker, physicomechanical indicators.


* the possibility of using the waste of ceramic production;

* mineralogical composition of clinker using ceramic waste was determined.


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8. Atabaev Farrukh Bakhtiyarovich.Waste from flotation enrichment of rocks - as a complex raw material for the cement industry // European science review. - 2017. March–April. Vienna. - No 3-4. -R. 92-93.

9. Shlyakhova Ye.A., Martem'yanova YU.N. Iskusstvennyye mineral'nyye dobavki dlya proizvodstva tsementov // IGUPIT. Internet-zhurnal «Naukovedeniye» -2012. - No 4. -S. 1-5.

10. Pacheko-Torgal Fernando, Castro-Gomes Joao, Jalali Said. Svoystva geopolimernogo vyazhushchego na osnove otkhodov dobychi vol'frama // Constr. andBuild. Mater. -2008. - No 2. -V.22. - P. 1201-1211.

11. Pacheko-Torgal Fernando, Castro-Gomes Joao, Jalali Said. Geopolimernoye vyazhushcheye na osnove otkhodov vol'framovykh rud: predvaritel'noye issledovaniye produktov gidratatsii // Constr. and Build. Mater. - 2009. - No 2. -V. 23. - P. 200-209.

12. Puertas F., Garsia-Diaz I., Barba A. Ceramic wastes as alternative raw materials for Portland cement clinker production // 2008. - No 9. - T.30. - S. 798-805.

13. Ay Nuran., Unal Mevlut. The use of waste ceramic tile incement production // Cem. And Concr. Res -2000. - No 3. - T. 30. - S.497-499.

14. Bensted John., Munn Juliet. A discussion of the paper “The use of waste ceramic tile in cement production” by. N. Ay and M. Unal. // Cem. And Concr. Res. - 2001. - № 1. - V. 31. - S. 161-163.

To cite this article: B. B. Batyrov, G. B. Begzhanova, M. I. Iskandarova. Research of the possibility of the use of non-traditional clay component - ceramic potsherd for the synthesis of a cement clinker // Uzbek chemical journal. -2019. - Nr4. - Pp.28-35.

Received: 05.04.2019; Accepted: 03.06.2019; Published: 15.08.2019


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UDK 666.942

T. J. Pirimov, A. A. Mukhamedbaev, A. R. Seytnazarov, Sh. Yu. Atadzhanov, Sh.S. Namazov


1Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2 Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, 3Bekabadcement Joint-Stock Company

Abstract. Background. Mineral additive (MA) is an essential component in any cement with a low clinker content. Cements with a mineral additive are known, obtained by grinding cement clinker together with gypsum, natural pozzolanic rocks, calcined slate, gliezha, limestone or mikroskremnesem. Of interest is the use of metallurgical waste, which will expand the range of additives used and improve the environmental situation in the regions.

Purpose. Studying the effect of a mineral additive to cement based on fractional waste from steelmaking (FWSM) of Uzmetkombinat JSC and lead-zinc ore (LZO) fleet waste from Almalyk mining and metallurgical plant.

Methodology. For the preparation of cement of the proposed composition, brand 500 clinker, gypsum stone, a mineral additive consisting of LZO in the form of fine sand fraction 0-1mm and FWSM with a particle size of less than 5 mm are used. In this case, the components of MA are hardened in a stoichiometric ratio of LZO: FWSM = 33-74: 67-26 directly to grinding cement mills. Physico-mechanical tests of cements were carried out according to GOST 310.1-76, 310.3-76, 310.4-81, and frost resistance was determined according to ƠzDSt 10060.1-95.

Originality. The issue of using steelmaking slag and lead-zinc ore flotation as a mineral additive to cement without its thermal activation is considered. The most acceptable stoichiometric ratio of these wastes in the composition of the mineral additive has been established.

Findings. There is a predominant predominance of FWSM in the composition of the mineral additive. A change in the amount of FWSM from 32 to 67 wt.% In the composition of the mineral additive and the amount of the latter from 15 to 25 wt.% In the composition of cement makes it possible to obtain cement of the “Ts-500” grade. In this case, the frost resistance of cement is 65-75 cycles of freezing and thawing.

Key words: steelmaking, fractional waste, lead-zinc ore, mineral additive, cement, strength, frost resistance.


* provides data on the use of FWSM and LZO in the composition of cements;

* the resulting mineral additive is not subjected to thermal activation.


1. Butt YU.M., Sychev M.M., Timashev V.V. Khimicheskaya tekhnologiya vyazhushchikh materialov. - M.: Vysshaya shkola, 1980. - 472s.

2. Kiski S.S. Vliyaniye nanodispersnoy fazy aktivnykh komponentov melkozernistykh kompozitsionnykh betonov na ikh svoystva: Diss. … magistra tekhniki i tekhnologii stroitel'stva. - Sankt-Peterburg, 2014. - 66s.

3. GOST 31 108 – 2003. Tsement obshchestroitel'nyy. Tekhnicheskiye usloviya.

4. Pat. No IAP 04771.UZ. Tsement / SH.YU.Atazhanov, E.M. Kurbanov, F.K. Kodirova, A.A.Mukhamedbayev, K.Shakalov; Opub. 29.11.2013. Byull. No11.

5. Pat. No 2521684 RU. Tsement s ispol'zovaniyem otkhodov promyshlennogo proizvodstva/A.S Kurdina, N.A.Plotnikova, A.N.Steblyuk, S.A.Panov, V.F.Panova; Opub.:10.07.2014. Byull. No 19.

6. Fedyuk R.S. Povysheniye nepronitsamosti fibrobetonov na kompozitsionnom vyazhushchem: Avtoref… kand.tekhn.nauk. - Ulan-Ude, 2014. - 22s.

7. Gaziyev U.A., Akramov KH.A. Otkhody promyshlennosti v proizvodstve stroitel'nykh materialov. - Uchebnoye posobiye: Izd-vo TASI, 2003. - 112s.

8. Patent WO2009084984A2. S044V28/04. RU(1) WO(1). Sposob proizvodstva tsementa s mineral'noy dobavkoy. / Marsel Yanovich Bickbau, Jan Marselyevich Bickbau // 09.11.2009 WO2009084984A3.

9. Bikbau M.YA. Nanotekhnologii v proizvodstve tsementa. – Moskva: Izd-vo OAO «Mos-kovskogo IMET», 2008. - 768s.

10. Gamaliy Ye.A. Kompleksnyye modifikatory na osnove efirov polikarboksilatov i aktivnykh mineral'nykh dobavok dlya tyazhelogo konstruktsionnogo betona: Avtoref… kand. tekhn. nauk. – Chelyabinsk, 2009. - 23s.

To cite this article: T. J. Pirimov, A. A. Mukhamedbaev, A. R. Seytnazarov, Sh. Yu. Atadzhanov, Sh.S. Namazov. Using departure metalurgic production as mineral additive to cement // Uzbek chemical journal. -2019. - Nr4. - Pp.35-40.

Received: 21.01.2019; Accepted: 31.07.2019; Published: 15.08.2019


* * *

UDK 541.64:547.391.1

A. Kh. Yusupbekov, D. Ya. Yuldashov, A. M. Eminov


State Unitary Enterprise "Fan wa Tarakkiyot" TSTU; E-mail:

Abstract. Background. Currently, the rubber industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan is mainly based on imported raw materials, including rubbers and ingredients brought from the outside. All this, ultimately, affect the cost of production. Despite the huge reserves of mineral raw materials available to the Republic, in particular kaolin from various deposits, they still do not find proper use in the production of plastics and rubber. This is primarily due to the lack of a scientifically based approach to solving the tasks. In this regard, a comprehensive study of enriched kaolin "Alliance" as a filler for composite elastomeric materials for various purposes is of considerable scientific and practical interest and allow the solution of problems of import substitution.

Purpose. The rationale for the use of enriched kaolin "Alliance", instead of imported expensive kaolin, in the formulation of multi-purpose rubber mixtures.

Methodology. We used modern rotary viscometer type MUNI to estimate the viscosity of rubber compounds, as well as a rheometer type M-3000A, designed to study the kinetic parameters of vulcanization.

Originality consists in determining the role of the mineralogical composition and peculiarities of the Alliance kaolin structures in the formation of composite elastomer materials with improved processability.

Findings. The effect of the kaolin content on viscosity, plasticity, and scorch speed, the optimum vulcanization of rubber compounds based on styrene-butadiene rubber, has been comprehensively described.

Keywords: kaolin, viscosity, plasticity, scorch, speed and kinetics of vulcanization, properties.


* the possibility of improving the viscosity and plasticity of rubber compounds;

* slowing the speed of vulcanization of rubber compounds.


1. Bykov Ye.A. Otechestvennyye napolniteli ZAO «Geokom» dlya proizvodstva RTI. // Kauchuk i rezina. - 2007. - No6. - S. 49-50.

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3. Akhundzhanov D.B., Yusupbekov A.KH., Abdurashidov T.R. Gel'vanovskiy V.P. Uprugo-prochnostnyye i dinamicheskiye svoystva rezin, napolnennykh kaolinom Angrenskogo mestorozhdeniya // Kauchuk i rezina. - 1982. - No 3. - S. 44-45.

4. Gorelik P.A., Kakabadze R.SH., Meylakhs L.A., Sulimova I.B., Ural'skiy M.L. Mineral'nyye napolniteli rezinovykh smesey. Tematich. obzor. -M.: TSNIIT Eneftekhim, 1984. - S. 54.

5. Sheverdyayev O.N., Kos'kin I.YU., Krynkina V.N. Novyy mineral'nyy napolnitel' dlya stroitel'nykh i elastomernykh materialov // Stroitel'nyye materialy XXI veka. - 2007. - No 12. -S.22-23.

6. Kauchuk i rezina, Nauka i tekhnologiya, monografiya pod red. Dzh. Marka, B.Ermana, F.Eyricha. –Dolgoprudnyy: Iz-vo dom. «Intellekt», 2011. - S. 768.

7. Yusupbekov A.KH., Abdurashidov SH.T., Akhundzhanov D.V. Arislanov S.S. Polucheniya i issledovaniye svoystv kompozitsionnykh materialov na osnove kaolina // Tez. dokl. I-Vsesoyuznoy konferentsii po kompozitsionnym polimernym materialam i ikh primeneniyu v narodnom khozyaystve. -Tashkent. ***

8. Popov I.G., Gorelik R.A., Shmuylovich L.V., Sulimova I.B., Shapkin A.N., Dontsov A.A., Kolyadina N.G. Issledovaniye novykh tipov mineral'nykh napolniteley // Tez. dokladov. Vsesoyuznaya nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya «Puti povysheniya effektivnosti ispol'zovaniya elastomernykh materialov v proizvodstve shin i RTI». - Yaroslavl'. - S. 80.

9. Eminov A.M., Negmatov S.S., Sarkisyan A.O. i dr. Fiziko-khimicheskiye issledovaniya i izucheniye fazovykh izmeneniy kaolinov mestorozhdeniya «Al'yans» pri obzhige. // Kompozitsionnyye materialy. - 2016. - No 4. - S. 24-30.

10. Yusupbekov A.KH., Yuldashov D.YA., Eminov A.M. Issledovaniye adsorbtsionnykh svoystv obogashchennogo kaolina «Al'yans» // Kompozitsionnyye materialy. - 2018. - No 2. - S.121-122.

To cite this article: A. Kh. Yusupbekov, D. Ya. Yuldashov, A. M. Eminov. Studying the impact of enriched kaolin alliance on technological properties and kinetics of vulcanization of rubber mixes // Uzbek chemical journal. -2019. - Nr4. - Pp.40-44.

Received: 19.04.2019; Accepted: 29.05.2019; Published: 15.08.2019


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UDK 546.562+547.85

E. Sh. Yakubov, I. Nakhatov, B. R. Normatov


Karshi State University, ul. Kuchabog, Kashkadarya, Tel: 8 75 221 00 56

Abstract. Background. One of important directions of modern coordination chemistry is synthesis and research of transition metals with biologically active ligands. The creation of new high quality biologically active preparations is one of the problems of modern medicine and agriculture. A significant synthesis of coordination compounds of biometals with physiologically active organic compounds can be of significant event in solving this problem.

Purpose. Determination of synthesis conditions, establishment of the composition and structure of coordination compounds of copper(II) with quinazolone-4 and derivatives. Determination of the ligand’s coordination way and the dependence of physicochemical properties of the synthesized compounds on their structure.

Methodology. The chemical composition of the synthesized compounds was carried out using the trilonometric titration method. To determine C, H, N, an elemental analyzer СНN -1 was used. Based on chemical analysis, IR, EPR spectroscopy, the structure of the compounds was established.

Originality. For the first time, methods have been developed for the synthesis of coordination compounds of copper(II) with quinazolone-4 and its derivatives. Their identification was fulfilled. Based on chemical analysis, IR -, EPR – spectroscopy their structure in the solid state and in solution was established. Conclusions were formulated regarding the method of coordination of ligands and the competitive coordination of donor atoms in quinazolone-4 derivatives.

Findings. The composition of the synthesired compounds was determined by elemental analysis. It was shown that copper(II) ions with quinazolone-4 form complexes of the composition 1:1, 1:2 and 1:3. It was revealed that in coordination with the metal anion quinazolone-4 can participate through oxygen at position 4 or nitrogen at position 3 or simultaneously through these atoms in a bidentate manner. The ionic bond with the metal is predominantly formed via oxygen, rarely through nitrogen. The coordination ability of nitrogen in coordination position 1 was not detected. The studies showed that the most active complex-former is quinazolone-4. It has been established that it displaces 2-oxo-, -thioxo-, -amino- and –methoxyc carbonylaminoquinazolones-4 from copper(II) complexes.

Keywords: displaced ligand complexes, coordination, metal anisotropic cycles, bidentate coordination.


* mixed – ligand complexes of copper(II) with quinazolone-4 and derivatives;

* individuality of the complexes is proved by IR-, EPR– spectroscopy.


1. Ray, B.K., Vid'yarati, S.N., Kumari, P., Kumari, S., Lakshmi, K., Singkh, R. Sintez i spektroskopicheskiye issledovaniya kompleksov metallov osnovaniya Shiffa, poluchennykh iz 2-fenil-3- (r- aminofenil) -4-khinozolon // Aziatskiy khimicheskiy zhurnal. -2013. -25 (2). -P. 941-943. Tsitiruyetsya 11 raz.

2. Ray B.K., Sharma K., Singkh A.K. Sintez i issledovaniya kompleksov Co (II), Ni (II) i Cu (II) s nekotorymi tridentatnymi osnovaniyami Shiffa // Aziatskiy khimicheskiy zhurnal. -2002. -14 (3-4). -R. 1556-1560 gg. Tsitiruyetsya 5 raz.

3. Ray, B.K., Baluni A. Koordinatsionnyye soyedineniya Co (II), Ni (II) i Cu (II) s tiosemikarbazonom iz ryada proizvodnykh khinazolona: ikh polucheniye, kharakteristika i strukturnoye issledovaniye // Aziatskiy zhurnal khimii. -2001. -13 (2). -R. 725-729. Tsitiruyetsya 6 raz.

4. Yakubov E.SH., Choriyev A.U. Kompleksnyye soyedineniya kobal'ta (II), medi (II) i tsinka s 2-tiokso- i 2-alkiltiokhinazolonom-4 // Universum: khimiya i biologiya. -2017. -7. -37.

5. Yakubov E.SH., Gulboyeva D.R., Safarova M.A., Choriyev, A.U. Kompleksnyye soyedineniya kobal'ta(II), medi (II) i tsinka s khinazolonom-4 // Universum: khimiya i biologiya. - 2019. -3. -57.

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9. Yakubov E.SH., Musayev Z.M., Shokhidoyatov KH.M. Kompleksnyye soyedineniya biometallov s khinazolonom-4 i yego proizvodnymi // Tez. dokl. Konferentsii molodykh uchenykh. – Tashkent. – 1992. – S. 19.

10. Musayev Z.M., Yakubov E.SH., Shokhidoyatov KH.M. Koordinatsionnyye soyedineniya kobal'ta(II) i tsinka s khinazolonom-4. // Uzb. khim. zhurn. - 1994. - No 3. - S. 26-30.

11. Gupta H.K., Dikshit S.K. Mixed ligand complexes of cobalt(II) & nickel(II) with 2-mercapto-3-pheny1-4-quinazolinone & various nitrogen containing heterocyclic bases // Indian J. Chem. - 1986. - Vol. 25 A. - No 9. - P. 842-845.

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14. Gupta H.K., Dikahit S.K. Palladium (II), platinum (II) and platinum (IV) complex of 2-mercapto-3-phenyl-4-quinazolinone: Reactions of palladium (II) chloride and platinum (IV) chloride with 2-mercapto-3-phenyl-4 quinazolinone in the presence and absence of various N-heterocyclic basis // “Transit. Metal Chem”. - 1985. - Vol. 10. - No 12. – P. 469-472.

To cite this article: E. Sh. Yakubov, I. Nakhatov, B. R. Normatov. Coordination compounds of copper (II) with quinazolone-4 and its derivatives // Uzbek chemical journal. -2019. - Nr4. - Pp.44-51.

Received: 04.04.2019; Accepted: 29.05.2019; Published: 15.08.2019


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UDK 541.615.

S. B. Khaytmetova, A. S. Turayev


Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan, E-mail:

Abstract. Background. The process of hydrolytic splittingof the macromolecular matrix of carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) leads to significant changes in supramolecular structures, respectively. Usage of physicochemical methods will make it possible to follow the supramolecular structural changes of CMC samples during the process of their hydrolytic splitting. Important indicators of polymers are molecular characteristics, in particular, molecular mass (MM), molecular mass distribution (MMD), etc., due to pronounced dependence of physicochemical properties on these parameters. In this regard, in this paper we present the results of studying molecular parameters and physicochemical properties of hydrolyticallysplit CMC.

Purpose. Studying molecular characteristics and physico-chemical properties of the obtained modified CMC samples by the method of hydrolytic splitting.

Methodology. The objects of the study were modified CMC obtained by hydrolytic splitting. Gel - penetrating chromatography. Chromatograms were taken on a liquid chromatograph. X-ray diffraction patterns for powder diffractograms were performed using “Dron-2.0”. Structural studies were carried out using optical (MPSU-1, MBI-6) and electron microscopes (Tesla BS-242E, PEM-100 and SEM-200).

Originality. The first studied molecular characteristics and their physicochemical properties of modulated CMCs prepared with desired properties by the method of hydrolytic splitting.

Findings. Studies have shown that by hydrolytic splitting of CMC, it can be obtained more homogeneous CMC samples by MM and MMD, which are of great interest in the development of biomedical polymers.

Keywords: carboxymethylcellulose, structure, properties, hydrolytically split, molecular weight, molecular mass distribution, molecular characteristics.


* with an increase in the conversion depthof the hydrolytic splitting, CMC becomes more homogeneous both in composition and in MMD;

* regardless of the depth of hydrolysis, the samples have the ability to swell in water;

* in the process of heterogeneous hydrolysis, the number of ordered sections increases, and they become more structured.


1. Torlopov M.A., Demin V.A.Sul'fatirovannyye i karboksimetilirovannyye proizvodnyye mikrokristallicheskoy tsellyulozy // Ximiya rastitel'nogo syr'ya. - 2007. - No3. - S.55–61.

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3. Khaytmetova S. B., Turayev A. S. Gidroliticheskoye rasshchepleniye proizvodnykh tsellyulozy s reguliruyemymi molekulyarnymi parametrami // Uzbekskiy khimicheskiy zhurnal. - 2016. - No 4. -S.70-75.

4. Khaytmetova S. B., Turayev A. S. Polimernyye lekarstvennyye preparaty na osnove modifitsirovannoy karboksimetiltsellyulozy // Uzbekskiy khimicheskiy zhurnal. - Spets. Vyp. -2011. - S 12-15.

5. Vasil'yev B.V., Bleyvis G.I., Prokof'yeva M.V., Tarakanov O.G. Issledovaniya struktury prostykh efirov tsellyulozy rentgenograficheskim metodom // Khimiya i tekhnologiya tsellyulozy. -1973. - T.6. - S. 293-306.

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7. Burkhanova N. Dzh., Mikhaylova S.S., Tyagay E.D., Ziyavuddinov KH.M. Issledovaniye mikrokristallicheskoy karboksimetiltsellyulozy iz khlopkovogo linta // Khimiya, tekhnologiya i primeneniye tsellyulozy i yeye proizvodnykh: Tez. dokl. Vsesoyuzn. konf. – Vladimir. -1985. - S.39.

8. Heinze Th., Barsett H. Polysaccharides I: Structure, Characterisation And Use. - Berlin Hei-delberg: Springer, 2005. - P. 281.

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11. Bazarnova N.G., Karpova Ye.V, Katrakov I.B. i dr. Metody issledovaniya drevesiny i yeye proizvodnykh: uchebnoye posobiye /Pod red. N.G. Bazarnovoy. Barnaul, 2002. -160 s.

12. M.A.Martynov, K.A. Vylegzhanina. Rentgenografiya polimerov. - M.: Khimiya, 1972. – S. 15.

13. Boymirzayev A.Opredeleniye molekulyarno-massovykh parametrov proizvodnykh tsellyulozy metodom eksklyuzionnoy khromatografii // Zhurn.fiz.khim. -2006. -T.80. - No 8. -S.1527-1529.

14. Bruyevich G.YU. Khimicheskaya neodnorodnost' nekotorykh karboksilsoderzhashchikh polimerov meditsinskogo naznacheniya: Diss....kand. khim. nauk. - M., 1984, Tashkent.

15. Shomurotov SH.A., Boymirzayev A.S., Turayev A.S., Khaytmetova S.B. Eksklyuzionnaya zhidkostnaya khromatografiya karboksimetiltsellyulozy // «Lomonosov-2007»: Materialy mezhd. konf. stud., aspir. i molod. uchen. MGU -Moskva, 2007. -S. 167.

To cite this article: S. B. Khaytmetova, A. S. Turayev. Study of physical and chemical properties and the supromolecular structure of the modified carboxymethyl cellulose // Uzbek chemical journal. -2019. - Nr4. - Pp.52-61.

Received: 24.05.2019; Accepted: 29.06.2019; Published: 15.08.2019


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UDK 547.312.362.384.398.538.

1,2О. E. Ziyadullaev, 1G. Q. Otamukhamedova, 3I. G. Tarkhanova, 1S. S. Abdurakhmanova


1Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute, Chirchik, Amir Timur Street 104,, 2National University of Uzbekistan, 3 Universitetskaya Street, 3, 3Leninsky Gory Street Moscow State University, 3.

Abstract. Backround. Synthesis of new acetylenic alcohols on the base of local raw materials was performed, elaboration of their production with using economically-cheap, ecologically pure technology and their using as biocides of biocorrosion, ionites and herbicides in agriculture is an actual problem.

Purpose. Synthesis of new aromatical acetylene alcohols obtained on the base of phenylacetylene and some cyclical ketones. Investigation of influence of high-basical system on duration of reaction and yields of products and row of activity of ketones in synthesis on their base acetylenic alcohols.

Methotodlogy. Homogeneous and heterogeneous catalyst, extraction, separation, spectroscopy and chromatography analysis, quantitative-chemical methods, physic-chemical method of investigations.

Originality. For the first time new acetylenic alcohols have been synthesized by alkylation of some cyclic ketones by phenylacetylene in the presence of high-base catalytical system. Influence of nature of catalytical system on yield of obtained products has been discussed. Biological activity of some acetylenic alcohols has been investigated.

Findings. New acetylene alcohols by interaction of investigated ketones with phenylacetylene have been synthesized. Structure, purity and composition of synthesized compounds of obtained compound have been determined; distribution of electronic density and dynamical parameters have been calculated of quantum-chemical methods.

Keywords: phenylacetylene, ketones, acetylene alcohols, highly basic catalytic system, product yield, biocorrosion.


* new acetylenic alcohols on the base of local raw-materials were synthesized;

* composition, purity and structure of acetylenic alcohols were investigated;

* using of obtained compounds has been determined.


1. Shmidt E.Yu., Bidusenko I.A., Protsuk N.I., Mikhaleva A.I., Trofimov B.A. Improved Synthesis of Tertiary Propargyl Alcohols by the Favorskii Reaction of Alkyl, Aryl (Hetaryl) Ketones with Acetylene // Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry. -2013. -Vol. 49. -Issue 1. -P. 8-11.

2. Abol Fazl Hosseini, Daniel Seidel, Andreas Miska and Peter R. Schreiner Fluoride-Assisted Activation of Calcium Carbide: A Simple Method for the Ethynylation of Aldehydes and Ketones // Organic Letters. -2015. -Nr 17. -P. 2808-2811.

3. L.N. Sobenina, D.N. Tomilin, O.V. Petrova, A.I. Mihaleva and B.A. Trofimov Synthesis of secondary propargyl alcohols from aromatic and hetero aromatic aldehydes and acetylene in the system KOH-H2O-DMSO // Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry. -2013. -Vol. 49. -Nr 3. -P. 356-359.

4. Barry M. Trost, Andrew H. Weiss The Enantioselective Addition of Alkyne Nucleophiles to Carbonyl Groups // Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis. -2009.-Vol. 351. - Issue 8. -P. 1001-1012.

5. Pier Giorgio Cozzi, Silvia Alesi BINOL catalyzed enantioselective addition of titanium phenylacetylide to aromatic ketones // Chemical Communications. -2004. -Issue 21. -P. 2448-2458.

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7. Frantz A.A., Fassler R.J., Carreira C.M. Facile Enantioselective Synthesis of Propargylic Alcohols by Direct Addition of Terminal Alkynes to Aldehydes // Journal of the American Chemical Society. -2000 -Vol. 122. -Issue 8. -P. 1806-1807.

8. Cadoret F., Six Yvan. Modification of the Kulinkovich reaction: Pinacol-type coupling of benzophenone mediated Ti(OiPr)2 // Tetrahedron Letter. -2007. -Nr 48. -P. 5491-5493.

9. Larionova E.Yu., Vitkovskaya N.M., Kempf N.V., Kobychev V.B., Trofimov B.A. A theoretical study of ethynylation of formaldehyde with acetylene in the KOH-DMSO system // Doklady Chemistry. -2011. -T.439. -Nr 1. -S. 181-182.

10. Ibhadon A.O. Kansal S.K. The Reduction of Alkynes Over Pd-Based Catalyst Materials - A Pathway to Chemical Synthesis // Journal of Chemical Engineering & Process Technology. -2018. -Vol.9. -Issue 2. -P. 1036-1045.

11. Salidzhanova N.S., Kerbalayeva A.A., Khakberdiyev D.M., Yusupkhuzhayev A.S., Tashbekova D.M. Podbor i issledovaniye vliyaniya biotsidov na podavleniye rosta sul'fatvosstanovlivayushchikh bakteriy v sisteme podderzhaniya platovogo davleniya // Ŭzbekiston neft gaz zhurnali. -2011. - Nr1. -S. 42-45.

12. Ziyadullayev O.E., Otamukhamedova G.K., Abdurakhmanova S.S., Atamurodova S.I. Sintez aromaticheskikh atsetilenovykh spirtov na osnove etinilbenzola i nekotorykh ketonov // Mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya Markovnikovskiye Chteniya “Organicheskaya khimiya: ot Markovnikova do nashikh dney” (WSOC-2019), 16-21 yanvarya 2019 g. –Moskva. -2019. -S. 115.

13. Otamukhamedova G.Kˌ., Ziyadullayev O.E., Samatov S.B., Abdirakhimov M.I. Sintez atsetilenovykh spirtov i ikh vinilovykh efirov / V Mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya po khimii geterotsiklov «Novyye napravleniya v khimii geterotsiklicheskikh soyedineniy», 10-14 sentyabrya 2018 g. –Vladikavkaz. -2018. -S. 768.

14. Gusarova N.K., Mikhaleva A.I., Shmidt Ye.YU., Mal'kina A.G. Khimiya atsetilena: novyye glavy. –M.: «Nauka», 2013.

15. E.G. Gilazhov Polucheniye kompaundirovannykh atsetilenovykh spirtov iz otkhodov proizvodstva 2-etiltsiklogeksanola i ikh svoystva // Vestnik Astrakhanskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta. -2007. -Nr6 (41). –S. 54-56.

16. Otamukhamedova G.Kˌ., Ziyadullayev O.E., Abdurakhmanova S.S., Zhumaniyazova M.A. 1,7,7-trimetil-2-(2-feniletinil)bitsiklo[2,2,1]geptanol-2 ni yukˌori asosli katalitik sistema (Cs2CO3/DMSO∙N2O) yordamida sintez kˌilish zharayoni // “Zamonaviy innovatsiya: Atsetilen birikmalar kimosi. Neftekimo. Kataliz” Khalkˌaro ilmiy-amaliy konferentsiya, 14-16 noyabr'. -2018. -Toshkent. - B.38-39.

To cite this article: О. E. Ziyadullaev, G. Q. Otamukhamedova, I. G. Tarkhanova, S. S. Abdurakhmanova. Alkynylation of cyclic ketones of phenylacetylene in the presence of high-basical catalytical sistem // Uzbek chemical journal. -2019. - Nr4. - Pp. 61-69.

Received: 16.04.2019; Accepted: 31.05.2019; Published: 15.08.2019


* * *

UDK 577.1.577.352.34

K. V. Raimova, F. A. Sabirovа, R. S. Esanov, A. D. Matchanov


Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry Acad. A. S. Sadykova, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, E-mail:

Abstract. Background. Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica L., this. Urticaceae-nettle) is a popular medicinal plant. One of the most important tasks of the ecological physiology of plants is to study the response of plants to heavy metals, which, at elevated concentrations, have a toxic effect on a wide variety of physiological processes. This problem is not only of obvious practical importance, which is associated with the ever-increasing environmental pollution with heavy metals, but also has an important fundamental value, which is associated with the study of adaptation mechanisms and the resistance of plants to heavy metals. Among them, Cd and Pb are the most common toxic elements, while Ni and Zn are trace elements. The roots and rhizomes of nettle contain micro- and macroelements: zinc, copper, lead, arsenic, iron, vanadium, manganese, sodium, calcium and other substances.

Purpose. The aim of this work is to study heavy metals and a comparative study of the micro-and macroelement composition of Urtica dioica L., which grows in high-mountainous regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Methodology. The study of the elemental composition of the studied raw materials was carried out using the ECI ICP method, using an Optima-2400 DV device (Perkin Elmer USA). The sample preparation method is based on microwave, wet, acid-peroxide decomposition in a BERGHOF microwave with Speebwave TM MWS-3 + software.

Originality. For the first time, the content of heavy metal salts in Urtica dioica L., growing in the mountainous regions of the Republic was investigated.

Fingdings. The composition of the roots and rhizomes of nettle, growing in the mountainous regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the content of heavy metal salts is relatively less compared with the literature data, indicating a lower soil contamination in mountainous areas. The content of macro- and microelements in the roots and rhizomes of Urtica dioica, consists of more than 25 elements, of which 34% are essential, 21% are heavy, and 45% are other elements. It was shown that the content in the raw material of such heavy metal salts as: copper is 0.0271 mg / kg, lead is 0.0753, arsenic is 0.0066 mg / kg, zinc is 0.0813 mg / kg, and mercury and cadmium are absent. Along with this, the following macronutrients were found: potassium-55.4874 mg / kg, calcium-33.9675 mg / kg, magnesium-15.8099 mg / kg, iron-6.7597 mg / kg sodium-6.1145 mg / kg, barium-1.735 mg / kg, and trace elements: manganese-0.2043 mg / kg, lithium-0.0337 mg / kg, bismuth-0.0142 mg / kg, nickel-0.0150 mg / kg and others.

Keywords: Stinging nettle, salts of heavy metals, macro- and microelements, optics emission spectrometry.


* the quantitative content of heavy metal salts was studied for the first time.

* the content of macro- and microelements in the roots and rhizomes of nettle.

* comparative studies with literature data were conducted.


1. YA.F. Kopyt'ko, Ye.S. Lapinskaya, T.A. Sokol'skaya. Primeneniye, khimicheskiy sostav i standartizatsiya syr'ya i preparatov Urtica (obzor). Lekarstvennyye rasteniya // Khimiko-farmatsevticheskiy zhurnal. -2011. - T.45. -No10. -S.32-33.

2. E.A. Balagozyan, V.A. Kurkin, A.V. Lyamin, O.Ye. Pravditseva. Perspektivy ispol'zovaniya preparatov na osnove kornevishch s kornyami krapivy dvudomnoy // Farmatsiya i farmakologiya.-2015.- No 6.-S.16-19.

3. K.V.Raimova, R.S.Esanov, N.KH.Yakubova, A.D.Matchanov. Nekotoryye osobennosti sravnitel'nogo issledovaniya khimicheskogo sostava krapivy dvudomnoy, proizrastayushchey v gornykh rayonakh Uzbekistana. Akademiya nauk respubliki Uzbekistan Institut bioorganicheskoy khimii im. akad. A.S. Sadykova // Cb.tezisov mezhdunarodnoy nauchnoy konferentsii «Lekarstvennyye preparaty na osnove prirodnykh soyedineniy». -GulDU. -2018. -18-19 sentyabrya. -S.61-62.

4. V.M. Ushanova, O.I. Lebedeva, S.M. Repyakh. Issledovaniye vliyaniya usloviy proizrastaniya na khimicheskiy sostav krapivy dvudomnoy (Urtica dioica L.) // Khimiya rastitel'nogo syr'ya. -2001. - No 3. -S.97-106.

5. O.V.Trineyeva, A.I.Slivkin.Issledovaniye mikroelementnogo sostava list'yev krapivy dvudomnoy.// Seriya Meditsina. Farmatsiya. -2015. -(219). -Vypusk 32. - No 22. - S.169-170.

6. Putlakowska K., Kita A., Janoska P., Połowniak M., Kozik V. Multi-element analysis of mineral and trace elements in medicinal herbs and their infusions // Food chemistry. -2012. -S. 494–501.

7. A.V.Nikulin, Ye.A.Platonov, O.G.Potanina. Mikroelementnyy sostav lekarstvennogo rastitel'nogo syr'ya, soderzhashchego polisakharidy // Farmatsiya. -2017. -T.2. -S.24-27.

8. K.V.Gubin, M.A.Khanina. Izucheniye khimicheskogo sostava nadzemnoy chasti Urtica cannabina L. flory Sibiri // Khimiya rastitel'nogo syr'ya. - 2009. - No 2. - S.89-92.

9. O.V.Trineyeva, A.I. Slivkin, B. Dortgulyyev. Opredeleniye tyazhelykh metallov v lekarstvennom rastitel'nom syr'ye i maslyanykh preparatakh na yego osnove (na primere list'yev krapivy dvudomnoy i plodov oblepikhi krushinovidnoy)// Vestnik VGU,Seriya: Khimiya, Biologiya, Farmatsiya. - 2015. - No 1. - C. 152-154.

10. V.YA. Yatsyuk, G.A. Chalyy, O.V. Soshnikova.Biologicheski aktivnyye veshchestva travy krapivy dvudomnoy // Rossiyskiy mediko-biologicheskiy vestnik im. Akad. I.V.Pavlova. - 2006. - No 1. -S.25-26.

11. Soshnikova. Izucheniye khimicheskogo sostava i biologicheskoy aktivnosti rasteniy roda krapiva // Farmatsevticheskaya khimiya,farmakognoziya: Avtoreferat. – Kursk. - 2006.

12. E.A.Balagozyan.Farmakognosticheskoye issledovaniye kornevishch s kornyami krapivy dvudomnoy (Urtica dioica L.). Samarskiy gosudarstvennyy meditsinskiy universitet // Farmatsevticheskaya khimiya, farmakognoziya. Diss. - 2017. - S. 26-29.

13. O.V.Trineyeva,S.S.Voropayeva,A.I.Slivkin. Sovershenstvovaniye metodiki kolichestvennogo opredeleniya kal'tsiya i magniya v list'yakh krapivy dvudomnoy // FGBOU VPO Voronezhskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. Seriya. Medetsina. Farmatsiya. -2014. - No 11. – Vyp.26. - S.4-5.

To cite this article: K. V. Raimova, F. A. Sabirovа, R. S. Esanov, A. D. Matchanov. Study of the content of salts of heavy metals in the roots and rootes of nettrol // Uzbek chemical journal. -2019. - Nr4. - Pp. 69-75.

Received: 26.04.2019; Accepted: 05.06.2019; Published: 15.08.2019


* * *

UDK 577.156:634.651

L. G. Mezhlumyan, B. U. Zokirov


Institute of Plant Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, E-mail:

Abstract. Background. Protein is the main biochemical component of soybean seeds. Soybean is one of crops cultivated in the world that have high protein content. According to various authors, the seeds of this culture can accumulate an average of 38–42% protein with a variation of this indicator from 30 to 50%. Soy is not only a source of protein, but also oil, the content of which in the seeds ranges from 16 to 27%. Low carbohydrate content is typical for soy plant. The soybean protein has a balanced ratio of essential amino acids and is equal to the protein of eggs and meat.

Purpose. The goal of the present research is to recommend to breeders the promising soy varieties cultivated in Uzbekistan basing on quantitative content and characterization of proteins.

Methodology. The soybean seeds were defatted with acetone and ether at low temperature. The total protein was isolated from the defatted soy flour (powder) by alkaline extraction. The comparative quantitative protein content was determined by the spectrophotometric method of Kalkar. Electrophoresis in a 10% polyacrylamide gel in the presence of marker proteins was performed to determine the molecular weight of the subunits for proteins isolated from the new soybean varieties. IR spectral analysis of proteins from the studied soybean varieties was carried out to compare the absorption in the spectral region of 1650 cm-1.

Originality. Data on the quantitative content of protein in 10 new breeding varieties of soybeans created in the Tashkent Scientific Experimental Station of Rice, Grain and Bean Crops were obtained for the first time.

Findings. The quantitative determination of protein by the spectrophotometric method of Kalkar was carried out in new soybean varieties. Three varieties were high-protein, contained in their composition more than 30% of protein. Electrophoresis in 10% polyacrylamide gel in the presence of protein markers provided a comparative fractional composition of proteins of the studied soybean varieties. It was shown that high-protein soybean varieties have a lower content of low molecular weight proteins. The slight discrepancy was observed in the region of oscillation of 1650 cm-1 in comparative study of IR spectra of contrasting varieties.

Key words: selection, soy, proteins, electrophoresis, IR – spectroscopy.


* isolation of total protein from defatted soy flour, comparative quantitative determination by the Kalkar’s method;

* comparative study of the studied soybean varieties proteins fractional composition by electrophoresis.


1. G. I. Mendel'son. Znacheniye soyevykh belkovykh produktov v pitanii cheloveka / G.I. Mendel'son // Pishchevaya promyshlennost'. - 2004. - No 6. - S. 90 -91

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To cite this article: L. G. Mezhlumyan, B. U. Zokirov. Control of protein content in soybean cultivation process in Uzbekistan // Uzbek chemical journal. -2019. - Nr4. - Pp. 75-82.

Received: 04.06.2019; Accepted: 15.07.2019; Published: 15.08.2019


* * *

UDK 547.821.3.

M. M. Khikmatova, A. A. Ziyayev


National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, E-mail:

Abstract. Background. The investigation of the reaction of α, α'-dipyridyl and 3,3'-dimethyl-α, α'-dipyridyl with propylchloride is an actual task. The influence of the nature of the solvent, the time and temperature of the process on the yiald of N, N'-substituted α, α'-dipyridyl and 3,3'-dimethyl-α,α'-dipyridyliy was determined.

Purpose of this project is the elaboration of highly efficient methods of synthesis of isomeric dipyridyls and their hydrogenated N-substituted analogues and the creation on their base of new active, low-toxical and safe for environment pesticides, in particular herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, bactericides, desiccants, defoliants, and others .

Methodology. The reaction of α,α'-dipyridyl with propylchloride was carried out in laboratory conditions with using propylchloride as catalyst-solvent.

Originality. The condensation of α,α'-dipyridyl and 3,3'-dimethyl-α,α'-dipyridyl with propylchloride has been studied. The formation of new derivatives of dipyridyl has been proven. The physico-chemical constants of the obtained new compounds determined.

Findings. In article the results of the reaction of α,α'-dipyridyl and 3,3'-dimethyl-α,α'-dipyridyl with propylchloride are presented. The product yield is 66.5%. Their structures were investigated by methods of IR and PMR spectroscopy.

Key words: α,α'-dipyridyl, 3,3'-dimethyl-α,α'-dipyridyl, propylchloride, thin-layer chromatography, system, IR and PMR spectroscopy.


* synthesized N, N'-substituted derivatives of α, α'-dipyridylium and 3,3'-dimethyl-α, α'-dipyridylium;

* optimal synthesis conditions found.


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To cite this article: M. M. Khikmatova, A. A. Ziyayev. Synthesis of some derivatives of N, N'-substituted α, α'-dipyridilium and 3,3'-dimethyl-α, α'- dipyridylium // Uzbek chemical journal. -2019. - Nr4. - Pp. 82-86.

Received: 18.03.2019; Accepted: 28.05.2019; Published: 15.08.2019


* * *

UDK 66.074.3 620.193:665.511

Sh. J. Shamsiev, F. M. Yusupov, V. P. Guro


Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent

Abstract. Background. The produced water of the gas fields contains hydrogen sulfide, which is corrosive to metal equipment in the fields. Technological methods have been developed for neutralizing and extracting it from these waters. They have been successfully tested under production conditions, and a method of electrochemical neutralization of hydrogen sulfide is being implemented.

Purpose to develop a technology for reagent-electrochemical treatment of acidic formation water of gas fields.

Methodology. The reservoir water of the Urtabulok-Samontepa field of Mubarekneftegaz LLC was selected as the object. The concentration of hydrogen sulfide was controlled, electrochemical measurements were performed on a PI-50-1 potentiostat. A pilot installation of the electrolyzer and sump was made.

Originality. The rules for the process of reagent-electrochemical treatment of acid formation water of gas fields, leading to the purification of water from hydrogen sulfide, have been developed.

Findings. The kinetic laws of neutralization and oxidation of hydrogen sulfide in solution are revealed. The anode material was chosen - carbon steel, the dissolution of which generates iron ions (II, III). The technology of water purification from hydrogen sulfide has been developed. The calculation of the productivity of the electrolysis pilot plant at the Mubarek gas processing plant was performed. It is being installed.

Key words: hydrogen sulfide, Fe (II), Fe (III) ions, coal, air oxygen.


* a technology for the treatment of produced water from H2S has been developed;

* the anode material of the pilot plant for its neutralization was selected.


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To cite this article: Sh. J. Shamsiev, F. M. Yusupov, V. P. Guro. Technology of gas produced battery water cleaning from hydrogen sulfide // Uzbek chemical journal. -2019. - Nr4. - Pp. 86-92.

Received: 21.07.2019; Accepted: 14.08.2019; Published: 15.08.2019


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