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Uzbek Chemical Journal
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UDC 546.41
M. R. Ibragimova
IONH AS RUz, Tashkent, st. M. Ulugbek 77a, e-mail: mavluda@gmail.com [1]
Abstract. Background. In the preparation of nanoparticles, oxides and sulfides of metals, complex compounds of 3d-metals are widely used. The possibility of forming a network of hydrogen bonds due to sulfur and nitrogen atoms shows the promise of amide and thioamide ligands in the construction of supramolecular systems based on coordination compounds.
Purpose. The aim of the study is to synthesize and study the structure of a complex of manganese nicotinate of a different amide complex with physicochemical methods of analysis.
Methodology. Electronic diffuse reflection spectra, differential thermal analysis, X-ray phase analysis, IR spectroscopy, elemental analysis.
Originality. A new coordination compound of manganese nicotinate with CS(NH2)2 and NC4H5CONH2 was synthesized for the first time. The dependence of the composition, structure and properties of the complex compound on the nature of the complex-forming agent and the methods of coordinating organic ligands has been revealed.
Findings. The composition of the synthesized compound is established by the method of elemental analysis. Using X-ray phase analysis, IR and ESDO spectroscopy, quantum chemical calculation methods, the individuality of the synthesized complex compound, the coordination of ligands, the nicotinate group and the coordination node geometry were established. The thermal behavior of the synthesized compound was studied and the thermolysis products were identified.
Keywords: coordination, central atom, electronic spectrum, individuality, thermal behavior.
* complex compound of manganese nicotinate obtained by mechanochemical method;
* individuality of the synthesized complex is proved by the X-ray phase method;
* coordination centers, acid residue dentate is proved by IR spectroscopy data;
* for the first time distorted octahedral configuration of a complex compound is proved
1. Dursun A.K., Ahmet N.A., Onur S. A mononuclear, mixed (salicylato) (nicotinamide) complex of Zn(II) with penta- and hexa-coordination sites: a novel framework structure // Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society. - Tehran.- 2012.- V.9- P. 591-597.
2. ZH.M. Ashurov, M.A.Ziyaev, S.A.Talipov, B.T. Ibragimov. Sintez i struktura tetra-akva-bis-(nikotinat) marganca (II) // Uzbekskiy himicheskiy zhurnal - Tashkent.-2013. - No6 - S.3-6.
3. Azizov O.T. Kompleksnyie soedineniya pal`mitatov, oleatov, stearatov ryada 3d-metallov s nekotoryimi amidami: Dis….kand. him. nauk.- Tashkent: 2006. - 168 s.
4. Kholmatov D.S. Synthesis and Investigation of Magnesium Stearate with Acetamide and Nicotineamide // Chemical Science International Journal.- 2018.-Vol. 23.-Issue 3.-R.1-6.
5. Hasanov SH.B. Raznoligandnyie koordinacionnyie soedineniya stearatov kobal`ta (II), nikelya (II) i medi (II). Dis….kand.him.nauk. Tashkent: NUUz, 2011. - 124 s.
6. Ibodullaeva M.I., Azizov T.A., Ibragimova M.R., Samidzhonova A.V., Igamberdieva N.B. Kompleksnyie soedineniya nikotinatov nikelya (II) i medi (II) s acetamidom. //Kimyo va kimyo tehnologiyasi. -2016. -No4. -S.32-36.
7. Ibodullaeva M.I. Smeshannoamidonikotinatnyie koordinacionnyie soedineniya ryada metallov: Dis….kand. him. nauk.- Tashkent: 2011. - 125 s.
8. ZHebentyaev A.I., ZHernosek A.K., Talut` I.E. Analiticheskaya himiya. Himicheskie metodyi analiza. - Minsk: Novoe Znanie; 2011. - 542 s.
9. Bazhenova L.N. Kolichestvennyiy yelementnyiy analiz organicheskih soedineniy. - Ekaterinburg: 2008. - 356 s.
10. Kuznecova G.A. Kachestvennyiy rentgenofazovyiy analiz. - Irkutsk: 2005. - 28 s.
11. YAkimov I.S., Dubinin P.S. Kolichestvennyiy rentgenofazovyiy analiz.- K.: IPK SFU, 2008. - 25 s.
12. Egorov-Tismenko YU.K. Kristallografiya i kristallohimiya.- Moskva, 2005. - 589 s.
13. Gabbott P.(ed.) Principles and Applications of Thermal Analysis. Singapore: Wiley-Blackwell, 2008. - 480 p.
14. Kuz`micheva G.M. Poroshkovaya difraktometriya v materialovedenii. M: MITHT im. M.V. Lomonosova, 2005.-CH.1. - 90 s.
To cite this article: M. R. Ibragimova. Synthesis and physical and chemical research of different-amid coordination compound of manganese nicotinate // Uzbek chemical journal. -2019. – Nr1. - Pp.3-10.
Received: 25.12.2018; Accepted: 22.01.2019; Published: 25.02.2019
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UDK 541.64.678.745.547.235
N. M. Rustamova, D. A. Gafurova, M. G. Mukhamediev
National university of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek jolly2503@bk.ru [2]
Abstract. Background. Claiming of investigations by modification of polyvinylchloride by nitrogen containing bases and investigation of physical-chemical properties of obtained anionites is caused by fact that these investigations have allowed to elaborate new one-staged method of obtain ion-changing materials allowing to use the industrially outputted many-tonnage polymer-polyvinylchloride.
Purpose. Determination of optimal conditions of modification reaction of granulated polyvinylchloride by ammonium, obtaining new anionites and investigation of physic-chemical properties of obtained anion-changing materials.
Methodology. Carried out synthesis and investigated structure of new obtained anion-changing ionites on base of polyvinylchloride and ammonium by such methods as potentiometric titration and IR-spectroscopy.
Originality. For the first time modification of polyvinylchloride by water-solution of ammonium in heterogeneous conditions was carried out and granulated anion-changing material with high statical changing capacity relatively to HCl was obtained.
Findings. By modification of polyvinylchloride with ammonium anion-changing sorbents with statical changing capacity from 2.0 to 5.0 mmol/g have been obtained. Optimal conditions of obtain anion-changing granulated sorbents were following: temperature-160°С, duration of reaction-6 hours, concentration of ammonium-25% at module of 1:15. It was determined that kinetics of polyvinylchloride modification has described by regulation observed for heterophase processes and at this fractional order by concentration of ammonium was determined.
Keywords: polyvinylchloride, ammonium, modification, anion-changing material, kinetics, amino-group.
*new anion-changing sorbents have been obtained by modification of polyvinylchloride
*sorption ability of obtained sorbents to ions Cr(VI) was investigated.
1. Moulay S, Zeffouni Z. Pyridination of poly(vinyl chloride) via a homolytic pathway. Chin J Polym Sci 2007;25:297-302.
2. Martinez G, Gomez MA, Gomez R, Segura JL. Synthesis of a fullerene-functionalized poly(vinyl chloride) derivative by stereospecific chemical modification of PVC. J Polym Sci A Polym Chem 2007;45:5408-19.
3. Kennedy JP, Pi Z. Addition of unsaturated hydrocarbons to poly(vinyl chloride) and functionalization thereof. US Patent 6,831,133 B2; 2004.
4. Pi Z, Kennedy JP, Allylated PVC. J Polym Sci A Polym Chem 2001;39:307-12.
5. Percec V, Popov AV. Functionalization of the active chain ends of poly(vinyl chloride) obtained by single-electron transfer/degenerative-chain-transfer mediated living radical polymerization: synthesis of telechelic, -di(hydroxy)- poly(vinylchloride). J Polym Sci A Polym Chem 2005;43:1255-60.
6. Pi Z, Kennedy JP. Cationic grafting of olefins from PVC: the effect of reaction conditions. J Polym Sci A Polym Chem 2001;39:1675-80.
7. Pi Z, Kennedy JP. Poly(vinyl chloride)-g-poly(2-methyl-1,5-hexadiene): PVC fitted with multiple allyl groups. Polym Bull 2001;45:451-6.
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10. Moulay S. Trends in chemical modification of poly(vinyl chloride). // Khimiya (Chemistry) 2002;11:217-44.
11. Rustamov M.K., Karimov M.M., Muhamediev M.G.,Rustamova N.M. Patent RUz IAP 04615. 22.11.12
12. Kireev V.V. Vyisokomolekulyarnyie soedineniya.-M: Izdatel`stvo YUrayt, 2013.-602 s.
13. Tarasevich B.N. IK-spektryi osnovnyih klassov organicheskih soedineniy. M.: "BINOM-laboratoriya znaniy", 2012.
To cite this article: N. M. Rustamova, D. A. Gafurova, M. G. Mukhamediev. Synthesis and properties of new anionites on the base of polyvinylchloride // Uzbek chemical journal. -2019. – Nr1. - Pp.10-18.
Received: 20.12.2018; Accepted: 20.02.2019; Published: 25.02.2019
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UDC 661.183.12: 549.67
A. R. Sultanov, G. A. Gashenko, Sh. T. Gulomov, U. H. Sayidov, M. P. Yunusov
Uzbek Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research Institute, Tashkent, E-mail: yunusovmp@gmail.com [3].
Аbstract. Background. It is known that the ability of the zeolite NiNaA to change color when water is absorbed from the vapor phase in the region of low partial pressures can be used to control the gas moisture, in particular, when drying the propane-butane fraction to a moisture content corresponding to the dew point minus 45-47°C.
The purpose of this work is to obtain nickel-exchanged forms of NaAA zeolitic adsorbents, both on the basis of zeolitic adsorbents of foreign manufacturers and synthesized by crystallization of semi-finished granules formed from heat treated Angren kaolin, for use as an indicator of humidity of the gaseous medium.
Methodology. By the method of ion exchange with variable parameters of the process of ion exchange, nickel-exchanged forms of type A zeolite adsorbent (NiN-A) were obtained. The degree of exchange of Na+ ions on Ni2+, as well as the composition and identification of the crystalline phase of the samples obtained, were studied by X-ray phase and X-ray spectral methods. The adsorption characteristics of initial sodium and nickel-exchanged adsorbent forms are determined by desiccator method. Changes in color during the quantitative adsorption of water vapor are determined by a visual method.
Originality. The dependence of color characteristics, thermal stability and adsorption capacity on water vapor of the nickel-exchanged type A zeolite adsorbents (NiN-A), on the composition of the initial form of the zeolite adsorbent NaAA, and on conditions of ion exchange is established.
Findings. It was shown that when the degree of exchange of Na+ ions for Ni2+ ions is within (40–50)%, the color of the dehydrated NiNaA adsorbents has a lilac color, with a sequence of color transitions during the adsorption of water vapor: lilac → bodily → lettuce → light green. Thermal stability with preservation of the adsorption capacity in water vapor of the obtained nickel-exchanged forms is observed;
Keywords: synthetic zeolites, zeolite adsorbents, ion exchange, exchange forms of type A zeolite, gas drying, moisture indicators of the gaseous medium.
* changing Na+ for Ni2+ ions the color of the dehydrated NiN-A adsorbents changes too.
* color transitions in contact with water areobserved.
1. G. V. Cicishvili. Fiziko-himicheskie svoystva novyih ionoobmennyih form ceolitov. Glubokaya osushka propilena s pomos`h`yu sinteticheskih ceolitov NaA i KA. V sb.: Ceolityi, ih sintez, svoystva i primenenie. Materialyi II Vsesoyuznogo soves`haniya po ceolitam. Izd-vo "Nauka", Moskva - Leningrad, 1965, -395 s.
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7. V. N. Vorob`ev, T. YE. Nurseitova, A. E. Martirasov, G. SH. Talipov. Izuchenie sostoyaniya ionov nikelya na poverhnosti i v ob``eme sistemyi NiO - A12O3 po dannyim yelektronnoy spektroskopii i YEPR. ZHurnal obs`hey himii, t. XLV (CVII), vyip. 12, 1975, -S.2573 - 2578.
8. V. N. Vorob`ev, T. YE. Nurseitova, A. E. Martirasov, G. SH. Talipov. Poverhnostnyie soedineniya, obrazuyus`hiesya v sisteme NiO - silikagel`. ZHurnal obs`hey himii, t. XLV (CVII), vyip. 12, 1975, -S.2579 - 2582.
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10. N. F. Meged`, V. I. Siderman, YA. V. Mirskiy. Rentgenostrukturnyiy metod opredeleniya velichinyi molyarnogo sootnosheniya SiO2 : Al2O3 v ceolitah tipa fozhazita. V sb.: Ceolityi i ceolitsoderzhas`hie katalizatoryi. Groznyiy, vyip. HHVII, ch.1, 1974, 11. M. A. Piontkovskaya. Fiziko-himicheskie, adsorbcionnyie i kataliticheskie svoystva modificirovannyih fozhazitov. Kiev, "Naukova dumka", 1978, -166 s.
12. B. M. YEstrin, I. V. Davyidov, A. V. Nesterov, L. L. Fedorova, S. N. CHizhikov. Adsorbciya dioksida ugleroda ceolitom SaNaA v usloviyah beznagrevnogo processa. ZHurnal prikladnoy himii, 1989. -t.62. -No 2. -S.459.
To cite this article: A. R. Sultanov, G. A. Gashenko, Sh. T. Gulomov, U. H. Sayidov, M. P. Yunusov. Synthesis and properties study of nickel-exchanged form of zeolite a as an indicator of humidity of gaseous medium // Uzbek chemical journal. -2019. – Nr1. - Pp.18-25.
Received: 08.10.2018; Accepted: 20.02.2019; Published: 25.02.2019
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UDK 662.71+504
R. A. Paygamov, Sh. A. Kuldasheva, I. D. Eshmetov, D. S. Salikhanovа
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
Abstract. Background. Currently, the problem of pollution of the environment is becoming significant throughout the world. The need for both wastewater discharge and the solution of the problem of their reuse, associated with a shortage of fresh water in the country, determines the requirements for the adsorbents used. At the same time, the development of new types of adsorbents based on local raw materials, as well as their use, is one of the urgent tasks for the treatment of industrial wastewater.
Purpose. To obtain carbon sorbents from Chinar wood (РAС) and to study their adsorption isotherms and desorption of benzene vapor by the gravimetric method.
Methodology. An experimental study was carried out on an adsorption vacuum unit with spring quartz weights.
Originality. Isotherms of adsorption and desorption of benzene vapor were obtained by gravimetric method on carbon sorbents at different temperatures. Structural sorption characteristics, adsorption volumes (cm3/g) of wood coal, РАC (plane-activated carbon) and BAС (birch activated carbon) were studied. It has been established that the local coal adsorbent, РАC, at a temperature of 800°C is not inferior to BAС adsorbent (Russia).
Finding. It has been found that when studying charcoal of the РAС and BAС, at 800oC, due to the absorption of benzene at relatively low levels, the relative vapor pressure of benzene increases to P/Ps = 0.2. The adsorption of both adsorbents is relatively high, with increasing pr In this pressure range, essure the adsorbent isotherms gradually become saturated.
Keywords: adsorption, adsorbent, pyrolysis, wood, temperature, waste water, oil products, adsorbent porosity, isotherm
* structural sorption characteristics are studied;
* local adsorbent РAС does not inferior to BAС adsorbent imported from Russia;
* high indicators: mechanical strength, water resistance, wind resistance.
1.Koganovskiy A.M., Klimenko N.A., Levchenko T.M. i dr. Adsorbciya organicheskih ves`hestv iz vodyi. -L.: Himiya, 1990. -256s.
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8. Paygamov R.A., YEshmetov I.D., ZHumaeva D.ZH., Agzamova F.N. Ochistka stochnyih vod ot nefteproduktov na osnove drevesnyih ugley // VII Respublikanskaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferenciya "Racional`noe ispol`zovanie prirodnyih resursov yuzhnogo priaral`ya". -Nukus. -2018. -S. 155-157
9. Fazullin D.D., Mavrin G.V., SHayhiev I.G. Sorbentyi dlya ochistki stochnyih vod, soderzhas`hih nefteproduktyi // ZHurnal YE i PB. - No 1-2. -2015. -S. 60-63.
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To cite this article: R. A. Paygamov, Sh. A. Kuldasheva, I. D. Eshmetov, D. S. Salikhanovа. Adsorption of benzene vapors on thermal treated activated carbon, obtained from chinar wood // Uzbek chemical journal. -2019. – Nr1. - Pp.25-32.
Received: 29.12.2018; Accepted: 18.01.2019; Published: 25.02.2019
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UDK 665./.7: 66.9
O. Yu. Ismailov, A. M. Нurmamatov
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
Abstract. Background. In the oil refining industry, hydrocyclones are used to separate mechanical solids. During the extraction of oil there are mechanical impurities which consist mainly of suspended in them highly dispersed particles of sand, clay and other hard rocks, formation and salt crystals. For purification of oil, gas condensate and their mixtures from mechanical impurities in oil refineries metal-intensive settling apparatus are used. Based on this, the study of the influence of technological parameters on the hydraulic resistance of the hydrocyclone is the most important task in oil refining.
Purpose. To study the effect of the flow rate and composition of raw materials on the hydraulic resistance of a semi-industrial hydrocyclone.
Methodology. The influence of the flow rate and composition of raw materials on the hydraulic resistance of the hydrocyclone is determined by Calculation and experimental method.
Orginality. The influence of the flow rate and composition of raw materials on the hydraulic resistance of the hydrocyclone is revealed. It was found that with increasing flow rate within 2÷10 m/s the hydraulic resistance of the hydrocyclone increases by 16.5 times, and with increasing temperature - up to 60 °С.
Findings. The character of the change in the hydraulic resistance (∆Р) of a semi-industrial hydrocyclone during the movement of oil, gas condensate and their mixtures in it (taking into account the change in the proportion of gas condensate in the mixture in the range from 20 to 80%) within the change in the flow rates of 2÷10 m/s and the temperature factor in the range of 20 ÷ 60oC was calculated.
Key words: oil, gas condensate, hydrocyclone, flow rate, Reynolds criterion, hydraulic resistance.
* with increase of the flow rate ∆Р of the hydrocyclone increases;
* at increase the share of gas condensate ∆Р of the device is reduced.
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10. Ismailov O.YU. Izucheniya plotnosti zhidkih uglevodorodov// Uzbekskiy himicheskiy zhurnal -2013. - No 5. - S.43-45.
11. Ismailov O.YU., Hudayberdiev A.A., Gazieva F.N. Opredelenie vyazkosti uglevodorodnogo syir`ya// Uzbekskiy himicheskiy zhurnal. - Tashkent, 2012. - No 3. - S. 25-27.
To cite this article: O. Yu. Ismailov, A. M. Нurmamatov. Influence of hydrodynamic conditions and composition of raw materials on the hydraulic resistance of hydrocyclone // Uzbek chemical journal.- 2019. – Nr1. - Pp.25-32.
Received: 29.12.2018; Accepted: 18.01.2019; Published: 25.02.2019
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UDK 66.097.3(088.8)
V. P. Guro, M. A. Ibragimova, E. T. Safarov, F. N. Fuzaylova, A. T. Dadahodjaev
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, e-mail vpguro@rambler.ru [4]
Abstract. Background. In the production of acetaldehyde, Navoiazot JSC uses the “Cadmium-Calcium Phosphate Catalyst (CCP- N)”. Its replacement takes place every 6 months. Technology is needed to recycle spent CCP-N and return cadmium to a new cycle of its synthesis.
Purpose. Development of technology for the selective extraction of cadmium from spent CCP-N for the reuse of cadmium (recycling).
Methodology. The shares of CdO, CaO and P2O5 in the spent CCP-N were determined on an ICP-MS spectrometer. CCP samples were dissolved in acids, with the separation of graphite on the filter from CCP solutions. Sorption of cations was carried out on Purolite C100H resin.
Originality. A technology has been developed for the selective extraction of cadmium from spent CCP-N catalyst in the form of a nitrate salt, suitable for recycling in the synthesis of CCP- N.
Findings. Scheme for the processing of waste CCP-N for cadmium and process schedules for pilot testing technology was proposed. The calculation of consumables, the content of Cd, P, Ca in the technological solutions of processing was made; data on the dependence of cadmium recovery depending on the pH of the medium were obtained.
Keywords: cadmium-calcium phosphate catalyst; cadmium, sorption, cation exchanger, selective extraction.
* technology was developed for processing of spent CCP catalyst;
* it is transferred to the customer for pilot testing.
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To cite this article: V. P. Guro, M. A. Ibragimova, E. T. Safarov, F. N. Fuzaylova, A. T. Dadahodjaev. Technology for the recovery of cadmium from a processed cadmium-calcium-phosphate catalyst // Uzbek chemical journal.- 2019. – Nr1. - Pp.39-43.
Received: 30.12.2018; Accepted: 31.01.2019; Published: 25.02.2019
* * *
D. D. Savrieva
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan
Abstract. Background. Presently, at the oil and fat enterprises of the republic, imported coal adsorbents are used to purify distilled glycerols, which significantly affect their cost. Although there are enough raw materials in the republic to produce highly effective coal adsorbents, since Angren coal.Purpose.
The purpose of research is to assess the possibility of obtaining import-substituting carbon adsorbents for the purification of distilled glycerin.
Methodology. Comparative study of colloid-physical indicators of coal samples obtained using standard analysis methods.
Originality. It has been established that to achieve maximum porosity of 2BPK coal, it is sufficient to conduct thermal activation at 300°С, and for coal 2БР 400°С within 60 minutes.
It was established that after cleaning with selected carbon adsorbents, the chromaticity was reduced from 8 to 5 mg I2 / 100cm3, the mass fraction of ash was reduced from 0.22 to 0.02%, which is confirmed by the refraction of light and density. According to the initial data of glycerol, it can be said that its indicators correspond to the indicators of the T-88 brand, and after cleaning it with the resulting adsorbents, its indicators have risen to the indicators of the D-98 brand.
Findings. The effect of enrichment, thermal pyrolysis on colloid-physical properties was revealed, since the ash content, porosity, etc., after which the ash content was reduced to 1.3 times, and the porosity of coal increased on average by 1.2 times.
Keywords: distilled glycerin, coal, porosity, enrichment, density, light refraction, color number.
* coal enrichment sharply reduces its ash content;
* thermal pyrolysis increases the adsorption properties;
* carbon adsorbents raising glycerin grades were obtained.
1. Bochkin S.I. Proizvodstvo glicerina. - Leningrad, 2008. -64 s.
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3. Les`henko N.F. Issledovanie i razrabotka tehnologii adsorbcionnoy ochiski distillirovannogo glicerina i otdeleniya adsorbenta: Diss. ... kand. teh. nauk. -Krasnodar. -1979. -S.11-18.
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6. Savrieva D.D., Salihanova D.S., YEshmetov I.D., Abdurahimov S.A. Adsorbcionnaya ochistka distillirovannogo glicerina poluchennogo iz hlopkovogo soapstoka // Universum: Tehnicheskie nauki: yelektron. nauchn. zhurn. -2017. - No.9 (39).
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12. Salihanova D.S., Eshmetov I.D., Agzamkhodjaev A.A. Coal-alkali adsorbents for bleaching of cotton oils // 4th European Conference on Innovations in Technical and Natural Sciences. Austria. - 2014. -S.211-216.
To cite this article: D. D. Savrieva. Production of coal adsorbents from local brown Angraene coals for cleaning distilled glycerine organic chemistry // Uzbek chemical journal.- 2019. – Nr1. - Pp.43-48.
Received: 06.02.2018; Accepted: 22.02.2019; Published: 25.02.2019
* * *
UDC 541.64
N. I. Bozorov, V. O. Kudyshkin
Institute of Chemistry and Physics of Polymers, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan Uzbekistan, Tashkent, e-mail: polymer@academy.uz [9]
Abstract. Background. Production of polymeric materials is one of the priority directions of development of Uzbekistan industry. One of such perspective materials may be random copolymers of methyl acrylate (MA) and Acrylic acid (AA). The synthesis of copolymers in a wide range of compositions allows obtaining materials with controlled hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties, which can be useful for practical application in the restoration and conservation of archaeological sites.
Purpose. Synthesis of statistical copolymers of MA and AA in a wide range of compositions. Investigation of copolymers Solubility in solvents of different nature.
Methodology. The synthesis of copolymers was carried out using a binary radical copolymerization. To prove the fact of copolymer formation, the results of functional group analysis and IR spectroscopy were used. The intrinsic viscosity of copolymers in different solvents was also investigated.
Originality. Copolymers MA and AA are synthesized. It was found that varying the synthesis conditions can be obtained copolymers of different composition, significantly different in their hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties.
Findings. The influence of the content of monomers in the initial monomer mixture of the composition of the copolymer have been studied. Copolymerization constants are determined. It is shown that depending on the composition of the copolymer samples have different solubility in water and organic solvents.
Key words: acrylic acid, methyl acrylate, radical copolymerization, copolymerization constants, solution.
* synthesis of MA and AA copolymers has been carried out;
* structure of copolymers has been investigated;
* copolymerization constants have been calculated.
1. Zayavka №IAP 20170078 na poluchenie patenta Respubliki Uzbekistan "Sposob polucheniya akrilovoy kislotyi iz akrilonitrila" // Rashidova S.SH., Kudyishkin V.O., Abrarova Z.M. i dr. Rasmiy Ahborotnoma No 8 ot 30.08.2018. -S. 19-20.
2. Ryabov A.V., Semchikov YU.D., Slavnickaya N.N. Rol` sredyi pri gomogennoy radikal`noy sopolimerizacii nenasyis`hennyih karbonovyih kislot s vinil`nyimi monomerami // Vyisokomolek. soed. -1970. -T (A) 12. -No 3. -S. 553-560.
3. Rovkina N.M., Lyapkov A.A. Laboratornyiy praktikum po himii i tehnologii polimerov. -Tomsk: Tomskogo politehnicheskogo un-ta, 2008. -275 s.
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10. Kamorin D.M., SHirshin K.V., Orehov D.V., Sivohin A.P., Sadikov A.YU., Kazancev A.O., Panina E.A. Radikal`naya sopolimerizaciya akrilovoy kislotyi i metoksipoliyetilenglikol`-metakrilata v vodnom rastvore // Plasticheskie massyi. -2017. -No 1-2. -S. 6-8.
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12. Kudyishkin V.O., Vohidova N.R., Rashidova S.SH. Regulirovanie radikal`noy polimerizacii v usloviyah slabogo ingibirovaniya. T.: "FAN" AN RUz, 2016. -192 s.
13. Tomilina A.V., Emel`yanov D.N., Volkova N.V., SHeronova A.I. Ispol`zovanie amfifil`nyih vodorastvorimyih akrilovyih sopolimerov v kachestve konservantov pamyatnikov kul`turyi na bumazhnoy osnove // Uchenyie zapiski Kazanskogo universiteta. Ser. Estestvennyie nauki. -2012. -T. 154., -kn. 3. -S. 140-147.
To cite this article: N. I. Bozorov, V. O. Kudyshkin. Random copolymers of metyl acrylate and acrylic acid // Uzbek chemical journal.- 2019. – Nr1. - Pp.49-54.
Received: 31.01.2018; Accepted: 20.02.2019; Published: 25.02.2019
* * *
UDK 541.
1A. E. Kurbanbaeva, 1R. K. Akhmedov, 2D. A. Holmuminova
1IONH Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2Dzizaksky Polytechnic Institute, e-mail: kurbanbaeva1@rambler.ru [10]
Abstract. Background. Currently, one of the priorities is to expand the range of environmental safe means used by introducing new polymeric reagents into practice. In this regard, the study and mobilization of resources of domestic raw materials is an urgent task, which includes detailed studies of the chemical composition of reagents and physic-chemical properties, which determines the prospect of their practical use. Therefore, the creation of new macromolecular structures with improved performance characteristics is in demand today.
Purpose. The aim of the work is to establish patterns of change and interaction of physical and chemical parameters, such as electrical conductivity, pH-environment, swelling, conformational transitions, depending on changes in the initial characteristics of hydrogels of polyethylene diamidacrylate with acrylic acid (HPEA) and polyhexamethylene diamidacrylate with acrylic acid and ammonium acrylate (HPHA) in aqueous solution.
Methodology. Radical polymerization, conductometry (conductometer type SF-104), potentiometry (potentiometer EV-74), gravimetric method (laboratory scales BK-1500).
Originality. The electrochemical, swelling properties of the HPEA and HPHA hydrogels in aqueous solution, as well as their conformational transformations during the transition from one state to another, were studied. It has been established that in the process of ionization of hydrogels, intermolecular associates with the participation of a proton and carboxylate anions are formed, which are stabilized by hydrophobic interactions of the network structure of a cross-linked polyelectrolyte. This process is accompanied by an increase in electrical conductivity.
Findings. The facts of the interaction of physic-chemical parameters, where the increase in electrical conductivity, pH-environment and the coefficient of swelling. A presumptive reaction mechanism is shown.
Key words: hydrogel, electrical conductivity, swelling coefficient, hydrophobic interaction, intermolecular associates, reticulate structure.
* in a process of ionization of functional groups associates are formed.
* the process involves proton and carboxylate anions.
1. Hao J, Yuan G, He W., Cheng H., Han C.C., Wu C. Interchain hydrogen bonding-induced association of poly(acrylic acid)-graft poly(ethylene oxide) in water //Macromol.-2010. -Vol.43. –No.4. -P.2002-2008.
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3. Ying Zhao, Juan Kang, Tianwei Tan Salt-, pH- and temperature-responsive semi-interpenetrating polymer network hydrogel based on poly(aspartic acid) and poly(acrylic acid) //Polym. -2006. -Vol.47. - No.22. -P.7702-7710.
4. Wang Y.P., Zhou L., Sun G.M et al Construction of different super molecular polymer systems by combining the host-guest and hydrogen-bonding interactions //J. Polymer Sci., -2008. -Vol.46. - No 11. -P.1114-1120.
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14. Kurbanbaeva A.YE., Artikov F.A., Ahmedov U.K., Halmatov A.H. Fiziko-himicheskie svoystva vodnyih rastvorov poliyelektrolitov na osnove akrilovoy kislotyi i diaminov. Dep. VINITI. No 1354-V-91. -Moskva -1991. -S.13-17.
15. Safronov A.P., Adamova L.V., Blohina A.S., Kamalov I.A., SHabadrov P.A. parametr Flori-Hagginsa v redkosshityih gidrogelyah poliakrilovoy i polimetakrilovoy kislot raznoy stepeni ionizacii // Vyisokomolekulyarnyie soedineniya Ser. A. -2015. -T.57.- No 1. -S.1-10.
16. Pyilinina A.I., SHeshko T.F., Safir R.E., SHlyahova M.V. Fizicheskaya i kolloidnaya himiya. - M.: Izd. Ross.univer. druzhba narodov. -2008. 80s.
17. Kurbanbaeva A.YE. Poluchenie, svoystva i primenenie novyih polimernyih poverhnostno-aktivnyih ves`hestv na osnove proizvodnyih akrilatov -Avtoref. dok.him.nauk -Tashkent. -2018. -69c.
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To cite this article: A. E. Kurbanbaeva, R. K. Akhmedov, D. A. Holmuminova. Study of electrochemical and swelling properties of hydrogels in aquatic medium // Uzbek chemical journal.- 2019. – Nr1. - Pp.54-60.
Received: 28.12.2018; Accepted: 22.02.2019; Published: 25.02.2019
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UDK 541.64:547.391.1
A. Kh.Yusupbekov, D. Ya. Yuldashov
SUE “Fan va Tarakkiyot” TSTU; E-mail: ayusupbekov@inbox.ru [11]
Abstract. Background. Currently, acrylic emulsion produced in Navoiazot JSC does not find proper application in the production of composite polymeric materials, due to the lack of a scientifically based approach to solving the problems posed. A comprehensive study of the structuring of acrylic emulsion with various cross-linking agents would allow the creation of composite polymeric materials with high thermal stability.
Purpose. Increasing the heat resistance of acrylic oligomers by structuring with various nitrogen-containing compounds and metal oxides.
Methodology. IR spectroscopic and thermoanalytical research methods are used.
Originality. Effect of type of transverse chemical and salt bonds on thermal stability of composite acrylic oligomer is studied.
Findings. Modified derivatives of acrylic emulsion containing reactive functional groups characterized by high thermal stability are synthesized.
Keywords: acrylic emulsion, structuring, composite materials, properties and thermal stability.
* varying the structure of cross-links and properties of polymeric materials;
* composite polymeric materials with high thermal stability.
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3. Akrilatnyie lateksyi // J.Appl. Polumer. Sci., 2001, 82. -No.11. -S.2842-2848.
4. YUsupbekov A.H., Abed N.S. Ustanovlenie zakonomernostey formirovaniya strukturyi i svoystv kompozicionnyih materialov na osnove reakcionno-sposobnogo akrilovogo oligomera // Materialyi Respublikanskoy nauchno-tehnicheskoy konferencii "Perspektivyi razvitiya kompozicionnyih i nanokompozicionnyih materialov" Tashkent. 2017g. -S.189.
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8. Gafurova D.A., Muhamediev M.G. Modifikaciya poliakrilonitril`nogo volokna nitron geksametilendiaminom v srede butanola // Vestnik NUUz.-Tashkent 2010. -No4. -S.59-62. (02.00.00, No 12);
9. Gafurova D.A., SHahidova D.N., Muhamediev M.G., Muhamedov G.I. Nekotoryie osobennosti vzaimodeystviya azotsoderzhas`hih osnovaniy s poliakrilonitrilom // Dokladyi Akademii nauk Respubliki Uzbekistan.-Tashkent, 2013.- No 4. -S. 40-42.
10. YUsupbekov A.H. Izuchenie zakonomernostey formirovaniya svoystv kompozicionnyih materialov na osnove reakcionno-sposobnogo akrilovogo oligomera // Materialyi mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-tehnicheskoy konferencii "Aktual`nyie problemyi fiziki i himii polimernyih kompozitov, a takzhe tehnologiya konstrukcionnyih materialov. Namangan 5-6 may 2017. -S.54
11. YUsupbekov A.H. Kompozicionnyie materialyi uplotnitel`no-germetiziruyus`hego naznacheniya na osnove akrilovoy yemul`sii // Kompozicionnyie materialyi 2017. -No3. -S.45-46.
12. YUsupbekov A.H., Abed N.S. Primenenie akrilovoy yemul`sii // Kompozicionnyie materialyi 2017. -No4. -S.71-72.
To cite this article: A. Kh.Yusupbekov, D. Ya. Yuldashov. Study of the thermal stability of modified acrylic emulsion // Uzbek chemical journal.- 2019. – Nr1. - Pp.60-66.
Received: 28.12.2018; Accepted: 22.02.2019; Published: 25.02.2019
* * *
UDK 577.1.577.352.34
F. А. Sobirova, F. N. Tashpulatov, А. Madraximov, А. D. Мatchanov
Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, E-mail: olim_0172@mail.ru [12]
Abstract. Background. Plants of the genus Lagochilus are known as valuable hemostatic agents and are among the most well-known medicinal plants of the East. Lagochilus-based products are successfully used to stop various bleeding. The main active substance is four-atomic alcohol, diterpenoid lagochilin and on its basis a number of acetyl and isopropylidene derivatives were obtained and it was shown that hemostatic activity depends in a certain way on the number of free hydroxyl groups of lagochilin and its derivatives. But all lagochilin derivatives are poorly soluble in water, because of which their bioavailability is limited.
Purpose. The purpose of this work is to synthesis and study the chemical structure of lagochilin monosuccinate.
Methodology. Synthesis of lagochilin with succinic anhydride was carried out in an excess of succinic anhydride. The reaction was carried out for 14-15 hours and after that, the reaction mixture was poured with cold water and acidified with 10% hydrochloric acid solution. Silica gel with a particle size of 100 \ 160 was used for column chromatography. TLC was used for identification on plates of the SILUFOL brand. IR spectra were taken on a System-2000 FT-IR spectrometer from Perkin-Elmer on tablets with KBr. The HPLC analyzes were performed on an Ultimate 3000 chromatograph, Thermo Fisher Scientific (USA), equipped with sampler, a Hypersil GOLD aQ 100 mm x 2.1 mm, 1.9 micron column.
Originality. For the first time, monosuccinate was synthesized on the basis of succinic anhydride and lagochilin, and the chemical structure of the synthesized compound was studied.
Fingdings. Lagochilin monosuccinate was synthesized for the first time on the basis of succinic acid chloride and diterpenoid. Purification and identification carried out by the method of column chromatography and thin layer chromatography. The chemical structure of the synthesized compound was established by chromatography-mass spectrometry.
Keywords: lagoсhilin, succinic anhydride, succinate, mass spectrometry
* synthesis of dibasic acid anhydrides with diterpenoid lagochilin was developed
* chemical structure of the synthesized compounds was studied.
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9 S. E. H. Etaiwa, M. M. El-Bendarya, H. Abdelazim. Synthesis, Characterization, and Biological Activity of Cd (II) and Mn (II) Coordination Polymers Based on Pyridine-2,6-Dicarboxylic Acid.// ISSN 1070-3284, Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2017, Vol. 43, No. 5, pp. 320–330. Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2017.
10. A.G. Gasanov, E.G. Mamedbeyli, I.G. Ayyubov, R.Z. Babayeva, K.F. Babayeva. Pharmacological aspects of application of cyclohexene and norbornene dicarboxylic acids monoesters as bactericide preparations // Processes of petrochemistry and oil refining I SSN 1726 -4685 11. 1 (41). 2010
11. Jacqueline A. Takahashi ; Henriete S. Vieira1; Eliane A. Silva; Maria A. D. Boaventura; Alaíde B. de Oliveira; Egler Chiari. Preparation and activity of diterpenoids against trypomastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi.// Rev. Bras. Farmacogn., -V.12. supl., -P.118-120, 2002. ISSN: 0102-695X.
To cite this article: F. А. Sobirova, F. N. Tashpulatov, А. Madraximov, А. D. Мatchanov. Mass spectrometric study of monosuccinic Lagochilin’s structure // Uzbek chemical journal.- 2019. – Nr1. - Pp.66-72.
Received: 06.02.2019; Accepted: 21.02.2019; Published: 25.02.2019
* * *
O. V. Myachina, R. N. Kim, A. T. Aliev, A. H. Rakhmonov, O. S. Narzullaev, O. I. Popova
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan
Abstract. Background. The impact of the new concentrated slow-acting fertilizers on soil fertility and biological component, the effectiveness and environmentally of this type fertilizer in irrigated agriculture has not been studied.
Purpose. The work Purpose is to study the effect of new phosphate concentrated fertilizers on the main agrochemical indicators of soil fertility, their effectiveness and environmentally in irrigated agriculture. The use of the systematic approach to the study of new fertilizers allows a scientific proof of the effectiveness and environmentally of their use in irrigated conditions.
Methodology. Complex of physicochemical and agrochemical studies was carried out. The research objects are new phosphate fertilizers containing additional macro- and meso- elements.
Originality. First the research concludes comprehensive assessment of effectiveness of new concentrated phosphate fertilizers, which intended for irrigated agriculture. The complex of physicochemical and agrochemical studies allows to evaluate the fertilizers effect on dynamics of macronutrients in the soil, the growth, development and cotton yield, and to develop an economic and agro-ecological reasoning of new phosphorus fertilizers use.
Findings. In vegetative trials it was proved that new concentrated phosphate fertilizers containing important meso-elements: calcium, sulfur and nitrogen, showed a positive effect on cotton plant development, stimulating the plant organs growth by 3-19% and increasing cotton yield by 7.9-18.5%.
Keywords: concentrated phosphoric, nitrogen, sulfur, calcium, fertilizers, harvest, cotton, humus, available nitrogen, available phosphorus.
* studied the effect of new concentrated phosphate fertilizers;
* their influence on the growth, development and productivity of cotton plants has been estab-lished;
* given assessment of their impact on the dynamics of macroelements and humus in the soil.
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To cite this article: O. V. Myachina, R. N. Kim, A. T. Aliev, A. H. Rakhmonov, O. S. Narzullaev, O. I. Popova. Studying the question of the influence of new concentrated phosphorous fertilizers on the productivity of a cotton and fertility of the soil // Uzbek chemical journal.- 2019. – Nr1. - Pp.72-80.
Received: 28.12.2018; Accepted: 31.01.2019; Published: 25.02.2019
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