UDK 543.872
S. N. Rasulova, V. P. Guro, U. R. Ernazarov, E. T. Safarov, G. M. Parmonov, Z. Raximjonov
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Abstract. Background. The kinetics of the oxidation of molybdenite concentrate in sodium hypochlorite solutions was previously studied. It was of interest to compare it with the behavior of pyrite concentrate under the same conditions.
Purpose: to study the kinetics of oxidative leaching of gold and silver from pyrite concentrate, in hypochlorite electrolyte, using the rotating disk method.
Methodology. Pyrite concentrate of Almalyk MMC JSC was used, pressed into tablet discs Æ18 mm; sodium hypochlorite, controlled Au(I), Ag(I) in solutions (ААС Perkin-Elmer 3030В, ICP-Agilent 7500 IСP MS); solid phase SEM-EDS EVO-MA (Carl Zeiss, Instrum) and JCM-6000 Neoscope II (Jeol, Japan); FT-IR Nicolet iS50 (Thermo Scientific, USA), XRD Empyrean (PANalytical).
Originality. The parameters of the kinetic equation for the process of oxidative leaching: Au(I), Ag(I) from pyrite concentrate are obtained, the activation energy of the process of diffusion of Au, Ag from the solid into the liquid phase is calculated.
Findings. Dependences of the leaching rate of Au, Ag from minerals in a hypochlorite electrolyte on a number of factors are constructed using the rotating disk method.
Key words: pyrite concentrate, gold, silver, hydrometallurgy, oxidation, leaching, sodium hypochlorite.
- rotating disk method for studying the kinetics of mineral leaching;
- pyrite concentrate was leached for 0-1800 sec;
- an oxidizing agent was used - sodium hypochlorite;
- parameters of the kinetic equation of leachingcalculated;
- data on changes in the structure and composition of pyrite concentrate samples.
1. Rasulova S. N., Guro V. P., Ruziev U. N., Adinaev Kh. F., Safarov E. T. Kinetics of oxidation of copper sulfide with nitric acid // Uzb. chem. magazine - 2021. -No6. - P.13-20. (in Russian)
2. Rasulova S.N., Guro V.P. Kinetics of reagent oxidation of molybdenum disulfide in solutions of sodium hypochlorite // Uzb. chem. journal-2020.-No6.- P.3-8. (in Russian)
3. Flatt, J.R., 1996. The Kinetics of Pyrite and Elemental Sulfur Reactions During Nitric Acid Pre-Oxidation of Refractory Gold Ores. The University of Adelaide, South Australia, Australia (Ph.D. Thesis
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5. Rogozhnikov, D., Karimov, K., Shoppert, A., Dizer, O., Naboichenko, S. Kinetics and mechanism of arsenopyrite leaching in nitric acid solutions in the presence of pyrite and Fe(III) ions.//Hydrometallurgy.-2021.-199,105525. https://doi.org/10.1016/j. hydromet.2020.105525.
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7. Michael J. Nicol. The electrochemistry of chalcopyrite in alkaline solutions// Hydrometallurgy 187 (2019) P. 134–140, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hydromet.2019.05.016.
8. Ravinder K. Garlapalli, Eung Ha Cho, and Ray Y.K. Yang, Leaching of Chalcopyrite with Sodium Hypochlorite, Metallurgical And Materials Transactions B, Volume 41B, APRIL 2010, рр. 308-317, http://doi:10.1007/s11663-009-9328-x .
9. Zárate-Gutiérrez R, Lapidus GT, Morales RD (2012) Aqueous oxidation of galena and pyrite with nitric acid at moderate temperatures.// Hydrometallurgy. -115–116:57–63. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hydromet.2011.12.010 .
10. Senanayake G. A review of chloride assisted copper sulfide leaching by oxygenated sulfuric acid and mechanistic considerations [J].// Hydrometallurgy. -2009. - 98, 21–32.
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12. Аjzlan J., Chovan M., Andra´ˇs P., Newville M., Wiedenbeck M. The nanoparticulate nature of invisible gold in arsenopyrite from Pezinok (Slovakia). // Neues Jahrb. Für Mineral. -2010. – Abh. 187 (1), 1–9.
13. Vikentyev I.V. Invisible and microscopic gold in pyrite: Methods and new data for massive sulfide ores of the Urals. Geol. Ore Deposits 57, 237–265. -2015. https://doi.org/10.1134/S1075701515040054 .
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16. Evgeniy Kuzas, Denis Rogozhnikov, Oleg Dizer etc. Kinetic study on arsenopyrite dissolution in nitric acid media by the rotating disk method// Minerals Engineering 187 -2022. -107770. -Рр. 1-12, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mineng 2022.107770 www.elsevier. com/locate/mineng, (in Russian)
17. Kakovsky, I.A. Thermodynamics and kinetics of hydrometallurgical processes / I.A. Kakovsky, S.S. Naboychenko. -Almaty (RK): Nauka, 1986. -272 p. (in Russian)
18. Andronic L., Isac L., Duta A. Photochemical synthesis of copper sulphide/titanium oxide photocatalyst //Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry. – 2011. – V. 221. – Nr. 1. – P. 30-37.
19. Rasulova S. N., Guro V. P., Ruziev U. N., Ernazarov U. R., Adinaev Kh. F., Safarov E. T. Kinetics of reactant oxidation of molybdenum disulfide with nitric acid. chem. magazine - 2021. -No2. - P.3-11. (in Russian)
To cite this article: S. N. Rasulova, V. P. Guro, U. R. Ernazarov, E. T. Safarov, G. M. Parmonov, Z. Raximjonov. Kinetics of reagent oxidation of pyrite concentrate in sodium hypochlorite solutions. // Uzbek chemical journal. -2023. – Nr3. - Pp.3-14.
Received: 07.11.2022; Accepted: 05.12.2022; Published: 26.07.2023
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UDK 541.64:544.723.23
S. E. Kalbaev, M. K. Rakhimberdieva, J. K. Mamatov, N. T. Kattaev, Kh. I. Akbarov, V. G. Kolyadin
National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek ntkattaev@gmail.com
Abstract. Background. Known models of the electrical conductivity of an electrolyte solution do not give an idea of its mechanism in polymeric materials. Sorption of polar and nonpolar solvents, sorption fields of a conducting composite have been little studied.
Purpose. Investigation of the sorption of solvents by electrically conductive composites based on polypyrrole.
Methodology. The nature of the interaction of the solvent with the polymer matrix is determined by the characteristics of the clusters in the sorption active centers. Isotherms of water and benzene vapors by electrically conductive AS/PPy and AS/PPy-PTSA composites are analyzed within the Flory-Huggins theory of solutions and Zimm-Landberg statistical theory
Originality. The condition of correspondence of sorption isotherms to zones of solubility/swelling and formation of clusters is revealed. During sorption by electrically conductive AS/PPy-PTSA and AS/PPy composites, water forms clusters, and benzene molecules are distributed over their volume. It has been shown that active sorption centers are formed by polar groups, the effect of which is enhanced after the introduction of a dopant.
Findings. During the sorption of water and benzene in the AS/PPy and AS/PPy-PTSA composites, the Gibbs energies lie in the region of negative values of the function, indicating spontaneous swelling of the composite components in solvents. It is assumed that the structure of the conducting polymer is distorted by water molecules due to binding to sorption centers, leading to the convergence of polymer chains and a decrease in the potential barrier during charge transfer.
Keywords: polypyrrole, electrically conductive polymer, sorption isotherm, clusters, free energy of mixing.
- adsorption isotherms of benzene and water vapor by composites;
- function of cluster formation and size of clusters during sorption;
- features of the sorption field in composites.
1. Ahmed A. Al-Dulaimi and W.D. Wanrosli. Preparation of Colloidal Properties and Water Dispersible Conductive Polypyrrole Nanocomposite of Nanocrystalline Cellulose // Polymers & Polymer Composites. Vol. 24.-No. 9.-2016.
2. J.Thunberg, T.Kalogeropoulos et al. In situ synthesis of conductive polypirrole in electrospun cellulose nanofibers: scaffold for neutral tissue engineering.//Cellulose.-2015. -22.1459–1467. http://doi:10.1007/s10570-015-0591-5 .
3. Ruiqao Xu et al. Highly conductive, twistable and bendable polypyrolle-carbon nanotube fiber for efficient supercapacitor electrodes.//RSC Adv.-2015.-5.-22015–22021.
4. Gopakumar et al. Flexible papers derived from polypyrrole deposited cellulose nanofibers for enhanced electromagnetic interference shielding in gigahertz frequencies. //J. Appl. Polym. Sci. -2020;e50262. http://doi:10.1002/app.50262.
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8. Zh. K. Mamatov, O. N. Ruzimuradov, N. T. Kattaev, and Kh. I. Akbarov. Study of the capillary-porous structure of hybrid PAN-silica compositions // Uzb. chem. magazine - 2023. - No. 1. - P. 9-14. (in Russian)
9. Niyozova D.B. [and etc.]. Synthesis and physico-chemical properties of chitosan-silica nanocomposite materials // Universum: Chemistry and biology: electron. scientific journal-2019.-No. 6(60). URL: http://7univrsum.com/ru/nature/archive/item/7369. (in Russian)
10. Khamrakulov G., Myagkova N.G., Budtov V.P. Sorption and diffusion of water into cellulose and its acetates// VMS.- 1994.- Series B.- T.36.- No. 5.- S. 845-849. (in Russian)
11. Smirnov, M. A. Electroactive composites based on polypyrrole, polyaniline and porous polyethylene films [Text]: abstract ... cand. chem. Sciences: 02.00.06 / Smirnov Mikhail Aleksandrovich; In-t high-molecular. conn. RAN. - St. Petersburg, 2007. - 12 p. : ill. - Bibliography. : p.24. (in Russian)
12. Mamatov Zh.K. [and etc.]. Investigation of adsorption isotherms within the framework of the polymolecular theory of BET and thermodynamics of polymer-solvent interaction // Universum: chemistry and biology: electron. scientific journal.-2021.-10(88).-URL: https://7universum.com/ru/nature/archive/item/12327. (in Russian)
To cite this article: S. E. Kalbaev, M. K. Rakhimberdieva, J. K. Mamatov, N. T. Kattaev, Kh. I. Akbarov, V. G. Kolyadin. Solvents sorption by electrically conductive composites based on polypyrrrole // Uzbek chemical journal. -2023. – Nr3. - Pp14-20.
Received: 08.07.2023; Accepted: 25.07.2023; Published: 26.07.2023
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UDK 541.49
1F. F. Fayzullayeva, 1,2B. Y. Ruziyeva, 1,2SH. SH. Daminova
1National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, University Street, 41,Tashkent. E-mail: f41128803@gmail.com, 2Uzbekistan-Japan Innovation Centre of Youth, University Street 2B, Tashkent
Abstract. Background. There is no information in the literature about the synthesis of complex compounds of rare earth elements with 2-aminobenzimidazole and salicylic acid and their properties. This work is aimed at a systematic study of the synthesis, structure and properties of previously unknown complex compounds of some rare earth elements with 2-aminobenzimidazole and salicylic acid.
Purpose. Development of a procedure for the synthesis of new mixed-ligand complex compounds of lanthanum (III) and cerium (III) with salicylic acid (HSal) and 2-aminobenzimidazole (ABI). Study of the composition and structure of the synthesized complex compounds by modern physicochemical methods.
Methodology. Quantum chemical calculations, IR spectroscopy, elemental, thermogravimetric, SEM-EDX, fluorescence analyzes.
Originality. Mixed ligand complexes of lanthanum and cerium (III) with 2-aminobenzimidazole (ABI) and salicylic acid (HSal) were synthesized for the first time.
Findings. Competing donor centers, electronic and geometric structures of the ligand molecule were studied by quantum-chemical calculation method. The composition and structure of the synthesized new complex compounds of lanthanides was determined by quantum-chemical, IR-spectroscopic, thermogravimetric, fluorescent analysis and SEM-EDX.
Key words: 2-aminobenzimidazole, salicylic acid, complex compound, IR spectroscopy, elemental analysis, thermogravimetric analysis, quantum chemical calculation, composition, structure, properties
- synthesis of mixed-ligand complex compounds of lanthanum (III) and cerium (III);
- the composition and structure of complex compounds.
1. 1. Gapurova LN et al. Synthesis and study of complex compounds of transition metal sulfates with 2-aminobenzimidazole //Universum: chemistry and biology. – 2020. – no. 3-2 (69). (in Russian)
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3. Moreno-Alvero M. et al. Cobalt (II) complexes derived from a 2-aminobenzimidazole-thiazoline ligand: Synthesis, characterization, crystal structures and antimicrobial activity studies //Polyhedron. – 2021. – V. 207. – P. 115390.
4. Podunavac-Kuzmanović S. O., Cvetković D. M., Vojinović L. S. Synthesis, physico-chemical characterization and biological activity of 2-aminobenzimidazole complexes with different metal ions //Acta PeriodicaTechnologica. – 2004. – N35. – P. 239-246.
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7. Mendiola M. A., Masaguer J. E., Molleda C. Iron (II) Chloride Complexes with Some 2-Aminobenzimidazole Ligands //Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic and Metal-Organic Chemistry. – 1992. – V. 22. – N.7. – P. 955-969.
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9. Fedotov V. V. et al. Pyrimido [1, 2-a] benzimidazoles: synthesis and perspective of their pharmacological use //Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds. – 2021. -V.57. – P. 383-409.
10. Pardaev O., Khakimboeva D., Daminova Sh., Kadirova Z., SharipovKh. Synthesis and structure of mono and mixed ligand coordination compounds of silver with 2-amino-1-metylbenzimizole //Universum: химия и биология. – 2021. – №. 7-2 (85). – С. 27-34.
11. Marinescu M. Recent advances in the use of benzimidazoles as corrosion inhibitors //BMC chemistry. – 2019. – V. 13. – N 1. – P. 1-21.
12. Podunavac-Kuzmanović S.O., Cvetković D.M., Ćetković G.S. Antimicrobial activity of cobalst (II) complexes with 2-aminobenzimidazole derivatives //Acta PeriodicaTechnologica. – 2004. – N 35. – P. 231-238.
13. Gupta S. K. et al. Preparation and Characterization of Lanthanide (III) Chloride Complexes With Benzothiazole //Oriental Journal of Chemistry. – 2008. – V. 24. – N 3. – P. 1149.
14. Olea-Román D. et al. Lanthanide coordination compounds with benzimidazole-based ligands. luminescence and EPR //Journal of Molecular Structure. – 2018. – V. 1163. – P. 252-261.
15. Aragón-Muriel A. et al. In vitro evaluation of the potential pharmacological activity and molecular targets of new benzimidazole-based Schiff base metal complexes //Antibiotics. – 2021. – V. 10. – N. 6. – P. 728.
16. Gao S. et al. A New mixed-ligand lanthanum (III) complex with salicylic acid and 1, 10-phenanthroline: Synthesis, characterization, antibacterial activity, and underlying mechanism //Journal of Molecular Structure. – 2021. – V. 1225. – P. 129096.
To cite this article: F. F. Fayzullayeva, B. Y. Ruziyeva, SH. SH. Daminova. Synthesis and study of mixed ligand complex compounds of Lа(III) and Ce(III) with 2-aminobenzimidazole and salicylic acid // Uzbek chemical journal. -2023. – Nr3. – Pp.21-30.
Received: 19.05.2023; Accepted: 20.06.2023; Published: 26.07.2023
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UDK 546.1
M. I. Khushvaktov, A. S. Toghasharov
AS RUz Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Е-mail: mehroj.xushvaqtov@mail.ru
Abstract: Background. Salicylic acid has antiseptic properties, it is used in the preparation of antibacterial drugs. Its derivatives are also used in agriculture as physiologically active substances.
Purpose. Study of the process of synthesis of complex salts of calcium and magnesium with physiologically active properties based on local raw materials "Shorsu" dolomite and salicylic acid.
Methodology. Calcium and magnesium in solution were determined by complexometric titration. The pH of the medium was controlled (pH meter Fe 20 METTLER TOLEDO). The IR spectra of calcium and magnesium salts of salicylic acid were studied (Perkin Elmer Spectrum IR version 10.7.2).
Originality. In the synthesis of a complex compound based on Shorsu dolomite and salicylic acid, the optimal ratio of components, temperature, pH of solutions, process duration and foaming height were determined.
Findings. Since salicylic acid is poorly soluble in water, a solvent based on ethanol and water (1:2) was used. Salicylic acid and dolomite (degree of grinding. δsr=10 μm) were mixed in the ratio, M/M = 1:0.1, 1:0.25, 1:0.5, 1:0.75 at a temperature of: 25-90°C. Changes in pH were observed and optimal synthesis conditions were determined.
Key words: physiologically active substance, ethanol, salicylic acid, dolomite, complexometric titration.
- the optimal conditions for the synthesis process are determined.
- calcium and magnesium salts of salicylic acid obtained using dolomite "Shorsu";
- products were analyzed by physicochemical methods.
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8. Effects of foliar application of salicylic acid and calcium chloride on yield, yeild components and some physiological parameters in cotton // Mostafa Heidaria*, Mehdi Moradia, Mohammad Arminb and Mohammad Reza // Ameriana Sustainability in Food and Agriculture (SFNA) 3(1).- (2022) 28-32 // DOI: http://doi.org/10.26480/sfna.01.2022.28.32
9. Ogodo, U. P., & Abosede, O. O. Synthesis and characterization of Cu (II) complexes of salicylate ligands.//Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management. 2019. 22(12),1961. https://doi.org/10.4314/jasem.v22i12.15
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To cite this article: M. I. Khushvaktov, A. S. Toghasharov. Study of obtaining complex compounds with physiological activity based on salicylic acid and dalomite // Uzbek chemical journal. -2023. – Nr3. – Pp.30-36.
Received: 01.06.2023; Accepted: 03.07.2023; Published: 26.07.2023
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UDK 547.183.6:661.185.1
F. R. Saidkulov, R. R. Makhkamov, M. L. Nurmanova, Sh. K. Samandarov
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, E-mail: saidqulov.fayzullo@mail.ru
Abstract. Background. Surface-active substances (surfactants) are used in industry, their effectiveness is determined by colloid-chemical properties and composition, their study is relevant.
Purpose: synthesis of new surfactants based on phenol derivatives and determination of the relationship between the structure and colloidal chemical properties.
Methodology. The foaming ability of surfactant solutions was studied depending on concentration, time and temperature. Surface tension was determined by the ring method (DCAT-9, DataPhysicsInstrumentsGmbH, Germany). The critical micelle concentration (CMC) was determined by lowering the solution concentration to a constant value of surface tension.
Originality. Based on phenol, new surfactants have been synthesized, their surface activity and foaming ability depend on the structure of surfactant molecules. It is shown that with an increase in the length of the aliphatic hydrocarbon chain, the critical concentration of micellization decreases and the ability to foam increases.
Findings. A correlation between the foaming ability and the surface activity of new surfactants was revealed. The stability of foams increases with the interaction of surfactant molecules in a monolayer.
Key words: Synthesis, surfactant, colloid-chemical properties, critical micelle concentration.
- synthesis of new surfactants based on phenol.
- study of colloid-chemical properties of synthesized surfactants.
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To cite this article: F. R. Saidkulov, R. R. Makhkamov, M. L. Nurmanova, Sh. K. Samandarov. Synthesis of new surfactants based on phenol and colloid chemical properties // Uzbek chemical journal. -2023. – Nr3. – Pp.36-42.
Received: 18.05.2023; Accepted: 29.06.2023; Published: 26.07.2023
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UDK 661.182; 669.712
Zh. Kh. Kurbanov, O. T. Pardaev, V. P. Guro, M. A. Ibragimova, H. F. Adinaev, Z. A. Nabieva
1Fergana Polytechnic Institute, 2Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Abstract. Background. There is a need for pure alumina from local raw materials for the production of import-substituting adsorbents, refractories, etc.
Purpose: to evaluate the possibility of obtaining alumina from unenriched kaolins by low-temperature sulfating roasting, to study the kinetics of acid degradation of kaolins by this method
Methodology. Object of research: kaolins from a number of deposits of the republic. Their composition and structure were studied by X-ray diffraction and ICP spectrometry.
Originality. The possibility of using the method of low-temperature sulfating roasting to obtain alumina of metallurgical quality from kaolins is shown.
Findings. Data on the hydrometallurgical behavior of samples of unenriched kaolins from several deposits of the republic were obtained in technology.
Key words: kaolins, alumina, sulfatization, roasting, extraction degree.
- method of low-temperature sulfating firing;
- the degree of extraction of alumina from kaolins.
1. Mamadzhanov Z.N., Shamshidinov I.T. Study of the process of aluminum leaching from kaolin clays of the Angren deposit // Universum: Technical sciences: electron. scientific magazine -2018. -No. 3(48). URL:doi:7universum. com/ru/tech/archive/item/5642 (in Russian)
2. Zhumanov Yu.K. Physical and chemical study of kaolins in the Zarafshan region // Universum: Technical sciences. -2018.-No10(55). (in Russian)
3. Rakhimov R. Kh., Rashidov Kh. K., Ermakov V. P. et al. Resource-saving energy-efficient technology for producing alumina from secondary kaolins of the Angren deposit.//Comp.nanotechnol. -2016. -No1. -45–51 http://www.mathnet.ru/rus/agreement (in Russian)
4. Yeranskaya T.Yu. Acid treatment of calcined kaolin. // Bulletin of PNRPU. Series of chemical technology and biotechnology.-2019.-No4.- P.121. (in Russian)
5. Mamatov E.D., Khomidi A.K., Tagoev A.P. and other Processing of aluminum-containing ores with the use of production waste.//Int. scientific research magazine. - 2015. - No. 11 (42). http://doi:10.18454/IRJ.2015.42.121 (in Russian)
6. Mamadzhanov Z.N. Shamshidinov I.T. et al., “Study of the coagulating ability of aluminum sulfate based on Angren kaolin,” Mezhd. scientific research magazine. -2022. - No. 4. -C.199-205 https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6958125. (in Russian)
7. Patent RU 2007123103. Method for producing aluminum sulfate // Umarov Sh.K., Umarov U.Sh., Merzlyakova S.A. etc. Register. App. 2007123103/15 dated 06/09/2007. Published 20.12.2008 Bull. No. 35. (in Russian)
8. Aimurzaeva L.G., Zhumaeva D.Zh. Technology for obtaining an adsorbent-coagulant based on Angren kaolin and mirabilite // Universum: chemistry and biology. -2022. -2(92). URL:https://7universum.com/ru/nature/archive/item/13027 (in Russian)
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10. Sanakulov U.K., Khvan A.B. Production of metallurgical alumina from Angren kaolins // Mining Bulletin of Uzbekistan. -No. 3 (78). -2019. - P. 102-106. (in Russian)
11. Yunusov M. P., Nasullaev Kh. A., Galina A. et al. Development of technology for the production of import-substituting adsorbents based on local raw materials // Science and innovative development. -V.2. -No. 4.-2019. -P. 52-59. (in Russian)
12. Khudaiberganov M.S., Dimetova F.D., Rakhmatkarieva F.G. et al. Hydrothermal synthesis of NaXL powder zeolite//Universum: Technical sciences. -2018. -No. 8 (98). https://7universum.com/ru/nature/archive/item/14133 (in Russian)
13. Androsov N.E. JSC "Coal"// Mining Bulletin of Uzbekistan. -No1. -1998. (in Russian)
14. Liner Yu.A. Complex processing of aluminum-containing raw materials by acid methods. - M.: Nauka, 1982. - P. 72. (in Russian)
To cite this article: Zh. Kh. Kurbanov, O. T. Pardaev, V. P. Guro, M. A. Ibragimova, H. F. Adinaev, Z. A. Nabieva. Alumina from unenriched kaolins in the technology of low-temperature sulfatizing roasting // Uzbek chemical journal. -2023. – Nr3. – Pp.42-46.
Received: 03.04.2023; Accepted: 19.05.2023; Published: 26.07.2023
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UDK 662.7
O. Yu. Ismailov, A. M. Khurmamatov, A. A. Khudayberdiyev, R. A. Yusupov, M. J. Baltabayeva, J. A. Muminov
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Abstract. Background. It is known that during the drop condensation of hydrocarbon vapors, the heat exchange between the vapor and the wall is 5–10 times greater than during film condensation. Therefore, the intensification of film condensation is the task of an efficient process of condensation of hydrocarbon vapors in oil refining.
Purpose. To intensify the process of condensation of hydrocarbon vapors with a decrease in film condensation due to the vortex flow and increase the thermal efficiency of the process.
Methodology. Technological parameters were measured, using instrumentation, processes of condensation of hydrocarbon vapors.
Originality. For the first time, the degree of intensification of the condensation of hydrocarbon vapors in the experimental apparatus due to the circulating supply has been established.
Findings. The circulating supply of steam in the apparatus leads to an increase in the heat transfer coefficient by 6.7%, and the amount of heat transferred by 7.8%, which leads to a decrease in the design dimensions, weight and working surface of the condensers.
Key words: condensate, circulating supply, heat transfer coefficient, heat transfer, amount of heat transferred.
- with the circulating supply of hydrocarbon vapors, the condensate yield increases;
- by reducing the condensate film layer, the thermal efficiency of the process increases.
1. Processes and apparatuses of chemical technology. Under the editorship of Professor A.A. Zakharova. -M: Academy, 2006. -521 p. (in Russian)
2. Saveliev N.I. Calculation and design of shell-and-tube heat exchangers: textbook. allowance / N.I. Saveliev, P.M. Lukin. - Cheboksary: Publishing House of the Chuvash University, 2010. - 80 p. (in Russian)
3. Salimov Z.S., Saidakhmedov Sh.M., Khudaiberdiev A.A. and other Guidelines for laboratory work on the course "Processes and apparatus for processing oil and gas." For undergraduates in special "Processes and apparatuses for oil and gas processing". - Tashkent: IGIC AS RUz, 2010. - 83 p. (in Russian)
4. Khudaiberdiev A.A. Intensification of oil feedstock heating. Monograph. - Tashkent: Navroz, 2019. - 213 p. (in Russian)
5. Manovyan A.K. Technology of primary processing of oil and natural gas. Textbook for universities. 2nd ed. - M.: Chemistry, 2001. -568 p. (in Russian)
6. Intensification of heat transfer. Advances in Heat Transfer, 2, Ed. Zhukauskas A.A. and Kalinina E.K. - Vilnius: Mokslas, 1988. - 186 p. (in Russian)
7. Salimov Z.S., Khudaiberdiev A.A., Sharipov K.K., Khurmamatov A.M. Efficient use of hydrocarbon vapors in the primary distillation of oil and gas condensate raw materials // Journal of Oil and Gas of Uzbekistan. - Tashkent. -2011. - No. 2. - P. 34-35. (in Russian)
8. Sharipov K.K. Khudaiberdiev A.A. Ismailov O.Yu. Basic physical-chemical and thermophysical properties of gas condensate// Scientific and technical journal Chemical industry. - Saint Petersburg. -2017. - No. 3. - P. 143-146. (in Russian)
9. Khudaiberdiev A.A., Sharipov K.K. Study of the process of condensation of hydrocarbon vapors in an experimental shell-and-tube apparatus// Scientific and technical journal Chemical industry. – St. Petersburg. 2017. - No. 1. - P. 40-44. (in Russian)
10. SalimovZ.S. Neftvagazniqaytaishlashjarayonlarivauskunalari. -T.: "Aloqachi", 2010. - 508 bet.
11. Kasatkin A.G. Basic processes and apparatuses of chemical technology. - M.: Chemistry, 1971. - 783 p. (in Russian)
12. Ismailov O.Yu., Khudaiberdiev A.A. Study of the process of heating oil in a heat exchange pipe// Uzbek chemical journal. -2011. Special issue. - P. 270-273. (in Russian)
13. Salimov Z.S., Ismailov O.Yu., Radzhibaev D.P. Influence of oil and gas condensate flow regimes on the heat transfer coefficient in a two-tube apparatus // Uzbek Journal of Oil and Gas. -2014. - No. 1. - P.39-42. (in Russian)
To cite this article: O. Yu. Ismailov, A. M. Khurmamatov, A. A. Khudayberdiyev, R. A. Yusupov, M. J. Baltabayeva, J. A. Muminov. Improving the efficiency of the process of condensation of hydrocarbon vapors // Uzbek chemical journal. -2023. – Nr3. – Pp.46-52.
Received: 15.05.2023; Accepted: 03.07.2023; Published: 26.07.2023
* * *
UDK 666. 94.01/056
J. B. Najimov, H. L. Usmanov, Z. R. Kadyrova
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan E-mail: jumabaynajimov12@gmail.com
Abstract. Background. The introduction of non-traditional components - additives, instead of expensive Portland cement clinker, into the composition of Portland cements is relevant. These include screening waste generated during the production of crushed stone from diabase-porphyrite rock of the Shekhzheli deposit of the Aral region of Karakalpakstan.
Purpose: to establish the possibility of using diabase-porphyrite crushed stone from the Shekhzheli deposit of the Aral region as a mineral additive in the production of Portland cement.
Methodology. X-ray spectral, X-ray phase, IR spectroscopic and chemical-analytical methods were used.
Originality. Waste-screening of diabase-porphyrite rock, which is formed in the production of crushed stone from the Shekhzheli deposit, as an additive to Portland cement, was successfully used for the first time.
Findings. The elemental and chemical-mineralogical composition was determined, as well as the activity and influence of diabase-porphyrite rock on the physical and mechanical properties of cement were established by standard methods.
Key words: crushing, waste, screening, cement, construction, diabase, porphyrite, activity, strength, mineral additive.
- addition of waste diabase-porphyrite rock to clinker.
- composition and activity of the diabase-porphyrite rock screening waste.
1. Yokubov U.A., Atakuziev T.A., Talipov N.Kh. High-strength Portland cements modified with chemical industry waste. // Composite materials. -T.- 2009.- No. 2.-P. 49-53. (in Russian)
2. Yokubov U.A., Atakuziev T.A., Talipov N.Kh. Use of sludge waste from the Kungrad soda plant as an additive to cement. // Composite materials. -T.-2009.-No4. -P. 64-68. (in Russian)
3. Atakuziev T.A., Ruziev N.R. Multicomponent cements.-T: Ed. "Fan", 2009.-328 p. (in Russian)
4. Iskandarova M.I., Ruziev N.R. Fundamental research in the field of creating artificial sulphate-containing conglomerates. // Scientific and technical production journal "Bulletin of Uzbekistan".-2016.-T.-64. -No.1.-P.75-80. (in Russian)
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12. Kiselev A.V., Lygin V.I. Infrared spectra of surface compounds. Moscow: Nauka, 1972. 460 p. (in Russian)
13. Plyusnina I.I., Yurchenko E.N., Kustova G.N., Batsanov S.S. Vibrational spectra of inorganic compounds. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1981.-142 p. (in Russian)
To cite this article: J. B. Najimov, H. L. Usmanov, Z. R. Kadyrova. Possibilities of using screening of diabase-porphyritic rock of the Aral region as a mineral additive to cement // Uzbek chemical journal. -2023. – Nr3. – Pp.52-59.
Received: 20.06.2023; Accepted: 21.07.2023; Published: 26.07.2023
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UDK 666.97
B. Sh. Khursandov, F. M. Yusupov, A. A. Kucharov
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Abstract. Background. It is important to obtain sulfur concrete by modifying technical sulfur obtained as a result of oil and gas processing in the territory of Uzbekistan.
Purpose. Production of sulfur concrete based on synthesized polymer sulfur and analysis of its physical and mechanical properties.
Methodology. IR spectroscopy was used to determine the functional groups in polymer sulfur. The change in concrete thickness and mechanical strength at a temperature of 80 °C was determined based on ПНСТ105-2016.
Originality. Optimum conditions for obtaining polymer sulfur from technical sulfur were determined and its structure was explained by spectroscopic methods. The optimal amount of polymer sulfur required for the preparation of sulfur concrete mixture has been scientifically proven.
Findings. Samples of sulfur concrete were prepared based on synthesized polymer sulfur. The change in the mechanical strength of sulfur concrete samples depending on the storage period has been scientifically analyzed.
Key words: Sulfur, sulfur concrete, strength, polymer, corrosion resistance, viscosity, stabilizer, composition, polysulfide, acrolein.
- the optimal conditions for the production of polymer sulfur based on technical sulfur are scientifically explained.
- the optimal composition for the production of polymer sulfur concrete is determined.
- the mechanical strength of sulfur concrete samples is scientifically explained.
1. Bystrov N.V. Improving the efficiency of the use of modified bitumens // Science and technology in the road industry. -1997. - No. 2. -P. 15-16. (in Russian)
2. Khursandov, Bobomurod Shukhratovich, Azizbek Alisher Ugli Kўcharov, and Farhod Makhkamovich Yusupov. "Investigation of the properties of sulphurous bitumen obtained on the basis of modified polymeric sulfur. // Universum: technical sciences 12-6 (105) (2022) -p. 21-25. (in Russian)
3. Zhapargazinova, K. Kh., Ibraeva, D. A. Neutralization of emitted sulfur compounds in road bitumens modified with sulfur. //WITH. Toraigyrov atyndagy Pavlodar memlekettik universiteni њylymi journals Scientific journal of Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrov.-2015.- P. 59-63. (in Russian)
4. A.J. Jose, M. Alagar, Preparation and characterization of polysulfone-based nanocomposites, in: Manuf. Nanocomposites with Eng. Plast., Elsevier Inc., 2015 –C. 31– 59. doi:10.1016/B978-1-78242-308-9.00003-3.
5. A. Abbasi, M.M. Nasef, W.Z.N. Yahya, Copolymerization of vegetable oils and bio-based monomers with elemental sulfur: A new promising route for bio-based polymers, Sustain.//Chem. -2019. –C. 13-15 doi:10.1016/J.SCP.2019.100158.
6. Krivtsov, E.B., and N.N. Sviridenko. "Founders: Russian Academy of Sciences." Petrochemistry 61.6 (2021): –P. 926-934. (in Russian)
7. Vakhyanov E.M. Study of the colloidal structure of rubber-bitumen binders.// Collection of materials of the VIII All-Russian, scientific-practical conference of young scientists with international participation "Young Russia" - 2016. -P. 639-639. (in Russian)
8. Goncharova, I.N., and T.N. Kachalov. Deasphalting as one of the methods for processing natural bitumens // Priority directions of innovative activity in the industry. -2020. -P. 27-31. (in Russian)
9. Kashaev R.S. and E.G. Gazizov. Influence of irradiation in the visible and infrared regions of the spectrum on the parameters of nuclear magnetic relaxation of protons in petroleum products // Journal of Applied Spectroscopy.-77.3.-2010. -P. 347-354. (in Russian)
10. Sviridenko N.N., E.B. Krivtsov and A.K. Golovko. Influence of ozonation on the kinetics of transformation of high-molecular components of natural bitumen // Problems of Geology and Mineral Development. 2013. -P. 70-72. (in Russian)
11. Amanova, Nodira Davlyatovna, Khayit Khudoynazarovich Turaev, and Khasan Soyibnazarovich Beknazarov. Synthesis and study of the properties of modified sulfur and sulfur concrete. Universum: technical sciences. 11-3 (80) 2020. -P. 25-31. (in Russian)
12. Wolkoff, Peder, et al. Organic compounds in office environments-sensory irritation, odor, measurements and the role of reactive chemistry. Indoor air 16.1 2006. –С. 7-19.
To cite this article: B. Sh. Khursandov, F. M. Yusupov, A. A. Kucharov. Preparation of environmentally friendly sulfur-concrete mixture based on polymer sulfur // Uzbek chemical journal. -2023. – Nr3. – Pp.59-64.
Received: 20.06.2023; Accepted: 21.07.2023; Published: 26.07.2023
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UDK 666.3.022:666.762.11
Al. A. Eminov, B. T. Sabirov
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, E-mail: afzal.eminov@mail.ru
Abstract. Background. The development of technologies for the production of high-strength ceramic sintered materials based on local raw materials is relevant. It is advisable to use high-alumina rocks, due to the significant content of alumina in them.
Purpose. Investigation of high-temperature physico-chemical processes of the ternary system "kaolin-dolomite-alumina" as a result of a solid-phase reaction and the establishment of new formations of crystalline phases of minerals, which give the products the necessary technological properties.
Methodology. The studies were carried out using modern methods of chemical, X-ray phase analysis, as well as traditional methods of ceramic technology.
Originality. The formation of the structure of crystalline phases as a result of a solid-phase reaction, at high temperatures, in mixtures based on kaolin, dolomite and alumina-containing waste has been established. The primary crystallization phases of the mixture are determined based on the ternary diagram.
Findings. The concentration regions of the existence of the primary phase of crystallization of aluminosilicate minerals in the form of mullite, spinel, corundum are revealed. The content of dolomite in a mixture based on kaolin and alumina-containing waste was determined. The fusibility diagram of the ternary system "kaolin-alumina-containing waste-dolomite" is constructed.
Key words: phase transformations, triple diagram, kaolin, dolomite, alumina-containing waste, spinels, corundum, mullite.
- determined the primary phases of crystallization of compounds based on kaolin, dolomite, alumina
- high-temperature solid-phase reaction;
- areas of existence of minerals mullite, corundum and spinel on the triple diagram.
1. Salakhov A.M. Modern ceramic materials. Educational settlement –Kazan: KFU, 2016.-410p. (in Russian)
2. Andrianov N.T., Balkevich V.L., Belyakov A.V., Vlasov A.S., Guzman I.Ya., Lukin E.S., Mosin Yu.M., Skidan B.S. Chemical technology of ceramics Educational settlement under the editorship of I.Ya. (in Russian)
3. Pavlova I.A., Zemlyanoy K.G., Farafontova E.P. . Fundamentals of technology of non-metallic and silicate materials. – Yekaterinburg: Publishing house of Ural University, 2020.-192 p. (in Russian)
4. Michel W Barsoum. Fundamentals of Ceramics: Institute of Physics Publishing Ltd. Bristol and Philadelphia.-2003. ISBN 070509024.
5. Матренин С.В., Слосман А.И. Техническая керамика. Учеб.пос.-Томск: Изд.ТПУ, 2004.-75с.
6. 6. A. V. Knotko, I. A. Presnyakov, and Yu. Solid State Chemistry. M.: Ed. Center "Academy", 2006.- 304p. (in Russian)
7. Lukin E.S., Andrianov N.T. Technical analysis and control of ceramic production. – M.: Stroyizdat.1986.- P.86-94. (in Russian)
8. Botvinkin O.K., Klikovsky G.I., Manuilov L.A. Laboratory workshop on general silicate technology and technical analysis of building materials. – M.: Stroyizdat, 1966.-P.76-93. (in Russian)
9. Kovba L.M., Trunov V.K. X-ray phase analysis.-M.: Moscow University Publishing House, 1969. - 160 p. (in Russian)
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12. Pavlova I.A., Zemlyanoy K.G., Farafontova E.P. . Fundamentals of technology of non-metallic and silicate materials. - Yekaterinburg: Publishing house of Ural University, 2020. -192 p. (in Russian)
13. Vakalova T.V., Khabas T.A., Reva I.B. Workshop on the basics of technology of refractory non-metallic and silicate materials.- Ed. Tomsk PU, 2013.- 176 p. (in Russian)
To cite this article: Al. A. Eminov, B. T. Sabirov. High-temperature solid-phase processes of a triple system based on kaolin, dolomite, and alumine-containing component // Uzbek chemical journal. -2023. – Nr3. – Pp.64-70.
Received: 06.07.2023; Accepted: 21.07.2023; Published: 26.07.2023
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UDK 666.1.022/122.2
А. B. Anvarov, Z. R. Kadyrova, А. А. Ahmadjonov
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences, Republic of Uzbekistan(Tashkent city, M.Ulugbek street 77a, E-mail: akbar.anvarov93@gmail.com
Abstract. Background. The actual task of the glass industry in Uzbekistan is to provide it with high-quality domestic raw materials, while saving energy and using secondary resources and production waste.
Purpose: to study the chemical and mineralogical composition of the Oinakum quartz sand sample and determine the possibility of obtaining transparent glass materials from it by enrichment.
Methodology. Laboratory experimental research work was carried out using traditional methods of glass technology research.
Originality: The chemical and mineralogical compositions of quartz sand after its enrichment have been determined. The suitability of enriched quartz sand for the glass industry is shown.
Findings. The possibility of using quartz sand from the Oinakum deposit as the main raw material for the synthesis of transparent glass and household products has been determined.
Key words: quartz sand, enrichment, concentrate, silicon oxide, iron oxide, roasting, particle size distribution, magnetic separation.
- effective methods of enrichment of natural quartz sand were determined;
- the use of enriched quartz sand in the production of transparent glass.
1. Babaev Z.K., Ibragimov D.U., Karimov Sh.Kh., Kenzhaev F.D., Yadgorov A.M. “The state and development of the glass industry in Uzbekistan”//Universum.-2018.-No. 2 (47). (in Russian)
2. Anvarov A.B., Kadyrova Z.R., Adinaev X.A. “Study of the material composition of vein quartz of the Tulakul deposit for glass production”//XIV International scientific and practical conference “Development, education, culture: integration trends in the modern world”. - Norway (Oslo).- 2023. - R. 468-469.
3. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M. Mirziyoyev UP-60 dated January 28, 2022 "On the Development Strategy of New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026" 2022 (in Russian)
4. Adinaev X.A. Quartz sands of Sherobad and Jarkurgan differential thermal analysis // VI International scientific and practical conference “Scientific directions of research in educational activity”. - Japan (Osaka), 2023. - P. 435-437.
5. Akhmadjonov A.A., Kadyrova Z.R., Usmanov Kh.L. "Quartz sands of the Tamdinsky deposit - a promising raw material for glass production"//Glass and Ceramics.-No.7.-2022.-P.15-21. (in Russian)
6. GOST 22551-2019 "Quartz sand, ground sandstone, quartzite and vein quartz for the glass industry". (in Russian)
7. Kornilov A.V., Gainutdinov N.K., Khasanov R.A. Various enrichment schemes and quality of glass sand concentrates.//Bulletin of Kazan Technological University.-2013.-Рp.24-25. (in Russian)
8. Gainutdinov N.K., Khasanov R.A., Khatsrinov A.I. "Analysis of the dressability of quartz sand deposits of the Volgograd and Rostov regions for the glass industry".// Bulletin of the Kazan Technological University.-2006.-Рp.7-12. (in Russian)
9. Anvarov A.B., Kadyrova Z.R. “Determining the suitability of Tulakul vein quartz for glass materials”//Uzbek Chemical Journal.-2022.-No.5.-34-38 Art. (in Russian)
10. Guloyan Yu.A. Physico-chemical foundations of glass technology.-Vladimir:Transit-X,2008.-735p. (in Russian)
11. Vlasova S.G. Fundamentals of chemical technology of glass.-Yekaterinburg, 2013.-108p. (in Russian)
12. Kazmin O.V., Belomestnova E.N., Ditts A.A. Chemical technology of glass and glass-ceramics. –Tomsk: Publishing House of Tomsk Polytechnic University, 2011. - 170 p. (in Russian)
To cite this article: А. B. Anvarov, Z. R. Kadyrova, А. А. Ahmadjonov. Enriching quartz sand of Oynakum and determining suitability for glass production // Uzbek chemical journal. -2023. – Nr3. – Pp.70-75.
Received: 10.07.2023; Accepted: 24.07.2023; Published: 26.07.2023
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UDK 547.735; 547.791.8
1A. U. Berdiev, 1M. M. Mirsodikov, 2I. S. Ortikov, 1B. Zh. Elmuradov
1Institute of Chemistry of Plant Substances, acad. S.Yu. Yunusov AS RUz, st. Mirzo Ulugbek - 77, Tashkent, 100170, Uzbekistan, E-mail: 4bdugani@gmail.com, 2Andijan State Pedagogical Institute
Abstract. Background. In the production of hybrid medicines, the principle of hybrid blocks of molecules is used. Of interest are the processes of combining fragments with biological activity - thienopyrimidine and benzotriazole, synthesis and study of their structure.
Purpose Reaction of nucleophilic substitution of 5,6-disubstituted 4-chlorothieno[2,3-d]pyrimidine with 1H-1,2,3-benzotriazole in the presence of tertiary amines and synthesis of new types of hybrid molecules.
Methodology. Derivatives of the target product were studied by IR, 1H, 13C NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry.
Originality. Synthesis of substituted-4-chlorothieno[2,3-d]pyrimidine derivatives under various conditions was carried out, a new type of thienopyrimidine-benzotriazole hybrid molecules was synthesized, and their physicochemical properties were determined.
Findings. Hybrid molecules with alternating fragments of different activity, and substances in the molecules of which there was a C (sp2) - N bond were obtained. The structure was studied.
Key words: thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidines, benzotriazole, hybrid molecules, 4-chlorothieno[2,3-d]pyrimidine, nucleophilic substitution reactions, new С(sp2)–N hybrid bond.
- synthesis of derivatives of substituted 4-chlorothieno[2,3-d]pyrimidine;
- in the presence of tertiary amines, the reactions of halogen derivatives with 1H-1,2,3-benzotriazole;
- a new type of hybrid molecules thienopyrimidine - benzotriazole was synthesized.
- synthesis products are analyzed, their structures are confirmed.
1. Eslam M.H. Ali, Mohammed S. Abdel-Maksoud, Chang-Hyun Oha. Thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidine as a promising scaffold in medicinal chemistry: Recent advances. //Bioorg. Med. Chem. 27.-2019. -1159-1194.
2. Dinakaran V.S, Bomma B, Srinivasan K.K. Fused pyrimidines: The heterocycle of diverse biological and pharmacological significance.//Der. Pharma. Chem.-2012.-4.-255-265.
3. Litvinov V. The chemistry of thienopyrimidines. //Adv. Heterocycl. Chem.-2006.-92.-83-143.
4. Bozorov K, Zhao J-Y, Elmuradov B, Pataer A, Aisa HA. Recent developments regarding the use of thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-one derivatives in medicinal chemistry, with a focus on their synthesis and anticancer properties.// Eur. J. Med. Chem.-2015.-102.-552-573.
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To cite this article: A. U. Berdiev, M. M. Mirsodikov, I. S. Ortikov, B. Zh. Elmuradov. Synthesis of the new thienopyrimidine-benzotriazole hybrid molecules // Uzbek chemical journal. -2023. – Nr3. – Pp.76-84.
Received: 05.07.2023; Accepted: 21.07.2023; Published: 26.07.2023
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UDK 547.821.3
M. M. Khikmatova
National University of Uzbekistan named after M. Ulugbek, E-mail: malika-mm03@mail.ru
Abstract. Background. The creation of highly effective, low-toxic and environmentally friendly biologically active domestic drugs is topical. Including those based on nitrogen-containing heterocyclic compounds. The synthesis of dipyridyl derivatives obtained by dimerization in the presence of metal catalysts is promising.
Purpose. Development of highly efficient methods for the synthesis of isomeric dipyridyls and their C-substituted analogues.
Methodology. Dimerization reaction of 2-, 3-, and 4-substituted pyridine derivatives in the presence of dispersed metallic sodium and an activated Ni-Raney catalyst
Originality. The dimerization reaction of 2-, 3-, and 4-substituted pyridine derivatives in the presence of dispersed sodium and Ni-Raney catalyst was studied. The formation of new derivatives of dipyridyl has been proven. The physicochemical constants of new compounds have been found.
Findings. The results of the dimerization reaction of 2-, 3-, and 4-substituted pyridine derivatives in the presence of dispersed sodium and Ni-Raney catalyst are presented. The yield is 76%, 61%, respectively. The structure and structures were studied by the methods of IR and PMR spectroscopy.
Key words: α,α'-dipyridyl, γ,γ'-dipyridyl, thin layer chromatography, IR and NMR spectroscopy
- optimal conditions for the synthesis of C,C'-substituted derivatives of α,α'- and γ,γ'-dipyridyls;
- 2,2'-, 3,3'- and 4,4'- di(methoxycarbonyl) substituted derivatives of α,α'- and γ,γ¢-dipyridyls.
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To cite this article: M. M. Khikmatova. Synthesis c-substituted derivativesof dipyridile // Uzbek chemical journal. -2023. – Nr3. – Pp.84-90.
Received: 09.06.2023; Accepted: 15.07.2023; Published: 26.07.2023
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