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Uzbek Chemical Journal
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UDK 621.534.762
N. A. Mahmudov, G. Sh. Tuganov, X. X. Sirojev, 1Sh. A. Abduganiev, M. A. Zairov
Academy of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 1Military Institute of Information and Communication Technologies and Communications
Abstract. Background. Creating coatings for metal surfaces with high plasticity, corrosion resistance and wear resistance is an urgent task. Coatings made of Al Co powder (Al-82 %, Co-18%) were applied. Aluminum alloys combine low density, high specific strength, electrical and thermal conductivity, ductility and viscosity, corrosion resistance, and form intermetallic phases.
Purpose: the formation of a coating having in its composition of the strengthening phase on the basis of nitrides and oxides. Improving the characteristics of alloys is achieved by alloying them with additives (Sc, Nb, Hf and Ti) and remelting these alloys with an electron beam.
Methodology. The high temperature (up to 2000 K) and the gas flow rate (up to 6000 m/s) were provided by the magnetohazodynamic flow in the interelectrode gap under the influence of ponderomotor forces. Energy for the formation of a gas jet and plasma chemical synthesis was supplied from a capacitor converter with output parameters: with a capacity of 600 µF and a voltage of 3.5 kV. The adhesion strength of the coating to the substrate was measured by scraping a diamond pyramid on the cross-section surface of the proposed coating. The adhesion values range from 12.5 to 22 kg / mm2 (125 to 220 MPa).
Originality. It is shown that the implanted W in the Al-Ni coating moves deep into the coating as a result of electron beam irradiation with an effective diffusion coefficient Dw=2x10-7 cm2/s. As a result of electron beam melting, the formation of AlO and NiO oxides and the more complex AlO2Ni oxide is possible.
Findings. Measurements have shown that the hardness of the proposed coating is almost twice as high as the hardness of the substrate itself - copper. An increase in the hardness of the transition layer of the coating - copper by 20-30% was found.
Key words: adhesion, intermetallic phase, electron beam, alloying, aluminum alloys.
* the composition of the initial powder PT-NA-001 includes 93.5% Ni and 6.5 % Co;
* microhardness of the coating is from 65 ± 3.5 kg / mm2 to 3.0´102¸4.2´102 kg / mm2.
1. Feldman A., Maier D. Osnovi analiza poverhnosti i tonkih plenok. Moscow:Mir, 1989, 490 p. (in Russian).
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13. M. Tagawa, K. Yokota / Space environmental effects on MoS 2 and diamond-like carbon lubricating films: Atomic oxygen-induced erosion and its effect on tribological properties // Surface and Coatings Technology. - 2007. - V. 202. - P. 1003-1010.
To cite this article: N. A. Mahmudov, G. Sh. Tuganov, X. X. Sirojev, Sh. A. Abduganiev, M. A. Zairov. Physico-chemical layer properties of the intermetallic compounds formed after the application of pulsed plasma flow // Uzbek chemical journal. -2020. – Nr3. - Pp.3-11.
Received: 04.03.2020; Accepted: 02.04.2020; Published: 26.06.2020
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UDK 547.874.152
A. E. Ziyadullaev, S. E. Nurmanov, M. E. Mavloniy, Sh. X. Djumagulov
1Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, National University of Uzbekistan, E-mail: an-var_ziyadullayev@mail.ru [1]
Abstract. Background. Cyanuric acid and its derivatives are used in various industries: as monomers for the synthesis of polymers, for microbiological treatment of water bodies and industrial wastewater, as chlorine stabilizers, for the production of industrial dyes, surfactants, pesticides and herbicides for agriculture.
Purpose. The synthesis of vinyl compounds of cyanuric acid under homogeneous catalytic conditions by its reaction with acetylene at high pressures and determine the optimal conditions.
Methodology. Synthesized vinyl esters of cyanuric acid by homogeneous catalytic methods at high pressures. IR spectroscopic methods were used to determine the structure of the synthesized compounds.
Originality. Mono-, di- and threevinyl esters of cyanuric acid were synthesized by catalytic vinylation of acetylene in the presence of solvents.
Findings. The synthesis of mono-, di- and threevinyl esters of cyanuravic acid at high pressures is studied. The effect of the amount of catalyst, the nature of the solvent, temperature, and the duration of the reaction on their yield was revealed.
Keywords: сyanuric acid and it’s vinyl ethers, vinylation, reaction at high pressure, catalytic reactions.
* mono-, di- and trivinyl esters of cyanuravic acid are synthesized;
* the mechanism of the vinylation reaction of cyanuravic acid was discussed;
* factors affecting the yield of cyanuric acid vinyl esters.
1. E.M. Smolin, L. Rapoport. s‐Triazine and Derivatives, Reih. The Chemistry of heterocyclic compounds // New York‐London. -1960. -V. 72. –Р.601-602. DOI.org/10.1002/ange.19600721616
2. M. Elango, V. Subramanian, N. Sathyamurthy. Nanoclusters of Cyanuric Acid // J. .Chem. Sci. -2017. -129. –Р.873–881. DOI.org/10.1007/s12039-017-1259-5
3. V.I. Mur. 2,4,6-trichloro-1,3,5-triazine (cyanuryl chloride) and its future applications // Russian Chemical Reviews. -2014. - 33. –Р. 92-103.
4. G. Giampaolo, P. Andrea, D.L. Lidia. 1,3,5-triazine: A versatile heterocyclic in current applications of organic chemistry // Curr. Org. Chem.-2005. -8. –Р. 1497-1519. DOI:10.2174/1385272043369845
5. G. Blotny. Recent applications of 2, 4, 6-trichloro-1,3,5-triazine and its derivatives in organic synthesis // Tetrahedron. -2006. -62. –Р. 9507-9522. DOI:10.1002/chin.200651255
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7. A.B. Parmanov, S.E. Nurmanov, Beata Kolesinsko, Tomash Maniecki, O.E. Ziyadullayev. Homogeneous vinylation of 2-hydroxy-2-phenylethanical acid // Azerbaijan chemical journal. –Azerbaijan. -2019. - 4. -P. 32-34.
DOI: 10.32737/0005-2531-2019-4-32-34.
8. Parmanov A.B, Nurmonov S.E, Abdugafurov I.A, Ziyadullaev O.E, Mirkhamitova D.X. Synthesis of vinyl ester of lactic acid // Eurasian Union of Scientists. Russia. – 2019. - 7 (64). -P. 51-56.
9. A.E. Ziyadullayev, S.E. Nurmanov, U.U. Zhumartova, A.B. Parmanov. Teoreticheskiye osnovy reaktsii gomogennogo kataliticheskogo vinilirovaniya tsianurovoy kisloty // Zhurnal Yevraziyskiy soyuz uchenykh. Rossiya. -2019. - 9 (66). 2 chast'. 37 - 41 s. DOI: 10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2019.2.66.304
To cite this article: A. E. Ziyadullaev, S. E. Nurmanov, M. E. Mavloniy, Sh. X. Djumagulov. Influence of solvents nature on catalytic vinilation of cyanuric acid at high pressures // Uzbek chemical journal. -2020. – Nr3. - Pp.11-16.
Received: 03.03.2020; Accepted: 08.05.2020; Published: 26.06.2020
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UDK 544.723.2
J. K. Mamatov, 1O. N. Puzimuradov, N, T. Kattaev, X. I. Akbarov
National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, e-mail: akbarov_kh@rambler.ru [2], 1Turin Polytechnic University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Abstract. Background. The relevance of the research topic is due to the fact that its implementation allows us to develop low-dimensional sorbents with a given capillary-porous structure for effective use for various purposes.
Purpose. Investigation of the capillary-porous structure of PAN-silica low sized composites by adsorption of benzene and water vapor, depending on the methods for their preparation.
Methodology. The isothermal adsorption curves of benzene and water vapor of PAN-silica composites obtained by the sol-gel technology and the encapsulation method were measured and processed by the Brunauer-Emmett-Tellur equation (BET).
Originality. A comparative analysis of the capillary-porous structure (monolayer capacity - Xm, average pore size - rav, specific surface area - Ssp) of hybrid composites was carried out depending on the method of their preparation.
Findings. A comparative study of the structural features of PAN-silica low-sized composites shows the effectiveness of the sol-gel technology for controlling the porous structure of adsorbents. PAN:MCC (microspherical silica gel) samples surpass impregnated analogues in the parameters of the capillary-porous structure. It was revealed that as a result of the formation of complex interpenetrating networks of silica and PAN, the advanced structure formation occurs in the PAN: MCC – 1:3 composite.
Key words: PAN-silica, sol-gel, adsorption isotherm, capillary-porous structure, monolayer capacity, specific surface area.
* the role of tetraethoxysilane in the structure formation of the composite;
* Gibbs energy for the PAN-silica–1:3 composite;
* parameters of the capillary-porous structure of PANinitial, MSS+2% PAN
1. Adsorbtsiya fenolov na PEG-templatirovannom SiO2-TiO2 // Musayev KH.B. , Ruzimuradov O.N., Akbarov KH.I. i dr. // Kompozitsionnyye materialy. – 2018. – No 3. – C. 112-115.
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10. A.Yu.Yarkulov, B.U.Sagdullayev, B.S.Umarov, F.G.Rakhmatkariyeva, Kh.I.Akbarov. Precision Adsorption–Calorimetric Investigations of Thermodynamic Properties of Hybrid Nanocompositions of Diacetate Cellulose–Silica // International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology. -Vol. 29. -No. 12s. -2020. -Рp. 2936-2943.
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To cite this article: J. K. Mamatov, O. N. Puzimuradov, N, T. Kattaev, X. I. Akbarov. Study of the capillary-porous structure of hybrid pan-silica compositions // Uzbek chemical journal. -2020. – Nr3. - Pp.16-22.
Received: 13.06.2020; Accepted: 26.06.2020; Published: 26.06.2020
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UDK 666.3.651.6
Al. A. Eminov, M. I. Iskandarova
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, M. Ulugbek st. 77a, e-mail: eminovafzal@mail.ru [3]
Abstract. Background. To complete the grinding equipment, research has been performed to develop high-alumina mass technologies for grinding media that meet the requirements of operation at the level of imported analogues.
Purpose. The study of chemical and mineralogical characteristics of inorganic components of high alumina masses, to obtain grinding media, by the method of x-ray phase analysis.
Methodology. Experimental work was carried out using chemical and x-ray phase analysis methods.
Originality. Raw materials for a new composition of high-alumina masses of grinding media were selected, phase transitions in the process of high-temperature firing were revealed.
Findings. Chemical and mineralogical compositions have been established and the suitability of domestic inorganic raw materials and secondary resources for designing the composition of high-alumina masses of grinding media has been determined.
Key words: high-alumina mass, grinding media, X-ray phase, chemical, kaolinite, quartz, leucocratic granite, dolomite, bentonite, alumina-containing waste.
* the chemical composition of the components of high alumina masses for grinding bodies was studied;
* the suitability of raw materials for designing the composition of high-alumina masses has been established;
* the mineralogical composition of the crystalline phases of the components of high alumina masses has been established.
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To cite this article: Al. A. Eminov, M. I. Iskandarova. X-ray diffraction study of inorganic components of high-alumina masses for grinding bodies // Uzbek chemical journal. -2020. – Nr3. - Pp.23-29.
Received: 29.05.2020; Accepted: 12.06.2020; Published: 26.06.2020
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UDK 546.41
I. M. Miyassarov, A. S. Toghasharov, J. S. Shukurov, S. Tukhtaev
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, ionxahat@mail.ru [4]
Abstract. Background. Chelated calcium is very important for plants. It affects the metabolism of carbohydrates and protein substances. The need for calcium manifests itself in the earliest stages of growth and during flowering, it is necessary for the construction of plants.
Purpose to identify the optimal conditions for the synthesis of calcium disodium EDTA and study its properties with physicochemical methods.
Methodology. To carry out the studies, IR spectroscopy, pH meter METTLER TOLEDO FE 20 / FG 2, elemental analysis were used.
Originality. The optimal conditions for the preparation of a chelated calcium compound based on calcium carbonate and disodium salt of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid were determined. Its physicochemical and rheological properties were studied.
Findings. In the synthesis of calcium chelate in different molar ratios it was found that the optimal molar ratio of 99.72% calcium chelate and without additional substances is 1,0:1,0. To justify the synthesis of calcium disodium EDTA, its optimal mol amount and pH value were determined. The changes found in the IR spectrum of the complex compound give reason to believe that the ligand is coordinated to calcium hexadedentally through O carboxyl atoms and N atoms of tertiary amino groups, forming an intracomplex compound of an octahedral structure.
Keywords: coordination compounds, synthesis, composition, properties, calcium carbonate, disodium salt of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid.
* determined the optimal conditions for the preparation of a chelated calcium compound;
* the identity of the synthesized coordination compounds is proven.
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To cite this article: I. M. Miyassarov, A. S. Toghasharov, J. S. Shukurov, S. Tukhtaev. Synthesis and properties of complex compounds of calcium with organic ligands // Uzbek chemical journal. -2020. – Nr3. - Pp.29-34.
Received: 23.04.2020; Accepted: 30.05.2020; Published: 26.06.2020
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UDK 547.735’854.218.07:542.924
I. S. Ortikov, I. A. Abdugafurov, U.M.Yakubov, B.B.Juratv, B.Zh. Elmuradov
1Institute of Chemistry of Plant Substances of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, E-mail: ilxon@mail.ru [7] , 2National University named after Mirza Ulubek. 3Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute, Tashkent Region.
Abstract. Background. Today, most synthetic drugs used in medicine and agriculture are five- and six-membered heterocyclic compounds. In recent years, as a result of studying the synthesis and biological activity of heterocyclic compounds during condensation, many new synthetic preparations have been identified. These include fused derivatives of thieno [2,3-d] pyrimidine. In particular, it is important to conduct research on the preparation of new derivatives of bicyclic thieno [2,3-] pyrimidin-4-th using modern methods of organic synthesis, the identification of biological activity and the development of drugs with high pharmacological activity.
Purpose: synthesis of 2H-5,6-dimethyl-, 2H-5-methyl-6-ethoxycarbonylthieno [2,3-d] pyrimidin-4-ones and their alkylation with alkyl halogens. Determination of factors affecting the alkylation reaction and development of optimal reaction conditions. Analysis of the structure of the obtained substances by physical methods.
Methodology. The synthesized 2H-5,6-dimethylthienopyrimidin-4-one and 2H-5-methyl-6-ethoxycarbonylthienopyrimidin-4-ones. Their structure is confirmed by spectral analysis methods - IR, 1H-NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry.
Originality. It was first time carried out alkylation reactions of 2H-5,6-dimethyl-, 2H-5-methyl-6-ethoxycarbonylthieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-ones with various saturated and unsaturated alkyl halides. The influence of the reagents to the alkylation reaction was studied. It was identified factors, influencing to the course of the reaction.
Findings. 2H-3-Alkyl-5,6-dimethyl (-5-methyl-6-ethoxycarbonyl) thieno[2,3-d] pyrimidin-4-ones have been synthesized in high yields. The IR-, 1H NMR, and mass-spectra of the obtained compounds were full analyzed, and it is proved that they correspond to the proposed structures.
Key words: 2H-5,6-dimethylthienopyrimidin-4-one, 2H-5-methyl-6-ethoxycarbonylthienopyrimidin-4-one, allyl bromide, potassium carbonate, acetone, alkyl halides, 1H NMR-spectroscopy, 2H-3-propyl-5-methyl-6-ethoxycarbonylthieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-one.
* 2H-5,6-dimethyl-, 2H-5-methyl-6-ethoxycarbonylthieno[2,3-d] pyrimidin-4-ones have been synthesized;
* alkylation reactions of the synthesized compounds were carried out;
* factors, affecting to the course of the reaction has been identified;
* IR-, 1H NMR-spectra of the synthesized substances have been analyzed.
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To cite this article: I. S. Ortikov, I. A. Abdugafurov, U.M.Yakubov, B.B.Juratv, B.Zh. Elmuradov. Synthesis and alkylation of 2h-5,6-dimethyl-, 2h-5-methyl-6-ethoxycarbonylthieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-ones // Uzbek chemical journal. -2020. – Nr3. - Pp.35-42.
Received: 05.02.2020; Accepted: 20.04.2020; Published: 26.06.2020
* * *
UDK 547.79:547;222-224;
U. S. Makhmudov, Т. Т. Тoshmurodov, А. А. Ziyaev
Institute of Chemistry of Plant Substances of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, E-mail: aziyaev05@rambler.ru [8]
Abstract. Background. The presence of reaction centers in the molecule of 5-amino-1,3,4-thiadiazole-2-thione, allowing chemical reactions to be carried out with them to obtain derivatives with various properties, is of interest to researchers engaged in the search for new biologically active molecules, including those with pesticidal and pharmacological activity.
Purpose: to study the crystal structures of 2-pentyl-, hexyl-, heptyl- and octylthio-5-amino-1,3,4-thiadiazoles.
Methodology. Slow evaporation of the solvent at room temperature from a solution of acetone grew single crystals of 2-pentyl-, hexyl-, heptyl- and octylthio-5-amino-1,3,4-thiadiazoles in the form of transparent elongated prisms.
Originality. For the first time, molecules of 2-alkylthio-5-amino-1,3,4-thiadiazole in single crystals were obtained and their structure was studied according to the data of X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD).Findings. The main crystallographic parameters were found in the crystal structures of 2-alkylthio-5-amino-1,3,4-thiadiazoles 1-4.
Findings. The main crystallographic parameters were found in the crystal structures of 2-alkylthio-5-amino-1,3,4-thiadiazoles 1-4.
Key words: X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), crystal structures, 2-alkylthio-5-amino-1,3,4-thiadiazoles.
* study of the crystal structures of 2-alkylthio-5-amino-1,3,4-thiadiazoles.
1. Kempegowda S.K, Prakash D, Tamiz M.T. Thiadiazoles: progress report on biological activities Der Pharma. Chemica. -2011. -3(2), - р. 330-341.
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8. Toshmurodov T.T, Ziyaev A.A, Elmuradov B.Zh, Ismailova D.S, Kurbanova E.R. Highly selective synthesis and fungicidal activity of the novel 2-alkylthio-5-amino-1,3,4-thiadiazoles J. Chem. & Cheml. Sci., -2016.-6(3). - р. 199-204.
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11. Makhmudov U.S., Toshmurodov T.T., Ziyaev A.A., Turgunov K.K., Elmuradov B.Zh., Tashkhodjaev B. Structural investigation of 5-amino-1,3,4-thiadiazoles containing different alkyl groups. JMEST. 2017. Vol. 4 Issue 1. -р. 6488 - 6490.
12. Toshmurodov T.T., Makhmudov U.S., Elmuradov B.Zh., Ziyaev A.A., Kunafiev R.J., Buranov A.O. Selective synthesis and structural behavior of 2-butylthio-5-amino- and 5-acetylamino-1,3,4-thiadiazoles. Journal of Chem.Chem. Sci. 2017. Vol. 7 Issue 3. -р. 205-212.
To cite this article: U. S. Makhmudov, Т. Т. Тoshmurodov, А. А. Ziyaev. Study of the crystalline structures of 2-alkiltio-5-amino-1,3,4-thiadiazoles // Uzbek chemical journal. -2020. – Nr3. - Pp.42-47.
Received: 24.02.2020; Accepted: 20.03.2020; Published: 26.06.2020
* * *
UDK 547.918:547. 612.396.175
Yu. T. Isaev, S. A. Rustamov, I. R. Asqarov, R. S. Esanov
Andijan State University. yusufjon_67@inbox.ru [9], 1Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 100125, Tashkent, st. Mirzo Ulugbek, 83.
Abstract. Background. The determination of the composition of chemical compounds, in particular newly obtained compounds, is one of the main stages of chemical research. Determining the composition of chemical compounds is also important in planning the synthesis of new substances. Improving the efficiency of chemical production requires the development and application of convenient and simple analysis methods.
Purpose. The aim of the study was to obtain a complex compound of the monoammonium salt of glycyrrhizic acid (MASGA) with thiourea (TM) and to determine the ratio of components in the obtained compound using the isomolar series method.
Methodology. To determine the structure of the supramolecular complex of MASGA with thiourea, UV and IR spectroscopy methods were used as well as to determine the composition of the isomolar series method.
Originality. The supramolecular complex MASGK with thioureawas obtained and the method of isomolar series was used to determine the composition of the complex.
Findings. Based on experimental methods for studying the conditions for obtaining a molecular complex of MASGA with thiourea, the composition of the complex was studied using the isomolar series method.
Key words: glycyrrhizic acid, monoammonium salt, thiourea, supramolecular complex, spectroscopy, stability constant, Gibbs energy.
* biologically active complex MASGK with thiourea was obtained;
* composition of the complex was determined using an isomolar series method.
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To cite this article: Yu. T. Isaev, S. A. Rustamov, I. R. Asqarov, R. S. Esanov. Study of the composition of the thiourea complex of monoammonium salt of glycirrizinic acid // Uzbek chemical journal. -2020. – Nr3. - Pp.47-53.
Received: 07.04.2020; Accepted: 20.03.2020; Published: 26.06.2020
* * *
UDK 678.07(075.8)
N. R. Ashurov, Sh. G. Sadykov, E. O. Khakberdiev, Q. N. Berdinazarov, N. F. Normurodov
Institute of Chemistry and Physics of Polymers of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, 100128, st. A. Kadiri 7 “b”.e-mail: haqberdiyev@mail.ru [11]
Abstract. Background. Gelatin is one of the common natural proteins. Compositions prepared on the basis oflinearlow density polyethylene (LLDPE) synthetic and fully biodegradable gelatin contribute to the biodegradation of the polymer material.
Purpose. Obtaining bio-mixture of synthetic or LLDPE and fully biodegradable gelatin by extrusion.
Methodology. The structure of the properties of the isolated and the LLDPE-g-gelatin copolymer was studies by infrared spectroscopy and gravimetry. It was found that the macromolecules of the isolated copolymer consist of polyethylene and gelatin compositions, which can be controlled by the concentration of grafted maleic groups in the polyethylene.
Originality. The optimal conditions for the production of LLDPE-g-gelatin polymer mixtures were established.
Findings. The optimal conditions for obtaining compositions based on LLDPE and gelatin were selected. It has been shown that preliminary mixing of plasticizing agents makes it possible to obtain a LLDPE-g-gelatin copolymer uniformly distributed throughout the mixture. Preliminary tests of the obtained LLDPE-g-gelatin based films for biodegradation in the soil were carried out.
Key words: linear low density polyethylene, maleic anhydride grafted polyethylene, gelatin, plasticizer, biodegradation.
* сompositions based on LLDPE and gelatin are obtained.
* рremixing of plasticizing agents leads to LLDPE-g-gelatin copolymer uniformly distributed throughout the mixture.
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11. E.O.Khakberdiyev, N.R.Ashurov, SH.G.Sadykov, N.SH.Ashurov. Izucheniye morfologii nanostrukturnykh polimer – polimernykh smesey na osnove polietilena s polivinil khloridom. //in: «Science, Research, Development #13. Technics and Technology», Berlin. 30-31.01.2019. P.30-32.
To cite this article: N. R. Ashurov, Sh. G. Sadykov, E. O. Khakberdiev, Q. N. Berdinazarov, N. F. Normurodov. Obtaining and properties of compozition based on polyethilene and gelatin // Uzbek chemical journal. -2020. – Nr3. - Pp.53-60.
Received: 24.02.2020; Accepted: 11.06.2020; Published: 26.06.2020
* * *
UDK 665.5
F. Sh. Hakimov, N. Sh. Mukhtorov, Sh. Sh. Khamdaova, O. S. Maksumova
Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, e-mail: xakimov_farrux@list.ru [13]
Abstract. Background. The greenhouse gas emissions of enterprises with outdated technology adversely affect public health and the environment.
Purpose. creation of non-waste and energy-efficient technologies for greenhouse gas utilization at oil refineries.
Methodology. Ozone was used to further oxidize emissions of fossil fuels. As well as methods of absorption, adsorption of harmful gas emissions, methods of convective heat transfer.
Originality. A polyacrylic membrane for capturing gaseous CO2 in flue gases is proposed that is more effective than the existing monoethanolamine / methylethanolamine absorbent.
Findings. It has been found that the polyacrylic membrane used to capture CO2 gas in flue gas is superior in efficiency to monoethanolamine / methylethanolamine absorbents. Technologies are proposed for the processing of gases released during the combustion of gas, liquid or gas-liquid fuels, as well as the generation of hotter water for use for technological purposes by convective heat exchange with flue gases. The material balance of the fuel combustion process in the furnace is developed.
Key words: combustible gas, greenhouse effect, material balance, technological scheme, polyacrylate, membrane, acrylic acid.
* polyacrylate membrane as an adsorbent for carbon dioxide capture technology;
* the absorption capacity of ammonia water decreases for the series: NO2> SO2> CO2;
* new reagents for petrochemical production and technological needs.
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To cite this article: F. Sh. Hakimov, N. Sh. Mukhtorov, Sh. Sh. Khamdaova, O. S. Maksumova. Organization of wasteless technology in the process of oil refining using polyacrylates // Uzbek chemical journal. -2020. – Nr3. - Pp.60-66.
Received: 19.13.2020; Accepted: 02.04.2020; Published: 26.06.2020
* * *
UDK 665.637.8
B. B. Yoqubov, B .N. Boborajabov, 1A. S. Ibadullaev
Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, 1Tashkent Institute of Railway Engineers, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, E-mail: bek-yakubov.93@mail.ru [16]
Abstract. Background. The quality of the oil bitumen of the Ferghana oil refinery and the Zharkurgan heavy oil refinery used for roads does not meet the requirements. The amount of paraffin in the composition of bitumen exceeds the norm, which affects the strength of asphalt concrete. Therefore, it must be enriched with various polymer modifiers.
Purpose. Development of a technology for producing modified petroleum bitumen for the production of pavements operating in different climatic conditions.
Methodology. The elastic-strength properties of rubbers were determined according to GOST 270-2015, frost resistance according to GOST 408-2013, abrasion resistance according to GOST 23509-2014, obtained by viewing at least 100 fields of view, thermal parameters of bitumen in the temperature range (–100 ℃ ÷ +200 ℃) were determined by differential scanning calorimetry on a DSC 204 F1 Phoenix instrument (Germany), the glass transition temperature by the DSC method, the surface structure of bitumen and rubber-bitumen composites was studied using scanning probe microscopes (SPM) on the Ntegra Prima and Solver Pro platforms (Russia), IR spectra of samples of bitumen and rubber-bitumen composites were recorded on a Varian 7000 FT-IR IR-Fourier spectrophotometer (USA) with a prefixed total internal reflection with a number of scans 16 with a resolution of 4 cm-1, the properties of bitumen and rubber-bitumen composites were studied in accordance with with GOST 4333-2014, research of strength and deformation characteristics of asphalt concrete s were carried out according to GOST 12801-2013.
Originality. New information has been obtained on the composition, structure and physicochemical properties of waste from gas processing and on its effect on the structural features of oil bitumen. The ways of modifying road bitumen with a new developed modifier are determined. The technological parameters of obtaining compositions based on them are established.
Findings. Methods have been developed to increase the operating temperature range and improve the physicomechanical properties of the composition and the optimal composition of rubber-bitumen composites for roads with a sharply continental climate.
Key words: bitumen, gas-pyrolysis resin, rubber crumb, modified carbon, liquid rubber, composition, technology, road bitumen.
* studied the composition, structure and properties of the ingredients for the polymer-bitumen composition;
* the effect of modifying additives on the temperature range of bitumen BND 40/60 and BND 50/70;
* a heat-frost-resistant composition of the polymer-bitumen composition was developed.
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UDK 543.436:543.33
Kh. U. Usmanova, S. B. Rahimov, O. A. Ermatova, D. A. Ziyaev, Z. A. Smanova
1Military Technical Institute of the National Guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirza Ulugbek
Abstract. Background. The effectiveness of using luminescent methods depends on the research for new fluorescent reagents that provide high selectivity and sensitivity, as well as on the research for methodological techniques that allow improving the metrological features of organic luminescent reagents. For the last couple of years, the method of immobilization of organic reagents on solid matrices has been successfully used for these purposes. their specific performance has a positive effect on the chemical and analytical characteristics of organic reagents and their complex compounds with metal ions. Such systems are promising due to the possibility of creating and automating compact analyzers-optical sensors.
Purpose. Establishing the effect of immobilization on the chemical and analytical properties of morin and developing a sorption-luminescent method for determining tungsten on its basis.
Methodology. Morin and tungsten ions were selected as the research objects. The study was performed using spectrophotometric, fluorimetric analyses and IR spectroscopy.
Originalilty. The proposed new luminescent reagents for the determination of tungsten. The positive effect of immobilization of the studied organic compounds on their chemical and analytical properties is shown. New organic reagent-carrier systems for solid-phase luminescent determination of tungsten are proposed.
Findings. The luminescent method for determining tungsten with immobilized morin was developed. Optimal conditions for determining tungsten were found and the immobilization conditions were optimized. The proposed method has been tested on various types of water systems.
Key words: immobilization, toxic metals, tungsten, morin, sorption-luminescent determination.
* the positive effect of immobilization on the chemical-analytical properties of morin is shown;
* developed sorption-luminescent methods for determining tungsten in environmental objects.
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To cite this article: Kh. U. Usmanova, S. B. Rahimov, O. A. Ermatova, D. A. Ziyaev, Z. A. Smanova. Determination of tungsten by solid-phase spectroscopy using immobilized morin // Uzbek chemical journal. -2020. – Nr3. - Pp.73-80.
Received: 30.01.2020; Accepted: 05.05.2020; Published: 26.06.2020
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