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F. G. Rakhmatkarieva, M. Kh. Kokharov, O. K. Ergashev, Kh. N. Bakhronov, I. I. Absalyamova
Abstract. Background. The use of catalysts and adsorbents in the processing of oil and gas raw materials requires in-depth research into potential import-substituting analogues.
Purpose. Study of isotherms and calculation of differential entropy of ammonia adsorption in synthetic zeolite CaA (M-22).
Methodology. The studies were carried out on a universal high-vacuum installation, which allows dosing of the adsorbate using both gas-volume and volume-liquid methods with an accuracy of 0.1%.
Originality. For the first time, the energy characteristics of ammonia adsorption in CaA (M-22) zeolite were determined, the differential values of free energy and entropy of adsorption were calculated, a correlation was found between the adsorption-energy characteristics and the crystallochemical structure of the adsorbent, the mechanism of formation of ion-molecular clusters of ammonia with cations in the zeolite in the region filling the pore space of the adsorbent.
Findings. The stepwise nature of the entropy of ammonia adsorption was revealed. The entropy region correlates with the number of sodium and calcium cations in the zeolite structure.
Key words: zeolite, adsorption, entropy, isotherm, temperature, microcalorimeter, ammonia.
- ammonia in CaA zeolite (M-22) is adsorbed in the first coordination sphere.
- ammonia forms a dimeric ion-molecular complex 2NH3:Ca2+
- ammonia molecules interact in the second coordination sphere
- a complex Ca2+:2NH3:2NH3 is formed.
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16. M.H.Kokharov, U.K.Axmedov, F.G.Rakhmatkarieva, E.B.Abdurakhmonov Energetics of carbon dioxide adsorption in Ca4Na4A zeolite // Scientific and Technical Journal of Namangan Engineering and Technology Institute Vol.5 - №1, 2020, p.142-148
To cite this article: F. G. Rakhmatkarieva, M. Kh. Kokharov, O. K. Ergashev, Kh. N. Bakhronov, I. I. Absalyamova
Differential entropy and isotherm of ammonia adsorption in CaA (M-22) zeolite. // Uzbek chemical journal. -2024. – Nr1. - Pp.3-9.
Received: 07.02. 2024; Accepted: 14.03.2024; Published: 22.04.2024
A.F. Ishankulov, Z. R. Islomova, Q. F. Khalilov, Yu. G. Galyametdinov, N. Q. Mukhamadiev
Abstract. Background. The study of semiconductor nanoparticles - quantum dots (QDs) is caused by their unique optical-dimensional properties
Purpose. Study of the influence of synthesis conditions on the optical and dimensional properties of modified hybrid CdSe/ZnS and triplet CdSe/CdS/ZnS of QD.
Methodology. Absorption spectra of quantum dots were obtained on a Perkin Elmer Instrumental LAMBDA 35. Luminescence spectra were obtained on a Cary Eclipse spectrofluorimeter (Varian), all at 20-25°C. The hydrodynamic size of QDs was determined by dynamic light scattering using a Malvern Zetasizer Nano-ZS.
Originality. For the first time, modification of the obtained hybrid CdSe/ZnS and triplet CdSe/CdS/ZnS QDs of the “core-shell” and “core/shell/shell” types in the presence of stabilizers was carried out. The absorption and luminescence spectra, as well as their dimensional parameters, were analyzed, and the optical-spectral, morphological and physicochemical characteristics of QDs were determined.
Findings. The maximum luminescence quantum efficiency was achieved for a sample with a synthesis time of 20 min. The growth of the ZnS shell led to an increase in the quantum yield from 4.7% to 55.9% and a shift of the luminescence peak to shorter wavelengths. The number of components for CdSe/ZnS and CdSe/CdS/ZnS QDs has been established.
Key words: synthesis, precursor, quantum dots, shell, luminescence.
- exchange of cadmium atoms on the QD surface for zinc atoms;
- the quantum yield of their synthesis increased from 4.7% to 55.9%;
- the database of hybrid and triplet quantum dots has been enriched;
- parameters of the “dimensional-optical” characteristics of QD.
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12. Ishankulov A.F. Khalilov K.F., Shamilov R.R., Galyametdinov Y.G., Mukhamadiev N.K.. Size-optical characteristics of CdSe/ZnS quantum dots modified by thiol stabilizers //Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology. – 2023. – С. 1-6.
To cite this article: А. F. Ishankulov, Z. R. Islomova, Q. F. Khalilov, Yu. G. Galyametdinov, N. Q. Mukhamadiev Influence of synthesis conditions on optical characteristics of quantum dots CuInS2 and hybrids CuInS2/ZnS// Uzbek chemical journal. -2024. – Nr1. - Pp. 9-14.
Received: 19.02.2024; Accepted: 02.04.2024; Published: 22.04.2024
UDK: 548.546.544.543
1S. N. Kamolov, 2A. R. Safarov, 2A. Sh. Jorayev, 2A. K. Fayziyeva, 2A. B. Ibragimov
1National University of Uzbekistan. 2Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Abstract. Background. Studying the structures of coordination compounds, including organometallic ones, is an important condition for the synthesis of biopharmaceuticals with predetermined properties.
Purpose. Synthesis of the [(Cu(CH3COO)2)4(EDA)2(H2O)2](PNA)2 complex and identification of its composition and structure by physical research methods.
Methodology. The structure of complex compounds was studied using X-ray diffraction analysis, infrared (Bruker Invenio S-2021), ultraviolet (Specord 200 Plus), spectroscopic, thermogravimetric and differential thermal analysis (KL-JS-100A).
Originality. The optimal conditions for the synthesis of coordination compounds [(Cu(CH3COO)2)4(EDA)2(H2O)2](PNA)2 were identified and their structure was determined by physical research methods.
Findings. A successful result was noted in the synthesis of a new copper acetate complex containing the ligands: ethylenediamine EDA and p-nitroaniline (PNA), as well as the formation of coordination bonds with four monodentate ligands (CH3COO-), EDA serve as bidentate ligands forming coordination bonds with the copper ion through nitrogen atoms.
Key words: p-nitroaniline, copper acetate, ethylenediamine, coordination compound, X-ray diffraction analysis, electronic transition, thermogravimetric method.
- interaction of Cu2+ ion with p-nitroaniline and ethylenediamine;
- analysis of the structures of coordination compounds
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To cite this article: S. N. Kamolov, A. R. Safarov, A. Sh. Jorayev, A. K. Fayziyeva, A. B. Ibragimov Synthesis and study of a new complex compound of copper (II) acetate based on p-nitroaniline and ethylenediamine // Uzbek chemical journal. -2024. – Nr1. - Pp. 14-22.
Received: 23.02.2024; Accepted: 14.04.2024; Published: 22.04.2024
R. A. Paygamov, I. D. Eshmetov, O. M. Valiyeva
Abstract. Background. Wood processing produces waste, which is a valuable raw material for various industries.
Purpose. Studying the possibility of obtaining import-substituting coal adsorbents from wood waste, the characteristics of the adsorption of organic substances and the thermodynamics of adsorption on their surface.
Methodology. Adsorption isotherms of benzene vapor and sorption-structural parameters on new coal adsorbents were studied using a high-vacuum calorimetric installation.
Originality. Based on the adsorption of benzene vapor, the structural and sorption properties of coal adsorbents obtained by activating waste maple trunks with potassium alkali were determined.
Findings. According to the adsorption isotherms of Coal + KOH (1:5), the adsorption of benzene in the studied systems: 3.8 times more than Coal-500, 2.2 times more than Coal + KOH (1:1), Coal turned out to be 1 ,8 times higher. than +KOH (1:2), 1.5 times higher than Coal+KOH (1:3) and 1.2 times higher than Coal+KOH (1:4).
Key words: activated carbon, benzene, isotherm, adsorption, specific surface area, activation, monolayer capacity, porosity.
- coal adsorbent from local raw materials at low prices;
- the adsorbent has high physical and mechanical properties;
- high adsorption properties of the resulting carbon adsorbent
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9. Rahimjon Paygamov, Mansurhon Mexmonxonov, Aziza Abdikamalova, Izzat Eshmetov, and Oybek Ergashev Adsorption properties of carbon adsorbents based on wood waste. E3S Web of Conferences 401, 02013 (2023) CONMECHYDRO – 2023 https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202340102013 [8]
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To cite this article: R. A. Paygamov, I. D. Eshmetov, O. M. Valiyeva Adsorption of benzene vapor on carbon adsorbents based on plant waste// Uzbek chemical journal. -2024. – Nr1. - Pp. 22-27.
Received: 05.03.2024; Accepted: 16.04.2024; Published: 22.04.2024
E. T. Safarov, S. N. Rasulova, V. P. Guro, H. F. Adinayev, E. B. Abdurakhmonov, M. A. Ibragimova
Abstract. Background. Almalyk MMC JSC produces cinder of industrial molybdenum product (IMP) from molybdenite concentrate (MoC), granulated with 8-10% kaolin, by firing. Kaolin in the cinder complicates its processing.
Purpose: to achieve complete and rapid oxidation of molybdenite concentrate in a roasting furnace and increase the efficiency of cinder processing.
Methodology. MoC granules from a charge with kaolin and organic binders were fired in a furnace, and the porosity of PPM cinder granules was determined using an adsorption calorimetric installation.
Originality. It has been established that molybdenum cinder PPM based on organic binders forms a porous structure compared to cinder based on a kaolin binder.
Findings. The sorption of water and nitrogen vapor on PPM cinder granules based on kaolin and organic binders was studied.
Key words: molybdenite concentrate, cinder, binder, adsorption isotherm, porous structure, monolayer, specific surface area.
- rolling of molybdenite concentrate with an organic binder;
- the cinder’s porous structure facilitates the sublimation of Re(VII) oxide;
- the porous structure of the IMP cinder facilitates its processing.
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2. Safarov E.T., Guro V.P., Ibragimova M.A. Modification of the polymer binder - a component of the charge for granulating molybdenite concentrate // Uzbek chemical journal - 2016. - No. 5. - P. 3-18.
3. Guro V.P., Safarov E.T., Rakhmatkarieva F.G. Selection of the optimal binder for granulating molybdenite concentrate // Non-ferrous metals - 2016.-№2.-P.68-73. https:// doi.org/10.17580/tsm.2016.02.11
4. Safarov E.T., Guro V.P., Ibragimova M.A. Development of a series of organic binders for granulating and firing molybdenite concentrate in a fluidized bed furnace // Uzbek chemical journal - 2017. - No. 4. - P. 35-42.
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7. M.S. Khudaiberganov, F.G. Rakhmatkarieva. Adsorption of water vapor in microporous adsorbents modified from local raw materials // Composite materials. No. 1. 2022. B. 111-113. ISSN 2091-5527.
8. M. Khudoyberganov, F. Rakhmatkarieva E. Abdurakhmonov, I. Tojiboeva, X. Todjiyeva. Thermodynamics of water adsorption on local kaolin modified microporous sorbents. “1st International Conference on Problems and Perspectives of Modern Science (ICPPMS-2021)” AIP Conference Proceedings 2432, 010001 (2022); https://doi.org/10.1063/12.0009761 [9]
9. Khudayberganov M.S., Rakhmatkarieva F.G. Thermokinetics of water vapor adsorption on a microporous adsorbent // "Current problems in chemistry and chemical technology." Scientific and practical conference of young scientists of the Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Russian Federation, December 20-21, 2021.
10. Davankov, V.A., Blinnikova, Z.K., Popov, A.Y. et al. Revisiting the Problem of Adsorption / Desorption Isotherms on Hypercrosslinked Polymers. Polym. Sci. Ser. A 65, 15–21 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1134/S0965545X23700682 [10]
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To cite this article: E. T. Safarov, S. N. Rasulova, V. P. Guro, H. F. Adinayev, E. B. Abdurakhmonov, M. A. Ibragimova Sorption properties of cinder granules of industrial molybdenum product// Uzbek chemical journal. -2024. – Nr1. - Pp. 28-32.
Received: 19.02.2024; Accepted: 23.03.2024; Published: 22.04.2024
A. A. Eminov, M. A. Toreniyazov, Al. A. Eminov, Z. R. Kadyrova
Abstract. Background. In the production of silicate and refractory materials, increased attention is paid to environmental problems. Of these, aluminosilicate refractories are the most common.
Purpose. Development of the composition of refractory mass fillers for fired molded materials based on clay raw materials and alumina-containing secondary resources.
Methodology. Laboratory studies were carried out using modern physical and chemical methods.
Originality. It has been established that the proposed compositions of aluminosilicate refractory masses with fillers have high performance and are recommended as a lining material for high-temperature furnaces and units.
Findings. The possibilities of the domestic raw material base have been identified, the rational development of which will make it possible to create import-substituting production.
Key words: kaolin, aluminosilicate, filler, heat resistance, fire resistance, lining material.
- physical-chemical and thermomechanical parameters were determined;
- filler with adjusted alumina content.
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To cite this article: A. A. Eminov, M. A. Toreniyazov, Al. A. Eminov, Z. R. Kadyrova Development of the composition of fillers for refractory masses for fillers materials// Uzbek chemical journal. -2024. – Nr1. - Pp. 33-38.
Received: 19.02.2024; Accepted: 03.03.2024; Published: 22.04.2024
1A. E. Toshtemirov, 1Kh. Kh. Turaev, 1I. A. Umbarov, 2J. M. Ashurov, 3 A. T. Dzhalilov
1Termiz State University, Barkamol Avlod street, Termiz, Uzbekistan, 2Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry named after O.S.Sodikov AS RUz, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 3Tashkent Scientific Research Institute of Chemical Technology AS RUz, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
Abstract. Background. The synthesis of metal complexes containing ligands with N and O-donating centers and their studies solve the problem of competitive coordination in coordination chemistry and are important for their implementation as fluorescent, antimicrobial, fungicidal herbicides and biostimulants.
Purpose: obtaining metal complexes containing 1,10-phenanthroline, as well as determining the structure and physicochemical properties of the synthesized compound.
Methodology. X-ray crystallography performed on an Xcalibur R Oxford Diffraction automated diffractometer at room temperature as the primary method.
Originality. For the first time, a new crystal structure and molecular characteristics of a new mixed-ligand complex have been obtained.
Findings. The complex compound [(CH3COO)2(C12H8N2)2Cd](2CH3COOH·2H2O) was synthesized from cadmium acetate, phenanthroline ligand and acetic acid. Its structure was determined using X-ray diffraction.
Key words: 1,10-phenanthroline (Phen), acetic acid, crystal structure, H-bond energy, Hirschfeld surface.
- complex compound [(CH3COO)2(C12H8N2)2Cd](2CH3COOH·2H2O)
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To cite this article: A. E. Toshtemirov, KH. KH. Turaev, I. A. Umbarov, J. M. Ashurov, A. T. Dzhalilov Synthesis and study of new complex based on 1,10-phenanthroline and cadmium (II) acetate// Uzbek chemical journal. -2024. – Nr1. - Pp. 39-49.
Received: 12.03.2024; Accepted: 04.04.2024; Published: 22.04.2024
J. M. Kushokov, A. A. Mamataliev, S. A. Buriev, Sh. S. Namazov
Abstract. Bacgraund. Ammonium nitrate (AN) is one of the most common, effective and concentrated nitrogen fertilizers in the world. It is used in agriculture on all types of crops and all soils. However, it has two disadvantages: viscosity and explosiveness. The explosive problem of AN is more serious than its stickiness problem. In Europe, the production of lime-ammonium nitrate (LAN) by incorporating dolomite mineral (DM) or chalk into its solution or liquefaction is most common. In Russia, the liquid complex fertilizer obtained from superphosphoric acid, and in Uzbekistan, the production of LAN with a reduced risk of explosion by adding ordinary phosphate rock (OPR) to its liquefaction has been mastered. It can be seen that the best results were achieved by using carbonate (limestone, dolomite, chalk) and phosphorus (superphosphoric acid and OPR) additives. The available resources of Uzbekistan allow creating AN production which reduces the risk of explosion.
Purpose. Study of the process of obtaining granular phosphorus-containing LAN based on AN, DM and OPR melt.
Methodology. Adding crushed dolomite mineral and phosphorite flour to ammoniated nitrate solution, then granulation of nitrate-carbonate-phosphate liquids by spraying method, studying the composition and properties of phosphorous LAN obtained from it by certain analytical methods.
Originality. To obtain granular complex phosphorus-containing LAN, a dolomite mineral was used as a carbonate additive, and ordinary phosphorite flour was used as a phosphate additive.
Findings. When obtaining samples of phosphorus-containing LAN the mass ratio AN : DM : OPR varied from 100 : 0.5 : 0.5 to 100 : 25 : 25. The prilling method was used to granulate the nitrate-carbonate-phosphate melt. It is shown that the saltpeter melt activates carbonate and phosphate raw materials, that is, it converts the form of P2O5, CaO and MgO, which is indigestible in it, into a form that is assimilable for plants. The main indicator of modification is the strength of the granules. If for pure AS it is equal to 1.32 MPa, then for fertilizer with AN : DM : OPR = 100 : 0.5 : 0.5 and 100 : 25 : 25 ratios it is 3.58 and 12.45 MPa, respectively.
Key words: Ammonium nitrate, dolomite mineral, phosphate rock, phosphorus-containing LAN, composition and properties.
- A phosphorus-containing LAN was obtained by introducing DM and OPR powders into the AN melt. Their composition and some properties have been studied.
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To cite this article: J. M. Kushokov, A. A. Mamataliev, S. A. Buriev, Sh. S. Namazov Phosphorus-containing lime-ammonium nitrate// Uzbek chemical journal. -2024. – Nr1. - Pp. 49-56.
Received: 27.02.2024; Accepted: 13.04.2024; Published: 22.04.2024
F. B. Chavlieva, B. B. Turakulov, A. U. Erkaev, B. Kh. Kucharov, B. T. Koshanova, M. S. Dzhandullaeva, A. M. Reimov
Abstract. Background. Waste sulfuric acid is generated in many chemical and petrochemical production processes, and its quantities are quite significant. For the further development of modern chemical and petrochemical production, a detailed study of its characteristics is required.
Purpose. The purpose of this work is a detailed study of the chemical and physico-chemical properties of waste sulfuric acid from the production of caustic soda.
Methodology. To study the phase composition, the occurring compositional and structural changes and the identification of initial samples and solid products, physicochemical research methods were used, such as: spectrometer (ICP), thermography (DCK), IR spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and others.
Originally. For the first time, the chemical and physico-chemical properties of waste sulfuric acid from caustic soda production were studied depending on technological parameters.
Findings. The chemical composition of spent sulfuric acid was studied, which showed that it is contaminated with chlorine and diluted with water, and chlorine can be in absorbed or chemically bound form. The rheological properties of this acid depending on temperature were also studied.
Key words: spent sulfuric acid, caustic soda, composition, density, viscosity, thermal stability.
- the main impurities of spent sulfuric acid are chlorine and HCl;
- dependence on technological parameters of thermal stability and HCl in the composition of spent sulfuric acid.
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To cite this article: F. B. Chavlieva, B. B. Turakulov, A. U. Erkaev, B. Kh. Kucharov, B. T. Koshanova, M. S. Dzhandullaeva, A. M. Reimov CHemical and physico-chemical characteristics of spent sulfuric acid for caustic soda production // Uzbek chemical journal. -2024. – Nr1. - Pp. 56-61.
Received: 16.02.2024; Accepted: 24.03.2024; Published: 22.04.2024
UDC: 547.735.854.218.07:542.924
F. A. Zulpanov, A. R. Khurramov, Kh. M. Bobakulov, B. Zh. Elmuradov
Akad. S. Yu. Yunusov Institute of the Chemistry of Plant Substances, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 77, Mirzo Ulugbek str., 100170, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. E-mail: zulpanovf@gmail.com [22]
Abstract. Background. As a result of studying the synthesis and biological activity of condensed heterocyclic compounds, new drugs have been developed, including derivatives of 3-alkyl-2-methylquinazolin-4-one, and their bioactive derivatives have been identified. The development of new drugs based on them is relevant.
Purpose. Development of a method for the synthesis of initial 2-methylquinazolin-4-ones by heterocyclization reaction and, on their basis, the synthesis of 3(H)-substituted 2-methylquinazolin-4-ones in the presence of alkylating agents. Determination of the structures of the obtained substances using IR, 1H and 13C NMR methods.
Methodology. 3-alkyl 2-methylquinazolin-4-ones were synthesized on the basis of 2-methylquinazolin-4-one (2,3-dimethylquinazolin-4-one and other compounds, they were studied by physical methods: IR, 1H and 13C NMR, factors influencing on the course of reactions.
Originality. An improved method for the synthesis of 2-methylquinazolin-4-one has been developed using a heterocyclization reaction. New representatives of alkyl compounds have been synthesized.
Findings. A method for the synthesis of 2-methylquinazolin-4-one with high yields has been developed, and new derivatives of 3-alkyl-2-methylquinazolin-4-ones based on this substance have been synthesized. Their structure has been studied by physical methods, and their compliance with the proposed structure has been proven.
Key words: o-aminobenzoic acid, thioacetamide, cyclization, alkyl halides, alkylation, 2-methylquinazolin 4-one, 3-alkyl-2-methylquinazolin-4-one, IR, 1H and 13C NMR.
- heterocyclization in the presence of o-aminobenzoic acid, thioacetamide;
- synthesis of 3-alkyl-2-methylquinazolin-4-ones in the presence of 2-methylquinazolin-4-one alkyl halides;
- the structure was studied using IR, 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy.
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To cite this article: F. A. Zulpanov, A. R. Khurramov, KH. M. Bobakulov, B. ZH. Elmuradov Efficient synthesis of homologous of 3-alkyl 2-methylquinazolin-4-ones// Uzbek chemical journal. -2024. – Nr1. - Pp. 62-70.
Received: 16.02.2024; Accepted: 30.03.2024; Published: 22.04.2024
UDC 541.49:577.164.186
F. R. Jumabaev, S. A. Pardaboyeva, M. D. Orifjonova, M. Sh. Karimov, A. T. Sharipov
Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.e-mail: farhodjumaboyev1@gmail.com [23]
Abstract. Background. Drugs based on metal complexes are used in cancer chemotherapy. Cadmium complexes have been shown to limit the proliferation of cancer cells.
Purpose. Synthesis and study of complexes based on lipoic acid (LA) and cadmium (II) salts, molecular docking analysis.
Methodology. The Hirschfeld surface of the complexes was studied based on a single-crystal cif file from X-ray diffraction analysis. Molecular docking studies of proteins 1ZSX, 1X2H, 1C8L and 1H5U were carried out using the online programs Way2Drug and CB-Dock2.
Originality. A complex of lipoic acid with cadmium (II) salts was synthesized for the first time. It inhibits the proliferation of cancer cells by coordinating cadmium(II) ions with lipoic acid, which reduces the side effects of cadmium.
Findings. The binding of [Cd(LA)2(H2O)2] to target proteins compared to the standard ligand lipoic acid may provide the basis for their inhibition and the development of drugs for the treatment of cancer and diabetes caused by them.
Key words. Lipoic acid, Hirschfeld surface analysis, 2D prints, Autodock Vina, CB-Dock2.
- complex compounds of lipoic acid with cadmium (II) salts;
- Hirschfeld surface analysis established the role of hydrogen bonding;
- the Hirschfeld surface area of the complex was 515.25 Å2;
- docking analysis of the resulting complex with various samples of target proteins.
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To cite this article: F. R. Jumabaev, S. A. Pardaboyeva, M. D. Orifjonova, M. Sh. Karimov, A. T. Sharipov Сomplex of lipoic acid with cadmium (II): synthesis, hirshfeld surface analysis and molecular docking studies// Uzbek chemical journal. -2024. – Nr1. - Pp. 70-79.
Received: 27.02.2024; Accepted: 14.03.2024; Published: 22.04.2024
A.A. Ahatov, Kh. Kh. Turayev, J. M. Ashurov, X. R. Tillayev, A. T. Djalilov
Abstract. Background. The use of new drugs with high bioactivity in agriculture is relevant. One of them is the combination of o-phenylenediamine with a ligand that has potential biological activity.
Purpose: Preparation of a mixed-ligand complex compound of o-phenylenediamine and 2,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid with Ni(II), study of synthesis conditions, determination of the crystal structure and physicochemical properties.
Methodology. X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) and IR spectroscopy (Xcalibur R Oxford Diffraction and IRAffinity-1S IR spectrometer) were used.
Originality. For the first time, a mixed-ligand complex of o-phenylenediamine with Ni(II) was synthesized and the crystal structure was studied, Hirschfeld surface analysis and physicochemical properties of the synthesized complex were performed.
Findings. A compound consisting of o-phenylenediamine, 2,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid and [(Ni(C6H8N2)2(C7H6O4)2)] was synthesized and its properties were studied.
Key words: o-phenylenediamine, 2,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid, Hirschfeld surface, electron density, bond length, IR spectroscopy.
- complex [(Ni(C6H8N2)2(C7H6O4)2] based on o-phenylenediamine synthesized;
- the Hirschfeld surface and crystal structure of the complex were studied.
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8. Hamil A. et al. Synthesis, characterization and antibacterial activity studies of some transition metal chelates of Mn (II), Ni (II) and Cu (II) with Schiff base derived from diacetylmonoxime with O-phenylenediamine //Adv. J. Chem. A. – 2020.–Т. 3. – №. 4. – С. 524-533. https://doi.org/10.33945/SAMI/AJCA.2020.4.13 [39]
9. Jabbor R. Suyunov, Batir S. Torambetov, Khayit Kh. Turaev, Shakhnaza A. Kadirova, Bekmurod Kh. Alimnazarov, Jamshid M. Ashurov. Synthesis, crystal structure and Hirshfeld surface analysis of a cadmium complex of naphthalene-1,5-disulfonate and o-phenylenediamine // Crystallographic communication. Acta Cryst. -2023. -E79, 1190–1193. -22.11.2023. -ISSN:2056-9890. https://doi.org/10.1107/S2056989023010125 [40].
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11. Mahato, Rajani Kanta, et al. "Catalytic oxidative coupling of o-phenylenediamine, in-vitro antibacterial and antitumor activities of a gold (III)-bipyridine complex.//Journal of Molecular Structure. -1223 (2021): 129264. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molstruc.2020.129264 [42]
12. Barwiolek, M., Jankowska, D., Chorobinski, M., Kaczmarek-Kędziera, A., Łakomska, I., Wojtulewski, S., & Muzioł, T. M. (2021). New dinuclear zinc (II) complexes with Schiff bases obtained from o-phenylenediamine and their application as fluorescent materials in spin coating deposition. RSC advances, 11(40), 24515-24525. https://doi.org/10.1039/D1RA03096E [43]
To cite this article: А.A. Ahatov, Kh. Kh. Turayev, J. M. Ashurov, X. R. Tillayev, A. T. Djalilov Synthesis and research of a mixed ligand compound of ni(ii) ion with o-phenylendiamine and 2,4-digidhrooxobenzoic acid// Uzbek chemical journal. -2024. – Nr1. - Pp. 79-85.
Received: 05.03. 2024; Accepted: 29.03.2024; Published: 22.04.2024
1S. N. Kamolov, 1B. N. Babayev, 2A. R. Safarov, 2A. S. Normamatov, 2A. B. Ibragimov
1National University of Uzbekistan. 2Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Abstract. Background. Coordination compounds can exhibit phase transitions: dissolution, solvation loss, desolvation, dehydration, and polymorphic transitions. Understanding them is important for optimizing the synthesis process, controlling crystal growth, and studying the state of coordination compounds in various environments.
Purpose. Synthesis of a complex compound containing [Mn(BZA)4Cl2], its thermogravimetric and differential thermal analysis.
Methodology. During the synthesis process, a magnetic stirrer was used and studied by thermogravimetric and differential thermal analysis (Model: KL-JS-100A).
Originality. The conditions for the synthesis of coordination compounds with the general formula [Mn(BZA)4Cl2] were identified and their structure was determined by physical research methods.
Findings. Having performed TGA and DTA of the metal complex, we gained an understanding of its thermal stability, behavior during decomposition and thermal phenomena, which can be used to determine the properties of the complex and prospects for use.
Key words: benzamide, coordination compound, X-ray diffraction analysis, differential thermal, metal complex, thermal analysis, thermogravimetric analysis.
- exposure to benzamide, metal salts and water;
- thermal stability of the coordination compound.
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To cite this article: S. N. Kamolov, B. N. Babayev, A. R. Safarov, A. S. Normamatov, A. B. Ibragimov Synthesis and thermal analysis of metal complex containing benzamide// Uzbek chemical journal. -2024. – Nr1. - Pp. 86-91.
Received: 14.03.2024; Accepted: 05.04.2024; Published: 22.04.2024
U. R. Ernazarov, V. P. Guro, S. N. Rasulova, U. N. Ruziev, M. A. Ibragimova, Z. A. Nabiyeva
Abstract. Background. At Almalyk MMC JSC, during the production of industrial molybdenum cinder (MPC), rhenium is captured to obtain commercial ammonium perrenate, desorption with ammonia from Purolite SIM 202 resin. Technological rhenium-containing solutions are contaminated with oils.
Purpose. Development and comparative evaluation of oxidative methods of organic degradation in a rhenium-containing production solution.
Methodology. Process solutions were monitored by elemental analysis (Agilent 7500 IСP-MS), X-ray fluorescence (Rigaku NEXCGEDXRFAnalyzer), IR spectroscopic (PYE NiCAM and IR-Fourier Nicolet iS50, ThermoScientific, 700-3600 cm-1).
Originality. Comparative data have been obtained confirming the equal effectiveness of the use of a number of oxidants in the oxidation of organic compounds in aqueous media.
Findings. IR spectra were obtained, data on the extraction of organic compounds with petroleum ether before and after ozonation, and the application of hydrogen peroxide to technological solutions.
Key words: ozone, oxidation, redox potentials, organic impurities, rhenium, adsorbent SIM 202 Purolite.
- the efficiency of oxidation of organic components in solution;
- changes in RP values and kinetics of oxidation reactions.;
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To cite this article: U. R. Ernazarov, V. P. Guro, S. N. Rasulova, U. N. Ruziev, M. A. Ibragimova, Z. A. Nabiyeva Сleaning of product rhenium-containing solution from organic impurities by mean of ozonation (Part 2)// Uzbek chemical journal. -2024. – Nr1. - Pp. 91-96.
Received: 05.03.2024; Accepted: 01.04.2024; Published: 22.04.2024
U. A. Madatov, Sh. N. Norboyeva, S. B. Rakhimov, F. M. Arifjanova, Z. A. Smanova
National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek chemistry faculty e-mail:o.madatov@mail.ru [52]
Abstract. Background. The development of a method for determining Cd is relevant for solving problems of environmental protection, diagnosis of diseases, and food quality
Purpose. to develop a cheap, fast and hybrid method for the determination of Cd ion.
Methodology. absorption, reflection and SEM spectra of the complex compound obtained during the determination of Cd ion were studied .
Originality. Cd(II) ion Development of a sorption-spectrophotometric method for the determination of 4-nitro-2-arsenobenzene-1,4 diazominoazobenzene-4 sulfo acid using monosodium salt .
Findings. optimum formation of complex with organic reagent used for determination of Cd ion light absorption, light reflection and SEM analysis methods were used to determine the conditions.
Key words: Cadmium (II) ion, immobilization, sorption spectrophotometry, 4-nitro-2-arsenobenzene-1,4 diazomino-azobenzene-4 sulfoacid, SEM.
- Detection of Cd(II) ion using a sensitive and selective organic reagent.
- Increasing the lower detection limit of Cd(II) ion.
- Using a hybrid method for detecting toxic metal ions.
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To cite this article: U. A. Madatov, SH. N. Norboyeva, S. B. Rakhimov, F. M. Arifjanova, Z. A. Smanova Sorption spectrophotometric determination of cadmium (ii) ions using a sodium salt of 4-nitro-2-arsenobenzene- 1,4-diamino-azo benzene-4 sulfonic acids)// Uzbek chemical journal. -2024. – Nr1. - Pp. 97-103.
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